Sunday, June 04, 2006

Screw Loose Change Movie Receives a Major Award!

Kudos to Markyx who is no doubt preparing his acceptance speech.

Fisking is a term used by center-right bloggers to indicate a line-by-line analysis and demolition of an article. Inspired by Robert Fisk, whose articles are rather enjoyable to fisk.


At 04 June, 2006 17:21, Blogger Unknown said...

Here's my question. When the appropriate research and proof is established that OBL and 19 hijackers weren't responsible for 9/11, who or what (media, govt., ?) will you hold responsible for not telling you the truth to begin with.

At 04 June, 2006 17:34, Blogger shawn said...

When the appropriate research and proof is established that OBL and 19 hijackers weren't responsible for 9/11, who or what (media, govt., ?) will you hold responsible for not telling you the truth to begin with.

It'll be established when Creation is established as the origin of life.

At 04 June, 2006 17:48, Blogger Falco98 said...

It'll be established when Creation is established as the origin of life.

and, ironically, both "theories" rely on the same set of distracting circular logic and strawman fallacies to base their "truth".

And in neither case will the detractors ever be satisfied with any sort of evidence or explanation, because (in Evolution's case), "all the scientists are in on it". Hmm. I wonder how many "truther" nutbars are also creationists?

At 04 June, 2006 19:08, Blogger Unknown said...

The evidence about 9/11 has no relation to the evolution / creation debate.

At 04 June, 2006 19:56, Blogger shawn said...

The evidence about 9/11 has no relation to the evolution / creation debate.

Yes, it does.

The official story for 9/11 has all the facts on its side, as does evolution.

Creationism has no facts on its side, like the 9/11 Truth movement.

And as stated before, the Truthers and creationists use the same twisted 'logic' and pick-and-choose facts/quotes to buttress their beliefs.

At 04 June, 2006 21:27, Blogger Chad said...

It's a global conspiracy Undense. We're just pretending to not like Iran at the moment. Secretly though, we're best buds. Used to play in the sandbox when we were kids. Iran's mom would always make Stove Top and we'd run home for dinner together.


Good times.

At 07 June, 2006 08:02, Blogger Falco98 said...

The evidence about 9/11 has no relation to the evolution / creation debate.

wow it's interesting watching a relatively "easy" analogy shoot straight over the head of a (supposedly) grown man.

At 07 June, 2006 08:03, Blogger Falco98 said...

The evidence about 9/11 has no relation to the evolution / creation debate.

wow it's interesting watching a relatively "easy" analogy shoot straight over the head of a (supposedly) grown man.

At 07 June, 2006 08:05, Blogger Falco98 said...

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