Thursday, October 12, 2006

South Park Episode Review

I've only watched a few South Park episodes, so I'm not sure whether this is one of the best episodes ever; but it kept me smiling throughout and there were a couple of laugh-out-loud moments. I loved the Hardy Boys takeoff; as a kid I read all of the Hardy Boys mysteries (a lot easier back then when there were only 45 or so) thanks to a neighbor who had the complete series. The purist in me feels compelled to note though that Frank is the one with the dark hair; Joe's the blond.

Some great lines:

"It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly executed plan, ever, ever."

"Beautiful money, hahaha!"

"Then who was responsible for 9-11?"
"What do you mean? A bunch of pissed-off Muslims!"
"Yeah, what are you, retarded?"

You can watch the episode itself over at 9-11 Blogger; I'll put up a YouTube version once somebody uploads it. I was rather amused at the reaction by the blogger who posted it over there:

Looking back on the last 2 years of my personal involvement in this subject I would have to say this is probably the largest, but definitely not the most even-handed, coverage given so far to 9/11 skeptics.

Larger than Time, Vanity Fair and US News & World Report? Yeah, this was the largest coverage, ever, ever.

What are you, retarded?

Update: Here you go:

Update II: Check out One of the characters in the show wore a tee shirt with this major Denier site mentioned on it. I guess a lot of people have been coming over after watching the show:

Hello, South Park Fans!!

To those of you who already know that we don't know what happened on 9/11, you're definitely not alone--our Zogby poll in May found 46% of Americans want a new investigation because we know we were lied to! (Final report here). And for a long list of people within the government and military who also know, check out

If you're absolutely new to the issue, take a walk through these links and decide for yourself what's true. (Oh, and no one has been shot in the head for investigating 9/11 to date, in case you were wondering.)

Yeah, what's wrong with our bosses in the NWO, not shooting any of these 9-11 Deniers in the head? Come on guys, let's get with the program here! Unless... unless... you don't suppose that South Park had it right?


  1. Apparently the twoofers were "live" bloggin the South Park episode... I love this can tell they were praying it was on their side.

    "7 min left, the show is on our side, im shocked and awed."

  2. Like hey man, like the Hardley Boys are not us. No. I mean, like there's only two of them.

    I told everybody at my forum that its not us. I mean they listen to me. They have to or like I'll ban them.

  3. Hilarious post...I guess I didn't see much of a back and forth deal, but a supreme duping of the truthers.

    "I think it can do more good than harm.

    The whole episode went back and fourth bashing both sides, but they also brought up some questions that will make people think, and plugged the 911truth website.

    I'm pretty sure a ton of people prolly picked up warcraft after last weeks episode, even though they bashed all the wow players for being fat/having no lives.

    And this week, we'll get a lot more people looking into what we have to say, regardless if the end message was 1/4th of the country is retarded."

  4. Well, you've got to give credit for trying to make lemonade out of lemons.

  5. I think "Clue Goo" may replace "conspiranoia" as my new favorite saying.

    As for the comment that some good came out of it for the truthers in that some people will visit the

    ok, whatever allows you to continue the fight dude. More laughs for us at the expense of the "truth-tard" movement.


  6. Banned at censored at

    Why supports a flagwaver invasion and censors orwellian critiques.
    Hey Janice,

    Hey Janice,
    you know damn well, what you're doing, "Government shill" :)

    You never check out
    Should i say, shame on you?

    No because that's your "job".
    Keep the people misinformed and underinformed, you and your cult.

    And then after the next morning:
    How can you talk with 25 years old as if they know less than you?

    You didn't even get the manipulative layer of this show yet.
    But that's also part of your program. Pretend you missed a "good show".

    The irony is, this episode worked perfect for the flagwavers. They have a new talking point.

    It also works perfect for the truthlings and they're getting confused about this "new theory".
    They also have some new false hope: The U.S. Election.

    All 9/11 websites are run by the government?
    Surely yours. :)

    Tell your cointel-pro guru David Kubiak, i am not done with him yet. You guys have to pay for what you did for 3 years:
    Blocking all physical evidence and pretend you are "activists".

    Yeah right. You got that program right too. :)

    Here, you should put up this website:
    Then you would really look "cool" for the SouthParkers:

  7. Meh. They could've dropped the hammer a lot harder, but it was funny so I approve.

  8. They could've dropped the hammer a lot harder, but it was funny so I approve.

    Like hey man, they could do it over, I could show them how.

    And the Hardley boys are not us.

  9. I've seen every episode of South Park and I have never laughed harder at the show.

    I don't see how anyone could interpret that it was pro-conspiracy theorist. It calls them retarded throughout and even has Bush uttering what we're always been saying - that it had to be the most intricate and flawless plot ever (ever) performed.

  10. Dylan,

    Make them stop. We aren't like those 2 guys. Put them in the next cut.

  11. I liked the episode. It wasn't their funniest. They could have had some better jokes in places. The turd jokes were the best part of the episode, actually. The bombs/demolition/cruise missile theories must be from the government themselves (as per the episode) because they're so stupid, yet for a lot of people, so believable. Sounds like every other political pitch (stupid, yet people buy it). But, I'd like to know how letting terrorists follow through with their plan had to be the most intricate plan ever, ever.

  12. Nico Haupt in the house!

  13. I guess South Park was wrong. According to the Zogby Poll, 46% of Americans are retarded, not 25%.

  14. I guess South Park was wrong. According to the Zogby Poll, 46% of Americans are retarded, not 25%.

    With about half of Americans thinking evolution is flawed, then yes about half of Americans are retarded.

    Oh, and 46 percent don't think the government committed 9/11.

  15. Great reviews which makes me interesting especially some of the great lines you have described above.I have not seen it yet and would like to watch south park online.I hope that i would enjoy it a lot.

  16. South Park is animated show and also a comedian.And I like animation.So I like this South Park Episode.Eric,Kyle,stan, kenny are my favorite characters.
