Moussaoui Trial Exhibits
When it is not suggesting that United Flight 93 was shot down, Loose Change bizarrely suggests that it never crashed to begin with.
According to the official story, Flight 93 was headed for the White House when it was overpowered by a group of passengers and crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Out of all the events of 9-11, the one that has caused the most confusion is Flight 93. It was shot down... wasn’t shot down. However, evidence suggests that perhaps Flight 93 was nowhere near Shanksville.
The evidence at the Zacarias Moussaoui trial, however, suggests otherwise.

Photograph of an airplane part found in the crater at the scene in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 crashed.

Photograph of an airplane part found at the scene in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 crashed.

Photograph of the cockpit voice recorder found at the scene in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 crashed.

Photograph of the personal effects of CeeCee Lyles found at the scene in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 crashed.
These "debris" could easily be film props. It would have been good to see pictures of the fuselage, engines and wings. it would take armageddon to obliterate these parts. None of the pictures that were broadcast immediately after the event showed anything that gave the impression of a large aeroplane strike. Remember the Pan Am crash at Lockerby near Scotland a couple of decades ago? Body parts, plane parts and personal effects were scatteed over a huge area and a massive part of the nose section and fuselage was completely intact. Worse of all a number of houses were pulverised off the face of the earth and all that was left in their places was a tremendous chasm. The pathetic landscape scar left by 93 beggars belief and gives zero impression of a debacle.
Watch this video to get an idea of destruction at high speeds
Second, the Lockerby incident was a mid air explosion, not a crash. That's why you have big chunks.
Third, check out any photo of a military plane that has crashed at high speed and you have little more than a crater with the engine buried deeply.
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