Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dylan Avery, New World Order Pawn?

Actually you hear that fairly often in 9-11 Denial circles, but this is kind of a different circumstance:

The FBI was in on it, the CIA was in on it, the Air Force was in on it - except those who were killed at the Pentagon - and North American Aerospace Defence Command was in on it.

The security companies guarding the World Trade Centre were in on it, Mayor Rudy Giuliani was in on it, the Federal Aviation Administration was in on it, Nasa was in on it, and the Pentagon was in on it. At least 10,000 people were in on it. They had to be, or it couldn't have worked.

More than five years later, not one of them has talked. Nobody has got drunk and spilled their guts. Nobody has told their spouse, who then blabbed.

Not one of these 10,000 accomplices to mass murder has yielded to the temptation for instant fame and great wealth for blowing the whistle on the greatest conspiracy in history.

In normal times you wouldn't waste breath arguing with people who fall for this kind of rubbish. But the makers of Loose Change claim their film has already been seen by more than 100 million people, and looking at my email in-tray I believe them.

It is a real problem, because by linking their fantasies about 9/11 to the Bush Administration's deliberate deception of the American people in order to gain support for the invasion of Iraq, they bring discredit on the truth and the nonsense alike.

You almost wonder if they are secretly working for the Bush Administration.

I have to say, I haven't seen him at the monthly strategy meetings.

Hat Tip: Damien Penny

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At 08 March, 2007 16:35, Blogger b. j. edwards said...

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At 08 March, 2007 17:15, Blogger Avery Dylan said...

Like hey man, maybe Korey was in on it, 'cause like he was in he Army and stuff.

Boxcutters, ha ha ha ha ha!

Loose Change, can't wait for the next edition!

At 08 March, 2007 18:07, Blogger Pat said...

Brad, we posted that yesterday

At 08 March, 2007 23:28, Blogger Alex said...

CHF, which paper? EYE?

At 09 March, 2007 05:49, Blogger What Would Grape Ape Do? said...

If you haven't seen him, perhaps you should pay closer attention to the guy cleaning the tables.

Somebody has to do that, right?

At 09 March, 2007 05:53, Blogger 911_truthiness said...

OK... Show of hand, who is NOT in on it.

At 09 March, 2007 08:49, Blogger Alex said...

Then you'd be one of their more rational responders. I'll deffinitely pick up a copy next week :)


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