Saturday, May 05, 2007

Denver Crackpots Get On PBS

By volunteering a few folks to sit and man the phonebanks during the pledge drive:

The station was asking for groups and business's to bring 10 or more people in to the studios to answer phones for the Spring pledge drive. In return, the station would give publicity to the group or business by 1) announcing the name of the group on the air 3-4 times for every hour the group is answering phones, 2) conducting a 1-2 minute interview with select members of the group, 3) panning the cameras at our group during on air fund raising (can you say 9-11 T-shirts???), and 4) FEEDING US!

Would they allow a neo-Nazi group of Holocaust Deniers on PBS just because they agreed to field calls from donors? Boo to KBDI, Channel 12 in Denver!

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