Sunday, August 18, 2013

Is DC the Place to Be?

For the twelfth anniversary of 9-11?

Kevin Barrett plans to be part of the Million Muslim March.

AMPAC will be forcefully announcing its presence with a “Million Muslim March” on the White House on September 11, 2013. The goal, announced at AMPAC’s press conference in New York:

“We at AMPAC (American Muslim Political Action Committee) are planning a historic event for 9/11/13. One million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government. We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our First Amendment rights. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for the Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly we are asking for the establishment of a real 9/11 Commission to reveal the truth to the American people.”

AMPAC founder M.D. Rabbi Alam, a well-known Missouri Democratic Party organizer, points out that American Muslims, like other Americans, were targeted on 9/11. More than 60 Muslims were murdered in the explosive demolitions of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11, and a mosque in the South Tower was annihilated. Alam points out that “Muslim and non-Muslim alike were traumatized by 9/11, but we as Muslims continue twelve years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”
Note the explosive demolitions crap.

As an adjunct to this no doubt enormous march, there will be a confab in Pentagon City, Virginia, the following weekend with Box Boy Gage as the featured speaker.  I do like this detail from the agenda:

Morning Theme – Understanding the Pentagon Attack
Kevin Barrett,
Long-time Public 911truth Advocate
What Happened? Three Perspectives
Dwain Deets, Retired Aerospace Research Engineer -- Plane Hit the Pentagon
Matt Sullivan, Former Editor, Rock Creek Free Press--Citizens Investigation Team (CIT) position, Plane Did Not Hit the Pentagon
Barbara Honegger, Retired Military Affairs Journalist -- Preplaced Explosives and Heliport Plane
They are going to spend three stupifying hours on this topic. Note that Deets, who gets to endorse the official story of the Pentagon, was a CIT flyover kook in Jesse Ventura's  moronic episode on the Pentagon.

Deets' segment starts about 11:45 into that video. Right about 14:00 Deets specifically proposes the flyover theory.


  1. Oh look! Pat's throwing grist to the mill for SLC's resident lying homosexual, Brian Good (aka, "snug.bug).

    Talk about a dysfunctional relationship.

  2. What, no Willie Rodriguez with his inspirational tale of the triumph of ambition over facts?

    I'll be interested to see how Mr. Deets does. The arguments demolishing the flyover theory are very simple, and I wonder if he will use them or if he will function as a straw man for the CIT-heads to beat up. If Deets is effective, I wonder if the CIT-heads will claim he's a government agent, as they do for all people who have observations inconvenient to their crackpottery.

  3. The lying liar lies, "...What, no Willie Rodriguez with his inspirational tale of the triumph of ambition over facts?"

    Projecting again, liar?

    That's hilarious coming from a compulsive liar who's known as "the King of 100% fact-free bullshit."

    You lie and slander just to keep in practice.

  4. "Brian Good's typical online forum persona is actually what you might expect from a bullied teenager who gets online and feels comfortable lashing out by acting tough behind a computer screen. Brian Good acted completely different in person. Of course if anyone acted like he does online in person they would be thrown out of the room." -- Craig "Nike" Ranke.

    See? Even the troofers HATE your sorry ass.

  5. Craig Ranke hates me because I kicked his scrawny butt five times in open internet debate. His flyover fantasy is an embarrassment to the truth movement, and easily demolished.

    You still haven't shown that I've lied.

    Is it your claim that all email headers contain the IP address? How come then the only ones I ever seen that do contain IP addresses were posted by liars like you and Wizzie LiedRugAs?
    The privacy advocates I know would all be shocked to know that emails contain IP addresses.

  6. The lying liar lies, "...The privacy advocates I know would all be shocked to know that emails contain IP addresses."

    Trying to hijack another thread with dumbspam, asshole?

    Your "privacy advocates" are idiots.

    I already proved that email headers include IP addresses. SMPT is clear where IP addresses and email headers are concerned. I also proved you're full of shit here and here. Thus, you're an idiot, who knows nothing about Internet Protocol (IP), just as you're an idiot who knows nothing about math, physics and engineering.

    As always, I provide the hard, cold PROOF and you provide your worthless, lying, know-nothing opinion.

    Once again, you FAIL, liar.

    All you have are dumbspam and bald-faced lies.


  7. Do you have any quote from a credible and well known source that email address headers contain the IP address? I would expect the civil libertairians to be all up in arms about this if it were true.

    Just a quick look found me a whole lot of information about forged email headers.

    How do you know my privacy advocates are idiots? Do you know them? What makes you think they're idiots?

  8. The lying liar lies, "...Do you have any quote from a credible and well known source that email address headers contain the IP address? I would expect the civil libertairians to be all up in arms about this if it were true."

    Your "civil libertarians" are idiots. They wouldn't be "alarmed" by anything. That's your worthless 100% fact-free opinion. And the opinion of a compulsive liar and technology illiterate isn't worth a hill of dog shit.

    I already answered your question, asshole. is NOT obscure -- you lying asshole It's THE source for RFCs from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the LEADERS in Internet technology and innovation. You'll find the same RFCs at the Internet Engineering Task Force's website.

    Clearly, you have NO idea what you're talking about. You expose your bottomless IGNORANCE with EVERY new post to SLC.

    And who are YOU to question my sources? I'm the Internet expert, not you, jackass. You are a failed janitor and college dropout who can't hold down a job mopping floors, let alone understand Internet Protocol (IP).

    Now, either provide evidence -- ie., links and direct quotations -- to substantiate your bogus lies or STFU, liar.

    Once again, you FAIL, liar.

  9. "...More than 60 Muslims were murdered in the explosive demolitions of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11..."

    Of course Muslims promote the "controlled demolition" theory. Anyone who's familiar with the Muslim world knows that Muslims are RABID anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists. Duh.

    And that's precisely why I refer to "truthers" as Al Qaeda apologists. American "truthers" are nothing but proxies for the Muslim conspiracy nuts who reside in every corner of the planet.

    Allahu Akbar -- you jerkoffs.

  10. Rfc-base is obscure. I never heard of it. Citye a mainstream source that says that IP addresses are included in email headers.

    You are not an internet expert. You are an anonymous internet liar. Anonymous internet liars can not be experts on anything.

  11. The lying liar lies, "...Rfc-base is obscure. I never heard of it. Citye [SIC] a mainstream source that says that IP addresses are included in email headers."

    When Lyin' Brian says the RFC-base is obscure, we should listen to Lyin' Brian. After all, he's a professor of computer, wait, he's a college dropout who can't hold down a job mopping floors.

    FACT: Your boundless ignorance doesn't render a website "obscure" -- you insane liar.

    No one cares what you've heard of, goat fucker. After all, you don't know fuck-all about IT. As any IT worker knows, RFC-base is a mirror site of IETF and they're closely affiliated with IETF. In fact, RFC-base was developed by Laurent Branchamont, et al, in order to provide better navigation through RFCs, than the old IETF website. That's why I chose RFC-base.

    See? You don't what you're talking about, liar.

    Once again, you FAIL, cretin.

    The lying liar lies, "...You are not an internet expert. You are an anonymous internet liar. Anonymous internet liars can not be experts on anything."

    Right, that's why I'm an authority on IT security with over twenty years of experience.

    Yeah, we should listen to the clown who dropped out of San Jose State -- the same clown who can't hold down a job mopping floors.


    So goat fucker, if you're an IT expert, you should have no problem answering the following question:

    Which UNIX utility is used by a systems administrator or, in some cases, systems' programmers to trace UNIX process, system and signal calls?

    And that question is elementary -- first day stuff. It's a common question posed during IT interviews.

    Now, I'll sit back and watch you STONEWALL like a 'tard because you don't know fuck-all about IT or any other technical subject.

    Given that you don't know fuck-all about IT, why should anyone believe your "RFC-base is obscure" malarkey? (As though it makes any difference in the first place.) You're just giving us another demonstration of your Asperger's Syndrome -- which causes you to obsess about minuscule and irrelevant details while you completely miss the point.

    Now STONEWALL and change the subject, liar.

  12. So tell us, liar, if Kevin Barrett invented all of the "sex stalker" accusations out of whole-cloth, why didn't your alleged "friend," Carol Bruillet, jump to your defense? After all, she could have pointed her web browser at Barrett's website and accused him of lying about you at any time she wished.

    So tell us, goat fucker, why has Carol Bruillet NEVER accused Dr. Barrett of lying about your REPEATED sex harassment of Ms. Bruillet?

    Why don't you call Ms. Brouillet and ask her to post to SLC and "set the record straight"? You claim to be her "friend," so why wouldn't she defend you if you're innocent as you claim?

    Now STONEWALL, move the goalpost, and change the subject to Willie Rodriguez -- you Goddamned liar.

  13. As a life-long Arabist, this million Muslim March is a bad idea, and it couldn't be on a worse day.

    Then coupling a legitimate complaint with 9-11 Truth insanity completely negates the who'll event.

  14. "We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our First Amendment rights."

    Apparently Barrett has has much understanding of constitutional law as anything else.

  15. You don't consider caged "free-speech zones" to be a restriction of 1st Amendment rights? Why shouldn't Congress enact laws outlawing them when you can't expect the Supreme Court to act to remove them?

  16. That's right, goat fucker, STONEWALL AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT.

    What's the matter liar, did your edifice of lies fall apart like a cheap suit when subjected to scrutiny?

    You're pathetic.

  17. UtterFail, Carol didn't come to my defense because she couldn't deal with the fact that Kevin was a bigot and Willie was a con artist. She considered my criticisms of them to be criticisms of her, and she got very defensive. She was in denial of the facts for a long time.

    Also, there was the fact of the crank phone calls, which she apparently wrongly attributed to me.

    Your continued pretense that there is some kind of ongoing controversy is dishonest. I've explained all this two dozen times.

  18. The lying liar lies, "...Carol didn't come to my defense because she couldn't deal with the fact that Kevin was a bigot and Willie was a con artist."


    The lying liar lies, "...Also, there was the fact of the crank phone calls, which she apparently wrongly attributed to me."


    The lying liar lies, "...Your continued pretense that there is some kind of ongoing controversy is dishonest. I've explained all this two dozen times."

    There's no pretense, I asked you to explain why Carol Bruillet NEVER accused Dr. Barrett of lying about your REPEATED sexual harassment of Ms. Bruillet?

    Why won't she come to your defense?

    Your answer is hogwash and it doesn't add up.

    You're pathetic. You lie just to keep in practice.

  19. UtterFail, if you knew anything about women, you would know you can't expect them always to add up.

    What is this obsession you have with me? It's not my fault that I'm smarter, better-looking, and better educated than you.

    I don't need any defense from poufy kitties like you. Why should she admit she was wrong? She got all het up, thinking I was making crank calls, and she was wrong.

  20. But enough about me. Who's funding this million march trainwreck? How many Muslims do you think will show up? A few hundred? The ringleader said that no Jews were killed on 9/11. Barrett said the same thing. That was the last straw that got him banished from 911blogger.

  21. The lying liar whines, "...It's not my fault that I'm smarter, better-looking, and better educated than you."

    Really? Prove it.

    And you can start right here:

    [1] Calculate the weight of each WTC Tower floor in kilograms.

    [2] Given the weight of each floor, calculate the upper and lower static load boundaries for each floor in kilograms.

    [3] Given Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states

    F = ma

    derive a differential equation that describes an accreting mass.

    [4] At collapse initiation, NIST tells us that the upper floor hit the lower floor in 0.43 seconds. How fast was the accreting mass moving when the upper floor struck the lower floor? Give your answer in m/s and MPH.

    [5] Calculate the force the upper portion of the tower exerted on the lower floors. Give your answer in kg.m/s^2 and convert that answer to lbs.

    [6] Compare the value from question number [5] to the upper and lower static load boundaries for each floor which you gave us in question [2]. Which value is greater? And by how much?

    Of course, you can't do the calculations because you are a college dropout and a math illiterate who lies about 9/11.

    So let's have a demonstration of your bogus "scientific reputation," liar.


    Now STONEWALL AND LIE, liar.[

    You're pathetic.

  22. UtterFail, do you deny that Barrett is a bigot? On what basis?

    Do you deny that William Rodriguez's hero story is a fraud? On what basis?

    We've been over this a dozen times. I can't help it that I'm better looking, smarter, and better educated than you. It's not my fault.

  23. That's right, goat fucker, when your back is against the wall, CHANGE THE SUBJECT AND RESORT TO PATHETIC DIVERSIONARY TACTICS.

    You don't understand anything about Newton's laws of Motion, and you demonstrate your incompetence every time that you STONEWALL and lie.

    You're the one who claims to have a "scientific reputation" (your words), so where are the calculations, liar?

    You won't do the calculations because you know I'm right, and, unlike you, I can do the calculations. And, unlike you, my answer are correct.


    You're a pathetic liar who couldn't think his way out of a wet paper bag.

    And you claim to have a "scientific reputation"? You make Forrest Gump look like a genius.

  24. What makes you think I need calculations?

  25. So UtterFail, would you care to speculate as to why your buddy Willie R. is not part of the DC shindig? I mean, him having converted to Islam and all, you'd kind of expect him to participate.

  26. The lying liar lies, "...What makes you think I need calculations?"


    Why must I constantly explain to you what I didn't say?

    Like all intellectually dishonest liars, all you have are straw man arguments.

    So when do you plan to do the calculations, Mr. bogus "scientific reputation"?

    [1] Calculate the weight of each WTC Tower floor in kilograms.

    [2] Given the weight of each floor, calculate the upper and lower static load boundaries for each floor in kilograms.

    [3] Given Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states

    F = ma

    derive a differential equation that describes an accreting mass.

    [4] At collapse initiation, NIST tells us that the upper floor hit the lower floor in 0.43 seconds. How fast was the accreting mass moving when the upper floor struck the lower floor? Give your answer in m/s and MPH.

    [5] Calculate the force the upper portion of the tower exerted on the lower floors. Give your answer in kg.m/s^2 and convert that answer to lbs.

    [6] Compare the value from question number [5] to the upper and lower static load boundaries for each floor which you gave us in question [2]. Which value is greater? And by how much?

    So why did you claim to have a "scientific reputation" -- you Goddamned fraud?

    You lie first, last and always.

    So what are you afraid of, liar? Are you afraid that I'll destroy your idiotic theories in one devastating shot?

    You're pathetic.

  27. So UtterFail's back with more of his phony challenges. NIST didn't provide any collapse calcs, so why should I?

  28. Stop changing the subject, liar. The subject isn't NIST, the subject is you lying about your alleged "scientific reputation."

    You claim you're so smart and well "educated", prove it, liar.

    [1] Calculate the weight of each WTC Tower floor in kilograms.

    [2] Given the weight of each floor, calculate the upper and lower static load boundaries for each floor in kilograms.

    [3] Given Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states

    F = ma

    derive a differential equation that describes an accreting mass.

    [4] At collapse initiation, NIST tells us that the upper floor hit the lower floor in 0.43 seconds. How fast was the accreting mass moving when the upper floor struck the lower floor? Give your answer in m/s and MPH.

    [5] Calculate the force the upper portion of the tower exerted on the lower floors. Give your answer in kg.m/s^2 and convert that answer to lbs.

    [6] Compare the value from question number [5] to the upper and lower static load boundaries for each floor which you gave us in question [2]. Which value is greater? And by how much?

    You're nothing but a fraud and a charlatan.

    And, once again, YOU FORFEIT THE DEBATE. Refusal to answer legitimate questions is STONEWALLING -- WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF THE RULES OF DEBATE.

    You lose, I win.

    End of "debate."

    Now, get out of here, puto. You're a fraud and a charlatan.

  29. So UtterFail, would you care to speculate as to why your buddy Willie R. is not part of the DC shindig? I mean, him having converted to Islam and all, you'd kind of expect him to participate.

    Look at you, stamping your little patent-leather pig feet!

  30. Shut up, goat fucker.

    You lost the debate when you refused to answer my legitimate questions.



    You couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag.

    You're a fraud and a charlatan.

    Now squeal, piggy!

  31. I didn't run away from anything, GutBleat.

    Lookit you stamping your little patent leather pig feet!

  32. Yeah, you didn't run away from anything except the opportunity to prove that you're allegedly more intelligent than me.

    To be fair, you did manage to prove that you're as delusional as you are dishonest.

    So did lying all day give you the attention you so crave, little Brian Good? After all, it's no secret that lying has always brought you the attention you so desperately seek. That's why you lie to everyone, including your mother. Lying to your mother ALWAYS delivered copious volumes of the attention you crave -- until the lying stopped, so little Brian Good learned to NEVER stop lying. And now that your mommy is one foot in the grave, you've latched on to the 9/11 debunkers, who spend their precious time debunking your never-ending stream of lies. Thus, the 9/11 debunkers are your newly "adopted" surrogate mother. In fact, you love any attention lying brings because you're so f*cked in the head that you confuse the universal revulsion that greets your every post with the love of your mother.

    You belong in an institution for the insane.

  33. I didn't lie about anything, UdderBalls.

    So you don't want to speculate as to why your buddy Willie R. is not part of the DC shindig? I mean, him having converted to Islam and all, you'd kind of expect him to participate.

    Maybe he's expecting he'll be too busy finding quarters in people's ears or something?

  34. We get it, Brian isn't an engineer, firefighter nor architect. He's just some half wit who thinks he stumbled onto some secret organisation headed by the U.S. Government that planned and executed the 9/11 Terror attacks but doesn't have a clue was to who really done it and for what purpose.

    The Iraq War wasn't about WMD's, it was about finishing what G.H.W. Bush started in 1991 by getting rid of Saddam Hussein because of the mass genocide he was inflicting on his own people. Afghanistan War was about the Taliban not handing over Bin Laden because Bin Laden made it known that he planned and executed the 9/11 Attacks which started from the 1993 bombing.

    Brian doesn't care about those known facts nor does he care that innocent people continue to be executed by radical muslims. He doesn't care to watch countless videos of civilians being shot or beheaded on sites like or He turns a blind eye to those things cause he just doesn't give a shit about life in general.
