It's A Great Day for the Irish!
They're not going to have Loose Change foisted on them!
Your email of 24 January has been forwarded to me. I am responsible for the Programme-Makers’ Guidelines, the complaints processes, etc. Thank you for the information you have provided about the programme “Loose Change”. Our Programmes Acquisitions people who purchased the rights to the programme were aware of the controversy that surrounds many of the claims made in the programme. Their view was that the screening of the film with a suitable introduction which would place the programme in context would be of interest to viewers and would contribute to the debate around the events of 9/11.
I know that you have not requested that the programme be censored or removed from the schedule. However having considered the additional programming that might be required to place “Loose Change” in context RTÉ has decided that these cannot be justified for a programme with a transmission at around midnight and which is likely to be viewed by a very small number of people.
We have decided therefore not to broadcast “Loose Change”.
Woot! Kudos all around especially to JREFer 8Den!

Good job.
Very sad. Good that they reconsidered, of course, but sad that someone at RTE thought throwing a quick intro in front of the thing would be sufficient to "balance" its litany of lies and sadder still that LTW (presumably) got cash from RTE.
I demand you put a picture of the Boston Celtic.
Lawchick stole my thunder, but a variant of LeMonde's famous post 9/11 headline:
"We are all Irish today"!
Are the Deniers crying in their beer today?
Hard to support that even when the makers of the film discuss the errors in it. Perhaps 9/11 Mysteries would have been better.
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