Remember Building Seven Spokesman Badillo: Busted!
This is Manny Badillo on the left, Box Boy Gage on the right:

Note the We Are Change Florida shirt.
Manny has emerged as one of the more eloquent and presentable 9-11 Truthers who are family members. He's also one of the major faces of the Building 7 campaign:
Here he is addressing the Hartford conference a few months ago:
And here's Manny in his mug shot from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office:

Here are the charges:

If Manny's convicted on those charges, he's looking at a very long stretch in prison.
You can look up the booking information at the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Click on Arrests and Jail Info and click Booking
Search. Change the start date to 06/05/11 and search for Badillo Manuel; his record will pop right up.
More info here. See also Louie Bee's post where he states:
In a phone interview With Manny Badillo’s Stepmother she informed me that the charges against him are true and that he is indeed guilty.
Labels: Manny Badillo, Truther Arrests
This is huge!!!!!!Thanks Pat for the info. Let's see how this develops! in the meantime, when are they going to arrest Brian Good for Sexual stalking or harrassment?
Was he wearing a Guy Fawkes mask too?
Just when you think these people can't get any scummier, they find a way.
Quick! Somebody call William Veale!
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Sabba, I think they'd need to have a complaint to arrest anybody.
At one point Carol complained of death threats, and my impression was that she had discussed these with the police. It's even possible that she thought these came from me. They didn't.
I complained of death threats...with the police. It's even possible that...these came from me.
To understand Brian, you have to read between the lines.
Paulw, you had impressed me as one of the more intelligent commentators on this board (after sackclothand ashes). I see you've sunk to Ian's level.
If there is any particular issue of frustration you wish to discuss, I wish you would identify it.
At one point Carol complained of death threats, and my impression was that she had discussed these with the police. They came from me.
Paulw, you had impressed me as one of the more intelligent commentators on this board (after sackclothand ashes). I see you've sunk to Ian's level.
No, he's just pointing out the obvious. In addition to being a failed janitor and liar, you're also a disgusting pervert and sex predator. That's why you were banned from the truth movement.
If there is any particular issue of frustration you wish to discuss, I wish you would identify it.
I'm sure Carol Brouillet is frustrated that you won't leave her alone because you're an obsessed lunatic. Just a guess.
Sabba, I note that Daniel Sunjata appears on the FX series "Rescue Me" wearing a FirefightersFor9/11Truth T-shirt in the upcoming episode.
FFF9T didn't even start until the truth movement started backing away from Willie. His bragging hero claims, stealing glory from the dead, drove a wedge between the truth movement and firefighters, between the truth movement and police, between the truth movement and journalists, between the truth movement and architects, between the truth movement and janitors, between the truth movement and lawyers, and between the truth movement and C-Span.
Ian, where do you get the idea that I don't leave Carol Brouillet alone? Did Kevin Barrett tell you that?
Oh good, Brian is now babbling about Willie Rodriguez. I was afraid he'd go an entire day without reminding us of his deranged sexual jealousy of the man.
You didn't answer the question. Why does that not surprise me?
Why is it that Brian keeps sending unsolicited mails to Carol Brouillett?
Brian Good (next truther to be arrested) said: Sabba, I note that Daniel Sunjata appears on the FX series "Rescue Me" wearing a FirefightersFor9/11Truth T-shirt in the upcoming episode.
FFF9T didn't even start until the truth movement started backing away from Willie.
????????? I do not thikn anybody but you understood this , bitch!
Ian, where do you get the idea that I don't leave Carol Brouillet alone? Did Kevin Barrett tell you that?
Maybe because I sent Ian copies of your latest e-mails that were provided to me?
Ian said...
Oh good, Brian is now babbling about Willie Rodriguez. I was afraid he'd go an entire day without reminding us of his deranged sexual jealousy of the man.
You see IAN, we did not need to utter a word or insinuation about WR and his obsession came out. Classic Brian Good!
Sabba, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Journalists and Other Media Workers for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth did not start until after the truth movement started to reject Willie Rodriguez.
His lying brags were obvious and offensive to all those people, and he did much to alienate those constituencies from the truth movement.
Brian Good - the lying yenta said: Sabba, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Journalists and Other Media Workers for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth did not start until after the truth movement started to reject Willie Rodriguez.
His lying brags were obvious and offensive to all those people, and he did much to alienate those constituencies from the truth movement.
Bitch, we still do not understand what you are saying or trying to say.
AEF911 did not exist either and last time we checked RG and his organization was cool with William Rodriguez. Not the same with you , who was fired from there because of your obsession and also for using their computers to attack WR , Carol and others.
I note that Daniel Sunjata appears on the FX series "Rescue Me" wearing a FirefightersFor9/11Truth T-shirt in the upcoming episode.
It should say something that only people who pretend to be GZ veterans of the FDNY would actually wear that shirt.
Sabba, you lie. I never used AE computers to attack anybody, I was not fired from AE, and you have no evidence that I did or was.
AE911Truth started up in late 2006, well before the truth movement started getting wise to the fact that William Rodriguez was a common con artist.
Brian Good the Stalker said:I note that Daniel Sunjata appears on the FX series "Rescue Me" wearing a FirefightersFor9/11Truth T-shirt in the upcoming episode.
Come on Brian, we know you were admiring Daniel's Pectorals and was wishing for a hug ...when you noticed the shirt! another dream come true for you....
AE911Truth started up in late 2006,
Bitch, we are talking about RG and WR in the present, not in 2006. Learn to read.
I never used AE computers to attack anybody, I was not fired from AE, and you have no evidence that I did or was.
Not lies, you were using the Richard Gage's computers to attack Rodriguez and others and yes, you may be right on one thing... you left Richard Gage organization when he showed support of him publicly and you had a fit. Like a little girl you try to take the ball home.
I never used AE computers to attack anybody, and your claims that I did are a lie. Your claims that I was fired from AE are a lie.
I never used AE computers to attack anybody, and your claims that I did are a lie. Your claims that I was fired from AE are a lie.
re read bitch, re read.
I never used AE computers to attack anybody, and your claims that I did are a lie. Your claims that I was fired from AE are a lie.
Ian, where do you get the idea that I don't leave Carol Brouillet alone?
From Carol Brouillet. SATSQ.
Sabba, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Journalists and Other Media Workers for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth did not start until after the truth movement started to reject Willie Rodriguez.
Um, how about listing groups that actually exist, Brian?
I never used AE computers to attack anybody, I was not fired from AE, and you have no evidence that I did or was.
False. Richard Gage threw you out of the group for using his computers to stalk Carol Brouillet and post dumbspam all over the internet about Willie Rodriguez.
I never used AE computers to attack anybody, and your claims that I did are a lie. Your claims that I was fired from AE are a lie.
I never used AE computers to attack anybody, and your claims that I did are a lie. Your claims that I was fired from AE are a lie.
BTW, Brian, your attempt to bury the truth in dumbspam doesn't work. The fact remains that Willie Rodriguez is a hero and you are a failed janitor, liar, lunatic, and sex stalker who was expelled from the truth movement.
Ian, you are a liar and Willie Rodriguez is a liar.
and you called Carol a liar too, do not forget that one. that is why you will never get to Fuck her.
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When did I call her a liar and who are you to care about her private life, and how come Willie can not provide the name of even one person among the hundreds he saved by opening doors?
Right, gay boi. Too bad that Officer Lim proves that you're a liar.
Reunion between Rodriguez and PA Lim with subtitles.
"...I literally had to kick him out. This guy [Rodriguez] wanted to stay with me all the time...This is the true hero of 9/11." -- Officer Lim
So where did Mr. Lim name even one person that Willie saved?
And why didn't Mr. Lim mention Willie even once in his testimony to the 9/11 Commission?
And how come when Felipe David's church did a writeup about Mr. David a year after 9/11, they didn't mention Willie?
The arguments from credulity of anonymous internet posters are irrational, and your inability to recognize Willie's nonsense for an obvious con is an embarrassment to this board.
No asshole, if you're looking for an embarrassment to this blog, look no further than the nearest mirror.
You can lie until you're blue in the face, 'tard, but Officer Lim was at Ground Zero, and according to Officer Lim, Willie is a hero.
Too bad that as a washed up old fart, you still haven't grown up and become a man. You'll always be a jealous little boy with momma issues--not to mention a psychopath and a compulsive liar.
Loser. Asshole.
When did I call her a liar and who are you to care about her private life...
many times here.
Brian Good from Palo alto California, Sex Stalker , says: And why didn't Mr. Lim mention Willie even once in his testimony to the 9/11 Commission?
And please tell me all the names of the victims Lim mention in his statement to the Commission.
..and please tell me all the names of the people that Pablo Ortiz saved... all the names.
GooturdBill, why didn't Mr. Lim mention Willie even once in his testimony to the 9/11 Commission?
And how come when Felipe David's church did a writeup about Mr. David a year after 9/11, they didn't mention Willie?
And how come not one person will come forward to corroborate Willie's claims that he was opening doors and letting people out?
Sabba, you'll have to be more specific than "many times here".
Sabba, as anyone with even modest google skills can quickly determine, Mr. Lim mentions Chief Romito, Capt Mazza, Lieut. Cirri, Josephine Harris, and Ladder Co #6 (FDNY).
Do you question the fact that Pablo Ortiz saved dozens of lives?
The goat fucker squeals, "..GooturdBill, why didn't Mr. Lim mention Willie even once in his testimony to the 9/11 Commission?"
Another irrelevant red herring. Who cares?
The video I linked above proves that you're a liar.
Reunion between Rodriguez and PA Lim with subtitles.
"...I literally had to kick him out. This guy [Rodriguez] wanted to stay with me all the time...This is the true hero of 9/11." -- Officer Lim
Thus, Willie is a real man, who risked his life so that others might continue to live--and you're nothing more than a pathetic, anonymous internet liar, who has mommy issues. Willie has more guts in the quick of his right index finger than you have in your whole body, UtterAsshole.
You're not fit to wipe Willie's ass for a living.
Asshole. Loser.
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Sabba, as anyone with even modest google skills can quickly determine, Mr. Lim mentions Chief Romito, Capt Mazza, Lieut. Cirri, Josephine Harris, and Ladder Co #6 (FDNY).
Nope, I have great skills and the only one there not part of the rescue is Josephine. She was rescued initially by them. Now tell me all the names of all the victims on Lim's effort to the top that were helped on the way. all the names.
Do you question the fact that Pablo Ortiz saved dozens of lives?
Tell me all the names of all the people he saved. All the names, not just a few.
Utterfail, the link doesn't prove anything except what the witness says. He doesn't say Willie saved anybody.
When Willie went into the building he had no reason to believe he was risking his life. The fire was 90 stories above him, and skyscrapers do not fall from fire. As soon as Willie learned there might be some danger, he left the building, taking his allegedly life-saving key with him. His claim that he took time to try to evacuate Mr. Beyea is not confirmed by anybody, and given Willie's huge lies in other matters, there's no reason to believe him.
Sabba, you're not making any sense.
Start your research with Walter Pilipiak and then get back to me.
Your very frantic demands that I supply "all the names" of known rescuees in response to the fact that Willie can not even supply the name of one rescuee shows the poverty of your argument.
Brian Good AKA: Dick-Breath says: Your very frantic demands that I supply "all the names" of known rescuees in response to the fact that Willie can not even supply the name of one rescuee shows the poverty of your argument.
No bitch, just playing your dumb game.
Also going back to the first question about Carol, this is what she said about you...remember this?
"Sadly, Brian used to be a friend. I ended the friendship when it was apparent to me that he would have liked to harmed my marriage."
So not only did you try to harm her marriage, you also tried to harm her in a sexual way, so she can leave her husband for you.
Then she says this:
"I will be subject to more "email harassment" since the guy apparently lives on his computer."
18 December, 2010 12:23
Sabba, typically, you provide no credible cites for your claims.
WAQo claimed he emailed Ms. Brouillet to try to get the goods on me and came up with ... nothing.
Your very frantic demands that I supply "all the names" of known rescuees in response to the fact that Willie can not even supply the name of Indium one rescuee shows the poverty of your argument.
Dumbspan, just like Brian Good's postings.
I think Brian should debate Willie about this.
Oh, hang on...
The goat fucker lies, "...the link doesn't prove anything except what the witness says. He doesn't say Willie saved anybody."
Yeah, that's why Officer Lim referred to Willie as a "hero," because he didn't save anybody.
Idiot. Liar. Jerkoff. Asshole.
I'll debate Willie in a neutral forum like 911blogger, visibility911, truthaction, truthmove, 911blogger, sf911truth,or Carol Brouillet's radio show.
Willie is not willing to lift a finger to make that happen because he knows he is a liar, a fraud, a scamster, and a swindler; and he knows he has no defense against those facts.
GutterBall, can you identify even one person that Willie saved with his Key of Hope?
How come David Lim never mentioned Willie in his testimony to the 9/1 Commission? not willing to lift a finger to make that happen a liar, a fraud, a scamster, and a swindler; and has no defense against those facts.
To understand Brian, one has to read between the lines.
Back on topic, what exactly does this lot mean??
Sexual activity? Sex, oral sex, anal sex, what?
Also, seems to be more than one victim, and, are they 12 years old, or 16? Or, is this an age category, i.e. anyone within 12-16 yo?
Paul w, I thought you were one of the more intelligent posters here.
I was wrong. Any fool can cut up quotes into a joke. But if they're not honest, like you are not, they are the joke.
Paul W wrote, "...Back on topic, what exactly does this lot mean??"
It means that Badillo attended the Brian "goat fucker" Good School of "Charm." Badillo, like the goat fucker, will try to screw anything--male, female or otherwise--with a heartbeat.
If he, she or it can fog a mirror, Badillo and Good will try to flog (fuck) it.
The goat fucker squeals, "...Paul w, I thought you were one of the more intelligent posters here."
Says the college dropout and raging illiterate who wears women's underwear.
I was wrong...a joke...not honest.
To understand Brian, one has to read between the lines.
That particular charge means Badillo tried to show his dick to a minor.
That particular charge means Badillo tried to have sex with a minor.
See? Badillo is a graduate of the Brian "goat fucker" Good School of Charm.
Paul, my suspicion is that either it happened with more than one girl (or boy), or it happened more than once. The interesting thing is that his stepmom says he's guilty. That seems odd, unless, and this is pure speculation, he was fooling around with a relative.
BTW, Brian, some other groups that were founded in recent years include Rediscover911, CIT and WTC Demolition; forgot about those nutbars, didn't you?
And the bit about not being fired from AE 9-11 Troof is true; your services as a volunteer were no longer desired.
Pat wrote, "...That seems odd, unless, and this is pure speculation, he was fooling around with a relative."
Recall that this "event" took place in the Deep South (Florida); thus, "fooling around with a relative" is a distinct possibility. In fact, it's virtually inevitable.
Pat wrote, "...And the bit about not being fired from AE 9-11 Troof is true; your services as a volunteer were no longer desired."
Would Brian "goat fucker" Good lie through his terracotta teeth? Of course he would. Anyone who's familiar with the goat fucker knows that every word that emanates from his keyboard is a filthy, disgusting lie.
That said, should we expect any less from a sex predator, compulsive lair and filthy degenerate who wears women's underwear?
Does anyone know any more details of the case? Was it one 16-year-old victim or were the multiple victims? Ws it one incident or several? What exactly did he supposedly do?
Wow, not only are truthers stupid, they're stupid enough to try to have sex with minors. SICK!
Ian, where do you get the idea that I don't leave Carol Brouillet alone? Did Kevin Barrett tell you that?
Usually when people (like Brian) say: "Did (insert name here) tell you that?" Is a good indication that Brian is still harassing Mrs. Brouillet, even a cop can tell.
WAQo claimed he emailed Ms. Brouillet to try to get the goods on me and came up with ... nothing.
Actually the posts I made from the E-mail are still on this blog Brian.
And actually she did say that you were still e-mailing her and that she was ignoring your responses. So not only are you a sex predator, but you're also lying.
And yet, no one has come up with any explanation of how 8 floors of building provided zero resistance to the falling levels above. Why should Manny be a bigger story than the crime he helped draw attention to?
Oh yeah, because portly Pat wants him to be. Still doing Hugh proud, I see. Keep hiding, coward.
Breaking news in the Manny Badillo case.
Get this. The troofers are calling Louie Bee, of Crotch Shot Radio, and issuing threats in order to intimidate, Bee. And I quote:
"...Some have phoned Louie for the purpose of intimidating him (listen to call in the bottom), accusing him of seeking attention and stating that 'Manny was obviously setup'."
You'll find an mp3 of the threatening phone calls at the bottom of the article. Here's a direct link:
9/11 Victim Family Member Manny Badillio Of WeareChange Is An Accused Sex Offender Part 2.
Notice that the troofers always stand by their "man." Manny Badillo isn't a sex offender accused by his own stepmother of molesting underage children; he was "set up" by the evil US government. That's right, Manny Badillo and the 9/11 troof movement are such a threat to the US government in the LSD addled minds of the troofers, that "the government" had to setup Badillo and frame him for the heinous crime of molesting children. Uh huh! It's never the troofer's fault. As anyone knows, the troofers are beyond reproach. Uh huh!
Corey Rowe isn't a heroin dealer. He was setup by "the government." Uh huh!
And all the troofers who killed innocent Americans at the point of a handgun were framed or setup, too. Obviously, they're mind control victims--victims of "the government." Uh huh!
And Brian "goat molester" Good never sexually harassed Carol Brouillet, either. It's all a lie because troofers are innocent victims persecuted by "the government" and evil debunkers.
Two hours and counting before Brian "goat molester" Good [cough] mounts [cough] his defense of Manny Badillo. Or will the sanctimonious sex predator and unwashed prick throw Manny Badillo under the bus, ala, Willie Rodriguez? Inquiring minds want to know.
Beyond parody.
Pat Cowardly wrote--and I quote: "...And yet, no one has come up with any explanation of how 8 floors of building provided zero resistance to the falling levels above. Why should Manny be a bigger story than the crime he helped draw attention to?...Oh yeah, because portly Pat wants him to be. Still doing Hugh proud, I see. Keep hiding, coward."
See what I mean?
Beyond parody.
WAQo, yes, I occasionally email Ms. Brouillet. A few days ago it was about a spelling error in one of her mass emails.
That's not harassment.
Why should Manny be a bigger story than the crime he helped draw attention to?
Because he committed the crime he did himself.
And yet, no one has come up with any explanation of how 8 floors of building provided zero resistance to the falling levels above.
Do you have an explaination why you think explosives were used when video and audio evidence suggest the opposite? No you don't because you are a failed researcher who don't know Jack Shit. Oh and Jack left the building!
WAQo, yes, I occasionally email Ms. Brouillet. A few days ago it was about a spelling error in one of her mass emails.
That's not harassment.
So you're admitting that you still contact Mrs. Brouillet and continue to harass her?
WAQo, thermite can cut steel rather quietly. NIST only evaluated the loudest explosive they could find, and they created a highly inefficient demolition plan with an enormous bomb, and then they declared that stupid plan impractical.
David Chandler has claimed that in some of the videos you can hear the explosions. I haven't evaluated his work on that.
WAQo, it's not harassment to point out a spelling error.
Hurry, goat fucker! Bury my comments under an avalanche of dumbspam.
Beyond parody.
WAQo, thermite can cut steel rather quietly.
Really, and how do you explain why all those people were stadning next to those "thermite charges" near the windows?
NIST only evaluated the loudest explosive they could find, and they created a highly inefficient demolition plan with an enormous bomb, and then they declared that stupid plan impractical.
You know why it's impractical? Because there wasn't any explosives, DUH!
David Chandler has claimed that in some of the videos you can hear the explosions. I haven't evaluated his work on that.
Anything, besides actual explosives, can caused explosive sounds. Ever hear a fire extinguisher blow up in a fire? I have and it sounded LIKE a bomb.
WAQo, it's not harassment to point out a spelling error.
Contacting a person, who you harassed, is still harassing that person because YOU ARE THE ONE MAKING CONTACT.
Hurry, goat fucker! Hijack the thread with dumbspam!
Beyond parody.
GooturdFool, yes it's fiendishly clever of me to bury your nonsense under WAQo's dumbspam, isn't it?
GooturdFool, yes it's fiendishly clever of me to bury your nonsense under WAQo's dumbspam, isn't it?
Calling my posts "dumbspam", what a typcial goal post shifting manuver.
I didn't harass anybody. Ms. Brouillet found it emotionally distressing that her friend Dr. Barrett was a bigot and her friend Willie Rodriguez was a swindling fraud.
Your circularly-reasoned lawyering in defense of your delusions is noted.
The goat fucker squeals, "...GooturdFool, yes it's fiendishly clever of me to bury your nonsense under WAQo's dumbspam, isn't it?"
Yeah, never mind that you've been trying to hijack the thread from the beginning (ie., 17 July, 2011 17:43).
Beyond parody.
The goat fucker squeals, "...Your circularly-reasoned lawyering in defense of your delusions is noted."
Squeal squeal squeal.
But goat fucker, I've already proven that you don't understand the concept of circular reasoning. As always, you're 180 degrees out of phase with reality.
Beyond parody.
I didn't harass anybody
Mrs. Brouillet says otherwise. I'll take a womans post over a sex predators any day of the week. You harassed her and are still harassing her.
Your circularly-reasoned lawyering in defense of your delusions is noted.
LOL! And you don't know Jack about the Law Brian, that's why you only spew out shit because that's all you know.
Brian sure does like to bounce from topic to topic. Goes to show how irratic his behavior is when dealing with the truth about himself.
Brian the Dick-Breath says: WAQo, yes, I occasionally email Ms. Brouillet. A few days ago it was about a spelling error in one of her mass emails.
That's not harassment.
Hey idiot , it is harrassment. you were told by her in the past not to contact her and you still sending her shit. She complained about you and your unwanted communication to the group in San Francisco and that is why you were eliminated from posting and from approaching her. Stop lying for once bitch!
Here you go Brian Good, the law in your state. I hope Carol Brouillett will use it one day since it has been established your erratic behavior.
(1) "Course of conduct" is a pattern of conduct composed of a
series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a
continuity of purpose, including following or stalking an individual,
making harassing telephone calls to an individual, or sending
harassing correspondence to an individual by any means, including,
but not limited to, the use of public or private mails, interoffice
mail, fax, or computer e-mail. Constitutionally protected activity is
not included within the meaning of "course of conduct."
The course of conduct
must be such as would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial
emotional distress, and must actually cause substantial emotional
distress to the petitioner.
An order enjoining a party from harassing, intimidating,
molesting, attacking, striking, stalking, threatening, sexually
assaulting, battering, abusing, telephoning, including, but not
limited to, making annoying telephone calls, as described in Section
653m of the Penal Code, destroying personal property, contacting,
either directly or indirectly, by mail or otherwise, or coming within
a specified distance of, or disturbing the peace of the petitioner.
WAQo you don't know what you're talking about.
Says the quote mining sex predator, college dropout and compulsive liar who wears women's underwear.
WAQo you don't know what you're talking about.
Brian, you go from topic to topic because you're running away fro mthe truth that you are a paranoid freak who thinks up fanciful things about 9/11. You quote-mine the witness statements, you lie about everything, you show no self respect, you are incapable of having an intelligent debate, you are incompetent, ignorant and a disgrace to yourself. You take your self pity and put it on others to make you feel better.
You try to weasel out of everything, you whine about everything which isn't relevent to the issue, you change the subject (I doubt you even change your underwear), you make yourself look like an asshole, you got yourself kicked out the Truth Movement for being a sex predator and harassing other Truthers and exspeially Carol Brouillet.
You come to SLC because it's the only blog that can put up with your bullshit stories and you keep coming back even though you know you're wrong all the time.
So what's that about me not knowing what I'm talking about?
See Brian, you make your life out to be an open book for all to read. You know why you do that to yourself? Because you talk alot and don't know when to shut the fuck up. You painted a target on yourself because you're too fucking stupid. You think everyone's "wrong", well you've got one thing: You can't prove that everyone's wrong!
You know why you can't prove everyone wrong Brian? Because you lack the mental compacity to produce the evidence required in an intellectual debate. Of course your intelligence (if any) is well below avergage, you might as well say you're on the borderline of being a mentally disable and mentally challenged (in medical terms it means that you're almost retarded).
"you might as well say you're on the borderline of being a mentally disable and mentally challenged [SIC]"
and you're really demonstrating some MENSA-level abilities yourself, genius. You could start your own "Fat Credulous Gossips" Blog like your friend Pat.
You could start your own "Fat Credulous Gossips" Blog like your friend Pat.
I'm almost 2 years ahead of your thinking you retard:
Also on my blog Truthers usually pull a hit and run tactic because everything I posted is the truth.
Bet you can't even prove me wrong on my own blog Cowardly.
Oh look! Now Brian "goat fucker" Good is posting under his sock puppet handle, "Pat Cowardly."
So goat fucker, aren't you supposed to shave fat boy Jon Gold's back this afternoon?
Bill, I thought Brian was supposed to shave and lick Golds balls this evening.
Of course we know that after he shaves Gold, he's going to ask him: "Do you want a happy ending?"
WAQ, I just visualized that scenario and puked on my brand new notebook computer. I'm blind, I'm blind!
"I'm almost 2 years ahead of your thinking you retard" -Can't Answer Questions
So you admit to being a fat, credulous gossip, and then point to a blog that hasn't had a post in 2 years. Wow, you're smart. Still no explanation of why Sunder said GA was impossible? Why am I so surprised? Answer the question.
LOL Bill!
I bet Brian would probably do that in real life.
Still no explanation of why Sunder said GA was impossible?
Sunder knows more than you'd ever know in a lifetime Brian.
You know why you can't prove anyone wrong? Because you're retarded, your IQ is less than 40 percent.
So you admit to being a fat, credulous gossip, and then point to a blog that hasn't had a post in 2 years.
You admit that you wear womens underwear and your father thinks you're sexy?
Actually my blog has 35 posts. Just because you're too scared to look at it means you're a chicken.
Bawk Bawk Bawk
Of course we know that after he shaves Gold, he's going to ask him: "Do you want a happy ending?"
Jon Gold's incapable of being happy lately. I doubt even that would cheer him up. He'd just put on some Depeche Mode and make cuts in his arm.
Richard Gage's Testicles said...
Quick! Somebody call William Veale!
I LOL'ed.
Ian, you are a liar and Willie Rodriguez is a liar.
Squeal Squeal Squeal!
WAQo claimed he emailed Ms. Brouillet to try to get the goods on me and came up with ... nothing.
I'll debate Willie in a neutral forum like 911blogger, visibility911, truthaction, truthmove, 911blogger, sf911truth,or Carol Brouillet's radio show.
No you won't. You ran away squealing and crying from just such a challenge from Rodriguez.
I was wrong. Any fool can cut up quotes into a joke. But if they're not honest, like you are not, they are the joke.
Squeal squeal squeal!
WAQo, thermite can cut steel rather quietly. NIST only evaluated the loudest explosive they could find, and they created a highly inefficient demolition plan with an enormous bomb, and then they declared that stupid plan impractical.
Brian, modified attack baboons could have placed micro-nukes in the towers quite easily.
David Chandler has claimed that in some of the videos you can hear the explosions. I haven't evaluated his work on that.
Well, explosions would disprove thermite, but would lend more credence to micro-nukes planted by modified attack baboons.
I didn't harass anybody. Ms. Brouillet found it emotionally distressing that her friend Dr. Barrett was a bigot and her friend Willie Rodriguez was a swindling fraud.
False. You are a perverted sex stalker who was expelled from the truth movement because you were trying to wreck Carol Brouillet's marriage. And you admit that you're still stalking her.
Ian, you're as much as font of misinformation about my social life as you are about 9/11. A classic Contrary-Ian Indicator.
Says the quote mining sex predator, college dropout and compulsive liar who wears women's underwear.
Ian, you're as much as font of misinformation about my social life as you are about 9/11. A classic Contrary-Ian Indicator.
I'm right about 9/11 and I'm right about you being a perverted sex stalker, so I guess you could say I'm a "font of misinformation" about both if by "misinformation" you mean "facts".
Also, "social life"? Brian, all you do all day is post dumbspam all over the internet. Since when do you actually socialize with people? You have no friends, no family, no colleagues, etc.
"Also, "social life"? Brian, all you do all day is post dumbspam all over the internet. Since when do you actually socialize with people? You have no friends, no family, no colleagues, etc.
I suspect Brian collects disability due to his very real mental condition. Guys with his mental state can't hold down jobs. He likely lives with parents/family of some kind, maybe not, Palo Alto has a lot of mental health aid. I find it interesting that he doesn't have his own computer. He either can't afford one, or he can't afford an internet connection. So he posts from the library. I wonder if there isn't a court order restricting internet access to Mr. Goode....
See what I mean?
What do Phil Jayhan and Brian Good have in common?
They're both 9-11 nutbars who falsely think they've exposed William Rodriguez as a fraud.
Two peas in a nutty pod.
I've exposed Willie as a fraud. I've exposed these facts:
1. His claim that he "single-handedly rescued fifteen (15) persons" is a lie.
2. His claim that he saved "hondreds of lives" by "opening doors and letting people out" is a lie.
3. His claim that he raised $122 million is a lie.
4. His story of opening doors and letting people out is not corroborated by anybody.
5. He appropriated the true hero story of Pablo Ortiz, who died on 9/11, and tried to make it his own.
6. He has traveled around the world collecting money on the basis of a false allegations--the definition of fraud.
7. He has not and can not defend himself against these true charges. His only response for years has been libelous ad hominem attacks.
1-7: You're just jealous that Willie gets to speak with and meet Carol Brouillet.
Yeah, that's what she wanted to think too.
I mean, how could anybody object to a con artist stealing a dead hero's story and going around the world lying about 9/11 for money, making all his admirers look stupid?
I've exposed Willie as a fraud. I've exposed these facts:
I thought we had a policy regarding this sort of post.
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"We", Kimosabe? I think Pat and James have noticed that threads I comment on get a lot of traffic and threads I don't comment on are ignored.
They also can not fail to have noticed that GuitarBill makes up his facts and lies and lies and lies and thus brings dishonor to this blog.
I think Pat and James have noticed that...I makes up facts and lies and lies and lies and thus brings dishonor to this blog.
To understand Brian, one has to read between the lines.
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The quality of your humor reflects the quality of your mind.
Effective humor makes sense. And since omitting words involves blurring lines, it's hardly a matter of reading between lines, and you're not making any sense at all.
Also you're quote is not even technically correct, since you had
to add a word. Are you illiterate as well as dishonest?
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
To understand Brian, one has to read between the lines.
It would help if you'd read between MY lines, instead of yours.
First Delmart Vreeland, now Manny Badillo. How many more nonces are there in the Troof movement?
I think the Truth Movement has sunk to a new low in the 10 years after 9/11.
They recruit sex predators, pedophiles and murderers. Then they blame us for bieng what they are. Atleast us debunkers aren't the real criminals behind the greatest terror on U.S. soil, namely the Truth Movement.
I think Pat and James have noticed that threads I comment on get a lot of traffic
And you're proud of that? You're proud to be living proof of everything we want to believe about Truthers, including sexual misconduct? You're proud that your one-man freak show is now outdrawing the circus? You'd fit right in with these people.
What I'm living proof of is you clowns making up your facts.
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I'm living proof of...clowns making up...facts
To understand Brian, read between the lines.
It's an epidemic of acute Ianitis breaking out around heah!
What I'm living proof of is you clowns making up your facts.
What I'm living proof of is you clowns making up your facts.
No, you're the lying embodiment of an ass clown who wears a tin foil hat and womens underwear.
See what I mean?
See what I mean?
What do you mean?
You clowns make up your facts.
You clowns make up your facts.
Atleast we provide links to our facts, unlike you.
Crying about it isn't solving anything Captain Obvious.
No, you usually don't provide links and when you do, they often don't say what you claim.
I'm not crying about anything.
No, you usually don't provide links and when you do, they often don't say what you claim.
Obviously you've misread what I said, I said "WE", not "I". Goes to show that you lack communication skills.
I'm not crying about anything.
You're still upset about the whole Carol Brouillett thing.
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I guess I should have said "youse" instead of "you" so you'd understand me.
I don't like being lied about, but there's worse things in the world than being lied about by lying liars like Barrett and Fraudriguez and you.
I guess I should have said "youse" instead of "you" so you'd understand me.
But you didn't, you're making your fingers do the talking and not thinking with your mind first.
I don't like being lied about, but there's worse things in the world than being lied about by lying liars like Barrett and Fraudriguez and you.
Well then stop quote-mining and giving out false statements which aren't true. Also you've got no evidence to prove that anyone is lying. In the court of law those who don't have evidence then blame others for "lying" is lying to the court.
Oh, I said "you" instead of "youse" and WAQo got confused. So sorry. A thousand pardons begged by your humble servant! Ten thousand! A million!
I'm not giving out any false stateemnts. I said Dr. Sunder said the buildings came down in 9 seconds and 11 seconds, and he did. I said Dr.Astaneh said he saw "melting of girders" and he did say that.
I don't accuse anybody of lying unless I can prove it,
I'm not giving out any false stateemnts. I said Dr. Sunder said the buildings came down in 9 seconds and 11 seconds...
Yes you are and here's the proof:
NIST estimated the elapsed times for the first exterior panels to strike the ground after the collapse initiated in each of the towers to be approximately 11 seconds for WTC 1 and approximately 9 seconds for WTC 2.
Everyone who's reading that knows that that you're lying and putting words in Dr. Sunders mouth which he didn't say.
I don't accuse anybody of lying unless I can prove it.
Prove that Dr. Sunder is lying then. Shouldn't be that hard for you to do.
I said Dr.Astaneh said he saw "melting of girders" and he did say that.
And he also said that there wasn't any melting at all. So you're lying about him too.
WAQo, Dr. Sunder never said the words you attribute to him. You are putting words in his mouth, and by doing so only sowing confusion.
Reasonable people can disagree about the implications of certain facts. Y'all here are unreasonable people disputing facts.
Dr Astaneh said there was no melting of steel in the Oakland freeway fire. Of course not--gasoline can not melt steel, not even when you burn 8000 gallons of it with plenty of air right under an un-fireproofed steel girder.
Dr. Astaneh told PBS: "I saw melting of girders at World Trade center."
WAQo, Dr. Sunder never said the words you attribute to him.
STill implying that I'm Dr. Sunder I see. What a fucked up thought!
Y'all here are unreasonable people disputing facts.
Facts need evidence and you have no evidence for your facts which makes your facts totally worthless.
Dr Astaneh said there was no melting of steel in the Oakland freeway fire.
And he also said that both the freeway fire and WTC had no melting.
Dr. Astaneh told PBS: "I saw NO melting of girders at World Trade center."
One misspoken word and you assume he's telling the truth. He basically said that he saw NO melting.
I have facts. I have the facts of what Dr. Sunder told NOVA and what Dr. Astaneh told PBS. They said those things, they have never retracted the statements, and anybody can easily google them and verify them.
You're lying about what Dr. Astaneh said, He told PBS "I saw melting of girders at World Trade Center," and he has never retracted the statement.
I have facts. I have the facts of what Dr. Sunder told NOVA and what Dr. Astaneh told PBS.
And no evidence to prove those facts, what a pity! Only if you had evidence would anyone believe you, but alas you have nothing.
You're lying about what Dr. Astaneh said...
Saying that Dr. Astaneh is a liar? Would you care to e-mail him and say that he's a liar?!
I have the links to the NOVA and PBS websites that show that the atatements that I attribute to Dr, Sunder and Dr. SAstaneh were made.
Anybody can google ...Sunder NOVA... and ...Astaneh PBS.... and verify them.
You have nothing but empty and false claims.
I have the links to the NOVA and PBS websites that show that the atatements that I attribute to Dr, Sunder and Dr. SAstaneh were made.
Let me guess, Truther websites? Nice try!
You have nothing but empty and false claims.
NOVA and PBS websites, and thanks for showing that after all this hoo-hah about Sunder and Astaneh, you have never even bothered to go and check out the primary sources.
you have never even bothered to go and check out the primary sources.
And like you, I don't trust the Media these days. Too many inconsistencies and mispoken words usually come up.
I've got a question: Why do you like the Media when you said it yourslf that they can't be trusted?
WAQo, neither Dr. Astaneh nor Dr. Sunder has ever claimed they were misquoted.
Therefore the presumption that they said what they said stands.
Just like a Bushbot, you are trying to create an environment where there are no facts.
WAQo, neither Dr. Astaneh nor Dr. Sunder has ever claimed they were misquoted.
Actually some time after they did say they were misquoted.
Therefore the presumption that they said what they said stands.
So you agree that Dr. Sunder said that it was the exterior panels that fell in 9 and 11 seconds and that Dr. Astaneh said that there wasn't any melting of girders in the WTCs.
Just like a Bushbot, you are trying to create an environment where there are no facts.
How can I be a "Bushbot" when:
A: I don't like any president, except Abe Lincoln and JFK?
B: Bush isn't president anymore?
You're trying to rewrite history with no facts at all.
WAQo, you're lying. Neither Dr. Astaneh nor Dr. Sunder has ever claimed they were misquoted.
Dr. Sunder told NOVA "The measurements have indicated that Tower One collapsed in about 11 seconds, and Tower Two collapsed in about 9 seconds." He didn't say anything about panels.
Dr. Astaneh-Asl told PBS "I saw melting of girders at World Trade Center."
Your continued and persistently erroneous statements on these simple issues either show a depraved dishonesty or mental illness on your part.
I didn't say you were a Bushbot. I said your behavior was like a Bushbot.
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WAQo, you're lying.
So you're saying they're lying? Fuck you asshole!
Dr. Sunder told NOVA...Dr. Astaneh-Asl told PBS...
Fuck you, NOVA, PBS and I don't give a fuck!
Your continued and persistently erroneous statements...
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
I didn't say you were a Bushbot.
Backpeddling asshole and go fuck yourself.
You can repeat the same thing over and over Brian and I wouldn't give 2 sheets to the wind about it becasue I know you can't make it stick.
Let me tear apart your quote-mined statements from both Dr. Sunder and Dr.Astaneh-Asl:
Dr. Sunder (not me) said in the NIST Report that it was the exterior panels that fell to the ground at 9 & 11 seconds.
Dr. Astaneh-Asl (not me) said that the Oakland fire wasn't enough to melt the girders and that the fires inside the WTCs' didn't melt the girders either.
The only people you're blaming for "lying" is the messengers. The messengers aren't the ones who saidthose thing, but yet you lack the intellectual skill to undertand that concept. Which is why you will fail every time until you give up or die.
Please advise where in the NCSTAR 1 NIST report it says the panels came down in 9 seconds and 11 seconds.
I don't see it. The FAQ, which was written by an anonymous bureaucrat, claims that the panels came down in 9 seconds and 11 seconds. The FAQ implies that NIST did a detailed study of the issue, which seems strange--because why would NIST want to study whether panels fell at freefall or not? But it appears that there is no such study in the report and the FAQ appears to be somewhat dishonest in implying that there was.
In any case, a week later Dr. Sunder was telling NOVA that the TOWERS, not the panels, came down in 9 seconds and 11 seconds. Dr. Sunder didn't say anything about panels and your repeated claims that he did are lies.
Dr. Astaneh-Asl told PBS that "I saw melting of girders at World Trade Center." Your claims to the contrary are lies, and anybody who bothers to check the quotes for themselves can see that.
Please advise where in the NCSTAR 1 NIST report it says the panels came down in 9 seconds and 11 seconds.
Why should anyone "advise" you when we know you'll say: "You lie!"? Doesn't matter, the point of the arguement is that Dr. Sunder said and I quote from HIM: EXTERIOR PANELS FELL FROM WTC1 AT 9 SECONDS AND FROM WTC2 AT 11 SECONDS.
I don't see it.
You choose not to see it because it confirms our suspicions that you're a liar and always will be our little liar.
In any case, a week later Dr. Sunder was telling NOVA that the TOWERS...
Who the fuck cares what he told NOVA? The point is he made his scientific analysis with NIST and no with a mdeia outlet.
Dr. Astaneh-Asl told PBS...
Who the fuck cares Brian, PBS is full of shit sometimes. The only thing that programs good at is Kevin Burns: The Civil War.
WAQo, please advise as to where you believe Dr. Sunder said "EXTERIOR PANELS FELL FROM WTC1 AT 9 SECONDS AND FROM WTC2 AT 11 SECONDS."
Dr. Sunder never said that. He told NOVA the TOWERS fell at 9 seconds and 11 seconds. He didn't say anything about panels.
That PBS is full of shit sometimes has nothing to do with the fact of what Dr. Astaneh said. He's right there on tape saying he saw melted girders.
Your crippled epistemology makes you vulnerable to conspiracy theories.
Fuck you Captain Obvious. I'm not playing "Ring around the Rosie" nor am I going to give you the satfisfaction of letting me delve into your fantasy world.
Your crippled epistemology makes you vulnerable to conspiracy theories.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
That PBS is full of shit sometimes has nothing to do with the fact of what Dr. Astaneh said. He's right there on tape saying he saw melted girders.
Really? Then again you said this in another thread ("9-11 Was a Soap Opera Job"):
They piled up 180 pounds of thermite and set it off, and it didn't touch the steel. The mythbusters set off 1000 pounds of the stuff and they couldn't even cut all the way through the roof of a car.
LMAO you toally contradicted yourself you arrogant ass.
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By what acrobatic feats of logic do you come to believe there's a contradiction between Dr. Astaneh's report and the mythbusters?
Also, I note that you can't find any place where Dr. Sunder says what you claim he says.
By what acrobatic feats of logic do you come to believe there's a contradiction between Dr. Astaneh's report and the mythbusters?
You're asking stupid questions Cpt. Obvious.
Also, I note that you can't find any place where Dr. Sunder says what you claim he says.
Hey asshole, it's written in the NIST report.
WAQo, your inability to back up your claim that I contradict myself is noted.
Also noted is that you can not tell me where in the NIST report it says that panels fell in 9 seconds and 11 seconds.
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