It's Just a Mistake
With his most paranoid and mysterious voice our narrator claims this.
Employees at the Pentagon were seen carrying away a large box, shrouded in a blue tarp. Why the mystery?

But even the moonbats have admitted that it was nothing more than a tent. On their forum the filmmakers confess to an "accidental mistake" (are there any other kind?), along with their B-52/B-25 mistake. Amazing, so far we have found about 30 "mistakes" in this movie. And we have only been doing this a week. I think the biggest mistake was that this movie was ever made in the first place.
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Ok. Let's just assume for the sake of argument that that really IS a tent. What is underneath the tent?!? Am I the only one who can see that the "tent" is clearly there to cover something that takes ten people to carry? Nice "debunking" job, guys. If this is the best job you can do of debunking the filmmakers' claims, it only lends more credence to their allegations.
Ok. Let's just assume for the sake of argument that that really IS a tent. What is underneath the tent?!? Am I the only one who can see that the "tent" is clearly there to cover something that takes ten people to carry? Nice "debunking" job, guys. If this is the best job you can do of debunking the filmmakers' claims, it only lends more credence to their allegations.
As for the tent part, it is probably correct. I don't know what it is like in America, but when a (major) accident happens in Belgium there is always a tent. This tent is used to perform surgery, because the patient is badly wounded and cannot be transferred to the hospital.
This might also be the reason why the tent is so heavy. It contains a strong floor (which you need, I assume, when you are to cut into one's body). Besides that, the tent has an iron/steel constructure to keep it up.
It are tents like found on the following sites:
So instead of laughing with the people carrying a tent, you might keep in mind that they were trying to help the victims... yes, by carrying the tent.
And if you are laughing with the size of the tent "to go camping": these sizes exists. You are just not able to put them in your backpack (but I suppose they don't do that in the Pentagon as well).
Just my two cents,
People should realize that the tent has 10 people (or more) beneath it. It may not need ten people beneath it. One of the gentlemen have only one hand on the item. The two are not necessarily the same thing.
from this website
9. Claim: Employees at the Pentagon were seen suspiciously carrying away a large box shrouded in a blue tarp.
Truth: The blue tarp was a tent, used to aid in the crash response. Source
the source link leads here:
I mean, WTF, you source your own blog?? and then elsewhere on this page you were saying:
Be aware of the following tricks and distortions in Loose Change:
1. Watch for printed text. The clear implication is that you can trust it because it's in print somewhere. Many, many of the citations shown are from conspiracy kook websites. We even caught them passing something off as coming from Newsweek, when in actually it was from a blog that claimed to have "transcribed it" from their website before it was taken down (Newsweek is in on the conspiracy).
you just did exactly what you accused the makers of loose change of doing, although your example is FAR more blatant... if you want to discredit the truth movement then you are gonna have to try alot harder than this
wow,,, if there was any doubt in my head as an american, a veteran a human fucking being with a capable brain the only ? in my head about the "loose change" video (witch is a very very informative/plausable/possible video)was would the govt of the USA really be that spineless, cowardly? shamefull? well.... yes...the guy who made loose change has what to gain from it? fame? untill hes proven fraud and then evey american with and passion in their blood will hate him, he'd be a marked man.... its an untouchable subject to most of us.... now the govt... the politicans who know or have all their corperations that are sucking our own economey right into the gutter... those fossils who will be long dead long before any accusation or punishment for the crimes they committed and covered up. so lets see... why do they lie to us..... cuz it keeps their pockets lined! simple as that... we need oil, we need groundbreaking fuel that isnt petrolium based why? so we can control the world market... cutting edge tech.... sold... stockpile of old shit... sell it to the rest of the world.... now where is all this damn money coming from? the pockets of all the deam american and iraqi people that had no choice to go to war? or the ones in their office that day that were set up by their own people...well apparently there are still some smart individuals who can think for themselfs, i can tell just by most of your feed back... so i guess my point after rambleing for a bit is.... this site raises way more questions than snswers simply because it justifies all its own claims by some shotty govt site, or its own typed answers.... loose change was a well researched project, u can tell that just by the preparedness of the documentry that if they were to debate their differance face to face as opposed to this half ass site... then someone would leave looking rather foolish stupid and embarassed.... LIES LIES LIES....spineless should be dead type mf's.........the truth is out there, good day my fellow AmeriCANs
The NTSB (who analized the information of the flight data recorder for the FBI) have released their findings for America 77 (pentagon) flight and united 93 flight . They have also released the computer animation showing the all details on the data recorder.
Things to point out.
1. The data recorder does not show the plane hitting the pentagon.(last frame shown
full NTSB
2. It shows the flight path was not able to knock down the posts.
3. It confirms the witness reports of Sgt. William Lagasse and SGT Brooks (by far the most credible witnesses)
Flight Path Animation supplied and plotted by by National Transportation Safety Board.
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