Jet Engine Red Herrings
I previously discussed the American Free Press, now here is an example of how Loose Change uses them as a source. Not only is AFP a questionable source to begin with, but the article they are citing, doesn't even make the point the filmmakers are attempting to make. Here they are trying to prove that a 757 didn't hit the pentagon:
Likewise, the two engines should have been found relatively intact at the Pentagon. Instead, there was a single turbo-jet engine approximately 3 feet in diameter found inside the building.
After this photo was published by American Free Press

Readers wrote in to suggest that the turbine was a piece from the Auxiliary Power Unit - APU mounted in the tail section of the 757. Chris Bollyn (of the AFP) contacted Honeywell in Phoenix, Arizona, the manufacturer of a 757's APU. An expert, speaking on the condition of anonymity told him that: "There's no way
that's an APU wheel.”
Bollyn then contacted Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce, The two companies that manufacture 757 engines. Pratt & Whitney pointed Bollyn towards Rolls-Royce and John W Brown a spokesman for Rolls-Royce told Bollyn that, "It is not a part of any Roll's Royce engine that I am familiar with."

Well, why is their spokesman not familiar with it? Loose Change won't tell us. AFP doesn't seem to have the article up, but you can find it reposted on the Internet, here is one link.
John W. Brown, spokesman for Rolls Royce (Indianapolis), had previously told AFP: “It is not a part from any Rolls Royce engine that I’m familiar with, and certainly not the AE 3007H made here in Indy.”So they ask a spokesman, who doesn't even work at the plant the engines are made, and he tells them straight out that he isn't even familiar with the parts of the engine the plant does make, and could not identify the part regardless, and somehow he becomes a technical expert. In reality the only thing they could accuse him of is being a poor spokesman.
The AE 3007 engines are used in small commuter jets such as the Cessna Citation; the AE 3007H is also used in the military’s unmanned aircraft, the Global Hawk. The Global Hawk is manufactured by Northrop Grumman’s subsidiary Ryan Aeronautical, which it acquired from Teledyne, Inc. in July 1999.
If the government version that an American Airlines 757-200 hit the Pentagon is accurate, then the object in the photo would have to be from a Rolls Royce RB211-535 turbofan engine. When AFP told Brown that it must be a piece of a Rolls Royce engine, Brown balked and asked who at Pratt & Whitney had provided the information.
Asked again if the disc in the photo is a piece of a Rolls Royce RB211-535, or from the AE 3007 series, Brown said he could not answer.
AFP then asked Brown if he was actually familiar with the parts of an AE 3007H, which is made at the Indiana plant: “No,” Brown said. “I don’t build the engines. I am a spokesman for the company. I speak for the company.”
More on this later. And once again thanks to Truth and his excellent research on debunking Loose Change.
I believe the officcal story because the government has never lied to us before. Also no world leaders in history have ever made decisions that put there own people at risk. Face it people no one really wants to know the truth. I mean people still believe in Jesus and teach ther kids about the easter bunny. We want to be stupid. We want to buy insurience. And we love it when we are attacked. We love it. Nothing gives an American President a bigger Hard on the America beeing attacked. You cant ask people to be logical and reconize something that is happening right in front of them.
Dissagree all you want but in side you to scarred to admit you could care less when strangers die, and you love going to war. Respect the memorys of the dead my ass. Liers non of you care about any of those victoms. People who knopw some one who died there us the event to feel specal. Well your not. My freinds are dieing in Iraq for bull shit and you love it.
Buy the my I am recently blind and typing with my Eyes closed. People who discredit some one for makeing typo's are uneducated, and reaching for a complant. "this guy hit the wrong key how could he know any thing." I'm Blind but I can still see reality.
I believe the officcal story because the government has never lied to us before. Also no world leaders in history have ever made decisions that put there own people at risk. Face it people no one really wants to know the truth. I mean people still believe in Jesus and teach ther kids about the easter bunny. We want to be stupid. We want to buy insurience. And we love it when we are attacked. We love it. Nothing gives an American President a bigger Hard on the America beeing attacked. You cant ask people to be logical and reconize something that is happening right in front of them.
Dissagree all you want but in side you to scarred to admit you could care less when strangers die, and you love going to war. Respect the memorys of the dead my ass. Liers non of you care about any of those victoms. People who knopw some one who died there us the event to feel specal. Well your not. My freinds are dieing in Iraq for bull shit and you love it.
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