Sunday, May 21, 2006

Why Watch United 93?

Here's a terrific review in the Sunday (London) Telegraph:

Although they fail, at least their efforts mean it crashes in a field rather than into its intended target, the Capitol building. And yet such is the film's pacing, such is the director Paul Greengrass's craft, that, at its conclusion, even the most jaded of cinema-goers is left open-mouthed in astonishment.

The reviewer gives a nice thumb in the eye to the Loosers and Truthers:

But that is not the reason why everyone should see this film when it opens here next week. For those of us who believe that history is governed by cock-up, the biggest service it provides is the way in which it subverts 9/11 conspiracy theories.

These began to circulate even as the Twin Towers still smoked. There were dozens of them: that this was the work of Mossad, that the planes were never hijacked at all, that the World Trade Centre was blown up by rogue elements in government. Channel 5's schedules have been furred up with such nonsense for the past four years.

Even some who accept the logic of the suicide mission still question the involvement of the military on the day. It is almost common currency that United 93 did not crash as a result of a disturbance in the cockpit, but was shot down by the US Air Force to prevent it reaching Washington.

The truth, as the film recognises, is that human organisation works on precedent rather than foresight. Thus, on September 11, when the unexpected happened, there was no procedure in place to counteract it. In its scenes of panicked confusion in control rooms and flight towers, the film shows that no one knew what to do: their systems had failed them. Indeed, such was the fuzziness of lines of command that the military did not even learn United 93 had been hijacked until four minutes after it crashed.

Those of you who've listened to the podcast interview know that it was Loose Change enthusiasts spamming posts on United 93 that first drew my attention to LC.


At 21 May, 2006 17:54, Blogger shawn said...

While I agree with the sentiment, it's not a good argument to make against the believers.

Nesnyc sees the whole world as some Illuminati playground, as opposed to the interactions between a vast number of peoples and groups.

At 21 May, 2006 23:16, Blogger nes718 said...

Vast numbeber of people and groups have one thing that makes them tic, MONEY. Control the money and you control them.

"Allow me to control and issue the nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." Amshell Rothschild (18th century banker)

Also read:

The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism


History of London - High Cabal of Credit...

At 22 May, 2006 08:45, Blogger Alex said...

"I read that it is done with a hand held camera and some people feel nauseous watching it."

What sort of fucked-up review sights have you been reading?

"but I can't buy that "official story" of Todd Beamer's "let's roll" either."

Ofcourse you can't. That would require the sort of intestinal fortitude which you can only dream about. It makes you feel like less of a man knowing you'd never be able to do something like it. Plus it undermine half your theories. Not surprising that you chose to ignore it.

At 22 May, 2006 10:31, Blogger nes718 said...

Compared to "Da Vinci" this movie (flight 93) is a box office flop. Mike Rivero of Whatreallyhappend had this to say today:

$77 million in box office the first weekend, seven times the box office for "Flight 93".
Hollywood, are you listening? Propaganda films flop. Films that look past the propaganda make money.

Propaganda films flop. Films that look past the propaganda make money.

Propaganda films flop. Films that look past the propaganda make money.

Propaganda films flop. Films that look past the propaganda make money.

At 22 May, 2006 10:35, Blogger nes718 said...

Ofcourse you can't. That would require the sort of intestinal fortitude which you can only dream about. It makes you feel like less of a man knowing you'd never be able to do something like it. Plus it undermine half your theories. Not surprising that you chose to ignore it.

LMAO! "Intestinal fortitude?" If you believe that crap you probably still believe in Santa Clause. Give me a break...

At 22 May, 2006 17:41, Blogger shawn said...

There is no recording of "let's roll.

He said it on the Airphone earlier in the flight. A lot of people trying to discredit the "heroic" portion of the story have continually mentioned the "roll it".

At 22 May, 2006 17:42, Blogger shawn said...

Control the money and you control them.

Right, moron.

Compared to "Da Vinci" this movie (flight 93) is a box office flop.

And? By your logic, Titanic is the greatest movie ever made.

Hey, way to use a work of fiction based on shoddy research (like Loose Change) to make your point!


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