Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Holocaust Denier Hosting 9-11 Accountability Conference!

(Welcome Little Green Footballs, Hot Air, Solomonia, Damien Penny Dodgeblogium and Blogmeister USA readers)

Okay, it's finally time to take the wraps off this story, which is so big that it's being broken not only on Screw Loose Change, but at the New Times, a Phoenix arts and entertainment weekly that does the best investigative journalism in the State of Arizona.

The Deniers are holding a 9-11 Accountability Conference in Chandler, Arizona from February 23-25. Many of the biggest names in 9-11 crackpottery will be speaking at the conference, including Steven Jones, Kevin Barrett, the Loosers, Sofia of 9-11 Mysteries, Alex Jones, Robert Bowman, Webster Tarpley, and Dave Von Kleist. About the only Deniers who won't have a platform are the no-planers and Star Wars Beam weapons crew, like Judy Wood, Morgan Reynolds and Uncle Fetzer. The head of the local chapter of the ACLU, Alessandra Soler Meetze, is supposed to be on a panel with Barbara Honnegger; I don't envy her that honor.

Scores of lesser 9-11 Denier lights are also supposed to appear, including Luke Rudkowski, Les Jamieson, Jim Marrs and Jack Blood. Phoenix talk radio personality Charles Goyette, who sandbagged the Popular Mechanics guy on his show will also be in attendance.

And they're all going to look like buffoons, because they didn't check out the guy who's heading up the conference. The Conference Director is Eric D. Williams. And Mr Williams is, to put it mildly, a rather interesting gentleman.

He's written a couple of 9-11 Denial tracts (calling them books would be an exaggeration. He also recently completed a work of Holocaust Denial that is staggeringly awful. (Scroll down to The Puzzle of Auschwitz).

Note that he has recently added a "disclaimer" about his book, knowing that his Holocaust Revisionism was going to be highlighted in the New Times article:

Disclaimer about my The Puzzle of Auschwitz book:

Holocaust >noun 1. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. 2. (the Holocaust) the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime in World War II.

Deny >verb (denies, denied) 1. refuse to admit the truth or existence of. 2. refuse to give (something requested or desired) to.

First, and foremost, it is all well known fact that the numbers of the 6 million Jews said have been killed in Concentration Camps have come down to around 1 million. Does that make the people who have presented these numbers a Holocaust denier? NO. I agree that something horrible happened to many people in WWII, but not only to the Jews. But after my own visit to Auschwitz and my own research, how these people died must be questioned.

That is what this book is for. An open investigation into what did and what did not happen behind the doors of Germany’s Concentration Camps.

Let me also state, that I am not a holocaust denier. Again, I simply feel that there are serious questions that need to be addressed about what did and what didn't happen in the Concentration Camps.

If we accept that we have not been told the truth about 9/11, why do we only stop questioning the official story of 9/11? Days after the events of September 11, 2001, I have questioned everything, including the Holocaust. By questioning the official story of 9/11 does that make me a 9/11 denier? Of course not.

Actually it does, Eric. We call you kooks 9-11 Deniers all the time around here. Is Williams a Holocaust Denier? Well, which keeps tabs on these kooks has a simple way to tell. They note that there are three main elements to the Holocaust:

the Number: the murder of six million Jews
the Plan: as a central act of state by the Nazis during the Second World War,
the Method
: many in gas chambers.

It is not hard to see that Williams denies the number:

First, and foremost, it is all well known fact that the numbers of the 6 million Jews said have been killed in Concentration Camps have come down to around 1 million.

And in his book (which he has made available for free at his website) he also denies the plan and the method. That makes him three for three in the Holocaust Denier checklist.

Be sure to read the The Bird's article as well (the section on the 9-11 Accountability Conference starts about halfway down the page. Steve did an excellent job on this story.

Williams supports his Shoah-shirking claims by attacking and twisting accounts of survivors and legitimate historians, and by citing such discredited sources as the Institute for Historical Review and Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., a hero to neo-Nazis worldwide. Leuchter's shoddily produced "Leuchter Report" rejecting the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz is thoroughly trashed in Errol Morris' acclaimed documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. Interestingly, when this tweeter caught up with Williams via phone, he said he was unaware of both the well-known Morris doc and subsequent scientific tests refuting Leuchter's findings about the use of the poison Zyklon-B at the camp. He also seemed strangely confused when confronted with the fact that he was essentially parroting what many neo-Nazis hold to be self-evident.

Note: The point here is not that some idiot Holocaust Denier is holding a conference. The point is that so many other people who imagine themselves to standing up for the "Truth" would care to be associated with such a character.

Update: Hot Air has the video of the Paula Zahn segment dealing with the convergence of 9-11 Denial and anti-Semitism. Great timing!


At 31 January, 2007 19:15, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

It is all about the "truth" to them, or as I call it "15 microseconds of fame". They could care less who they share beds...or the stage with, as long as it gets them exposure...


At 31 January, 2007 19:57, Blogger shawn said...

First, and foremost, it is all well known fact that the numbers of the 6 million Jews said have been killed in Concentration Camps have come down to around 1 million.

These people do not know how lucky they are that I'll never get my hands on them.

There's a point where you point and laugh, and then they stop way over the line and earn a grade A ass stomping.

Nobody who knows anything about the Holocaust denies the "six million" Jews. Also, no one claims six million died in the camps - it's about 4.5 million (1.5 million killed by the death squads in the East).

Do you 9/11 nuts have no shame? You throw your hats in with the most disgusting the West has to offer and act as if you're speaking truth to power. You're not. Not only do you mock 9/11, but you support these people who mock the most grevious of all modern tragedies - and don't care as long as they say what you want to hear.

At 31 January, 2007 20:43, Blogger MarkyX said...

9/11 Deniers sure act brave in front of enemy that doesn't exist.

At 01 February, 2007 10:49, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

And now the Aushwitz Holocaust Museum is a Holocaust Denier...

Auschwitz Museum Reduces Death Toll at Majdanek

Paweł P. Reszka
Gazeta Wyborcza
23-12-2005r, 13:09

Two figures of the number of Majdanek victims have usually been in use -- 360,000 or 235,000. Kranz, director of the Research Department of the State Museum at Majdanek, asserts that approximately 59,000 Jews and 19,000 people of other ethnic backgrounds, mostly Poles and Byelorussians, died there. Kranz published his estimate in the latest edition of the journal Zeszyty Majdanka.

The figure of 360,000 victims appears in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, the Britannica Polish edition, and the Polish Nowa Encyklopedia Powszechna PWN. In all three cases, the source is a 1948 publication by Zdzisław Łukaszkiewicz, a judge who was a member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland.

The second figure, of 235,000, comes from a 1992 article by Dr. Czesaw Rajca, now retired from the Majdanek museum staff. Rajca's estimate appears in the Wikipedia internet encyclopedia and in the exhibit at the Majdanek Museum.

Rajca said that he "established that estimate on the basis of calculations by historians as published by the museum in the 1991 monograph on the camp. The people doing the research did not have access to all the sources, including some in Germany. Nor did I use all the records available in the museum archives, because they are fragmentary, and they will not be useful in analyzing the mortality figures at Majdanek until the data they contain is entered in the computers."

Rajca emphasized that he had "not yet read Tomasz Kranz's article, but, at first glance, his figures for the number of people killed in the camp seem incredibly low."

Kranz claims to have examined all available sources, including the extant fragments of the camp death book, the death registry, the notifications of prisoner deaths that the Nazis sent to parishes in Lublin, testimony at their trial in Dusseldorf in the late 1970s and early 1980s by SS men garrisoned at Majdanek, and accounts by surviving prisoners.

Before it went to press, Kranz's article was read by most of the Majdanek museum staff and discussed at a special meeting. No one raised any objections. "The findings are highly authoritative," said Prof. Zygmunt Mańkowski, chairman of the Majdanek Museum board. "However, we do not know the definitive number of prisoners who passed through the camp or the number of those whose deaths the camp administration did not register. It cannot be ruled out that new documents will come to light that alter Kranz's findings. This must be borne in mind, and his calculations accepted with a certain caution."

Majdanek museum director Edward Balawejder recommended that guides inform the visitors to whom they show the camp about the new calculations as to the number of victims, but also tell them that research is still underway to determine how many prisoners passed through the camp.

"78,000 deaths over the course of three years is a crime on an enormous scale, and not only in comparison with other camps like Buchenwald, where about 56,000 people died over eight years," said Kranz. "It must be remembered, however, that the number of victims only gives an idea about the scale of genocide; it does not convey the measureless pain and suffering experienced by the people imprisoned and murdered at Majdanek."
Number of Auschwitz Victims Was also Revised

It was accepted for many years after the war that about 4 million prisoners died in Auschwitz Concentration Camp. That figure, which originated with the findings of the Soviet commission investigating Nazi crimes, was based on accounts by former prisoners, fragmentary records, and crime-scene investigation at the site. In 1983, the French investigator Georges Wellers, a former Auschwitz prisoner on the staff of the Center for Jewish Documentation in Paris, extended his research to include documents on the number of deportees to the camp and concluded that about 1.6 million people were sent to Auschwitz, where nearly 1.5 million of them died.

In 1992, Dr. Franciszek Piper, director of the Historical Research Department at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, published the book How Many People Perished in Auschwitz Concentration Camp, in which he stated that at least 1.3 million people were deported to the camp and that about 200,000 of them were transferred to camps in the depths of the Third Reich, with the remaining 1.1 million or more dying in Auschwitz.

Piper's book stirred up enormous emotions. "I was accused, above all by some former prisoners, of making estimates not supported by the documents," Piper recalls. "However, no historian doing research on the history of the Holocaust or Auschwitz questioned them."

The Extermination Mechanism

The camp at Majdanek functioned from October 1941 to July 1944. Shooting was one of the main killing methods. The largest execution took place on November 3, 1943, when 18.000 Jews were shot. Music was played to drown out the sound of the shooting and the victims' screams. Prisoners were also gassed. Three gas chambers were in operation. Other people were beaten to death with clubs or iron crowbars -- SS men killed 200 people this way during a single execution. Prisoners also died en masse from starvation, exhaustion, and sickness (Source - Józef Marszałek, Majdanek. Obóz koncentracyjny w Lublinie [Majdanek Concentration Camp in Lublin], Warsaw: Interpress, 1987).

Copyright ©1999-2006 Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu

At 01 February, 2007 10:50, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Now Shawn becomes a Holocaust Denier...

Nobody who knows anything about the Holocaust denies the "six million" Jews. Also, no one claims six million died in the camps - it's about 4.5 million (1.5 million killed by the death squads in the East).

At 01 February, 2007 12:39, Blogger James B. said...

Swing, there is a significant difference between serious scholarship concerning the Holocaust, and Holocaust revisionist history based on ideological motives and rumors passed on from website to website.

At 01 February, 2007 12:56, Blogger Gayle Miller said...

I'd be really interested to see some credentials here. For example, vis-a-vis the Holocaust deniers - I venture to say that those of them who are not outright gaga, are probably not old enough to have been alive during WWII or even within the 10 years following it.

And those who are so-called 9/11 "truthers" are probably just plain gaga. Certainly they display little to no knowledge of building structure, physics, the laws of gravity, the structural properties of buildings, etc. etc.

But I also wonder how much they are encouraged or emboldened by any minor attention that is shown them. Don't their delusional and magical thinking processes receive reinforcement from that?

Just wondering.

At 01 February, 2007 15:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I wished I owned a Walgreen's pharmacy in Chandler. I could retire young off the anti-psychotic scrips that are going to be filled over two days.

At 01 February, 2007 16:22, Blogger shawn said...

Now Shawn becomes a Holocaust Denier...

How was I denying?

HE used a strawman argument that people say six million died in the camps. That just isn't true. I've never read one book on the subject (and I've read at least a hundred) that said six million died in the camps. Six million Jews died in the entire Holocaust - that includes the death squads.

How fucking stupid are you?

Swing, doesn't understand the meaning of Holocaust denial anyway. His own retarded posts make it perfectly clear.

At 01 February, 2007 18:42, Blogger Ronnie Schreiber said...

There were ghettos, concentration camps, forced labor camps, and there were death camps. Jews and gypsies and political prisoners were worked to death, starved, died of disease like typhus, machine gunned in ravines, gassed with mobile gas vans. Ultimately the Nazis used factories of death, the camps at Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor. They were efficient enough to have murdered about 440,000 Hungarian Jews in the Summer of 1944. Some of the Nazi's victims were documented in ghetto, camp or train records. Others are unknown to history.

Nobody ever claimed that exactly 6 million Jews were killed. Does it really matter if there were 4.5 million or 5.5 million? If there were 1.1 million victims or 1.5 million at Auschwitz? Look at other genocides, the Armenians at the hands of the Turks, the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, Ruwanda, Stalin, and Mao, all of them have varying estimates of the numbers of victims.

Genocides involve tremendous dislocations. Records are destroyed. Survivors may not know if family members survived or not.

But real people are definitely killed.

My question to the revisionists is what happened to my grandfather's family?

He had a large family in Bakalorovi Poland, near Suwwalk, were my grandmother lived. The Smolinskys had a cattle business.

Two of my aunts visited my grandfather's hometown a few years ago. The old Jewish cemetery is overgrown. There are no Jews there. What happened to all those Jews?

What happened to the Smolinsky family? My grandmother's family all immigrated to the United States. My grandfather's family stayed in Poland, except for a cousin of his.

My question to the deniers is what happened to my grandfather and his cousin Sidney's family?

At 01 February, 2007 20:49, Blogger The Reverend Schmitt., FCD. said...

And now the Aushwitz Holocaust Museum is a Holocaust Denier...

Except that a) the number of those killed at Majdanek has long been widely acknowledged as a difficult question to answer by Western historians and b) the number of those killed at Auschwitz and Majdanek had generally always been lower - and the numbers consequently far more accurate - according to Western historians compared to their Soviet counterparts. The difference between scholars and Holocaust deniers revising numbers is that scholars like evidence. Holocaust deniers hate Jews, are stupid, or are ignorant of the actual research.

At 02 February, 2007 09:43, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Shawn, first off, I am rather certain I'm more educated on the holocaust than yourself.

To prove your intellect, explain to the readers where the number 6 million first came from?

Two, 6 million has been an accepted 'fact' for many years. You are now stating it is much less. By definition you have now become a holocaust revisionist.

Nobody ever claimed that exactly 6 million Jews were killed. Does it really matter if there were 4.5 million or 5.5 million? If there were 1.1 million victims or 1.5 million at Auschwitz?

Sure it matters, because if you adjust the 'official number' you become a holocaust revisionist. Or is this to justify agreeing with the adjusted numbers from the Aush. museum so as to escape the label of holocaust revisionist?

Also, how many of you have read William's book?

My question to the deniers is what happened to my grandfather and his cousin Sidney's family?

Well to answer that, I will state I'm not a 'denier'. You grandfather and cousin were either murdered, worked to death, died of disease and/or starvation.

Swing, there is a significant difference between serious scholarship concerning the Holocaust, and Holocaust revisionist history based on ideological motives and rumors passed on from website to website

Ok James, how do you describe serious scholarship? And besides what the hell does motive have to do with anything if serious scholarship is done according to your definition? Motive has nothing to do with it. Wether its getting the KKK troops rallied or getting that disertation for a Doctorates Degree. What makes the difference in the two scenarios if the academic work is the same? We reject one or the other because of the motivation of the individual?? That is laughable.

After reading through William's book, I've found he has referenced the leading expert in gas chamber technology, an interview with the currator of the Aushwitz Museum, and the statements of tour guides. As someone with advanced degrees, I really could care less about the motivation, but rather the facts. I can make my own mind up and the motivation of an author has nothing to do with such reasoning.

My point is wether you revise history or deny history you still deserve the same label irregardless of the motivation of the writer.

Have you any of you read William's book? If not, then how can you seriously make a comment about the individual? Or do you rely on other's assessments to make your mind up for you?

At 02 February, 2007 10:21, Blogger Alex said...

Hah! You say:

Shawn, first off, I am rather certain I'm more educated on the holocaust than yourself.

And then one paragraph later, you prove yourself wrong:

Two, 6 million has been an accepted 'fact' for many years.

God damn you're retarded!

And then you ask:

What makes the difference in the two scenarios if the academic work is the same? We reject one or the other because of the motivation of the individual??

Well, you see hun, the problem is that when hatred clouds your judgement, your "academic work" will rarely be the same as those who have no emotional stake in the matter. You deniers - whether it be 9/11 deniers, holocaust deniers, moon landing deniers, or pearl harbour deniers - you display this perfectly on a regular basis. You don't reach your conclusions based on rigorous academic study, you reach them based on your pre-conceived notions, and your hatred. So to make a long answer short, yes, motivations absolutely make a difference, and this has been understood by rational individuals for a LONG time. The fact that you fail to realize it only adds one more item to the long, long list of your many, MANY failings.

At 02 February, 2007 14:53, Blogger shawn said...

Shawn, first off, I am rather certain I'm more educated on the holocaust than yourself.

I highly doubt that.

I've found he has referenced the leading expert in gas chamber technology

And if he used it to support the "fact" that there were "no gas chambers" then he either misquoted the fellow or didn't get the leading expert.

At 02 February, 2007 17:33, Blogger Unknown said...

This Eric Williams book is obviously some kind of tribute to his vanity. It was never proofread and is full of mistakes and typos. Good work indeed.

I find the idea of someone trying to make out like problems with people of the Muslim faith started on 12 Sept 2001 quite humorous. It is fitting for people whose view of history is bounded by their own imagination... or is that imaginings.

Anyway, as a Chandler resident I am sure to stop in during this conference and take a few pictures of the nonsense. I wish I had a good costume to go to the event in. You know, how Trekkies dress up like Klingons.

At 03 February, 2007 09:33, Blogger The Reverend Schmitt., FCD. said...

Swing Dangler said:
Sure it matters, because if you adjust the 'official number' you become a holocaust revisionist.

No you're not. If you do it because you want to mitigate the Holocaust or the crimes of the Nazis and don't care what the truth is, then you're a Holocaust denier. If you do it because you're a scholar (or base your knowledge of history on a scholar) whose methodology is fairly rigorous and comprehensive but turns up a different number, then you're a revisionist.

See how this works? Evidence based investigation good. Nazis bad. Consider it a history lesson.

My point is wether you revise history or deny history you still deserve the same label irregardless of the motivation of the writer.

What would be the odds? A 9/11 denier also defending Holocaust denial. Shocking news.

The motives of the researcher do not change their methodology or results. They do provide an appropriate explanation for why Holocaust deniers rely on ridiculous methodology and ridiculous results.

At 13 February, 2007 11:01, Blogger UnPc said...

If the "true" number was 6 million before the camps lowered the numbers(auschwitz from 4 to 1 million) how do still arrive at 6 million. We are at 3 before taking into consideration the other lowered camp numbers. Real facts are easy to find as history has had trials such as the one in 1972 where the designers of the "gas chambers" were absolved of guilt because the courts determined the supposed chambers could have been nothing of the sort. What about the currator of Auschwitz, Mr Piper, admitting that the "gas chambers" were actually built after the war by the Russians. What about the American Army doctors that inspected the bodies that clearly state that not one person died from zyklon goes on and on and on....the myth continues for the zionists.

At 23 February, 2007 14:54, Blogger werewolf said...

I see that the people running the Chandler conference have kowtowed to scum like the lying little sack of of shit that runs this screwloosechange blog! Too fucking pathetic!

At 23 February, 2007 14:59, Blogger werewolf said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 23 February, 2007 15:03, Blogger werewolf said...

Who's the asshole that runs this dump? I'll just call him Asshole for now, a name I'm sure he's heard many times before.

You know something, Asshole, all around the world people are waking up and getting wise to all this endless bullshit, and all these bullshit wars without end, and bullshit false flag terror attacks and all the rest of your bullshit, and that includes your oh so precious bullshit Hollowhoax too!

The can't answer the questions of Ernst Zundel with anything but shackles and chains!

At 14 March, 2007 10:18, Blogger Unknown said...

contains author/source information that would allow the interested reader to check up on a number of the following claims.

In particular: If the "true" number was 6 million before the camps lowered the numbers(auschwitz from 4 to 1 million) how do still arrive at 6 million? -- at the end of the linked article you'll find images of the old placque at auschwitz and the new placque, giving the numbers.

We are at 3 before taking into consideration the other lowered camp numbers. Real facts are easy to find as history has had trials such as the one in 1972 where the designers of the "gas chambers" were absolved of guilt because the courts determined the supposed chambers could have been nothing of the sort. What about the currator of Auschwitz, Mr Piper, admitting that the "gas chambers" were actually built after the war by the Russians. What about the American Army doctors that inspected the bodies that clearly state that not one person died from zyklon goes on and on and on....the myth continues for the zionists.

The zionists are masters of the Big Lie. The more the truth is revealed, the more unbelievable the whole becomes. The initiate to the resistance therefore must be shielded from the full truth, and only as each in time shows they are ready should more be revealed.

At 14 March, 2007 10:27, Blogger Unknown said...

for those too lazy to cut and paste
Holocaust Revisionism in One Easy Lesson

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