Monday, May 14, 2007

Yet Moron Rosie O'Donnell

She claims at 1:30 or so that WTC 7 was "hit by nothing". Of course, it was hit by the collapse of WTC 1, the north tower. Unfortunately, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the "debunker" on the program is still feeling her way through the material as noted by her rather bizarre claims about how steel could be weakened at 290 degrees and the "volcanic pressure" bit. She's a pretty and smart woman, but a good example why substantive debunking should only be attempted by those who've studied this stuff for awhile. Don't try this at home!

We get the usual claims from Rosie about how the steel was shipped off too quickly to Canada (China, she corrects herself). Of course, some of the steel was kept, specifically those segments where the collapse initiated, but that amounts to only a small portion of all the steel in the building.

She also repeats the "molten steel" claim (here's a hint, Rosie, molten metal is not always steel, and aluminum melts at a much lower temperature than steel), and the claim that the towers fell in 9 seconds (not true, they took approximately 15 seconds each).
