Sunday, July 01, 2007

Balancing Out Left and Right

Okay, I put up a big post yesterday on a left-winger who was something of a kook, and who inspired other left-wing kooks to include him in a conspiracy theory. In this post I will try to balance the scales.

First, our valued commenter Edmund Standing has a new post at his excellent Alex Jones Exposed site, showing that liberals should be (and most are) appalled at making common cause with the Profit of Doom. Here's a snippet to whet your appetite; go over there for the full meal:

A little further down the page we find a link to a ridiculous article, 'Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution', which attempts to blame Playboy magazine for turning men towards homosexuality (which, of course, is presented in the worst possible light). Then we have 'Unmentionable Vice Goes Mainstream'. The 'unmentionable vice' is of course homosexuality, and Jones (or whoever writes his website) proclaims that 'Homosexuality’s rapid rise from unmentionable vice to celebrated minority status is part of a campaign to subvert Judeo-Christian culture'.

As I have mentioned before in other contexts, the 9-11 Denial Movement has a great deal of similarity to the Fred Phelps "God hates fags" kooks. Highly recommended post!

And to the Honor Roll list of left-wing debunkers, add the names of Norman Solomon and Robert Jensen.

Judges Robert Jensen, a journalism professor, and Norman Solomon, a syndicated columnist, severed their ties with the national media watchdog group over its decision last year to highlight the controversial theories of physics professor Steven Jones, a critic of the 9/11 Commission findings.

As I mentioned in the comments of the Steve Kangas post, 9-11 Denial is not a left or right issue. It's a lunatic fringe issue. It is more appealing to the Left, for obvious reasons. But most of the folks who make up the Left are smart enough not to fall for it, and some of the people who have done the best work in debunking 9-11 are leftists. And we applaud them here.