Saturday, October 06, 2012

"Banned" From Theaters?

That's what the Troofers are claiming about this movie:

Offhand, I'd guess it's being banned for wooden acting and a laughable screenplay. The trailer sets an impressive record for TTFLOM (time to first lie or mistake); the opening words are "An Irreprehensible (sic) Attack on Humanity".


At 06 October, 2012 23:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, nice computer graphical effect. Remember Avatar.

At 07 October, 2012 05:53, Blogger Highland Host said...

Is it just me, or is the opening music ripping off 'Battlestar Galactica'? And the why are the 'fake' aircraft painted grey? Any cretin could tell you that if the government was behind it, the first thing they would do is have the aircraft the right colour. It all seems to be drawing on some of the silliest theories in the Truther arsenal, and that's saying something!

At 07 October, 2012 06:09, Blogger Highland Host said...

Truther movies are generally a bad idea for Truthers, because the whole idea lacks a coherent narrative. As long as one is 'just asking questions', or making a documentary like 'Loose Change', this fact can be ignored. Once one begins to make a work of fiction, however, one is forced to create a narrative, and once this process begins, the sheer foolishness of the Truther claims becomes apparent. Things that can be made to seem plausible in a scattergun documentary are revealed to be utterly ridiculous when played out in a work of fiction that is claiming to reconstruct a possible scenario - the scenario, in other words, proves to be impossible! What can be made to seem compelling in the realm of the abstract is shown to be ridiculous when rendered into bad fiction. To add to the woes of the filmmakers, there is no one 'Truther' narrative anyhow, and so a large body of Truthers will condemn it as black propaganda in any case. If I were a movie theatre owner, I should not touch it with a barge pole.

At 07 October, 2012 10:18, Blogger The Locke said...

What, no space lasers?

Anyways it doesn't surprise me that no theater would show it. Not only it promote a completely discredited and debunked conspiracy theory, it's crappy looking to boot.

At 07 October, 2012 13:53, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

Yeah...banned...nothing to do with it being shitty or anything like that...

At 07 October, 2012 18:23, Blogger snug.bug said...

Nice job of rhapsodizing about a movie none of you have seen. I'm not going to do that, but I'm not going to bother to see the movie either.

At 08 October, 2012 08:02, Blogger Highland Host said...

I'm talking about the trailer, which I have seen, and extrapolating from that. Now, trailers usually take the best bits of the movie, and are sometimes actually misleading because they imply a much better movie than the real thing (I speak from experience). The trailer is long enough, and well done enough, to give a fairly good idea of the content of the film.

Second, the fact is that the 'Truther' movement lacks a coherent narrative. Hence a film based on it will reveal this fact, as it must. It will (again, because it must) result in a narrative that cannot have taken place in the real world.

At 08 October, 2012 08:03, Blogger Highland Host said...

Of course, if I was able to see it, I would see it. And the last time someone said I shouldn't criticise something I had not read (a book in this case), I read it and concluded it was a great deal worse than I could ever have imagined.

At 08 October, 2012 08:49, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh I see, you were just talking about the trailer when you said "Truther movies are generally a bad idea." Thanks for making that clear.

At 08 October, 2012 14:29, Blogger Highland Host said...

Obviously, the statement "Truther movies are generally a bad idea" is a general statement (that's why it contains the word 'generally'); my reasoning for why this is so has already been laid out, namely that there is no single and coherent narrative. Because the story is not true, and all of these theories (I've been following this since 2003) are themselves incoherent, it therefore follows that any attempt to write a fictional narrative based on them will be itself incoherent. That second comment of mine was (as I thought I made clear), on why such a film, considered in the abstract, should not be made; it will inevitably be condemned by that part of the 'Truther' community that disagrees with it, and if my experience is anything to go by, it will then be condemned as black propaganda.

To refer to this film directly, if I read the trailer correctly, this film begins with the premise that the reason for the 9/11 attacks was for Bush and Co. to build an oil pipeline across Afghanistan; a pipeline that has not to my knowledge been built. That creates a problem right there. You then have a fairly elaborate plan involving taking the aircraft while in flight, putting them down at an airfield and taking the passengers off. I would really like to see this part of the film to find out what they postulate happened to the passengers after that. Also it is unclear whether or not the film supposes that the actual aircraft were used, or specially modified planes.

Actually, for all the above reasons, I would like to see this. It is also almost certainly hilarious.

At 08 October, 2012 23:16, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 08 October, 2012 23:17, Blogger snug.bug said...

Your demand for a single coherent narrative is obviously impractical when any prankster in the world can set up a website claiming extraterrestrial yetis from the future did 9/11 and so disrupt any movement narrative, no matter how coherent.

Have you considered the possibility that the reason the trans-Afghanistan pipeline has not yet been built is because the claimed oil reserves in Kazahkstan did not pan out?

The usual theory about the Cleveland Airport Mysteries passengers is that they were all loaded onto flight 93 and vaporized near Shanskville, Pennsylvania. Since the evidence for this is not very good, serious truth-seekers have paid little attention.

At 09 October, 2012 02:48, Blogger Highland Host said...

That there is not a single coherent narrative is a fact that makes the making of a fictional narrative a risky business (a bad idea). Now, without having seen the film, I cannot comment on certain key points in this. First of all, the dialogue in the trailer indicates the twin towers being hit by aircraft. Those who deny that aircraft hit the towers will of course reject it for that reason. The passengers being taken off and presumably killed is, as you have noted, generally rejected, with good reason. The fact that this film includes it seems to point to the idea that the aircraft were replaced (otherwise why?).

Now, one can applaud the film-makers for sticking to their guns. It would be so easy to put together another poor 'documentary' that is 'just asking questions'. Instead they have made a film that seeks to create a coherent narrative.

Of course, the problem is that by doing so they immediately make sure that those who think it happened differently will have little if anything to do with them, and some of those will go so far, if the film is incoherent, to denounce it as black propaganda.

Which is why making a 'Truther' movie of this type is generally a bad idea.

The level of acting is of course hard to judge from a trailer, but it reminds me of my days as a member of a university amateur dramatics club. The bit-part players and extras are particularly wooden.

Another aspect that interests me is the characters who are pictured apparently realising they have been duped. I would like to know if they all get assassinated at the end of the film. In reality one of them would have used the internet on 9/11 to report their suspicions.

The bottom line is, when you get down to having to lay out specifics, as to who did what and how, there is only a mass of speculation. Discounting the obviously silly (space aliens, the summoning of some dark force from the nether world, etc.), you still have a wide variety of ideas.

Now, I cannot claim an exhaustive knowledge of these things, but to my mind the whole thing seems to be (again, on the evidence of the trailer) based on a version of the conspiracy that was popular some years ago, but is not any more. There is another problem - conspiracy theories move on, while even a bad movie takes time to script, shoot and edit.

At 09 October, 2012 09:17, Blogger snug.bug said...

It's easy to create a coherent fiction. You just strip-mine Joseph Campbell.

At 10 October, 2012 07:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

There's another way to invent a coherent fiction: start with your desired ending (like "He's a hero! Hooray!") and invent a linear account of incidents to supporting that outcome, and invent a lying plot twist that explains why you alone survived to tell the tale.

Of course lies in your coherency are a liability, but if you get people emotionally attached to you and if you can get them to libel your critics, you may get away with it for a few years.

At 10 October, 2012 15:35, Blogger Ian said...

Well, I see that everyone's favorite mentally ill unemployed janitor is babbling about his favorite 9/11 delusions. Let's see where to begin...

Oh I see, you were just talking about the trailer when you said "Truther movies are generally a bad idea." Thanks for making that clear.

Truther movies are a bad idea for the reasons cited above by Highland Host: once you create a narrative, you've got the ridiculous claims of truther appearing.

Even you, deranged liar that you are, understand how idiotic your beliefs sound. That's why you start squealing every time someone points out your belief in magic thermite and invisible elevator repairmen and the like.

The usual theory about the Cleveland Airport Mysteries passengers is that they were all loaded onto flight 93 and vaporized near Shanskville, Pennsylvania. Since the evidence for this is not very good, serious truth-seekers have paid little attention.

Right. All 9/11 truth claims have generally been ignored by serious people because they're all lacking in evidence. That's why you babble incoherently about "mysteries" that normal people understand are not mysterious at all.

At 10 October, 2012 15:36, Blogger Ian said...

There's another way to invent a coherent fiction: start with your desired ending (like "He's a hero! Hooray!") and invent a linear account of incidents to supporting that outcome, and invent a lying plot twist that explains why you alone survived to tell the tale.

Of course lies in your coherency are a liability, but if you get people emotionally attached to you and if you can get them to libel your critics, you may get away with it for a few years.

Aaaand there it is. I knew Brian's homosexual obsession with Willie Rodriguez would eventually make it into this thread.

Seek professional help, Brian.

At 10 October, 2012 18:47, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, I'm just pointing out that Willie R. ran away screaming and crying when I proved that his hero story was a lie, and he hasn't been back.

At 11 October, 2012 03:28, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, I'm just pointing out that Willie R. ran away screaming and crying when I proved that his hero story was a lie, and he hasn't been back.

Brian, you've never proved that his story was a lie. You've just babbled incoherently about the man. The only thing you've proved is that you're a perverted homosexual who lust for Rodriguez.

And who cares if he hasn't been back? He's probably bored of wasting his time with you. I mean, you're a mentally ill unemployed janitor who lives with his parents and wears women's underwear. Nobody cares what you think. I just enjoy the hysterical squealing every time I remind you that the truth movement has failed and that you will never get the widows' questions answered.

At 11 October, 2012 09:46, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, I proved Willie's story is a lie. The death statistics prove it. If he saved hundreds on 39 floors, then hundreds or thousands more would have died on the 120-something other floors under the impact zones he could not reach.

The fact that Willie hasn't been back shows that he ran away squealing and crying after I bested him in the debate.

I doubt anyone can muster any lust for old Jiggle-cheeks Liberace-lips--certainly not I.

And I note your disgraceful glee about the widows' frustration.

At 11 October, 2012 10:53, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the Homo says:Ian, I proved Willie's story is a lie.

You have not proved anything else but your obsession and lust for him. Pretty clear for everyone to see.

The fact that Willie hasn't been back shows that he ran away squealing and crying after I bested him in the debate.

Your lie is pretty evident. Willie was back 3 times and posted on his way to Mexico, exposing you over and over. The only one that ran away from his questions was you. I do not remember Willie crying a single time, do you? please post your link to it. I do remember him exposing your by one, and how fun it was when you mentioned Jennete Mackinley, a deceased lady who was unable to speak for herself and willie put a barrage of emails proving you a liar. So much fun!

I doubt anyone can muster any lust for old Jiggle-cheeks Liberace-lips--certainly not I.

Sure Brian, even willie told you , "you will never kiss these lips". It must hurt you to be rejected so many times!

And I note your disgraceful glee about the widows' frustration

and I note your racism towards Latino's and also your lack of interest to contact Law enforcement, a funny stand from somebody asking for a new investigation!!! Oy Vei!

At 11 October, 2012 10:55, Blogger sabba said...

the best part was when WR told you to go and suck Richard Gage, it was the only thing you were good at!!!


At 11 October, 2012 11:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Ian said, I will understand WR being uninterested after constantly pounding Brian Good everywhere. After 3 challenges and after Brian Good even refused to pick up the phone to debate him. After offering many times access to families and survivors and even Officers and the nutjob of Brian Good refusing every single time. It is obvious WR realized the waste of time to engage somebody kicked out from every group and every organization due to his obsession with him. Brian being ejected from Richard Gage's group for his postings here are an indication that even the people he claims to be close with, are keeping a distance from him (Brian Good).
As Ian told you ( and I am sure many others in the truth movement as well) ...get help Brian, get help.

At 11 October, 2012 11:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, the death statistics prove that Willie's hero story is a lie.

He hasn't exposed anything but his own inability to refute the fact that his hero story has always been a lie, and he's a fraud--he gets money by lying.

Janette MacKinlay told me she thought Willie was a phony--that he didn't seem to have suffered at all from 9/11.

Your silly charge of racism is noted. You think we should accept lies from a Puerto Ricans that we wouldn't accept from a white guy? Willie exploited the racism to the max with his "exploshuns" and his feigned incompetence with common prepositions of place. He speaks English just fine when he wants to,
but when he wants to play the innocent janitor who's too dumb to be a liar, he puts on the Rickie Ricardo act.

I know you're trying to get me to say something homophobic, but I don't see the need for it.

At 11 October, 2012 11:15, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, I debated Willie right here as anyone can see, I proved that his hero story is a lie, and he ran away squealing and crying and didn't come back. If he ever dares to show his face in the Bay Area he knows what I will do. He said in 2007 that he was going to fly actual persons he single-handedly rescued out to San Francisco. He never did--because he doesn't have any.

At 11 October, 2012 13:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian the liar said: BGS, I debated Willie right here as anyone can see,

All we can see is that you did not debated him. You ran away from all his questions and he answered yours. A debate is a 2 way exchange which you failed to respect. Any reader here can go back to the other threads and see for themselves that you squirmed every single time he showed up. He even called your home and you refused to pick up the phone. You are afraid.

I proved that his hero story is a lie, and he ran away squealing and crying and didn't come back.

As noted, He did not run away. The only one running away from questions that proved you lied in this very blog for years was you, Brian Good. He even exposed your emails were you claim to be petgoat. You probably never thought he was going to publish them.

If he ever dares to show his face in the Bay Area he knows what I will do.

You will do nothing but put on your panties and lipstick as Sabba noted.

He said in 2007 that he was going to fly actual persons he single-handedly rescued out to San Francisco. He never did--because he doesn't have any.

I remember that! you were scared to debate him and you said you will not face him because he is a charismatic latin hunk and you were a balding , aging idiot. It was posted numerous times here. Why will he go to the expense on flying the crew if you were going to be running away? you are afraid to face him in person and everyones knows that. He apparently has bigger ones than you for coming here and expose you for the liar you are. No wonder Richard Gage fired your ass.

At 11 October, 2012 13:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janette MacKinlay told me she thought Willie was a phony--that he didn't seem to have suffered at all from 9/11.

BULLSHIT, She is DEAD. She never told you such thing. You can claim anything but Willie posted actual e-mails that proves you wrong. You were exposed as a liar and an asshole for using a claim from a dead lady as an excuse to attack. You live in LALA-Land.

At 11 October, 2012 14:04, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian Good, stalker wrote, "...BULLSHIT, She is DEAD. She never told you such thing. You can claim anything but Willie posted actual e-mails that proves you wrong. You were exposed as a liar and an asshole for using a claim from a dead lady as an excuse to attack. You live in LALA-Land."

So Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good has come full circle with his cowardice and depravity.

To be precise he's gone from lying while hiding behind Carol Brouillet's skirt to lying about a dead woman (Janette MacKinlay) who can't defend herself or speak out against SLC's resident insane homosexual smear propagandist (aka, snug.bug).

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good is lower than a snake's belly. A coward with the morals of an infected puto.


The Brian Good Insane Homeless Mullet for balding, over-the-hill sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 11 October, 2012 15:23, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, I debated him, and I kicked his jiggly ass. I provided the death statistics that proved that his hero story was a lie. He wanted to talk about everything but the fact that he is a fraud. He ran away.

Are you so dumb that you don't recognize that my statement that Willie is a charismatic latin hunk was a joke? Do you really think anybody would mistake old jiggle-cheeks for a hunk?

Janette MacKinlay told me that she thought Willie was a phony. Willie's alleged emails prove nothing.

GutterBall, stop talking about stuff you know nothing about.

At 11 October, 2012 16:22, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I'll talk about anything I damned well please--you infected cocksucker.

And when will you learn, jackass? Citing yourself as an authority (E.g., Janette MacKinlay told me...[blah][blah][blah]) is isn't "evidence," it's DECEIT.

You haven't proven a Goddamned thing.


The Brian Good Insane Homeless Mullet for balding, over-the-hill sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 11 October, 2012 17:12, Blogger snug.bug said...

I didn't say I'd proven anything. I said Janette told me she thought Willie was a phony.

Janette was a friend of mine, and if you think I'd lie about what she said, that only shows your own depravity.

At 11 October, 2012 17:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good the liar said: I didn't say I'd proven anything. I said Janette told me she thought Willie was a phony.

Janette was a friend of mine, and if you think I'd lie about what she said, that only shows your own depravity.

Janette WAS NOT a FRIEND of YOU. She was acquainted with you trough the SF9/11 Group. She thought you were erratic and with issues. You did not prove a thing about her being your FRIEND. She wrote to William and showed her admiration and even posed with him as posted before. Not an action from somebody who will think WR is a phony. You make no sense at all and using a dead person to further your attacks, no surprises though, is just what the truth movement is all about. No wonder Richard Gage fired your ass.

Janette was a friend of mine, and if you think I'd lie about what she said, that only shows your own depravity.

You just did. Janette's family must be so proud of you...

At 11 October, 2012 17:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good the liar said:Are you so dumb that you don't recognize that my statement that Willie is a charismatic latin hunk was a joke? Do you really think anybody would mistake old jiggle-cheeks for a hunk?

Funny thing, you spent one year denying to IAN you ever said that here, and called everyone liars, when showed actual proof you did say it, you changed it to a"joke". Even Rodriguez posted an email from you saying you will not debate him face to face because you did not wanted to face a "charismatic latin hunk" because you were a hair losing, aging hippie" (hippie- my words).

Have you talked to Janette lately?

At 11 October, 2012 18:26, Blogger Ian said...

Poor Brian. He's still squealing hysterically because Rodriguez is a hero and Brian is a failed janitor who lives with his parents and will never have his dream of being held in Willie's strong, heroic arms fulfilled.

Brian, if you're trying to pretend you don't have a homosexual obsession with Rodriguez, babbling about Liberace is probably not the way to go.

At 11 October, 2012 21:52, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, Janette was a friend of mine. You don't know what you're talking about. I was invited to her house many times.

Willie's alleged emails prove nothing. Willie lies about 9/11 and steals his glory from the dead. Nothing Willie says can be believed.

I never said in this forum that Willie was a hunk. In another forum I made a joke about Willie's charisma--knowing that anybody who actually knew Willie and actually knew me would know it was a joke.
Willie's no hunk. He's a blob of walking manboob.

At 11 October, 2012 23:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good the liar said:BGS, Janette was a friend of mine. You don't know what you're talking about. I was invited to her house many times.

She was not your friend. You never went to her house. Stop lying about her, she is dead.

Willie's alleged emails prove nothing.
Proves she liked and admired him. Where is your proof she was your friend? none.

Willie lies about 9/11 and steals his glory from the dead. Nothing Willie says can be believed.

Apparently the 9/11 families and survivors do. They have been supporting him for 11 years now.

I never said in this forum that Willie was a hunk. In another forum I made a joke about Willie's charisma--knowing that anybody who actually knew Willie and actually knew me would know it was a joke.
Willie's no hunk...

Sure you did, there are emails posted showing you did. Claiming is a joke now when your sexual aberration with WR has been noted by everyone- even Carol Brouillet- will not make your lie go away. Willie is your struting latin hunk. To late for you.

Have you spoken to Janette lately?

At 11 October, 2012 23:22, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, you don't know what you're talking about. You make statements contrary to reality.

Willie's alleged emails prove nothing. Willie is a proven liar. He cannot be believed.

Willie is a jiggle-cheeks, Liberace-lips, walking manboob. How anyone aside from Kevin Barrett could regard him as charismatic is impossible to explain.

At 11 October, 2012 23:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good the liar said: Willie's alleged emails prove nothing. Willie is a proven liar. He cannot be believed.

Alleged? funny you said that, When he has posted emails from you, you claim to have meant something else. He posts with his real name, and gives authority to be prosecuted if the emails are false, he provides the headers and also inside information. Contrary to you who cannot back at all you were even her friend.

How anyone aside from Kevin Barrett could regard him as charismatic is impossible to explain.

You did, more than once.

Have you spoken to Janette lately?

At 11 October, 2012 23:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

Willie's alleged emails prove nothing. Willie is a proven liar. He cannot be believed. He's a pathetic washed-up con man. There's nothing to prosecute. You're trying to get me to say something homophobic about old Liberace-lips.

At 11 October, 2012 23:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good the liar said:Willie's alleged emails prove nothing. Willie is a proven liar. He cannot be believed. He's a pathetic washed-up con man. There's nothing to prosecute. You're trying to get me to say something homophobic about old Liberace-lips.

Proof is everything. He proved he knew her and they had an exchange. She admired Willie.

You will not prosecute for the same reason you will not contact the Attorney General in NY. You are afraid Willie will use it right away against you and own you. So your only recourse is to babble your obsessions.

No wonder Carol said about you in the past: "In the group (SF9/11Group) are two psychologists and they both agree that his emotional obsession has blinded his rational thinking process"

She was right.

Reason why Richard Gage kicked you out of his group...after all the work you did for him...Oh boy Oh Boy

Janette was not your friend.

Have you spoken to janette lately?

At 12 October, 2012 00:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

petgoat Brian Good said:
There's nothing to prosecute.


At 12 October, 2012 10:54, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, Janette told me she thought Willie was a phony. She was a very kind and tolerant person, and it wouldn't surprise me if she said something to Willie that he and his lying admirers exaggerated.

I have neither power to prosecute, nor interest. I have proven irrefutably that Willie's hero story is a lie, he ran away squealing and crying, and he hasn't been back.

Psychologists are famous for missing the obvious surface truths. No twisted motivations are necessary. I went after Willie because his lies discredited the truth movement. I went after him because he's a scumbag who steals his glory from the dead.

There's nothing to prosecute.

If I said that I said that about myself. Calling Willie out for a lying scumbag is not a crime because truth is an absolute defense.

At 12 October, 2012 19:04, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"I went after Willie because his lies discredited the truth movement."

The Truth movement discredited itself.

"I went after him because he's a scumbag who steals his glory from the dead."

You went after him because he's not Anglo. You went after him because Carol likes him better than you. You went after him because you can't help your self due to your fractured mental condition.

At 12 October, 2012 21:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Petgoat Brian Good the liar said:

BGS, Janette told me she thought Willie was a phony.

She did not , you are lying about a dead person.

She was a very kind and tolerant person...
I believe that about her. She did not tell you to Fuck off.

...and it wouldn't surprise me if she said something to Willie that he and his lying admirers exaggerated.

The only asshole who brought her up here was you. Brian Good. Willie just proved your statements were false. In your case, you never proved she told you anything or even if she was really your friend...( She was not). Keep exaggerating your relationship with her as you did with Carol. Nobody believes you.

I have neither power to prosecute, nor interest.


I have proven irrefutably that Willie's hero story is a lie, he ran away squealing and crying, and he hasn't been back.

Again you lied. William was back several times and laughed at you in the other threads.

Psychologists are famous for missing the obvious surface truths. No twisted motivations are necessary.
Thanks for proving me right once again. You know I was close to the SF9/11 as I told you 2 years ago. I was part of some of the email exchanges. I give you that as a task. When Willie posted some of the emails I knew they were the real thing.

I went after Willie because his lies discredited the truth movement. I went after him because he's a scumbag who steals his glory from the dead.

False. You went after willie because you were in love with Carol Brouilliet and your fantasies with her were not returned by Carol. You flipped of any man she liked as a friend or activist, that is why you made lies about her, John Wright, Kevin Barrett, Willie and others.

You also attack him because as you claimed here in the past, he and his "followers" have closed all the doors for you, even with "employers" .

There's nothing to prosecute.


Calling Willie out for a lying scumbag is not a crime because truth is an absolute defense.

Willie calling you a deranged sex predator/stalker is an absolute truth and also defense.

Have you talked to Janette lately?

At 13 October, 2012 06:16, Blogger Ian said...

Willie's alleged emails prove nothing. Willie is a proven liar. He cannot be believed. He's a pathetic washed-up con man. There's nothing to prosecute. You're trying to get me to say something homophobic about old Liberace-lips.

Squeal squeal squeal!

Poor Brian. He's hysterical because everyone knows that Willie Rodriguez is a hero while Brian is a mentally ill unemployed janitor with a homosexual obsession with Rodriguez.

At 13 October, 2012 06:17, Blogger Ian said...

BTW, I like how this blog is all about Brian's insane obsession with Rodriguez now. 9/11 Truth is dead, so I guess it makes sense to move onto other topics, like Brian's mental illness.

At 13 October, 2012 08:26, Blogger snug.bug said...

MGF, when did the 9/11 widows discredit themselves? When did discredit itself? You guys like to latch on to every action by every clown and claim that clown represents the truth movement.

I went after Willie because he is a liar and a fraud. There are millions of non-anglos I don't go after. I was an activist for UFWOC way back when.

BGS, the fact that you can make an unprovable claim about something you know nothing about as if you were a witness only shows your essential dishonesty and irrationality. Janette said she thought Willie was a phony. Nothing you can do or say can change that fact.

I showed that the death statistics prove irrefutably that Willie's hero story is a lie. 15,000 civilians evacuated the towers. About 100 civilians under the impact zones died--mostly stuck in elevators or slow to get down the stairs. There is no evidence to support Willie's claim that hundreds of people were trapped behind illegally locked fire exit doors waiting for him to come and rescue them. Not one 911 call, not one witness--nothing except Willie's self-serving testimony.

I went after Willie because he was a liar and a fraud. I warned Carol in the fall of 2006 that Willie's story did not add up. Like most truthers, she didn't want to hear it. I didn't lie about anybody.

You are reduced to taking my quote out of context because you can not support your claims otherwise. I can not be prosecuted for pointing out that Willie's hero story is a lie and that he is a fraud--because it's true.

Your libelous claims about me are not true.

At 13 October, 2012 08:43, Blogger Ian said...

MGF, when did the 9/11 widows discredit themselves? When did discredit itself? You guys like to latch on to every action by every clown and claim that clown represents the truth movement.

Well, we have yet to find someone in the truth movement who isn't a self-discrediting clown (just look at yourself, for insance), so I don't know what you want us to do.

Anyway, the truth movement is dead, so it doesn't matter.

And the rest of your post is the hysterical squealspam of a lunatic who is homosexually obsessed with Rodriguez and unable to deal with the fact that he wants nothing to do with a failure, pervert, and liar like you.

At 13 October, 2012 09:19, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 13 October, 2012 09:21, Blogger snug.bug said...

When did the 9/11 widows discredit themselves, Ian? They're still looking for answers to the 91% of their questions that the 9/11 Commission did not answer.

When did discredit itself?

For that matter, when did I discredit myself? All that nonsense you hurl at me is just lies you've repeated so often you've forgotten they're lies.

I proved statistically that Willie's hero story is a lie. There's nothing hysterical about that.

At 13 October, 2012 11:02, Blogger Ian said...

When did the 9/11 widows discredit themselves, Ian?

There are no 9/11 widows, so your question is invalid.

They're still looking for answers to the 91% of their questions that the 9/11 Commission did not answer.

The widows have no questions.

When did discredit itself?

When it came into existance. SATSQ

For that matter, when did I discredit myself?

Your endless babbling about thermite is a good start.

All that nonsense you hurl at me is just lies you've repeated so often you've forgotten they're lies.


I proved statistically that Willie's hero story is a lie. There's nothing hysterical about that.

Yup, Brian continues to be hysterical.

At 13 October, 2012 14:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

Well that was dumb even by your standards, Ian. Why do you waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon posting lies about 9/11?

At 13 October, 2012 15:00, Blogger Ian said...

Poor Brian. He doesn't even address my points. He knows the widows have no questions and that he's a liar who wears women's underwear, and he can't stand being humiliated by someone half his age with far more success in life.

At 13 October, 2012 15:06, Blogger snug.bug said...

You're a liar, Ian. Why do you waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon posting lies about the victims of 9/11?

At 13 October, 2012 15:06, Blogger snug.bug said...

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At 13 October, 2012 15:33, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"Why do you waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon posting lies about the victims of 9/11?"

Willie Rodriguez is a victim of 9/11. You have spent the whole thread needlessly bashing him.

At 13 October, 2012 16:34, Blogger Ian said...

You're a liar, Ian. Why do you waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon posting lies about the victims of 9/11?

Poor Brian. He's humiliated by my constant mocking of him for spending every waking hour posting dumbspam about 9/11 on the internet.

Brian, I posted today because I enjoy the entertaining spectacle of you squealing and crying.

At 13 October, 2012 18:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

MGF, William Rodriguez is a victim only of his own dishonesty, greed, and moral turpitude.

Willie needs bashing as long as there is one person left in the world who is willing to lie for him.

At 13 October, 2012 21:18, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"MGF, when did the 9/11 widows discredit themselves?"

When they bought into Troofer lies. 9/11 Truth was never about the widows.

"When did discredit itself?"

By existing.

"You guys like to latch on to every action by every clown and claim that clown represents the truth movement."

That's because clowns make up 100% of the truth movement.

At 15 October, 2012 04:46, Blogger Pat said...

Haha, love the ridiculous claim by Brian to have proved "statistically" that Willie lied. Work at it, Brian and you can prove that the widows lied too.


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