Friday, July 14, 2006

Another Stupid Video

This one looks like it had Jason Bermas doing research on it:

How many mistakes can you find in this movie? Just in the first 90 seconds I caught the following:

1. "Building 7 at the World Trade Center was never hit by an airplane and had no significant fire".

2. It was 47 stories high, it was constructed of steel, yet at 5:30 PM that day it collapsed straight down into a pile of rubble just like a controlled demolition.

3. Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of Building 7, who collected insurance of $7 billion, is on tape saying he ordered the NY Fire Department to "Pull it".

This is what the filmmaker considers "no significant fire":

(WTC 7 on right)

Most of the photos taken of WTC 7 are from the north side; that part of the building was undamaged from the collapse of WTC 1 (the North Tower), which was approximately 300 feet south of WTC 7. Here's one of the few pictures of WTC 7 that shows any part of the south side of WTC 7:

(WTC 7 is barely visible on the left, behind the white building)

WTC 7 did not collapse at 5:30 PM, it collapsed at 5:20 PM. Larry Silverstein was not the leaseholder on Building 7, he was the owner (and developer) of Building 7. He was the leaseholder on WTC 1 and 2, the twin towers. He did not receive $7 billion in insurance proceeds from WTC 7; that was the amount he sued for the two towers. The WTC 7 insurance was much less (the number I recall for WTC 7 is about $860 million) and there was no significant court battle over the proceeds, and as a result WTC 7 has already been rebuilt.

In addition, the filmmaker (unlike many other 9-11 nutbars) at least gets right who Larry Silverstein supposedly told to "pull it", although there is no explanation of how the New York Fire Department handled the supposed controlled demolition that resulted.

This is one of the real problems with the 9-11 Truthers; they're too stupid to even get basic facts like the amount of insurance and the time of day the building fell right.

I will add links to proof for my assertions later this morning.


At 14 July, 2006 08:34, Blogger James B. said...

"Why did the towers fall at the maximum speed of gravity?"

Someone flunked high school physics.

At 14 July, 2006 08:57, Blogger Pepik said...

I would be helpful if you indicate which buildings you are referring to in the photos - most show multiple buildings. Its not always obvious for people that are new to the topic. Thanks.

At 14 July, 2006 09:35, Blogger Pat said...

Good point, Pepik, I have amended the post per your suggestion.

At 14 July, 2006 13:35, Blogger Avery Dylan said...

Like hey, man I mean "pull it." you heard him say "pull it." I mean, you know it's like pulling the rug out right.

I mean, its on tape right? Like they caught him right?

Like, I mean case closed right?

At 14 July, 2006 13:44, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Why do the CT's put out a million freakin videos all rehashing the same old SHITE. It just makes for boring viewing now. The same info in this video is found in LC, it is found in the grififn lectures, and it has about as much fact based evidence behind it as those...which is next to nil. I have an open mind, but by god if you want me to back your claims "Truthers" than show me some hard evidence.

At 15 July, 2006 15:11, Blogger shawn said...

riiight... in shawns world "buck tooth" equals nigger and "Jewish" equals anti-semitic.

You really don't understand antisemitism at all. Roger, you really need to hit the books pal because schooling failed you in the worst way.


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