Robert Bowman on Hannity & Colmes
Hannity, as usual when facing the Truthers, goes on with little prep and just uses scorn. Bowman declines to spell out what he believes in, and just asks for an investigation. He comes off as reasonable, largely because he claims to be "an agnostic" on what happened. So why is he there representing Scholars for 9-11 Truth? Are they "agnostics" as well?
I'm going to take a little look at Bowman's statements and see where he really fits in the CT universe. He makes a big point about how the confiscation of the tapes at the Pentagon (from the nearby hotel and gas station) are evidence of a coverup here:
Or, you know, they could just be gathering evidence.
Bowman's also a candidate for Congress in Florida's 15th District. This appears to be mostly a vanity candidacy; the incumbent Republican, Dave Weldon won by a 2-1 margin in 2004.
Bowman's 9-11 Issues page reveals that he believes in some of the nuttiest stuff in Loose Change:
Why does the “Osama bin Laden” in the “confession” videotape have a nose about an inch shorter that the real Osama bin Laden? Why have half a dozen of the 19 “hijackers” turned up in other countries … alive and well? Were there really any hijackers at all, and if there were, were they patsies? Who made millions on short sales of United and American Airlines? Where is the tens of billions of dollars worth of missing gold that was stored in the World Trade Center?
Yeah, yeah, I know, he's just asking questions.
Dr Bowman's spiritual side is rather interesting. He's the archbishop of his own offshoot of the Catholic Church:

James has dissected his economics over at the Chief Brief. Suffice to say that they are as nutty as his conspiracy beliefs.
Ordnance Blasts
Uh dude you showed a still from the film Flight 93.
hahahahah this is a riot.
The squibs! hahahahaha
(PS you don't randomly blow out parts of floors after a demo has already started)
Shawn said...Uh dude you showed a still from the film Flight 93.
Uh, no I didn't.
Shawn said...(PS you don't randomly blow out parts of floors after a demo has already started)
Unless you're trying to conceal it.
Unless you're trying to conceal it.
Ah, circular logic...the bastion of the conspiracy theorist.
To explain it further, nimrod, you don't do it because it doesn't work. Once the floors above are collapsing there's no point to blow out anything else because THE TOWER WILL COLLAPSE ANYWAY.
Shawn, is that a still from the movie 'Flight 93'?
Shawn, is that a still from the movie 'Flight 93'?
Nope, I was mistaken. Sorry about that.
(See? Real skeptics can admit their mistakes. You've made at least a dozen since you began posting on here and have yet to accept it.)
From Killtown's blog:
So a 155ft long 100 ton plane nosedives at 580mph and buries itself underground, leaving a shallow 10ft deep crater, but only ejects out enough dirt to fill back in the 10ft deep crater???
This is supposed to be a joke, right? When you displace ten feet of dirt (I'm just saying ten feet for sake of simplicity, the cubic amount would be greater and hard to calculate) you can only put ten feet of dirt back in.
Shawn said...When you displace ten feet of can only put ten feet of dirt back in.
Again, you don't get it. I'm not surprised though.
Again, you don't get it. I'm not surprised though.
No, you don't seem to get how the world works. Your statements insinuate that you should be able to fill it with more dirt than was displaced. That defies logic.
If you think more dirt should've been displaced, say so. As it stands, your post doesn't make that point.
Killtown, isn't is weird when explosions leave clouds?
Again, you don't get it. I'm not surprised though.
Then please explain, because I don't seem to be getting it either. If you make a hole that's 10 feet deep, you'll have a pile of dirt roughly 10 feet high. When you put that dirt back in the hole, it'll look like it did before you took it out. Just where is your extra dirt supposed to come from? Do passanger aircraft have some magical ability to generate new soil out of thin air?
I started a thread about the dirt oddity at SLC's little forum.
I started a thread about the dirt oddity at SLC's little forum.
And you just repeated the same nonsense. Hell, you even clarified that my reading of your utterly moronic statement was correct.
Killtown, it hit in a filled-in mine, where the dirt was not very compacted. Obviously the plane hitting compacted the dirt quite a bit. If you're asking why did the plane not displace more dirt, I'd say a) you don't know that it didn't (maybe the plane hit where there was a mound) and b) you don't know how much of the plane and contents ended up in the dirt--one engine and quite a few body parts did not.
How come Opus Dei member Alito gets to be on the Supreme Court and he's not nutty. But if you launch your own branch you're fucking whackjob central.
Opus Dei is an organization for lay people WITHIN the Catholic Church.
Do you ever tire of being wrong?
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