The New Search Term
I've been thrilled with all the Google search terms showing up in our referring logs; terms like "Loose Change lies", "Loose Change errors", "Loose Change fact check", etc. But I gotta admit, the new search term that's showing up more often really makes me happy. I'm starting to see a lot of searches for "Screw Loose Change".
The word is getting out!
I don't care how many people watch it. Hell, I have watched it several times, how do you think we come up with all these lies in the movie? It is the people gullible enough to believe it that concern me.
"The truth shall set you free."
If it's all lies, then you have no need to fear it and just let it be.
"Unfortunately, not only is the tone of this blog beyond insulting (and no one's ever changed another's mind by insulting them), but none of the "omg teh great d-bunking of Loose Chagne!!!!11" facts are followed by sources."
What's wrong with insulting idiots? There's really no polite way to say 'you're a moron.'
"Thanks for making me believe harder in the CTs."
Because facts that you could easily find elsewhere aren't sourced in ONE site you believe in the conspiracy theories espoused by the nuts more? Do you have the vaguest sense of what logic is?
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