Who Is Karl Schwarz?
This just keeps on getting stranger and stranger. Previously I discussed how Loose Change, in trying to prove a 757 did not hit the Pentagon quoted a spokesman for Rolls Royce who said that he could not identify a part found at the Pentagon as being part of one of their engines. In reality all he was saying was that he was not an engineer and had no idea one way or another, but he was presented as in fact stating that it was not their engine.
So what engine did it belong to? As we continue the film our intrepid investigators go off in search of an “expert”, who can tell them.
In an article written by Karl Schwarz, President and Chief Executive Officer of Patmos Nanotechnologies LLC and I-nets Security Systems He believes that the piece is a JT8D Turbojet Engine from the US Air Force A3 Skywarrior. The piece in the FEMA photo is the front shaft bearing housing.

OK, that sounds logical, we have a respectable corporate leader in the technology industry, that sounds like a reasonable source for this information. But who exactly is Karl Schwarz, what did he write, and what are those companies he runs?
A simple Google search will turn up his self-titled website. It has an “articles” page, with plenty of conspiracy theory articles, including some addressing this topic, but none written by him on this subject. Here is an article, written by Tom Flocco, which mentions Schwarz. Maybe that is what they are talking about?
His website does include the following:
Karl W. B. Schwarz lives in Little Rock, Ark., and is the author of "One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, a Conservative Republican Speaks Out." He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC and I-nets Security Systems, companies that design UAV and intelligence systems.
Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC
Karl W. B. Schwarz
President, Chief Executive Officer
Sounds impressive, someone whose company designs UAV and intel system would know a little about the subject. So let's look up those companies. A simple web search turns up the homepage for Patmos Nanotechnologies. They claim to be conducting cutting edge research on carbon nanotubes! Although they must be on a serious budget, because they couldn’t even hire someone to fill in the default areas of their web page template, and they are located in a PO Box in Alpharetta Georgia.

A search for I-Nets Security Systems turns up absolutely nothing except references to Schwarz’s conspiracy theory work. I guess they couldn’t even afford a web page.
But luckily I am going to business school now, so I have access to all those expensive industry databases. Patmos Nanotechnologies LLC, our cutting edge technology company remarkably fails to show up anywhere, Hoover's, Factiva, Lexis/Nexis, Bloomberg… Apparently they don’t exist. That must make recruiting damn difficult.
I-Nets Security System shows up in Hoover's, and it in fact shows Mr. Schwarz as the President. He is also 1/3 of the workforce!

As best as I can tell Mr. Schwarz runs a small computer store in Little Rock Arkansas. And he may not even run that. I blacked out the phone number because apparently that number doesn’t even belong to him, and I don’t want you guys to bug the poor guy who actually does have the number.
But believe it or not, it gets even weirder from here. In 2003 this guy issued a press release announcing yet another one of his “companies”, listing the phone number of his 3 man computer store, was attempting to purchase the assets of the scandal rocked Global Crossing for $815 million! This sham company later had its charter revoked by the state of Arkansas.
But don’t fear, all you Karl Schwarz fans, our dauntless corporate leader, technologist and entrepreneur doesn’t seem to be taking his business setbacks too hard, because now he is running for President in 2008! I can’t wait to donate to his campaign.
And this is their big technical expert. Is there anyone connected with this movie who is not a complete fraud? This isn’t even the whole of it. Check out the reader’s guide for even more on this quack.
awesome karl schwartz fan blog!
Some of my best friends are nanotubes.
so this disproves Loose Change exactly how?
Hmm, their sources are racist newspapers, corporate frauds and quotes reposted from blogs taken out of context. Gee, I don't know how that could affect their credibility.
Means nothing. Lame blog entry.
I agree, it wasn't from a 747. That is the first thing you CTs have got right.
> also, important note: proper grammer and spelling makes you appear like less of a raving idiot.
Very true, but it's best, when making that criticism, to start your sentences with capital letters and spell "grammar" correctly.
> Bush administration has taken the freedom of everyone on this planet. If that is not true try to take your baby's milk with you, while you are traveling with plane.
I'd be very interested to hear an explanation of why George Bush wants to force people to drink breast milk before getting on planes. Is it for the oil?
For Delta Blue & Squander Two,
It's interesting that you two have been able to respond so convincingly to the issue that Dutchy has raised in her comments by merely questioning her grammatical prowess. Well, let's put your own side through your own test. How come does your Oval Office Shakspeare cannot even speak his mother tongue without giving horror to his spin doctors every time he opens his trap? Of course, he cannot even read off a written page either.
Now would you like to try again and address those issues and question instead of pulling the shit that the Necktied Ayatollahs of your camp such as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Riley employ?
James B, you are obviously that same type of whiney moron that Eric Hufschnmid is regarding Loose Change. They have achieved much because they did not put in the DNC slant you idiots do to try and pin all of the faults in the world on Bush and Cheney. If this were to go to full investigation, Clinton, Gore, Carter and a very long list of DNC traitors would be indicted for treason and misprison of treason against Americans.
We are breaking ground soon on the world's largest carbon nanotube facility and already have on the drawing boards at one of the world's largest engineering firms a plant that is over 10 times per month bigger than the annual capacity of this first plant.
If I wanted you to know anything about me, which is quite none of your damned business, I would provide you a road map, but like most of your ilk you cannot read a map so why waste my time?
Karl W B Schwarz
President, CEO
Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC
PS Patmos has a parent moron and all you you idiots have been looking for the wrong name. Proves you are unfit as a 9-11 investigator. You, James B could not solve a scam in a Girl Scout Cookie drive.
nice post, it's really interesting for me today, thx
I agree with you, screw loose change. Just another person distorting the facts to promote his agenda. Same with Al Gore. He won a Nobel Peace prize for distorting facts to promote his agenda on global warming. This doesn't mean that global warming doesn't exist though. Same with Loose change. Just because it's a bad documentary doesn't mean that the whole story is wrong. It's easy to challange idiots like these guys because their idiots. So how about creating a site that challenges the growing scientific FACTS that the wtc's were demolished on purpose!!! Those planes DID NOT bring down the towers and it is a FACT!!! The scientific evidense is right in front of your face. All you have to do is spend more time reading their words instead of watching some idiots video. Research it yourself. Don't beleive me. I'm just one of those idiots. Please take your site and use it to challenge the scientists. Oh you want it to last...
I tend to agree with the idea that a real investigation, true and non-partisan evaluation be conducted. I just think they have left too many questions un-answered, and need to be held accountable for that, we deserve the real truth for all the people who lost their lives, are loseing their lives, and who, like myself, and everyone, are loseing our liberties by the day. Thank you
I tend to agree with the idea that a real investigation, true and non-partisan evaluation be conducted. I just think they have left too many questions un-answered, and need to be held accountable for that, we deserve the real truth for all the people who lost their lives, are loseing their lives, and who, like myself, and everyone, are loseing our liberties by the day. Thank you
The who's, where's and whys maybe beyond all of us, but one thing is for sure. The towers did not come down on their own! It defies the laws of probability. Even IF one of these towers could fall strait down, which is highly improbable, there's not a chance in heaven or hell that not one more but two more buildings could fall down in a manner that would make any demolishion crew celebrating for years!!!
First of all, who is this "James B" charlatan? In any case, and staying on-point, if 80 tons of Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11 but, as this "James B" would claim, "vaporized" then how in did Rumsfeld's AFIP manage to separate Barabara Olsen's DNA along with the other 58 victims?? So, no engines, no fuselage, no landing gear, no luggage; but Barbara's nose DNA was found intact; have we got that correct "James B"? In any case, why did Rumsfeld not answer my polite letter? See http://www.veronicachapman.com/nyc911/Rumsfeld-1.pdf
You seem to have done your homework on this guy but allow me to offer you one more piece of the puzzle (perhaps)This guy Schwarz is most likely the newest incarnation of a scam artist that hit the web back a little more than ten years ago as the owner of The American Computer Company. He called himself Jack Shulman at that time but he is using the exact same rhetoric. Yes indeed... a one man show. Look into it. I had the terrible displeasure of having to deal with his massive virtual disinformation efforts for years.
This individual mines the net to determine how the sheeple think and believe so he can then regurgiate that info back to them so that there will always be defenders not of him per say but of the information he has repackaged for their consumption. It doesn't take long for his multiple personalities to pop up and start attacking your revelations once you have pegged him as a disinfo agent. In other words many of the posters here that support his rhetoric are probably him. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he is or has a hand in the disinformation coming from a fraud that goes by the name of Sorcha Faal (whatdoesitmean.com)
Take a tiny portion of truth and mix it in with whatever you please and it will be enough to grab the attention of the sheeple... especially if its what they want to hear. If you would like further info... by all means... email me.
mingbHere's a hint. FOLLOW THE MONEY!
It is a tried and true method of investigating these types of mass murder. The PNAC in league with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, and a cast of interesting characters brought down the WTC buildings, Pentagon, et al. I am an insider and I know whereof I speak. God Bless America!
Humans never change!
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LLC's are rarely listed on Hoover's, Factiva, Lexis/Nexis, Bloomberg
In fact, many American LLC's aren't even listed for the IRS, (eg Wyoming & Nevada)
Moreover, Schwartz LLC could be from another country, (which is very typical)
A 3 foot diameter air turbine obviously does NOT belong on a 757
The clincher to the conspiracy is the very fact the internet is overwhelmed by web sites trying to demonize Karl Schwartz!
quite frankly this person or entity is without doubt the worst writer I have read. What is he crying about?
The A-3 Skywarior was a Naval aircraft, not Air Force. It was obsolete on Sep 11,01. It is possible that the Air Force could have acquired the aircraft for test purposes. The JT8D engine is a Pratt & Whitney civilian engine. The military version is the J-52. The J-52 was too new to have been installed on the A-3, unless this aircraft was modified to accompdate this engine.
This is the thing that I love best. Typical liberal rhetoric. Let's see here, Bush and Cheney are two of the biggest idiots on the planet (even though Obama pronounces "corpsmen" as it's spelled and thinks there are 52 states in the US, not to mention the countless ridiculous mistakes he makes without his tele or the fact that he hasn't had ONE SUCCESSFUL program, idea, or even thought since his inauguration! Talk about buffoons! Not to mention that Bush graduated with honors at Yale, exceeding J.Kerry's grades by leaps and bounds, etc etc. I could go on forever about the stupidity of democrats but let's leave it at that.) So getting back to what I was saying.... Bush and Cheney are two of the biggest idiots out there, correct? But somehow they've managed to orchestrate one of the most complex and intricate cover ups this country has ever had! NOTHING else they can do correctly, except dupe an entire world population, orchestrate all the right airplane parts in all the right places at all the right times, keep leaks concealed, and pay off upwards of hundreds of people to keep quiet (unless the two of them pulled it off on their own??? Now that would be sumin', eh?) and so on and so on... Liberals, you're really too stupid to be allowed life on earth. Really.
This is the thing that I love best. Typical liberal rhetoric. Let's see here, Bush and Cheney are two of the biggest idiots on the planet (even though Obama pronounces "corpsmen" as it's spelled and thinks there are 52 states in the US, not to mention the countless ridiculous mistakes he makes without his tele or the fact that he hasn't had ONE SUCCESSFUL program, idea, or even thought since his inauguration! Talk about buffoons! Not to mention that Bush graduated with honors at Yale, exceeding J.Kerry's grades by leaps and bounds, etc etc. I could go on forever about the stupidity of democrats but let's leave it at that.) So getting back to what I was saying.... Bush and Cheney are two of the biggest idiots out there, correct? But somehow they've managed to orchestrate one of the most complex and intricate cover ups this country has ever had! NOTHING else they can do correctly, except dupe an entire world population, orchestrate all the right airplane parts in all the right places at all the right times, keep leaks concealed, and pay off upwards of hundreds of people to keep quiet (unless the two of them pulled it off on their own??? Now that would be sumin', eh?) and so on and so on... Liberals, you're really too stupid to be allowed life on earth. Really.
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