So Much For That 16 Foot Hole
I started watching this video from the Chicago 9/11 conference, which the Loose Chanage boys were at, for Morgan Reynolds, the economist who constantly tries to pass himself off as a Bush insider. He comes off as the typical conspiracy theory nut here, but I found the second speaker, Ken Jenkins, an activist from San Francisco, more interesting.
At the 42 minute mark he points out that the 16 foot hole in the Pentagon, claimed in Loose Change, among others, is a fallacy.
He shows that this is just the hole in the second floor, where the tail section went through. The 90 foot wide hole on the bottom floor is obscured by the firefighting efforts in that photo.
So Dylan, you constantly argue that you are just interested in "the truth". Loose Change: The Final Cut will be your third attempt at "the truth". Now that you have been called out by a member of your own community, will you discontinue this dishonesty? I know you read this blog Dylan, will you?
Like, hey, man I mean, read?
Videos are easy.
The fact that there was ever a second edition proves they don't want the truth.
The passengers on 93 go from heroes to lackeys. That alone makes me want to beat Dylan's punk ass.
The Pentagon was a steel and reinforced concrete "bunker" with bullet/blast-proof windows built to withstand a nuclear strike (one of the reasons it was built the way it was, wide not tall; no right-angle corners).
An aluminum and light-steel aircraft rockets into a nuclear-bomb proof bunker at 600mph, the bunker is going to win.
In all other shots of "wreckage" from other plane crashes throughout history, in all of them, the pilots were trying to AVOID crashing. At the time of impact, the plane was moving far slower.
Regarding the one "full speed" crash of a Greek airliner crashing into a mountain that left wreckage, the plane in question had just taken off and was traveling nowhere near "full speed" at the time of impact. And a sloping dirt mountainside can not compare to a concrete & stell wall.
Also of note: "unbroken windows near the point of impact", see note above about "blast proof windows".
where the tail section went through
Another fallacy!
Yeah Killtown, it is just an amazing coincidence that the cruise missile punched a plane shaped hole in the outside of the Pentagon. Will wonders never cease?
So you find those fireproof explosives yet?
where the tail section went through
Another fallacy!
Right. I forgot the tail section separated from the fuselage all Lost-like. As a matter of fact, that must be it!!
They loaded all the passengers from all 4 flights into the tail section of flight 77. The Pentagon then fired it's huge, double-top-secret, underground anti-aircraft Acme Electro-Magno ray-gun and made the plane split apart mid-air. They crased the empty fuselage section into Pentagon, but directed the tail section to land safely at an airport in Cleveland.
This airport then had a huge finger-quotes LASER end finger quotes cut a rougly 15 square mile swath around it. This massive section of earth was then airlifted via African swallows to a remote section of the Pacific. En route, lush tropical vegetation was planted all throughout.
Long story short? The passengers from the planes aren't dead. You can watch them every Wednesday night on ABC, 9/8c.
Hey, I heard a new one a few days ago: It wasn't an airplane, OR a cruise missile. It wasd a car bomb!
Hey, I heard a new one a few days ago: It wasn't an airplane, OR a cruise missile. It wasd a car bomb!
Heh, that's actually the old theory that French guy first suggested. It was sort of the Neanderthal 911 Conspiracy Theory.
Anyone who thinks that Avery is in it for anything but the fame, is nuts. He has been bathing in his fame ever since it has happened. If you listen to him ,or watch him in interviews, it is apparent he is someone who took on the topic as he knew it was contraversial enough to get him noticed, and is now enjoying the rewards.
I believe Coyote (Kaninus Foolishnus) used ACME.
"I find it odd that the entire plane evaporated."
Then you will be greatly relieved to find that the entire plane didn't evaporate, this is just something CTers claim is the official story. It is a straw man.
So maybe the next question you should ask is "since this is a widely debunked myth, why do these websites continue to promote a known lie, and why didn't i do my own checking first?"
He doesn't think a plane could fit through that hole.
Then he's wrong, no biggie. The plane didn't go in like with the WTC (that'd be absurd), parts of it crumpled and flowed in.
I find it odd that the entire plane evaporated.
Well yeah it evaporated except for the remains of the passengers, the engine, the wheels, and a great deal of the skin.
Well, sth, welcome to the moron list.
Why don't you prove it. Why don't you show evidence of the 9' engines, the tail section, wings, luggage chairs etc. Why do you insult people who disagree with you? Is it because your argument is weak?
There are pictures of the bodies, they've been linked in the comments before.
We have pictures of the engine and wheels (have you even watched Loose Change? They have them there).
hahaha you think the tail would survive? How stupid are you? (Rhetorical question, but the answer would be "very".)
Most of the plane was destroyed, which is completely in line with smashing into a reinforced concrete structure.
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