Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Never Forget!

We've added a little feature on the sidebar at the right. A script calls up a random victim of the attacks of 9-11 along with some biographical information (and in the future, a small photo). Danny Carlton, a very talented blogger at JackLewis.net, came up with the script. It's easy to add to your blog as well; just follow the instructions at this link. Note: If you are non-technical I can guide you through the process of adding this to your Blogger template; simply send me an email.


At 08 August, 2006 12:11, Blogger Killtown said...

We won't forget how factions in the US and Israeli govt's MURDERED all of them.

At 08 August, 2006 13:10, Blogger Killtown said...

K, here.

At 08 August, 2006 14:03, Blogger Killtown said...

Read it all kodiak, read it all.

At 08 August, 2006 15:52, Blogger Kitty said...

Have you seen Popular Mechanics' blog Debunking 9/11 Myths?

At 08 August, 2006 17:40, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

back to the topic of this blog post, thanks for the picture blog html. www.911yj.blogspot.com now has this picture code up and running...we will never forget.

At 08 August, 2006 17:48, Blogger shawn said...

We won't forget how factions in the US and Israeli govt's MURDERED all of them.

Well why didn't Israel get Palestinians on the planes then? Or perhaps blame it specifically on Iran? or perhaps Hizbollah? Nah, that'd make too much sense, eh Killtown? Those damn Jews again.

If you want to stage a large scale terror attack such as 9/11 and use it as a pretext to further your agenda in a foreign place, what would you do to get away with it?

First, I would've used a truck bomb or something people expected, because I'd have less chance of failure. I also wouldn't demolish two gigantic towers, because that raises the chance of failure to astronomical levels. Then, as Mark said, I'd make all the hijackers Iraqis. After that, I would fake a specific document linking Saddam to the order of the attack, and not some vague "Oh his people met with Osama's people sometime somewhere".

Once I invaded Iraq I wouldn't go hunting WMDs, I'd destroy the insurgency in its womb and have a stable country. Y'know, just so most Americans would say I was doing a good job.

At 08 August, 2006 20:40, Blogger shawn said...

Zionism is a secular movement begun in the late 19th century to create an Israeli homeland in Palestine. Zionism is not Judaism. Judaism is a religion of piece.

A vast majority of the world's Jew are Zionists. Funny you say "Judaism" is a religion of peace, insinuating that Zionism is warlike. Weird how every action taken by Israel has been defensive. That is weird, isn't it? Odd how at every turn it is the Palestinians who turn down what would create the two states. Odd, isn't it?

The tenets of the religion of Islam call for peace.

Except for the parts that say slay the unbelievers. Also founded by a warlord.

At 08 August, 2006 21:05, Blogger shawn said...

Israel= always good no matter what--all killings justified--even the kids--all good.

What about when the Israeli children die? We don't have emotional pictures of that all over the papers.

It's funny how little you people know about wars. I'm sure the Israelis are like "Hey, I bet there's a lot of kids in there! Let's throw a bomb right on them!" When these extremists strap bombs to themselves they purposely walk into discos and pizza parlors.

It's like you people completely ignore who starts a conflict. This started with Hizbollah (part of Lebanon's parliament, which was supposed to be disarmed by Lebanon) kidnapped Israelis.

Muslims: always bad guys--like the Rambo movies--we should run over in a Nascar race while brain dead spectators watch with glee.

Hmm never said that. Most Muslims are peaceful, loving people. It's the ones who follow the Koran word for word who are a problem (just like Christians who do the same are).

I hate NASCAR by the way, and live in the bluest of the blue states.

At 08 August, 2006 21:06, Blogger shawn said...

I'm so glad people like you weren't around during the Last War Everyone Agreed On.

Why are you bombing Japan?! Think of the children!

At 08 August, 2006 21:17, Blogger shawn said...

and bomb a UN station bad.

Hmmm let's look into this more. What flag was flying next to the UN's? Oh Hizbollah's? Where were the rockets being fired from? The UN position? Hmmm interesting.

I think most borderline intelligent people believe that they are both NUTBARS--albeit not 911nutbars, but nutbars nonetheless.

Most intelligent people don't think Israel is insane. It's quite obvious they're the only sane ones over there.

So is Israel alway right in all actions, no matter what, under all circumstances? Yes, or no.

Nope. That's impossible. No country is completely innocent.

Oh, and Zionism is a secular movement.

If there was a movement to make a country for Christians, would you consider it secular? Israel is a secular nation, but the idea of Zionism isn't. The idea that a religious group has the right to self-determination is by definition a religious idea.

At 08 August, 2006 21:18, Blogger shawn said...

Israel cluster bombs a city full of children and kills a bunch---

I missed the cluster bomb part. Let's not exaggerate shall we?

And did the Muslim walking into the daycare leave a bunch of flyers telling them he was going to do it and they should leave. Did he place a phone call? Maybe interrupt their radio for a moment to tell them?

At 08 August, 2006 21:19, Blogger shawn said...

Moral equivalence is a disgusting practice, don't engage in it.

It says that the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima are the same as the rape of Nanking or the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto.

At 08 August, 2006 21:23, Blogger shawn said...

All mass killing=bad. God doesn't dig it. I think he said don't do it, but probably also said don't justify it so you can sleep soundly at night and go to church on Sunday.

I'm an atheist.

At 08 August, 2006 21:26, Blogger shawn said...

And if Israel wanted to commit mass killings they could do it. You don't tend to warn your targets ahead of time if you want to wipe them out.

At 08 August, 2006 23:15, Blogger Pat said...

It's hard to argue that any "state" does bad things; the individual people in charge of the state certainly may do bad things, or bad actors within the state apparatus may do bad things.

Does New Jersey routinely do bad things to New York?

At 09 August, 2006 06:15, Blogger Manny said...

bomb a UN station bad.

How about a UN Headquarters? (Look waaaaaay down in the article, under "other developments".)

Does New Jersey routinely do bad things to New York?

Oy. You have no idea. ;)

At 09 August, 2006 09:46, Blogger shawn said...

Does Israel ever do bad things----ever?

I said it's impossible for a nation to be innocent all the time. Perhaps you should start reading my posts.

How that bolsters your retarded argument is beyond me.

At 10 August, 2006 17:29, Blogger shawn said...

So your position is that ISRAEL has NEVER EVER done anything wrong as a government. Yes or No. Please answer and I won't ask you anything more of this.

Would you learn to read? Quoting myself:

I said it's impossible for a nation to be innocent all the time.

That means that Israel has been wrong.

At 10 August, 2006 19:58, Blogger shawn said...

Do you have a debinking religion site---That would be interesting...

No, there's already a site that outlines the problem of the Bible.

Are you members of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists-complete with the letter of support from CENTCOM?

I still don't get what you're babbling about here.

At 11 August, 2006 14:11, Blogger Alex said...

I really do like aetheists. It's just your rudeness, and A-hole behavior that convinced me you were a corrupted religious hypocrite.

So in other words, you're an intolerant, stereotyping twit, who's bought the "american hick" stereotype hook, line, and sinker. Let me guess, you live somewhere in europe and beleive that the vast majority of americans are intolerant, inbred, militantly religious christians, with only a grade 2 education, and an IQ that matches their shoe size. As soon as someone disagrees with you, you simply file them away in the "HICK!" section of that large empty cavern between your ears, and then proceed to act like a retard towards them. Am I right?


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