Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well, At Least They Held It In the Right City

Here's a report on a 9-11 Denial conference in Bologna, Italy.

The day was given over to studying the events and reflecting upon them. Taking part were, of course, the organisers, gruppo Faremondo, alongside speakers such as David Ray Griffin (one of the most authoritative and widely known among the truth movement activists in the United States). Webster Griffin Tarpley, the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror. Made in Usa, an important study on September 11, also spoke. Two well-known Italian journalists, Giulietto Chiesa and Maurizio Blondet also spoke, while Massimo Mazzucco (director of www.luogocomune.net) and Eric Hufschmid attended indirectly, teleconferencing online from the United States. Steven Jones also indirectly took part in events at the Arena del Sole via an important video production he prepared especially for the conference (even if in those days Jones had just been given “paid leave” from the Brigham Young University as a result of his independent scientific analysis of the dynamics of the collapse of the WTC towers). A lengthy discussion took place between these experts and the public as to the true nature of the events on that day, while also touching on questions such as the major holders of political, economic, financial, military and industrial power who orchestrated this criminal act from A-Z in order to realise their own imperial dreams (nightmares). The truth can be unsettling when you look it straight in the eye. But this is what we managed to do, without averting our gaze, throughout the conference.


At 07 November, 2006 17:15, Blogger Triterope said...

while also touching on questions such as the major holders of political, economic, financial, military and industrial power who orchestrated this criminal act from A-Z in order to realise their own imperial dreams

Translation: "We argued about whether the world is actually run by the Joos, Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderbergers, Hapsbergs, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Council for Foreign Relations, Masons, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Atlantic Institute, Dartmouth Conference, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Federal Reserve, Knights Templar, or David Icke's shapeshifting reptilian space lizards."

At 07 November, 2006 19:29, Blogger pomeroo said...

A new paper by Dr. Frank Greening on the pulverization of concrete appears today on 9/11 Conspiracy Smasher.

At 07 November, 2006 20:03, Blogger The Reverend Schmitt., FCD. said...

The truth can be unsettling when you look it straight in the eye. But this is what we managed to do, without averting our gaze, throughout the conference.

And really, aren't the 9/11 conspiracy theorists the real heroes in all this? Such intense, heart thumping bravery. Why next they may actually achieve something or add to human knowledge.

At 08 November, 2006 02:23, Blogger Eugenio Mastroviti said...

It scares me that two people like Giulietto Chiesa (far-extreme-left, from the Il Manifesto newspaper, former defender of revolutionary heroes such as Pol Pot and Kim Il Sung) and Maurizio Blondet (Catholic fundamentalist, neo-nazi simpathizer, Holocaust denier) are showing up everywhere together as great buddies.

And Massimo Mazzucco, of course, is just the icing on the cake. Italian speakers should visit his site, they'd find out that there isn't a single conspiracy that is not warmly endorsed: we've never gone to the Moon, 9/11 was an inside job by the evil CIA or the freemasons or the evil Joos or the reptilians from Zeta Reticuli, vaccinations are part of a sinister plot to, uh, not sure to do what, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Da Vinci Code...
It never ends, it's fascinating.

At 08 November, 2006 04:14, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Carl Sagan's "Balonie" detector would be going off continuously...lol


At 12 November, 2006 11:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My biggest question is that to pull this conspiracy off we are talking about 100's of people lieing or witholdiong the conspiracy, people setting up the bombs in the world trade center ,etc.. from what i see its hard to keep one person quite these days from spilling (verifieable) information. And your telling me nobody directly involved has come forward.


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