Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Reasonably Good Article

On the Deniers:

If a new investigation took place, would government agencies co-operate? Would the White House stifle co-operation? Would pro-conspiracy investigators be prepared to accept evidence they do not like from structural engineers? Are pro-conspiracy investigators then going to cherry-pick the evidence they want? One wonders if the 9/11 Truth Movement isn’t working backwards. Have they first decided the verdict, and then, second, gone about seeking the evidence to substantiate it?

Precisely, as do all conspiracy theorists. The article isn't perfect; for example, he buys into the ridiculous CounterPunch article on 9-11 foreknowledge by the Israelis:

In his superlative article of investigative journalism, What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? (Counterpunch,Vol. 14. No.3/4, February 2007), Christopher Ketcham asks several questions:What did the U.S. government know in advance of 9/11? Why did our government do nothing with information handed to it by Israeli agents working (illegally) in the U.S? A close study of Ketcham’s article might make one wonder if the CIA (illegally) subcontracts work to the government of Israel.

A closer study would reveal that the supposed foreknowledge is a bunch of BS. Still, overall, the article is a good one.

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At 04 March, 2007 09:26, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Have they first decided the verdict, and then, second, gone about seeking the evidence to substantiate it?

Wow...just like the official conspiracy theory. Hijackers, Bin-Laden during the attacks on live television, and then throw out the evidence to substantiate it.

Nothin' to argue there!

On the Israeli front, there is no question about foreknowledge, it is a matter of how much knowledge. But of course that information is classified.


At 04 March, 2007 10:47, Blogger shawn said...

On the Israeli front, there is no question about foreknowledge

Those damn Joooos.

At 04 March, 2007 12:50, Blogger The Reverend Schmitt., FCD. said...

Swing Dangler said...
Wow...just like the official conspiracy theory. Hijackers, Bin-Laden during the attacks on live television, and then throw out the evidence to substantiate it.

This should suggest something about your way of thinking but I just can't understand what: you genuinely confuse the notion that evidence can be shoehorned into an existing hypothesis with the revelation of new data. I'm having an incredible amount of trouble understanding the line of reasoning which led to that fallacy. Help me out here?

At 04 March, 2007 14:08, Blogger Unknown said...

Seeing as how we already knew about Bin Laden before 9/11 and that he was associated with recent attacks before hand it's not that much of a logical leap to think that on 9/11 Bin Laden was somehow connected. A question for you swing, how old were you on 9/11?

At 04 March, 2007 14:21, Blogger Alex said...

I'm having an incredible amount of trouble understanding the line of reasoning which led to that fallacy. Help me out here?

Well he makes several logical fallacies: he's combining an unstated major premise with a teleological, or even "post-hoc ergo propter-hoc" argument. Basically, he assumes that the "official" version of events is wrong (unstated major premise), and that therefore the only way it's possible to reach that conclusion is by actually starting off with this conclusion in mind and ignoring all evidence while conducting your investigation (teleological argument). The whole thing is one massive tautology, since he's basically saying that he knows the "official story" is wrong because it's impossible to reach that conclusion unless you already made it ahead of time, and the reason it's impossible to reach that conclusion is because the "official story" is wrong.

The reason it's so hard to tell exactly which logical fallacies he's employing is because he's become so masterful at mixing multiple fallacies that they seem to blend into each other with no clear demarcation points. It's a common symptom amongst the hard-core conspiracy theorists. They keep getting their asses handed to them every time they make a clear logical fallacy, and so eventually they streamline their argument so that it becomes harder to pick apart. Ofcourse, it's harder to pick apart not because it's right, but because it's SO wrong that you don't know where to start.

At 04 March, 2007 14:25, Blogger ConsDemo said...

Lots of foreknowledge... BBC knew WTC7 collapsed before it collapsed.

Srice555, you've posted that meaningless link on several different threads. Are you fruitcakes running low on "evidence" today?

At 04 March, 2007 14:49, Blogger texasjack said...

"The reason it's so hard to tell exactly which logical fallacies he's employing is because he's become so masterful at mixing multiple fallacies that they seem to blend into each other with no clear demarcation points."

In other words he is a BS artist. He is like a used car salesman who is trying to sell a lemon, only this lemon has no engine. As much as he tries to pretty up the heap, it still has no engine, no substance.

The tooth movement has no credible sources of evidence, so they resort to BS. Fortunately, anybody with any ounce of intelligence sees right through these tactics. Eventually, as Avery & Co. have proven time and time again, it becomes their own worst enemy, after reasonable people figure out they are frauds.

At 04 March, 2007 16:11, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...


How does saying the govt was wrong in their approach to the 9/11 attacks (saying the official story was verdict first) and then admitting that the twoof movement does the same thing (just like...) help your cause...2 wrongs dont make...

That said, I don't buy the suggestion that the official story was "verdict first". For days after 9/11 the top brass were saying OBL was their "lead suspect" not that he was guilty. Go and read the CNN interviews, the BBC interviews around 9/11-9/15, and you will see this. Of course they had strong, very strong suspicion OBL did it. Over the days and weeks that followed, the evidence confirmed it.

Now, you have had 5 years of the "USG" as your prime suspect, what evidence have you come up with to prove them guilty?


At 05 March, 2007 00:05, Blogger Der Bruno Stroszek said...

Exactly, TAM - they're double-entry bookkeepers!

I'd love to see Swing investigating a criminal case with the same lines of reasoning he uses for 'investigating' 9/11.

"Well, Swing, all the evidence seems to point to one man -"

"SCAPEGOATING! SCAPEGOATING! You're framing an innocent man with your unethical practice of finding a so-called 'suspect', when the blame clearly lies with the US government, the New World Order, the Chemtrail Conspiracy and lashings of Jews, Jews, Jews."

"Er, this is a drink-driving case."

At 05 March, 2007 08:59, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Lets examine the offical record of the day, The 9/11 Commission.

1. 19 Hijackers thwarted units tracking them and the FBI informant some were living with, airport security, intel agencies, NORAD, and the Airforce to strike 3 buildings, bring 4, down, and hit the ground killing all on board each plane.

a.Hamilton-Co-Shair- We were set up to fail...American's may never know the truth...we made errors...
b. DOD lied to the 9/11

c.Co-Chair explains the need for a new investigation.

d. Commission was a 'first draft' of history.

e. Independent examinations of the report including ommissions and distortions.

f. The resignation of one Congressman from the committe and his comments.

g. The complete twist of 9/11 into wars to bring those responsible to justice. The lack of evidence on OBL or Al-Q(They are saints of course, but you give them way to much credit.)

h.Direct comments by a source in the nuclear proliferations Army unit and his beliefs including the need for a 'staged attack' to justify Iran, just like 9/11, etc. (I know you will say that is BS..whatever, I visited him last Friday when he was in town on emergency leave)

I. Lee's admission that plenty of people have things to hide. 100 or so.

Well when the Co-Chariman of the Commission states the above and even writes a book about it, that gives me every reason to question the OS. You should really see his interview online and his comments.
The fact that he stated there were about 100 people that had things to hide.

The official account that we had no idea this was coming but yet
the spectacular miraculous chain of events that led to 'evidence' pointing to the FBI placing blame on the individuals. Be it passports found after the impacts into the buildings and the ground, bogus confession videos, etc. The lack of an investigation into the support network of the hijackers. The prevention and hampering of ground level agents investigating Al-Q at home.
Flight manuals and Korans left behind as a trail of evidence, behavior and associates of the hijackers while still alive, the list goes on. The 'story' of Islamic fundamentalists as the culprits.
Compared with the multitude of lies by individuals within the Federal government about current and past events all help to formulate my opinions. There is nothing kooky or crazy about it. Your bias blinds you to the facts and reasonable thinking that is why. The notion of there is "No way they would do that to their own people!" flies in the face of the historical record.
-There is no way the EPA lied!
-There is no way we started the Vietnam War.
-There is no way we would firebomb a city.
-There is no way we would allow medical experiments on citizens.
-There is no way voting can be hacked!
-There is no way the military would try to control the weather.
-There is no way 1 bullet can not be magical.
-There is no way additional explosives were used at OKC.
-There is no way we overthrow governments around the world.
-There is no way the US would commit acts of state sponsored terrorism.

The list goes on...

Shawn, don't confuse the ethnic/religious group with foreign nationals in order to toss out the anti-semite bs.

Richard Why does my age matter? Except to invite a character attack?

The reason it's so hard to tell exactly which logical fallacies he's employing is because he's become so masterful at mixing multiple fallacies that they seem to blend into each other with no clear demarcation points.

There are none. Which explains your poor excuse for pointing them out.

TAMthe lead suspect was provided for the world while the attacks were occuring minus any investigation. Don't confuse the vast Federal Government with indivduals. If you follow the pattern of behavior prior to, on, and after 9/11 you will find reasons for suspecting the involvement of individuals responsible for 9/11.
Why lie to the 9/11 Commission?
Why would Lee Hamilton state the things he did?
Who are the 100 or plus people hiding something and what are they hiding?
What orders were Cheney referring to?
Why not testify under oath to the 9/11 Commission? (Cheney/Bush)
Why stonewall any investigation into the event itself until public pressure is brought to bear? Why underfund the investigation?
Why black out numerous pages within the Commission's report?
Not a comprehensive list of course which you can find elsewhere.

See as a Federal Government in a Represenative democracy, you need to do none of the above unless there was some manner of culpablility.
And that is what it boils down to.

At 05 March, 2007 09:12, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

TamOver the days and weeks that followed, the evidence confirmed it.

Can you link to that evidence?

Or are you referring to the videotape which has been debunked? Or the interview with him by CNN posted on SLC which I personally debunked?
Or is that why OBL doesn't matter to Bush anymore and we aren't pursuing him in Pakistan? Get back to me on that if you would, please.
We've done everything in our power not to capture the SOB. We have to have that boggie man.

At 05 March, 2007 09:36, Blogger Alex said...

I'm not even gonna waste my time reading that crap. This part was enough:

19 Hijackers thwarted units tracking them

Sure they did. Congrats swing, it only took you one and a half sentences to dissuade me from reading the rest of your rant. That's got to be a new record.

At 05 March, 2007 10:00, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

As I thought, Alex.

At 05 March, 2007 10:02, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

The following is a great aide in examining those suspected prior to 9/11 and how they were connected to the 19. It is not associated with any conspiracy to my knowledge.

At 05 March, 2007 10:04, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

And if they didn't thwart them, how do you explain their success?

At 05 March, 2007 10:59, Blogger Unknown said...

You are 100% correct Alex, the BS gets deeper every day.
Where were these whaks 5 years ago?
Why is all this so called evidence comeing out 5 years later?
Every week you hear about some new smokeing gun that turns out to be the same BS only repackaged BS
If the whaks are so pationate about this then why have they not filed charges?

At 05 March, 2007 13:37, Blogger Alex said...

And if they didn't thwart them, how do you explain their success?

From now on, I'm just going to respond with a list of your logical fallacies:

Unstated major premise.

At 05 March, 2007 13:46, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Debunked? SO it is on public record that the world experts (please dont call Barretts stool pigeon the expert please) that the confession tape is debunked.

And the tape you refer to, in whose mind, besides yours, was it debunked?

The evidence I am referring to is the history of the hijackers, and their links to OBL.

by the way, I think you are birght enough, unlike most of your twoofer friends, to know that not EVERYTHING can be "linked" to. I am sure the FBI has file cabinets full of evidence that you cant find using GOOGLE.


At 05 March, 2007 14:02, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Lets examine the offical record of the day, The 9/11 Commission.


1. 19 Hijackers thwarted units tracking them and the FBI informant some were living with, airport security, intel agencies, NORAD, and the Airforce to strike 3 buildings, bring 4, down, and hit the ground killing all on board each plane.

The FBI was only "tracking" AL-Mindhar and his cohort, not all 19. They were lost, in terms of their location, once they moved from San Francisco. This information itself was lost to co-ordinated follow-up until 2 weeks prior to 9/11.

Airport security...ya they beat it. Prior to 9/11, and likely even today, airport security is a joke.

Intelligence agencies is the same as the FBI informant in terms of them "beating them".

NORAD - come on, are you still on about this. Go read Gumboots thread over at JREF...There was no time to shoot the planes down. Did the hijackers know this...I dunno, maybe they got lucky.

Airforce...same as NORAD, but an additional step removed...

I suppose next you'll try to convince me there were missile batteries protecting the Pentagon as well.

a.Hamilton-Co-Shair- We were set up to fail...American's may never know the truth...we made errors...

Admission to incompetency only...I agree.

b. DOD lied to the 9/11

To save face and position, nothing more.

c.Co-Chair explains the need for a new investigation.

please elaborate on what type of new investigation he says, and please provide the quote and source where he says such.

d. Commission was a 'first draft' of history.

agreed, I remember him saying this...he is correct. You expect them to get every detail right the first time...nice world you live in.

e. Independent examinations of the report including ommissions and distortions.

Ya by D.R. Griffin, who is an aged Theologian with a book full of debunked crap that is almost as old as the attacks themselves. I could sit here and debunk every one of his 115 points if I had the time. The first 15 are buried in the replies to a previous thread here.

I havent seen one REAL EXPERT contradict the report.

f. The resignation of one Congressman from the committe and his comments.

please be more specific or this point is useless.

g. The complete twist of 9/11 into wars to bring those responsible to justice. The lack of evidence on OBL or Al-Q(They are saints of course, but you give them way to much credit.)

9/11 certainly gave the USG justification to go to war in Afghanistan. How this is a "twisting" you have not proven. There is tonnes of evidence against OBl and Al-quaeda being involved. Don't even bother commenting on the lack of FBI charges on the FBI MW poster...old and useless.

h.Direct comments by a source in the nuclear proliferations Army unit and his beliefs including the need for a 'staged attack' to justify Iran, just like 9/11, etc. (I know you will say that is BS..whatever, I visited him last Friday when he was in town on emergency leave)

I bet you did. Now I know you are FOS. At this point I think you have lost just about all credibility in my eyes. Let me guess...he doesnt want to be named. That gives his comments ZERO WEIGHT!!!

I. Lee's admission that plenty of people have things to hide. 100 or so.

Hide Incompetence...prove otherwise.

Well when the Co-Chariman of the Commission states the above and even writes a book about it, that gives me every reason to question the OS. You should really see his interview online and his comments.
The fact that he stated there were about 100 people that had things to hide.

The official account that we had no idea this was coming but yet
the spectacular miraculous chain of events that led to 'evidence' pointing to the FBI placing blame on the individuals. Be it passports found after the impacts into the buildings and the ground, bogus confession videos, etc. The lack of an investigation into the support network of the hijackers. The prevention and hampering of ground level agents investigating Al-Q at home.
Flight manuals and Korans left behind as a trail of evidence, behavior and associates of the hijackers while still alive, the list goes on. The 'story' of Islamic fundamentalists as the culprits.
Compared with the multitude of lies by individuals within the Federal government about current and past events all help to formulate my opinions. There is nothing kooky or crazy about it. Your bias blinds you to the facts and reasonable thinking that is why. The notion of there is "No way they would do that to their own people!" flies in the face of the historical record.
-There is no way the EPA lied!
-There is no way we started the Vietnam War.
-There is no way we would firebomb a city.
-There is no way we would allow medical experiments on citizens.
-There is no way voting can be hacked!
-There is no way the military would try to control the weather.
-There is no way 1 bullet can not be magical.
-There is no way additional explosives were used at OKC.
-There is no way we overthrow governments around the world.
-There is no way the US would commit acts of state sponsored terrorism.

In the end Swing, as your listing of so called "proof" (which is nothing more than speculation) shows, it is all a matter of what you believe, isnt it...good luck in your paranoid world.

We will see where this ends up...who ends up a part of a back of the bookshelf CT movement, and who ends up on the side of the majority of americans.


At 05 March, 2007 20:03, Blogger pomeroo said...

"-There is no way 1 bullet can not be magical."

Translating this gibberish into English is tricky, but I think we can assume that Dumpster is still wedded to the hopelessly outdated, thoroughly debunked "magic bullet" canard. And, really, could it be otherwise?

At 09 March, 2007 18:23, Blogger John Doraemi said...

The Limits of Chirstopher Ketcham's / Counterpunch's Israeli Hangout

Crimes of the State Blog

CounterPunch, infamous for its attacks on the very idea of 9/11 government complicity, has published an article detailing some old news about Israeli spying in connection with the 9/11 attacks. The Christopher Ketcham article "What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?" is from its title onward, a confined and limited interpretation of the available information. It's limited to a debate about foreknowledge of 9/11, therefore Israeli participation in the attacks is strictly off-limits.
This is in part because it was written for mainstream publication, with the corollary that one must accept the official story of 9/11 in its broad strokes, and selectively edit the data to conform to that narrative.
Ketcham's conclusions are that Israel was basically on the right side, spying on "Al Qaeda" perhaps as a sub-contractor for CIA, because CIA isn't supposed to do that here, and the CIA didn't have enough Arab linguists anyway.
Of the 11,000 words Ketcham devotes to this mainly rehash compilation piece, several words cannot be found at all: "demolition," "explosives" or "ordnance." That's odd, because other reports have already put these words out in the public sphere. The Creative Loafing piece cites the 60 page DEA report:

"Perhaps most intriguing, the Israelis' military and intelligence specialties are listed: "special forces," "intelligence officer," "demolition/explosive ordnance specialist," "bodyguard to head of Israeli army," "electronic intercept operator" -- even "son of a two-star (Israeli) army general."

In Counterpunch/Ketcham world, one would get the idea that Israel has never engaged in false flag terrorism before, since they can only be suspected of having information, never of carrying out operational malfeasance. This is in spite of the Lavon Affair, the brazen attack on the USS Liberty, the Berlin nightclub bombing falsely pinned on Libya, and more recently the attempted bombing with dynamite of the Mexican Congress building less than one month after 9/11:

"On October 10, 2001, two Israelis, one a former Israeli Army Colonel and the other a Mossad agent, were arrested in the Mexican Congress with 9mm pistols and dynamite. According to the Mexican Justice Department official web site “the head of Congressional Security Salvador Alarc'n verified that the Israelis had in their possession nine hand grenades, sticks of dynamite, detonators, wiring and two 9mm ‘Glock’ automatics.” The Israelis were subsequently released after the intervention of the Israeli embassy in Mexico City." --Madsen, “La PGR Informa Sobre La Situaci'n De Los Sujetos Detenidos En La C'mara De Diputados,” Justice Department of Mexico, October 12, 2001.

Why did Israel commit this outrageous act of war against the sovereign nation of Mexico? And why isn't it being discussed? Was fake "Al Qaeda" supposed to attack Mexico and enrage the populace there so they would join in the great terror war and volunteer en masse to serve in the military?
Former NSA officer Wayne Madsen's piece "The Israeli Art Students and Movers Story" contains much more detail than the Ketcham piece. Madsen not only names all the detained Israelis, but also follows up on continuing Israeli spy operations on secure US military bases, as well as traces of explosives found in vans driven by Israeli agents inside the United States.
Convenient for Ketcham: explosives are irrelevant to 9/11 in Counterpunchland. In Alexander Cockburn's fiefdom, the Twin Towers could only have fallen from fire, according to their own insider from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (US Govt. military lab). Why Counterpunch needs to go to secure US government military laboratories for a defense of the official World Trade Center theory is anybody's guess. The arguments they have come up with, however, are complete nonsense.
That's because the Twin Towers most likely were controlled demolitions, and not collapses from fire. Fire collapses are not symmetrical through 100 stories of mostly undamaged steel and concrete, at near free fall speed into the building's footprint. The fire explanation cannot be defended without resorting to nonsensical arguments that violate the laws of physics.
Here's a bit of information which the American public might find interesting that did not end up in Counterpunch/Ketcham:

"When the FBI developed the photos taken by the Israelis of the World Trade Center carnage, one photo depicted Kurzburg [MOSSAD agent] flicking a cigarette lighter in a celebratory manner with the burning buildings in the background." --Madsen, Globe and Mail (Toronto), Doug Saunders, Dec. 17, 2001

Of more interest was what the FBI found at the Urban Moving Systems warehouse.

"...FBI, upon searching the warehouse, discovered fertilizer, other chemicals for making explosives, pipes, caps, and traces of anthrax." --Madsen

If the World Trade Center buildings were demolished by pre-placed explosive charges, these Israelis are the prime suspects.

"After anthrax was discovered, investigators wearing hazardous material suits went through the warehouse. Residents around Urban Moving Systems who had connections to the local police also reported that helicopters with infrared radar swooped in over the warehouse on several occasions." --Madsen

The anthrax issue is corroborated by none other than Dick Cheney's medical staff, who administered the anthrax drug Cipro to Cheney and entourage as they left for Camp David on the evening of 9/11.
Another convenient omission in the Ketcham/Counterpunch piece was easy to spot:

"'The Telegraph quoted a 'senior Israeli security official' as saying the Mossad experts had 'no specific information about what was being planned'. Still, the official told the Telegraph, the Mossad contacts had 'linked the plot to Osama bin Laden'".

While taking Israel's word about bin Laden, this quote conveniently ignores the rest of that sentence in the Telegraph article, which reads in full:

"They had no specific information about what was being planned but linked the plot to Osama bin Laden and told the Americans that there were strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement,' said a senior Israeli security official." -UK Telegraph

You would expect an outfit like Counterpunch to hit the brakes and throw up a red flag at the notion of "Iraqi involvement" in September 11th, but that's exactly what this unnamed "Israeli security official" is peddling. His testimony is suspect, not sacrosanct.
So what happened to the Israelis?

"After serving two and a half months in prison and after a barrage of official complaints from the Israeli government, the five Israeli 'movers' (Kurzberg, his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Elner, and Omer Marmari) were released over the objections of the CIA and permitted to return home." --Madsen

The MOSSAD spies actually had the brass balls to sue the US for "wrongful arrest and imprisonment." And yes, they returned "home" to Israel, where the owner of the fraudulent "moving company" had fled immediately after being questioned by FBI.
We can see a pattern here of unaccountability, where Israeli agents are routinely released, and therefore face no consequences for their actions on United States soil, or in Mexico apparently.
This brings us to Michael Chertoff who is also unmentioned in the Ketcham piece. Chertoff is a known Zionist (his Mother was MOSSAD and helped create the state of Israel; his wife was a chairperson in the ADL). Michael Chertoff was the head of the Criminal Division of the Justice Department (sic) on September 11th.
So just how does this Israeli matter become "classified" and as many as 200 Israeli agents "released" despite the protests of the CIA?(!) We should look to the Justice Department, and to the head of the Criminal Division for an explanation.
Chertoff also has a questionable past. In private practice as a lawyer he actually defended an Osama bin Laden financier, Dr. Magdy ElAmir, who had embezzled $3 million from a NJ HMO and sent most of the money off to Al Qaeda. Quite an odd gig for a Zionist? No? How does one go from defending bin Laden's money men to heading the US Department of Homeland Security?
You'd have to be a pretty good "friend to Israel" to get away with that kind of activity. Chertoff was confirmed 98-0 for the Homeland Security post in the Senate, and no major news media would say a word about his successful defense of a bin Laden funder. This is the reality we live in, a strange and deceitful place where things don't appear to make much sense at first glance.
On that note, Ketcham does address the odd behavior of the Art Students as inconsistent with covert operations. Quoting John Sugg, "the bumbling aspect of the art student thing was intentional."
But, being limited in his understanding of September 11th, Ketcham cannot consider all the possibilities for why it was intentional. Limiting the explanation to one of deliberate distraction, he cannot consider that the Israelis may have wanted the US government to know that Israel was somehow involved with the upcoming 9/11 operation (which was not a secret, and there were many warnings over the spring/summer of 2001, including Israeli warnings).
Was this simply to put out a cover story that the MOSSAD were "tailing the hijackers," as Counterpunch and others now contend?
Or were the Israelis preemptively calling for a coverup of 9/11, ensuring a clampdown on information and vigorous secrecy?
The Congress has no motivation whatsoever to investigate Israel or its many crimes, and the Israelis could have been signalling not to look too carefully at the 9/11 attacks. Since this is in essence what actually happened, it should be considered carefully.
Ketcham also gives an incomplete treatment to the Hazmi and Al Mihdhar story while pushing the CIA is inadequate (not enough humint) story. Ketcham may have never seen the FBI's own Inspector General report on this, but it is quite illuminating:
"CIA cables contemporaneously discussed Mihdhar’s travel and the fact that he had a US visa in his Saudi passport. So intensive was the surveillance that agents obtained a photocopy of the passport and visa stamp and delivered it to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Two months later, the Bangkok CIA station identified Hazmi as Mihdhar’s traveling companion and reported that he had traveled on from Bangkok to Los Angeles on January 15, 2000. The most critical information about Mihdhar and Hazmi was withheld from the FBI for more than a year and a half. The FBI was informed about the Malaysia meeting as soon as it happened, and even about Mihdhar’s presence at it. But there was no mention of his passport with a multiple-entry US visa, giving him easy access to American territory, where the FBI had the principal responsibility for counterterrorism. Nor did the CIA tell the FBI that Hazmi had actually entered the country, which would certainly have triggered an alert. The CIA itself did not put either man on any other security watch list. ... [Hazmi and Al Mihdhar] conducted themselves, not as underground conspirators, trying to keep one step ahead of the most powerful spy apparatus in the world, but as men seemingly indifferent to threats to their security. ... The CIA finally told the FBI what it knew about Mihdhar and Hazmi on August 27, 2001, five days after the FBI had discovered independently, on August 22, that Mihdhar might be in the US, and the agency had opened its own investigation. ... The FBI inspector general’s report reveals for the first time that the CIA not only failed to inform the FBI about Mihdhar, but that CIA officials intervened to suppress a memorandum drafted by an FBI agent detailed to the CIA-run Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), who wanted to notify the FBI

about the suspected terrorist with a US visa." --Patrick Martin, FBI inspector general’s report: more evidence of government complicity in 9/11 attacks

Lest anyone think that Counterpunch has found a clue about September 11th, by finally investigating the Israeli spying more than 5 years after it was first exposed, think again.
Lastly, the September 11th attacks were codenamed "The Big Wedding." Could this be some coded dark humor about marrying Israel to the United States? Forever linking their policy goals in a mutual war against Islam? Just throwing that out there for your consideration.


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