Friday, March 02, 2007

Don't Count on the Hijackers Being Interviewed

Dylan Avery posts over at his forum in a thread titled Interviewing The Hijackers?, Don't count on it... that they may not be able to interview all those hijackers who are still alive, because the Saudi government won't let them.

Just got this from a colleague...


I did inquire and at high authority.
I was basically told that there was no way that Saudi Arabia would allow any of the Saudis to talk at the present stage... considering its relationship with the US. I suggested that this relationship was not that good lately considering the Mecca Accords for example, but was told that it was still far too good to allow for something like this to happen and that Saudi Arabia wouldn't want to use such a card now. I must say..., this whole 9/11 business is a very frustrating
event... to say the least...

All the best,




This contradicts David Ray Griffin, who is supposedly serving as an advisor to Loose Change version 4, who earlier stated that the hijackers just weren't interviewed, because nobody had the money. Or perhaps Dylan should speak to Kevin Barrett, who has stated on several occassions, that he intends to interview one of the hijackers in a future trip to Morocco, which last I checked was nowhere near Saudi Arabia.



At 02 March, 2007 18:12, Blogger shawn said...

Is this the same Saudi government that said all the Saudi hijackers are dead?

Dylan, you seem to be trying to beat out Bermas for dumbest Louder Than Words member.

At 03 March, 2007 00:17, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Why is Dylan asking the Saudi governments permission?

Why doesn't he just talk to the accused hijackers?

At 03 March, 2007 05:50, Blogger MarkyX said...

Yeah, you think being an accused hijacker of the biggest attack on North America would give the guy a celebrity status, making it easier to find him.

At 03 March, 2007 14:29, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

James, love, if you're going to go to the bother of registering with us and "debating", you may as well answer a wee question whilst you're at it:

Come back over,we're listening-unless you're too shy to share...

Or I could post the question here if you prefer.

At 03 March, 2007 16:27, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Sorry--forgot to "link" that!

At 03 March, 2007 16:51, Blogger Alex said...

Wow, monkeys really CAN learn to use tools...

At 03 March, 2007 17:00, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Wow, our Alex's widdle 5 day time-out still hasn't stopped him from bitching.

There, there--go drink some warm milk and go to bed.

At 03 March, 2007 20:11, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

So I guess this means you want the question posted here. Right, here we go then:

James is cleverer than we give him credit for

Observe, just like our Mark Roberts, he never bothers to learn about the subject matter to talk about it in nuts and bolts terms. He justs throws quotes back, with links--not a sign of shilling all by itself, but, by not sharing his own personal thought processes, he reveals nothing by getting a debater to reveal everything. That's a power play: it's intention is to frustrate and disrupt.

JamesB, and Patrick, are much more sophisticated than most of their fans. And, usually, they know how to play them by hitting all the right dis-info notes, on both sides of the debate. Honestly, I don't think either Patrick or James have a personal opinion, considering their opinions change according to what's working for them at the moment.

How often do they spend per day blogging SLC? Why did they register soon after we banned anonymous posts? (Pat registers under Brainster) Answer: they were posting unregistered before and decided it was worth it to continue to have access. And hey, now they can vote down comments like this one!

James: Our Alex once ask me why I come to SLC. I told him that I often wondered the same about your lot. So, while your here, why don't you share with the mates why exactly you went as far as registering just to post at 911Blogger?

Go on love, we're listening:

Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.
Submitted by Col. Jenny Sparks on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 7:17am.

At 03 March, 2007 21:19, Blogger shawn said...

Observe, just like our Mark Roberts, he never bothers to learn about the subject matter to talk about it in nuts and bolts terms

You folks are an endless source of humor.

At 03 March, 2007 21:34, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Shawn--hope you found the rest as amusing.

James and Patrick have been rumbled, not that you'd notice...

At 03 March, 2007 22:05, Blogger Alex said...

Wow, our Alex's widdle 5 day time-out still hasn't stopped him from bitching.


What universe are you living in?

At 03 March, 2007 23:06, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...


What universe are you living in?

Clearly the one where you have a quicker wit...

At 03 March, 2007 23:26, Blogger Alex said...

Congratulations, you've become the first person to literally leave me speechless through sheer stupidity. I really don't know what to say. Even Billy, Swingy, and P'doh didn't manage that.

At 03 March, 2007 23:34, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

I really don't know what to say.

And yet you keep saying it... ;P

At 04 March, 2007 01:50, Blogger Der Bruno Stroszek said...

You've got them, Jenny. Congratulations. James and Pat are part of the US Government's elite Blogspot Corps, sent in by the CIA to derail debates on the internets that may threaten America's interests. Blogspot Corps members are highly skilled in l33t-talk, O RLY? jokes and YouTube procedure, and have been known to invade sovereign LiveJournals to seize possession of the precious internets within.

Do you ever bother to read the drivel you post, or do you just crap it out and hope it makes sense?

At 04 March, 2007 13:31, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Der Bruno--Now explain why James and Patrick registered with 911Blogger. Because James hasn't said boo.

He should have time--it's not like he works anywhere near as hard as Patrick. And I should know--I've been skipping through the archives...

At 04 March, 2007 14:24, Blogger Avery Dylan said...

Like hey man, like I can't go to Saudi Arabia, cause, like somebody might say I'm laundering Saudi money or something, when I get unreported cash from a foreign agent or something.

At 04 March, 2007 14:37, Blogger Alex said...

Der Bruno--Now explain why James and Patrick registered with 911Blogger.

"Vere Are Yor Paperz??!!"

"Schnell, Juden!"

At 04 March, 2007 15:29, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Well, our Alex--since you see nothing odd about two hard core "debunkers" joining 911Blogger, why haven't you?

There are perks--you can vote down Jenny's comments for starters...;-)

At 04 March, 2007 18:10, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Well, our Alex--since you see nothing odd about two hard core "debunkers" joining 911Blogger, why haven't you?

There's a war on. Why shouldn't people who love their country seek to disrupt a movement that can only help the enemy?

At 04 March, 2007 19:23, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Sword of Truthiness--I don't know where to begin with you.

Whose country? And are you admitting you support trolling on 911activist sites? Remember, when WE say this is happening, you lot tend to say we're paranoid.

Just asking. On second thought never mind. I need to leave for now anyway. It's this thing called life...try it sometime.

(Go on...laugh! I GAVE you that one...)

At 04 March, 2007 22:39, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Whose country?

One of the great trading centers of the western world was attacked on 9-11 resulting in casualties from dozens of nations. this by a man who has sworn to kill everyone who isn't muslim (as well as those who aren't muslim enough).

Radical islam is at war with all free nations.

And are you admitting you support trolling on 911activist sites?


There's a war on. Wether by choice or pure ignorance, you are working for the enemy. If you are succesful in convincing the world that Al-Queada doesn't exist, you will have given them back the element of suprise they needed and used so effectively to pull of 9-11. You will kill thousands... or even millions, of your countrymen.

Neither my country, nor my family, deserve to be destroyed out of your ignorance.

At 05 March, 2007 00:24, Blogger Der Bruno Stroszek said...

Jenny, they won't dissolve if they post on a site which is opposed to them. You post here, don't you? Are YOU a gubmint shill, Jenny?

At 05 March, 2007 09:40, Blogger Alex said...

Guess she's an Al Qaeda shill. How much Saudi oil money are you getting from Osama, huh Jenny? Or does he just give you a jolly Rogering? Is that what you're in it for?


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