Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Kevin Barrett: Failed Bounty Hunter

Kevin Barrett reports in from Morocco that he is unable to find the Saudi Airline pilot who shares a similar name to a 9/11 hijacker college dropout (big surprise):

If I ran up against a brick wall in my inquiries to the airlines, the response from the official and semi-official embassy milieu has been equally frustrating. The Information Officer at the US Embassy in Rabat, a pleasant fellow named David, told me today that he and all the other current Embassy personnel know nothing about the al-Shehri story, because none of them were in Morocco in 2001, because diplomatic service employees always rotate around the world every few years. Promisingly, David added that he did see a news article taking a “conspiracy theory” angle on the al-Shehri story in one of the French-language Moroccan dailies just last week! “Moroccan newspapers sometimes keep rehashing these conspiracy theories long after they’ve been resolved to everyone else’s satisfaction,” David said.

After informing David that only 16% of the American people believe the government is telling us the truth about 9/11 (NY Times poll), meaning that the question of 9/11 has not quite been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction, I decided my best bet might be with those conspiracy-theory loving Moroccan newspapers, vowed to track down last week’s news story on al-Shehri, and composed an epistle which I emailed to about forty journalists and news outlets (excusez mon francais imparfait, c’était un travail rapide):

Of course now we will have to listen to another 5 years of conspiracy theories about how the CIA got to him first.

Barrett also repeats the myth here that the Moroccan Waleed and the 9/11 Commission Walid shared the same biography.

A simple case of mistaken identity? Could there have been another guy named Waleed al-Shehri on Flight 11? That’s what apologists for the official story say. But then why did the 2004 9/11 Commission Report use the same photo and biography—the ones that the innocent guy had recognized as his own? Why didn’t the Report make any effort to investigate and resolve the issue of the hijackers’ true identities, which the FBI had previously admitted were in doubt?

Of course, 911 Myths has already explained the photo mistake, and they don't share the same biography. The Morrocan Waleed was an airline pilot, the 9/11 hijacker Waleed was a college dropout. They are both different ages, are from different regions of Saudi Arabia, were in the United States at different times, have different fathers, and even have different middle names. I can't for the life of me figure out how someone can call this the same biography.

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