Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Jordan Michael Smith Covers the Truthers

And does he have them pegged:

Conspiracies thrive among those on the margins of the society, those most removed from the centres of power. And this, to me, is the key. The closer one studies the powerful, the more one realizes how little control they have.

And he points out the twin villains of most conspiracy theories:

Behind many conspiracies lie two villains: The Jew, and the American. The Jew has always figured in most conspiracies. They’re tiny in number but highly represented in finance, academia, the media, Hollywood and other influential professions. They are dispersed all over the world. Endless attempts to destroy them have failed.

The American is more recent, since WWII and the rise of U.S. as the world’s foremost power. And especially since the creation of the CIA, which orchestrated covert programs all over the world, providing fodder for theorists worldwide.

The American thing is a product of the paranoid left, which had its heyday in the early 1970s and then disappeared for almost thirty years. Now it's back with a vengeance.