Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Richard Gage, AIA

I continued listening to the radio interview with Richard "conservation of mass" Gage, and unbelievably he gets even dumber. Well, OK, that is arguable, but he is still pretty dumb. From 29 minutes in:

Ninety thousand tons of structural steel has been pulverized to a fine talcum powder through these intense explosions, including its metal decking, and the floor trusses that were supporting it, uhh completely gone and blown outside the perimeter. Everything is blown outside the perimeter of the two twin towers, 98% of the debris on all of the floors.

This 98% number is of course completely idiotic. I am also wondering what happened to this "fell completely within its own footprint" argument these idiots have been telling us for years.

Update: My apologies, but I mistranscribed that first sentence. As I have discussed before it is rather difficult following him based on his complete inability to put a coherent sentence together. The first part should have read:

Ninety thousand tons of struct... of concrete has been pulverized to a fine talcum powder, though these uhh, intense explosions, including its metal decking and the floor trusses that were supporting, it, uhh completely gone and blown outside the perimeter.
