Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yeah, We Noticed

From Dylan Avery's profile on Linked In, we hear of his specialty:

Turning nothing into something.

The 9-11 "Truth" movement in a nutshell.

BTW, Building Wut is still at $88,009. Hasn't budged in about 10 days, and they haven't begged again on Flogger. Wut's up with that?


At 12 October, 2010 23:38, Blogger snug.bug said...

Nothing? 91% of the widows' questions were not answered. That's not nothing.

The widows didn't even discuss the building at all. The official investigations did not explain

*near free-fall collapse
*symmetry of collapse
*totality of collapse
*the pulverization of the concrete
*the presence of molten metal in the debris pile

At 13 October, 2010 04:36, Blogger Triterope said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 13 October, 2010 07:21, Blogger Ian said...

Nothing? 91% of the widows' questions were not answered. That's not nothing.

Actually that is nothing, Brian.

The official investigations did not explain

*near free-fall collapse
*symmetry of collapse
*totality of collapse
*the pulverization of the concrete
*the presence of molten metal in the debris pile

Brian, the investigation was designed to explain things that happened, not the delusions of an ignoramus like you.

At 13 October, 2010 08:39, Blogger Billman said...

The widows have always been too busy media-whoring to actually pay attention to when their questions have been answered.

There are a few suplerfluous questions they asked that don't need to be answered, unless "who favored flying the predator drones in Afghanistan" is absolutely crucial to 9/11 Truth, and if every question was sufficiently answered BUT that one, 9/11 would still be an inside jobby job to you people, then you have far deeper issues than any answered "truth" will ever satisfy.

At 13 October, 2010 11:03, Blogger ConsDemo said...

For some reason George Stephanopoulos interviewed worthless has-been Jesse Ventura. Ventura is so full shit he is claims the August 2001 PBD said Al Qaeda was going to fly planes into buildings.

At 13 October, 2010 11:05, Blogger ConsDemo said...

sorry, my post should have said "he claims"

At 13 October, 2010 17:19, Blogger angrysoba said...

I realize this is difficult to determine when it comes to Truthers but are you sure this isn't a spoof?

In April 2005 I released my first documentary, Loose Change, out of my basement apartment in Washington, DC, under the company name Louder Than Words.

At 13 October, 2010 17:53, Blogger Billman said...

traveling, seeing the world, bettering the human race.

Yeah, and condoning violence against people who disagree with you on your website is somehow "bettering" the human race, is it?

I've seen some narcissistic clap trap in my time, but this takes the cake.

I've got some "traveling" to do. Is that anything like "travelling?" For the most famous internet film-maker in the history of ever, he needs to learn to spell.

At 13 October, 2010 18:39, Blogger Triterope said...

91% of the widows' questions were not answered.

Oh, go troll somewhere else.

At 13 October, 2010 19:21, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Smug.mug scribbles, "...Nothing? 91% of the widows' questions were not answered. That's not nothing."

Brian, when will you learn that questions are not evidence?

At 13 October, 2010 19:46, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

*near free-fall collapse
*symmetry of collapse
*totality of collapse
*the pulverization of the concrete
*the presence of molten metal in the debris pile

Gravity, gravity, gravity, gravity, and myth. Let me know if you have any questions. (I love how the "molten metal" changes location from the basements to the debris pile and back.)

At 13 October, 2010 20:03, Blogger Nike shox shoes said...

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At 13 October, 2010 21:20, Blogger angrysoba said...

*the presence of molten metal in the debris pile

Gravity, gravity, gravity, gravity, and myth.

Actually, molten metal might not be a complete myth. What Truthers claim is that there were pools of molten steel in the debris pile hence some kind of exceedingly hot fires caused by, say, super/nano-therm*te (paint?) which despite not being used in controlled demolitions would then be evidence of a controlled demolition.

Usually the trick is to produce a mishmash video of different people reporting some molten metal, a paper which talks of some corroded steel, an assertion or suggestion that there was molten steel, a non-specialist eye-witness saying molten steel, a few disorientating visuals of thermal photography and the hope that the viewer will assemble these disparate images together to agree with the pools of molten steel insinuation.

A similar technique can be applied to explosions, reports of bombs etc... etc...

If you want to create your own conspiracy just follow the instructions. The best part of all is that it doesn't even have to be coherent. All it has to be is the promise of exotic knowledge that you will own almost all alone against the big bad corporate world and those who like conventional stuff. Which means you'll be better than almost everyone!

(To accentuate your superior qualities you may want to grow a goatee beard or have weird hair).

At 13 October, 2010 21:23, Blogger angrysoba said...

Jesse Ventura:“I don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans. If she ran as an Independent she could possibly get my endorsement, but I refuse,”

That's so radical!

I like the way he complains that too many people vote along party lines instead of on the basis of who the candidate is. Of course, he completely contradicts himself by saying he would think about voting for her if she weren't a member of such and such a party.

At 14 October, 2010 03:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

achmakookie is vying to be the world leader of the troofers


holocaust denier, jew hater, troofer

they are all alike

At 14 October, 2010 04:53, Blogger Billman said...

Dylan claims he is "so famous!" But.. to who else besides Troofers? Charlie Sheen? Rosie O'Donnell (would she even remember his name these days?) Daniel Sunjata?

I did a poll amongst my friends, some of whom are celebrities, and seriously only 1 person knew who the hell Dylan Avery was.

Amongst my family, he faired a little better. My Dad knew who he was. My ex-girlfriend kind of knew but had to be reminded. My wife said she only knew cause I talk about this 9/11 stuff.

So he's famous among NUTJOBS for being their false prophet. Otherwise, he's a footnote whenever a story about 9/11 conspiracies is run during the media's "Equal Time for Whackos" slow newsweek.


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