Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Open Thread

Comments allowed. Seen a good story you'd like us to cover? Want to engage in a bickerfest with Brian?


At 31 August, 2011 04:12, Blogger kameelyun said...

More from Shelton Lankford's review of the Legge/Chandler "paper:"

"The efforts to marginalize CIT and Pilots continue unabated, and it is difficult to see any daylight
between the instant paper and those efforts. Far from letting the CIT evidence stand or fall on its own merits, the instant paper attempts to build a case where there is none, and throw jet fuel on the fire that they, themselves started, all the while decrying the “divisiveness” allegedly caused
by CIT. The hypocrisy is breathtaking. One is reminded of the boy who killed his parents, then appealed to the court for mercy on the grounds he was an orphan."

and thats just part of the conclusion after many pages of analysis.

The best part is, I had nothing to do with the above review.

Rob Balsamo

At 31 August, 2011 06:27, Blogger Unknown said...

The "planes" impacting the towers were not commercial jetliners.

Ditto, of course about the "plane" that hit the Pentagon.

BG (not Brian)

At 31 August, 2011 06:44, Blogger ConsDemo said...

The "planes" impacting the towers were not commercial jetliners.

No doubt, and the earth really is flat!

BG (not Brian)

Why bother with the distinction, you kooks are all the same.

At 31 August, 2011 11:09, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...Want to engage in a bickerfest with Brian?"

Fuck you.

At 31 August, 2011 11:15, Blogger Pat said...

Not everything is about you, Bill. Everybody here engaged in bickerfests with Brian.

At 31 August, 2011 11:18, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...Seen a good story you'd like us to cover?"

Yeah, I have two requests:

[1] Pat can give us a lecture on the utility of killing an entire village in order to get one guy;

[2] James B. can give us a lecture on why Adolf Hitler was a misunderstood "socialist."

At 31 August, 2011 11:23, Blogger John said...

Pat can give us a lecture on the utility of killing an entire village in order to get one guy

Two guys.

At 31 August, 2011 11:26, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...Two guys."

John, would you care to complete the sentence?

At 31 August, 2011 11:38, Blogger James B. said...

I could put my Jackson School hat on and argue 20th century political systems all day, but doesn't really have much to do with this blog.

At 31 August, 2011 11:42, Blogger John said...

John, would you care to complete the sentence?


Pat killed an entire village to get two guys.

At 31 August, 2011 12:18, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Thanks for completing the sentence, John. I must admit that I stand in awe of your ability to read minds. I'm not worthy.

Pat, I'm serious about my request for a lecture on the utility of killing an entire village in order to get [cough] two guys. Surely, the Draco the Lawgiver Fan Club waits with baited breath for your lecture on the necessity of "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out."

James B., feel free to invite the renown "historian", Jonah Goldberg (an English major and author of the much-maligned tome titled, Liberal Fascism), to your lecture. After all, where would historical revision be without Orwellian Newspeak?

At 31 August, 2011 13:19, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

Has anybody caught "The Rising" airing on Discovery this month?

It's a quality documentary on the construction of the new 1 WTC tower, and the Ground Zero Museum. It is relevant here because as the various engineers discuss the various activities there are referrences to the many flaws in the design of the original Twin Towers. In explaining how the new tower is stronger they explain how the towers fell (stronger central core, serious floor redesign, thicker concrete, etc). There are also statements about how codes were rewritten to allow the orginal towers to be built, implying that had the previous codes been followed the buildings might have stood longer.

It's also just an inspiring feature, worth everyone's time.

At 31 August, 2011 13:54, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

I applaud Pat's attempts to clean out riffraff like Gutterballs, by any means necessary.

...even if Pat is a fat old fuck who would rather shit on the face of a 9/11 family member than admit he's been wrong about his "science".

At 31 August, 2011 14:03, Blogger GuitarBill said...

What's the matter, goat fucker? Are you pissed off because I outed you as the real author of the "Pat Cowardly" stupidity?

And who are you to refer to anyone as "riffraff" [SIC] after the hateful and disparaging comments you made about Pat's late father? Let me guess, in your twisted world, kicking a dead man who can't defend himself is an example of valor and decency.

Is projection all you have, goat fucker?

At 31 August, 2011 14:14, Blogger James B. said...

Damn, you are that riled up over a book review I made on another blog over three years ago? Who peed in your cheerios?

At 31 August, 2011 14:16, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

Actually, kicking a dead man would be more respectful than what Pat has done to his father's name.

But you knew that alreadty.

At 31 August, 2011 14:32, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Inability to accept responsibility for your cowardly, despicable behavior is noted, goat fucker.

So how does it feel to learn that your "iron-rich microspheres" theory is just so much bullshit, goat fucker?

Have you learned to read the RJ Lee Report without quote mining--you tiny-brained wiper of other people's buttocks?

At 31 August, 2011 14:45, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

You mean the spheres Pat said came from the clean-up crews?

He said people who didn't believe him were 'retarded'.

Are you 'retarded', Bill?

Why did you say 'the RJ Lee Report doesn't say squat about the source of the spheres'? Maybe YOU should read it, chubster.

At 31 August, 2011 14:49, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Isn't it funny that you deliberately omitted the following passage from the RJ Lee Report while you lie and whine about "iron-rich microspheres"--you no account turd in the punch bowl?

"...Considering the high temperatures reached during the destruction of the WTC, the following three types of combustion products would be expected to be present in WTC Dust. These products are:

• Vesicular carbonaceous particles primarily from plastics

• Iron-rich spheres from iron-bearing building components or contents

• High temperature aluminosilicate from building materials."

RJ Lee Report, Page 16.

The RJ Lee Report continues,

"..The conflagration activated processes that caused materials to form into spherical particles such as metals (e.g., Fe, Zn, Pb) and spherical or vesicular silicates or fly ash."

RJ Lee Report, Page 3.

And finally, Chris Mohr wrote, "...Another possible source of iron-rich microspheres is fly ash in concrete. At the time of our debate I could not find proof of this assertion, but here it is: This is a photo and accompanying spectrum of an iron-rich microsphere in Tolk fly ash I obtained from a dust expert who has collected 400,000 dust samples from fly ash alone. This particle is an iron oxide of some type, but the particle also contains small amounts of calcium, silicon and aluminum. Fact: Since we're dealing with iron oxides, iron hydroxides, and iron eutectics, the assumption that 'iron rich' spheres must come from fire temperatures capable of melting pure iron is invalid."

Go for it, goat fucker! Impress with your bottomless dishonesty--you quote mining shit stain.

At 31 August, 2011 16:08, Blogger anonymous said...

"kameelyun said...

More from Shelton Lankford's review of the Legge/Chandler "paper:"

"The efforts to marginalize CIT and Pilots continue unabated, and it is difficult to see any daylight
between the instant paper and those efforts. Far from letting the CIT evidence stand or fall on its own merits, the instant paper attempts to build a case where there is none, and throw jet fuel on the fire that they, themselves started, all the while decrying the “divisiveness” allegedly caused
by CIT. The hypocrisy is breathtaking. One is reminded of the boy who killed his parents, then appealed to the court for mercy on the grounds he was an orphan."

and thats just part of the conclusion after many pages of analysis.

The best part is, I had nothing to do with the above review.

Rob Balsamo

31 August, 2011 04:12"


At 31 August, 2011 16:11, Blogger anonymous said...

"GuitarBill said...

"...Want to engage in a bickerfest with Brian?"

Fuck you.

31 August, 2011 11:09"


At 31 August, 2011 16:49, Blogger GuitarBill said...

So goat fucker, how many sock puppets have you created in the last two weeks.


At 31 August, 2011 17:05, Blogger anonymous said...

i'm not the one insulting the blog owner,UtterFail. that's you.

At 31 August, 2011 17:27, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Apparently, you still haven't learned how to read, goat fucker. After all, Pat replied to my comment up-thread.

You, moreover, insult the intelligence of everyone who reads this blog with every lying, disingenuous comment you write. Fortunately, the people who read this blog are intelligent, and they refuse to swallow the bilge written by an insane sex stalker who wears women's underwear.

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked.

At 31 August, 2011 17:58, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

At 31 August, 2011 18:21, Blogger ConsDemo said...

GiutarBill, you've posted many good arguments that take down the twoofer pseudoscience directly.
I've posted links to posts on this blog many times in other forums, not to debate twoofers, who are a lost cause but people who appear to be otherwise sane but nibbling on twoofer arguments. I'd hate to see all that disappear because of this supposed "bickerfest."

I'm not sure why Pat closed the comments but I recommend focusing less on twoofers as individuals. Which of them isn't a human debris? All of them are highly deserving of scorn but not worth losing sleep over. Is Brian Good any worse than Bill Glitner, John Gold, or Boris Epstein or for that matter the more "famous" twoofers like Grifter or Dick Gage?

At 31 August, 2011 19:36, Blogger paul w said...

The biggest frustration for me is that the truthers I would like to debate here are too scared to come out their little magical kingdoms.

As an example, the administrator of the 911oz site, Hereward, boasted that he would "love to debate the SLC crowd".

Yet, when it was pointed out that there was nothing actually stopping him, he did just as all truthers do when faced with the awkward nature of reality, and simply ignored it.

His other idiot mates are the same, forever boasting on their own site of their intellectual and moral superiority over the sheeples, yet not having the guts to step out of it and come here.

No surprise there, but it would be far more interesting debating them, than fucking Brian. The end result would be the same, of course, but at least it would be more fun getting there.

It comes with the territory, I suppose; truthers are not exactly known for their heroic nature (except in their own delusional minds).

At 31 August, 2011 19:38, Blogger paul w said...

No surprise there, but it would be far more interesting debating them, than fucking Brian.

I could have expressed that better!

At 31 August, 2011 22:00, Blogger anonymous said...

UtterFail wrote:
"Apparently, you still haven't learned how to read, goat fucker. After all, Pat replied to my comment up-thread.

You, moreover, insult the intelligence of everyone who reads this blog with every lying, disingenuous comment you write. Fortunately, the people who read this blog are intelligent, and they refuse to swallow the bilge written by an insane sex stalker who wears women's underwear.


your "proof" is the scribblings of a guy who hit wife? is there a source that is not this guy or his friends?
(journalism 101: hearsay is not evidence)

At 31 August, 2011 23:05, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yeah, too bad the link to the "HOLOCAUST DENIER BLOG" is a link to your fellow troofer, Kevin Barrett. You're also very careful to omit the source of the information, which, as it turns out, is SLC.

You're also careful to omit the subtitle of the article, "...Screwloosechange publishes Snugbug's address & phone number, various & psundry pseudonyms, prominent activist's plea for him to stop harassing her, and more..."

And don't give me that "the source can't be trusted" crap. We've been over this a dozen times--you cretin. SLC lost the data when they changed comment management software.

Did Carol Broulliet lie when she wrote, "...Frankly Brian...I don't think your attacks on me, Kevin Barrett, and William Rodriguez have anything to do with Kevin Barrett or William Rodriguez or anything rational. The attacks have to do with Brian Good and Carol Brouillet and are completely emotional. You have a crush on me and erroneously hold delusions about me. You are being irrationally jealous of Kevin and William. You cannot accept the fact that I am happily married and refuse to allow you to TRY to cause trouble between my husband and I. Because of your delusions, I cannot ever feel "safe" in your presence alone, and would rather not see you again, but you are so desperate for attention that you are doing extremely negative, destructive things-attacking me and respected members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to force me to pay attention to you...Please stop attacking Kevin, William and I. Do something useful--attack the people who did 9/11, not the people who are putting so much effort into exposing the lies and stopping them. Leave me alone- stop the email attacks on me and others. I think it probably harms your reputation more than mine, although it is horrifically embarrassing to me to think that at one time I thought of you as a friend. Now I only see you as a threat to me, my family, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and the 9/11 Truth Movement. I have zero confidence in your judgement [SIC] and rationality. [Signed] Carol Brouillet" ???????

Yeah, you're a stand-up guy, goat fucker. Do the Palo Alto Police have you on CD-ROM, and ban you from loitering within 100 yards of the local elementary schools, too?

At 01 September, 2011 01:15, Blogger anonymous said...

"GuitarBill said...

Yeah, too bad the link to the "HOLOCAUST DENIER BLOG" is a link to your fellow troofer, Kevin Barrett. You're also very careful to omit the source of the information, which, as it turns out, is SLC. "

also hearsay.

"And don't give me that "the source can't be trusted" crap. We've been over this a dozen times--you cretin. SLC lost the data when they changed comment management software. "

how convenient. strange this explosive evidence archived if it was so damning.

""...Frankly Brian...I don't think your attacks on me, Kevin Barrett, and William Rodriguez have anything to do with Kevin Barrett or William Rodriguez or anything rational. The attacks have to do with Brian Good and Carol Brouillet and are completely emotional. You have a crush on me and erroneously hold delusions about me. You are being irrationally jealous of Kevin and William. You cannot accept the fact that I am happily married and refuse to allow you to TRY to cause trouble between my husband and I. Because of your delusions, I cannot ever feel "safe" in your presence alone, and would rather not see you again, but you are so desperate for attention that you are doing extremely negative, destructive things-attacking me and respected members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to force me to pay attention to you...Please stop attacking Kevin, William and I. Do something useful--attack the people who did 9/11, not the people who are putting so much effort into exposing the lies and stopping them. Leave me alone- stop the email attacks on me and others. I think it probably harms your reputation more than mine, although it is horrifically embarrassing to me to think that at one time I thought of you as a friend. Now I only see you as a threat to me, my family, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and the 9/11 Truth Movement. I have zero confidence in your judgement [SIC] and rationality. [Signed] Carol Brouillet" ???????"

all you got, UtterFail, is carol said so. in none of this screed does she give proof of "email attacks" or that there is a crush. in fact that sounds like a delusional woman who imagines herself to be hotter than she is and wants attention. ergo the drama. if she really thinks her family is "threatened" she should call the cops.

"Yeah, you're a stand-up guy, goat fucker. Do the Palo Alto Police have you on CD-ROM, and ban you from loitering within 100 yards of the local elementary schools, too?"

that's the question isn't it, UtterFail? why,instead of writing a drama filled screed, didn't carol go to the cops?

what you got, UtterFail is a whole crapload of hearsay in an internet echo chamber.

At 01 September, 2011 09:34, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

Is Nutterbile trying to pass off iron oxide (from fly ash) as elemental iron again? Does he think real scientists can't tell the difference? Didn't Pat make the same idiotic (or intentionally mistaken) claim? Have you examined any of the dust personally, utterfail?

Newsflash to dishonest fat people: informed people know the difference between rust and regular iron, even if you don't, chubs.

At 01 September, 2011 11:11, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Goat fucker, what part of the following direct quote from the RJ Lee Report don't you understand?

"...Considering the high temperatures reached during the destruction of the WTC, the following three types of combustion products would be expected to be present in WTC Dust. These products are:

• Vesicular carbonaceous particles primarily from plastics

• Iron-rich spheres from iron-bearing building components or contents

• High temperature aluminosilicate from building materials."

RJ Lee Report, Page 16.

So tell us, liar, why did you carefully omit the aforementioned passage from the RJ Lee Report?

I'll tell you why you carefully omitted the passage: You're a liar.

And I notice that you can't substantiate your assertions with facts--you quote mining fraud.


At 01 September, 2011 11:13, Blogger Jonn Wood said...

also hearsay.

Testimony, due to the original evidence being lost. Hearsay is sometimes acceptable in court, you know, and courts have much higher standards than journalists.

Of course, your assertion that journalists don't rely on hearsay is laughable in itself. Often all they have to go on is hearsay. Also, a personal website is not a journal, and need not be held to your journalistic standards which are false anyway.

how convenient. strange this explosive evidence archived if it was so damning.

I notice that you're very carefully avoiding saying all of this evidence is actually false. There's a similar pattern on TruthJihad, I noted after a few, oh, seconds of skimming. This is a politician's trick; you scoff, but do not deny. "I can't believe someone would even make such an accusation!" It looks like the same thing if someone is reading quickly.

why,instead of writing a drama filled screed, didn't carol go to the cops?

For the same reason most sexual harassment victims don't, I would assume.

At 01 September, 2011 11:18, Blogger GuitarBill said...

The goat fucker squeals, "...all you got, UtterFail, is carol said so."

Carol Brouillet is hardly a proven compulsive liar. You, on the other hand...

The goat fucker lies, "...if she really thinks her family is 'threatened' she should call the cops."

I hate to break this to you shit-for-brains, but your repeated attempts to break up Carol Brouillet's marriage are not a crime. On the other hand, your treachery does prove that you're a despicable individual--not to mention a home wrecker and a scumbag.

You're lower than a snake's belly.

At 01 September, 2011 11:22, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Goat fucker, tell us about your repeated attempts to sexually assault William Rodriguez. After all, he's complained repeatedly about your unwanted homosexual advances.

So how many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault, goat fucker?

At 01 September, 2011 11:40, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Goat fucker: "...Hey Willie. I just shit my bed. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Willie: "...Well, as long as you don't try anything funny."

Goat fucker: "...Do you consider aggravated homosexual assault funny?"

At 01 September, 2011 12:04, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

It's obvious who finds it funny, Utterfail.

Speaking of fail, why are you backpedaling from your fly ash nonsense now? Why did you say the Lee report didn't state what the source of the melted iron was?

When someone is wrong so often on this topic, like you and Pat, it's obvious what the intention is.

At 01 September, 2011 12:09, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I'm not backpedaling at all, asshole.

The presence of fly ash in the lightweight concrete is beyond dispute. And I've provided the documentation to prove that claim repeatedly.

You, on the other hand, can't substantiate your assertions without quote mining and lying.

And all we've seen so far is your opinion--and the opinion of a proven compulsive liar isn't worth the ASCII characters you waste to post it.

Answer the question, goat fucker: How many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault?

At 01 September, 2011 13:19, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

So you still don't understand the difference between rust and iron?

That's why you and Pat will never be scientists: you don't care about data or evidence. Sounds like Pat's father is still doing the thinking for both of you. I'm sure he'd be proud, too.

At 01 September, 2011 13:36, Blogger anonymous said...

"Of course, your assertion that journalists don't rely on hearsay is laughable in itself. Often all they have to go on is hearsay. Also, a personal website is not a journal, and need not be held to your journalistic standards which are false anyway."

hearsay MAY be a starting point for investigation, but it isn't evidence. it is being treated like evidence. the "evidence" anyone had a crush on carol is carol's say so. no one else has come forward to confirm this. anyone can say anything but it doesn't make it true. UtterFail repeating homosexual goat fucker doesn't make it true. that's high school bully logic. for someone so smart surprised you fell for it.

"I notice that you're very carefully avoiding saying all of this evidence is actually false. There's a similar pattern on TruthJihad, I noted after a few, oh, seconds of skimming. This is a politician's trick; you scoff, but do not deny. "I can't believe someone would even make such an accusation!" It looks like the same thing if someone is reading quickly."

you were asking if it was false? ask then. don't talk around it. i go with its false. there's no evidence to support it. what's odd is thinking its true, with no evidence to support it.

"For the same reason most sexual harassment victims don't, I would assume.

01 September, 2011 11:13"

carol's NOT going to report it to the cops(who have the authority to stop the alleged harassment), but she IS going to tell a bunch of strangers on the internet who have NO chance of doing anything? and you assume this makes sense? know what they say about assuming...

the reason most sexual harassment victims don't report is they don't want people knowing. carol has no problem with telling people; she's just not telling the right people. because if she lies to the cops that's a mess o trouble.

but you're right about one thing: a blog doesn't have to be held to journalistic standards... if it doesn't expect to be taking seriously.

At 01 September, 2011 13:37, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I hate to break this to you, asshole, but I am a scientist.

And I know the difference between science and blowhard bullshit.

So where's your evidence, cretin? And your worthless, unprofessional and unqualified opinion isn't evidence.

Now answer the question, goat fucker: How many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault?

At 01 September, 2011 13:39, Blogger anonymous said...

"01 September, 2011 11:13
Blogger GuitarBill said...

The goat fucker squeals, "...all you got, UtterFail, is carol said so."

Carol Brouillet is hardly a proven compulsive liar. "

What makes you think so? She's troofer and that's synonymous with lying...isn't it?

At 01 September, 2011 13:44, Blogger anonymous said...

"I hate to break this to you shit-for-brains, but your repeated attempts to break up Carol Brouillet's marriage are not a crime."

depends what the alleged attempts were. if they qualified as harassment and stalking they would be a crime. if not criminal, the way everyone squeals about it could be a civil suit. strange her husband wouldn't want to pursue legal action. hear he has the money for it.

At 01 September, 2011 13:46, Blogger GuitarBill said...

There's a big difference between gullibility and lying, goat fucker.

Carol Brouillet is gullible.

You, on the other hand, are a proven compulsive liar.

You're also an idiot who doesn't know how to read spectra. And you know nothing about the physical sciences--with the exception of the pseudo-science you routinely cut-and-paste from Jim Hoffman's fraudulent website.

At 01 September, 2011 13:58, Blogger anonymous said...

"GuitarBill said...

Goat fucker, tell us about your repeated attempts to sexually assault William Rodriguez. After all, he's complained repeatedly about your unwanted homosexual advances.

So how many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault, goat fucker?

01 September, 2011 11:22"

you contradicted your story. first its a crush on carol. then its a gay crush on willy. IF both true(big if) they can't possibly be by the same person.

reading UtterFail and others rantings about carol and her unverified accusations about being stalked but no legal action, makes anyone wonder if the point was to spread lies on the internet echo chamber knowing it will be hard to remove them. a common game by passive aggressive women looking for attention. looks like all you smart guys got pussy whipped by an attention whore.
also looks like UtterFail has a crush on carol. be careful..she's a heart breaker!

At 01 September, 2011 13:58, Blogger Jonn Wood said...

depends what the alleged attempts were. if they qualified as harassment and stalking they would be a crime.

Do you have any idea how many crimes are not reported or prosecuted? It is a very large number.

if not criminal, the way everyone squeals about it could be a civil suit. strange her husband wouldn't want to pursue legal action. hear he has the money for it.

Yes, because everyone always wants to go in open court about harassment, and have to relive it over and over and over again, in public.

At 01 September, 2011 13:59, Blogger anonymous said...

"GuitarBill said...

There's a big difference between gullibility and lying, goat fucker.

Carol Brouillet is gullible."

makes sense you'd make excuses for the woman you have a crush on.

At 01 September, 2011 14:00, Blogger Jonn Wood said...

you contradicted your story. first its a crush on carol. then its a gay crush on willy. IF both true(big if) they can't possibly be by the same person.

You are now asserting people cannot have crushes on multiple people, and/or be bisexual.

At 01 September, 2011 14:01, Blogger Jonn Wood said...

Anon, can you please say either a)"Carol's allegations are false."


b)"Carol's allegations are true."

Let's make it as simple as possible.

At 01 September, 2011 14:06, Blogger anonymous said...

"Blogger Jonn Wood said...

Yes, because everyone always wants to go in open court about harassment, and have to relive it over and over and over again, in public.

01 September, 2011 13:58"

missing the point. a lot of effort is being put into spreading this story with strangers on the internet, so clearly telling people or "reliving it" is not a problem.

the problem is they're doing nothing to prove it or to stop the alleged harassment. that wouldn't require a big court case. a simple restraining order is common. but there has to be evidence. after all this time, there's none.

At 01 September, 2011 14:09, Blogger anonymous said...

"Blogger Jonn Wood said...

Anon, can you please say either a)"Carol's allegations are false."


b)"Carol's allegations are true."

Let's make it as simple as possible.

01 September, 2011 14:01"

wait. you don't think i'm brian? so how do you think i would know? the most you can ask of someone not in the situation is an opinion.

At 01 September, 2011 14:17, Blogger anonymous said...

"Jonn Wood said...

you contradicted your story. first its a crush on carol. then its a gay crush on willy. IF both true(big if) they can't possibly be by the same person.

You are now asserting people cannot have crushes on multiple people, and/or be bisexual.

01 September, 2011 14:00"

no. i'm asserting it makes the already implausible story, that has no solid evidence backing it up, even more implausible. the lies are very convenient and spread mostly because most guys don't want to risk calling carol out. its easier to defend her. chicks know this and some of them play with guys on purpose.

which makes more logical sense than a guy supposedly crushing on carol simultaneously crushing on all her friends.

At 01 September, 2011 14:18, Blogger anonymous said...

UtterFail, where'd you go?

At 01 September, 2011 14:37, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I went to lunch, asshole.

So where's your evidence for the presence of "elemental iron" in the dust? Squirming, squealing and lying isn't evidence, cretin.

You can't read spectra, let alone be trusted to tell the truth.

And we all know you're a bisexual sex stalker.

So answer the questions, goat fucker: How many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault?

At 01 September, 2011 14:48, Blogger anonymous said...

" GuitarBill said...

I went to lunch, asshole."

sure ya did.

"So where's your evidence for the presence of "elemental iron" in the dust? "

isn't it obvious?

"And we all know you're a bisexual sex stalker."

no. you just made that up. and you have the nerve to call people liars.

"So answer the questions, goat fucker: How many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault?"


my turn: when did you start crushing on carol, UtterFail?

At 01 September, 2011 14:52, Blogger GuitarBill said...




You violate every rule of formal debate and resort to every logical fallacy in the book.

Once again, you FAIL, goat fucker.

At 01 September, 2011 14:55, Blogger anonymous said...

"GuitarBill said...

I went to lunch, asshole."

whoa, whoa, whoa...did you just admit you're posting blog comments ON THE CLOCK? you're spreading lies on the internet about people on company time? or for that matter posting comments on company time period?

At 01 September, 2011 14:58, Blogger anonymous said...


you're right UtterFail. so about your crush on carol...notice you're not saying anything.


At 01 September, 2011 14:59, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...when did you start crushing on carol, UtterFail?"

That right, goat fucker, when your back's against the wall, be good little troofer Nazi and accuse your opponent of the crimes you commit.

Carol Brouillet wrote, "...I don't think your attacks on me, Kevin Barrett, and William Rodriguez have anything to do with Kevin Barrett or William Rodriguez or anything rational. The attacks have to do with Brian Good and Carol Brouillet and are completely emotional. You have a crush on me and erroneously hold delusions about me. You are being irrationally jealous of Kevin and William. You cannot accept the fact that I am happily married and refuse to allow you to TRY to cause trouble between my husband and I. Because of your delusions, I cannot ever feel "safe" in your presence alone, and would rather not see you again, but you are so desperate for attention that you are doing extremely negative, destructive things- attacking me and respected members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to force me to pay attention to you...Now I only see you as a threat to me, my family, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and the 9/11 Truth Movement. I have zero confidence in your judgement and rationality."

Carol Brouillet accuses the goat fucker of sabotaging her marriage.

At 01 September, 2011 15:02, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...whoa, whoa, whoa...did you just admit you're posting blog comments ON THE CLOCK?"

Unlike you, goat fucker, I'm a professional; thus, I don't punch a clock. After all, not everyone is a failed janitor and college dropout who wears women's underwear.

So answer the question, goat fucker: How many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault?

At 01 September, 2011 17:20, Blogger sabba said...

Well, I'm sorry, but I like Guitarbill and understand his frustration with the Palo Alto Stalker who accuses others of being WR and refuses to debate them face to face to prove his convictions. Also,
it is September 1st and as we can see, he has lost another opportunity to face Rodriguez in New York. You may remember that William invited him to be even part of the ceremonies and to meet with Officer Lim and others. Basically the same strategy used by BBC with that Love Police guy, the difference is that Brian is scared to face him or the 9/11 families with his idiotic beliefs and theories. It is noted that once AGAIN he has bs his way out with the usual excuses and usual claims of success of nothing done of his part.

Guitarbill, reach out to WR via his website as he invited you months ago, he may help you with some info about BG. He helped me when I asked.

Also, do not forget Brian Good's Famous words (that he repeated to WR)..."you will never be in the news"

At 01 September, 2011 18:52, Blogger anonymous said...

"sabba said...

Well, I'm sorry, but I like Guitarbill and understand his frustration with the Palo Alto Stalker "


At 01 September, 2011 18:55, Blogger anonymous said...

"So answer the question, goat fucker: How many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault?

01 September, 2011 15:02"

i did answer, you ADD case:

"So answer the questions, goat fucker: How many times have you been arrested for aggravated homosexual assault?"


go easy on the coffee, UtterFail.

At 01 September, 2011 18:57, Blogger anonymous said...

"Unlike you, goat fucker, I'm a professional; thus, I don't punch a clock."

oh so your employer is paying for your UNLIMITED internet usage when you should be working. thanks for the clarification.

At 01 September, 2011 18:59, Blogger anonymous said...

"Guitarbill, reach out to WR via his website as he invited you months ago, he may help you with some info about BG. He helped me when I asked."

is that supposed to be some sorta threat? lame. like your avatar.

At 01 September, 2011 19:06, Blogger anonymous said...

UtterFail wrote:

Carol Brouillet accuses the goat fucker of sabotaging her marriage.

01 September, 2011 14:59"

omg lol you're so desperate you linked to CIT? and why should they care exactly? thought they ran off soon after JREF outed tiffanyinla as their buddy balsamo's prettyinpink sock puppet.

try harder UtterFail. or drop it.

At 01 September, 2011 19:09, Blogger anonymous said...

Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...when did you start crushing on carol, UtterFail?"

That right, goat fucker, when your back's against the wall, be good little troofer Nazi "

um you know what a nazi is? cuz every time you misuse the word godwin cries...

its ok, UtterFail, your carol crush is nothing to be ashamed of. love makes people blind, so it makes sense.

At 01 September, 2011 19:19, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Trying to bury your latest humiliating defeat in squeal spam, goat fucker?

Carol Brouillet wrote, "...I don't think your attacks on me, Kevin Barrett, and William Rodriguez have anything to do with Kevin Barrett or William Rodriguez or anything rational. The attacks have to do with Brian Good and Carol Brouillet and are completely emotional. You have a crush on me and erroneously hold delusions about me. You are being irrationally jealous of Kevin and William. You cannot accept the fact that I am happily married and refuse to allow you to TRY to cause trouble between my husband and I. Because of your delusions, I cannot ever feel "safe" in your presence alone, and would rather not see you again, but you are so desperate for attention that you are doing extremely negative, destructive things- attacking me and respected members of the 9/11 Truth Movement to force me to pay attention to you...Now I only see you as a threat to me, my family, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and the 9/11 Truth Movement. I have zero confidence in your judgement and rationality."

Carol Brouillet accuses the goat fucker of sabotaging her marriage.

So goat fucker, do you have a copy of Mien Kampf on your bookshelf? You must, because you resort to Hitler's tactics constantly. In this instance, you're using Hitler's tactic of accusing your opponent of the crimes you commit.

You're a good little troofer Nazi, aren't you?

Too bad you're an uneducated college dropout, failed janitor, sex stalker and home wrecker who wears women's underwear. And, last but not least, you have the morals of a street walking crack whore.

At 01 September, 2011 19:39, Blogger anonymous said...

"GuitarBill said...

Trying to bury your latest humiliating defeat in squeal spam, goat fucker?

Carol Brouillet wrote, ".[exact same lies published at holocaust denier site truthjihad ergo proving nothing except UtterFail knows ctrl v and c] "

yeah is the same drama teen queen spam. you're point? besides proving your crush on carol?

"So goat fucker, do you have a copy of Mien Kampf on your bookshelf? You must, because you resort to Hitler's tactics constantly. In this instance, you're using Hitler's tactic of accusing your opponent of the crimes you commit.

You're a good little troofer Nazi, aren't you?"


"A term that originated on Usenet, Godwin's Law states that as an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will bring up Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. When such an event occurs, the person guilty of invoking Godwin's Law has effectively forfieted the argument.


At 01 September, 2011 19:50, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I see that you know about as much about "laws" as you know about everything else--nothing.

Godwin's "law" isn't a law. It's an adage.

And, once again, you're quote mining the Wikipedia source.

Why did you carefully omit the following passage from the Wikipedia entry?

"...Godwin's law is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an Internet adage."


You're an idiot.


You don't know the difference between an adage and a law.

Once again, you FAIL, goat fucker.

At 01 September, 2011 20:05, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Why why did you omit the following passage from the Wikipedia entry for Godwin's "law"?

"...Godwin's law itself can be abused as a distraction, diversion or even as censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent's argument as hyperbole when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate."


Once again, you FAIL, goat fucker.

At 01 September, 2011 21:26, Blogger GuitarBill said...

And notice that on the right side of the Wikipedia entry for Godwin's "law", just below the picture of Mike Godwin, we find the following caption:

"...Mike Godwin, formulator of the "law"."

As anyone can see, even Wikipedia puts the word "law" in quotation marks.

You're an idiot, goat fucker--not to mention a liar.

At 02 September, 2011 06:28, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"James B. can give us a lecture on why Adolf Hitler was a misunderstood "socialist.""

Who needs a lecture?

Everyone knows that.

At 02 September, 2011 08:53, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...Everyone knows that."

Allow me to complete the sentence, sir.

Everyone who was educated in trailer-park knows that.

At 02 September, 2011 10:52, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"I hate to break this to you, asshole, but I am a scientist.

And I know the difference between science and blowhard bullshit."
-GutterBitch (slapped silly)

Translation: you're right, Pat Cowardly, and I apologize. My fly ash excuse was as full of shit as Pat's torch "research". Both involve oxides instead of iron, and I was trying to pass them off as the same, hoping you and my friends here wouldn't notice. I'm a 'scientist'! So is Pat 'Torch Song & Dance' Curdley!

At 02 September, 2011 10:54, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Oh! My bad. I forgot to provide an example.

Hosni Mubarak and his henchmen officially named Egypt "The Democratic Republic of Egypt."

As anyone who has ever traveled to Egypt can attest, Egypt is anything BUT "democratic." (Ask the people who are routinely tortured and disappeared by the so-called "Democratic Republic of Egypt," if you doubt my claim).

So why would any sentient person believe that "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) was "socialist"?

After all, Hitler's henchmen--all of them extreme right wingers--routinely killed or imprisoned socialists and communists?

Welcome to the wide, wonderful world of Orwellian doublespeak.

Any questions, children?

At 02 September, 2011 11:00, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 02 September, 2011 11:02, Blogger GuitarBill said...

The goat fucker lies, "...Both involve oxides instead of iron...[blah][blah][blah]."

Goat fucker--you ignorant slut--I'm still waiting for the evidence for the presence of "elemental iron" in the WTC dust.

And remember--you lying sack-of-shit--your idiotic, unqualified and unprofessional opinion is NOT evidence.

(Don't hold your breath, folks, because the goat fucker doesn't have a clue of how to read spectra--and even if he did, he'd lie about the data.)

At 02 September, 2011 11:32, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"Goat fucker--you ignorant slut--I'm still waiting for the evidence for the presence of "elemental iron" in the WTC dust."

Poor Gutterbitch. Doesn't even understand the report he keeps linking to. Nor the USGS report, apparently. Post the link again, Bitch. Maybe Pat or James can pick up where your impressive research skills left off.

"it was fly ash! Except it was torches! no really! I'm a scientist! I don't need "sources"!! Iron and rust are teh SAME!!1"
-Shat Curley & GoiterBitch

At 02 September, 2011 11:39, Blogger GuitarBill said...

See what I mean, folks?

The goat fucker cannot and will not provide the evidence for "elemental iron" in the WTC dust.

You couldn't read spectra to save your worthless life--you lying degenerate.

Now do a cut-and-paste of the idiotic pseudo-science from Jim Hoffman's fraudulent website.

Once again, you FAIL, goat fucker.

At 02 September, 2011 11:40, Blogger Ian said...

OK, so this is really an open thread? I can taunt Brian Good over the fact that Willie Rodriguez is honored as a hero right now while Brian continues to babble about magic thermite elves on the internet, right?

At 02 September, 2011 11:53, Blogger GuitarBill said...

The goat fucker squeals, "...I don't need "sources"!!"

Yeah, I guess that explains why I cited the RJ Lee Report.

And I'm still waiting for the evidence for the presence of "elemental iron" in the WTC dust.

Go for it, spectra boy! I can't wait to rip you to shreds.

(Don't hold your breath, folks)

At 02 September, 2011 12:04, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"And I'm still waiting for the evidence for the presence of "elemental iron" in the WTC dust."

Don't let those goalposts hit you on the head while you're trying desperately to move them, little boy.

Repeating "iron is rust!" over and over isn't going to make it true, no matter how much you and Pat do it. If you can't understand the term "FE Sphere" from a scientific report, no amount of flailing is going to help. Wise up, dipshit.

At 02 September, 2011 12:13, Blogger WhyAskQuestions said...

The presence of iron oxide on a building adjacent from the North Atlantic Ocean (which is salt water BTW Cowardly) is evidence that atmospheric conditions contributed to those "iron spheres" over the few decades those Towers were standing. Not to mention the amount of water from the Hudson contributed to alot of those "iron spheres" too when the firefighters poured tons of water on the flaming debris pile and the 9 months it took to escavate the site.

So those "iron spheres" don't prove Jack Shit that thermite was used. Stupid fucking Truthers and their lack of common sense. No wonder why alot of people want to kick their asses.

At 02 September, 2011 12:14, Blogger GuitarBill said...

No one moved the goal post--you delusional degenerate.

Accusing your opponent of the crimes you commit, goat fucker? Of course you are--you slimy neo-Nazi.

So where's the spectra to support your "elemental iron in the dust" assertion, Pinocchio?

I won't hold my breath.

At 02 September, 2011 12:34, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"Of course you are--you slimy neo-Nazi."

Translation: I want attention! I want attention! I can't stand that I was caught lying, and HAVE TO HAVE THE LAST WORD!! PLEEEEAAAASE!

At 02 September, 2011 12:39, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I still don't see any spectra to support your "elemental iron in the dust" assertion (heavy emphasis on ass when dealing with the goat fucker), ass.

I guess that's the way it goes when you're a paid liar.

Once again, you FAIL, goat fucker.

At 02 September, 2011 13:09, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"I guess that's the way it goes when you're a paid liar."
Mumbly StumbleBitch

Translation: Pat, say something about torches to rescue me! Maybe BOTH of us can say stupid things about rust, and people won't notice!

At 02 September, 2011 13:23, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I still don't see the spectra to substantiate your "elemental iron in the dust" assertion, ass.

Once again, you FAIL, goat fucker.

At 02 September, 2011 17:23, Blogger sabba said...

Ian said...
OK, so this is really an open thread? I can taunt Brian Good over the fact that Willie Rodriguez is honored as a hero right now while Brian continues to babble about magic thermite elves on the internet, right?

I agree IAN, and let's not forget Brian's famous words to William..."You will never be on the news"
Let's see how he gets out of that one! of course it will be a laughable I told you so excuse. And how about the challenge and also the invitation to Ground Zero to meet with the family of Ortiz and Police Officer Lim? owned again and again and then he wonders why they call him - Brian, his bitch!

At 02 September, 2011 19:56, Blogger Ian said...

Hey, Brian, I just watched the movie "Stand and Deliver". I can't help but contrast the poor kids from East LA who learn to excel at calculus with you, a rich kid from Palo Alto who can't even keep a job mopping floors and babbles about magic thermite elves on the internet all day.

At 04 September, 2011 07:53, Blogger Grandmastershek said...

Is Brian parading "iron rich" as pure iron? Not shocked.

At 05 September, 2011 16:02, Blogger J said...

Hey guys, do you feel alright posting a link to the page for the event on 9/11 conspiracy theories I'll be doing in Zurich next Sunday? Your blog pops up a few times in my talk, which is about the history of the movement. This is the page. If you could, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

At 05 September, 2011 22:47, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, do you mind posting links to Willie's news appearances? Any clown can claim he was on CNN, and Willie has proven that he's any clown. Only links prove it.

At 06 September, 2011 07:12, Blogger sabba said...

do your own research asshole. You are the one who claimed "you will never be on the news"
The only clown we have seen here is you.

Hint: He was on CNN yesterday, twice. Why don't you call CNN and get the copies?

At 06 September, 2011 07:14, Blogger sabba said...

OH wow, and just to screw with you, he just appeared on the main Spanish newspaper in California and get this...3 pages.
and you still said: "you will never be on the news"


At 06 September, 2011 08:17, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, what newspaper would that be?

Only liars say "do your own research".

People who tell the truth provide links.

At 06 September, 2011 09:47, Blogger snug.bug said...

Did you see the article in Der Spiegel that says that neither FDNY nor David Lim will comment on Willie, that he lives with a dog named Elvis (what? Wasn't he married to a Mexican TV star?), that his story might be 5% true and that he might even be crazy enough to believe his own exaggerations?


At 06 September, 2011 13:57, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch says:Did you see the article in Der Spiegel that says that neither FDNY nor David Lim will comment on Willie, that he lives with a dog named Elvis (what? Wasn't he married to a Mexican TV star?), that his story might be 5% true and that he might even be crazy enough to believe his own exaggerations?


That's right! Buawahahahahhaha
I read the article last week bitch and I do not know you but if you are using the google translator, you are out of luck. It is an obvious article where it points the attackers and their stance and it also promotes his soon to be released video. Also 5% percent? where the hell did you get your translation bitch?
It says the fire department neither deny or confirm his story because it is their policy not to comment on this issues. Duh! Also, David Lim says, he decided long ago not to talk about that day with Rodriguez until a future opportunity to tell his story, and that he wants to avoid troubles. But People can see their video together on Youtube. Duh!Again!
Where in the hell did you get he was married to a Mexican Star? another one of your lies of course. Didn't you claimed he was married to Thalia? buawahahahaha!!!
and there, is great to see you yourself promoting his appearance on Spiegel. I was holding it for you but you beat me to it. So.... "you will never be on the news" Huh?

At 06 September, 2011 14:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

Spin and spin as you like. No one will confirm his story. The interview with Lim was years ago and now Lim won't talk about it.

W-Turd's story is impossible, death statistics prove it's a lie, and Spiegel laughs at him. 5% true is right there where Spiegel says it looks like his story turned a $1 bill into a $20 bill by sleight of hand.

At 06 September, 2011 14:16, Blogger sabba said...

LOL, you forget the expert spinning here is you , not us, your 5% translation is stupid and Spiegel itself says that Victims he saved confirms his story and the vertical system of Master Keys was also corroborated..
So, are you going to concede that you lied bitch?
"you will never be on the news"

At 06 September, 2011 14:43, Blogger snug.bug said...

Spiegel said he just might be wacko enough to believe to believe his own claims.

But the claim that he swore to of 15 single-handed rescues is clearly a lie. Showing your co-workers to the street is not rescuing them. And the claim on C-Span that he saved hundreds of lives is also a lie, as death statistics show. Only about 100 civilians died under the impact zone. If W-Turd saved hundreds on his 39 floors, then thousands should have died on the other 129 floors under the impact zone that he never reached.

At 06 September, 2011 14:44, Blogger snug.bug said...

By the way, when was Willie on the News?

At 06 September, 2011 15:07, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...And the claim on C-Span that he saved hundreds of lives is also a lie, as death statistics show. Only about 100 civilians died under the impact zone. If W-Turd saved hundreds on his 39 floors, then thousands should have died on the other 129 floors under the impact zone that he never reached."

So, goat fucker, did you sniff model airplane glue, acetone or gasoline before you wrote that pile of crap?

At 06 September, 2011 16:02, Blogger snug.bug said...

Nothing crappy about it, and if you had half the education you claim you could see that.

The 100 civilians who died underneath the impact zone would have been people trapped in elevators and people like Ed Beyea who were slow to get down the stairs.

There were about 171 floors under the two impact zones. Willie claims that on his 39 floors he saved hundreds. That leaves 131 floors he never reached. The population of the towers at the time of the attack was 18,000.

There were 220 floors. 16 of them were mechanical floors, and it seems 24 floors were vacant. That leaves 180 populated floors--100 people per floor.

W-Turd's 39 floors included 5 vacant floors and 2 mechanical floors; thus 32 populated floors.

Willie claimed on C-Span that the doors were locked on two-thirds of the floors and he was "letting people out". So he's claiming they were trapped behind locked fire exits. If that's true, then he must have saved 2400 people on his 32 floors. So if what Willie says is true, then on the 66 locked and populated floors he was unable to reach, 6600 people should have died because W-Fraud wasn't there to save them.

At 06 September, 2011 16:15, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...There were 220 floors. 16 of them were mechanical floors, and it seems 24 floors were vacant. That leaves 180 populated floors--100 people per floor."

I see. So you've abandoned the gateway aromatics--model airplane glue, acetone and gasoline--for the hard stuff: n-butyl acetate, xylene and benzene.

At 06 September, 2011 16:46, Blogger snug.bug said...

Upon what basis do you dispute the facts I have put forth and the analysis?

At 06 September, 2011 16:55, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Petitio principii--you logical fallacy spewing, glue sniffing cretin. You assume the very thing you're trying to "prove."

Oh, that's right. You don't know the first thing about formal logic, so all of this is lost on you.

So which aromatic hydrocarbon do you prefer: N-butyl acetate, xylene or benzene?

At 06 September, 2011 17:05, Blogger snug.bug said...

I don't assume anything. I count the floors, I remove the unpopulated ones, I count Willie's floors, I correct for the fact that 1/3 of them were unlocked, and I arrive at a figure of 2400 people Willie saved if his claim that they were locked in were true. (It's not of course. He's a liar.)

I compare that to the population in the rest of the tower that W-Fraud did not reach.

No assumptions.

At 06 September, 2011 17:09, Blogger Ian said...

Brian, there are only a handful of open threads left on this blog. Could you limit your dumbspam to one thread please?

At 06 September, 2011 17:09, Blogger GuitarBill said...

That's right, Pinocchio, leave all your assumptions out of the last comment. Par for the course when dealing with an habitual liar.

So which aromatic hydrocarbon do you prefer: N-butyl acetate, xylene or benzene?

At 06 September, 2011 17:18, Blogger snug.bug said...

So what assumptions did I leave out, UtterFail?

At 06 September, 2011 17:25, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Have a look up thread, asshole. The answer is staring you straight in the face.

So which aromatic hydrocarbon do you prefer: N-butyl acetate, xylene or benzene?

At 06 September, 2011 18:15, Blogger snug.bug said...

IOW you can't name the assumptions I left out. Thanks for making that clear.

At 06 September, 2011 19:37, Blogger GuitarBill said...

That's right, dumbass, don't do what I asked you to do, post more dumbspam.

Look at my comment's and read the verbiage in the italics, ass.

At 06 September, 2011 23:29, Blogger snug.bug said...

He Sabba, how come I can't find anything on the internet about W-Turd and CNN? Would that be because you are a liar?


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