The film Anatomy of a Great Deception is being pushed lately by Truthers; the fact that Box Boy's clown posse gets 5% of the sales is probably a big reason why.
The film is much more personal than Loose Change or 9-11 Mysteries; it might well be subtitled, "How I Became a Truther" because that is the theme. Of course, in essence it's the same old CT crap in a new wrapper.
The auteur, David Hooper, starts with a simple question. Why did Bush stay in Booker Elementary so long after the first two plane crashes? He concludes (like most idiot Truthers) that he or his Secret Service detail must have known it was safe. He emphasizes that it was known that two other planes had been hijacked and yet Bush stayed there.
This is, of course, wrong. Bush left Booker at about 9:34 or 9:35, before it was known that AA Flight 77 or UA Flight 93 had been hijacked. As I have pointed out several times, it would have been reasonably difficult to target Booker Elementary from the air. Sarasota is not a small town, and there were 42 different elementary schools in the city back then. Hitting the Pentagon or the Twin Towers was pretty easy; all three are enormous buildings, easily visible from quite a distance away and very distinctive.
It doesn't get any better. After that he goes on to talk about WTC-7. He expresses astonishment that Shyam Sunder discounted the use of explosives bringing down the building. Why would Sunder even bring that up? Very suspicious. Of course, Hooper is taking advantage of the argument that he was discovering this circa 2011-2012, and therefore he didn't know that the Truthers had been claiming WTC-7 was a controlled demolition well before Sunder's analysis of the building collapse was complete.
He also is amazed to learn that some 9-11 families are requesting a new investigation of WTC-7. Why? Good question, David! Nobody died in that building. And of course, the family members shown are all the goofball Truther family members like Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg and Bob McIlvaine.
He flashes some books and films at us; I particularly love seeing 9-11 the Ultimate Truth by one of my favorite nutbars,
Laura Knight Jadczyk.
This was Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her channelled material came from a
mysterious source: "We transmit "through" the opening that is presented
in the locator that you represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio
pulses aligned from Cassiopaea, which are due to a pulsar from a
neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. This
facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd
These beings apparently communicated with Ms
Knight-Jadczyk through the means of a Ouiji board and with the help of
another individual, Fred Irland, whose name, curiously enough, can be
found nowhere in the published Cassiopaean material. At first, the
communications were the ordinary sort of thing expected from ouiji
aliens. But as they got better at it, the answers began to take on a
life of their own.
He also shows 9-11 Evil, where Victor Thorn blows the yarmulke off Israeli involvement in 9-11; no link on that bit of slime, but you can find it easily.
There's also
9-11 Finding the Truth, which is written by a Judy Wood devotee named Andrew Johnson. I mean, seriously.
He makes the usual ridiculous claims, like that WTC-7 fell almost as fast as a bowling ball, and into its own footprint. Well, if its footprint included the Verizon Building and Fiterman Hall. He says that the destruction of the building crippled the investigations of Enron and Worldcom; that would be news to Kenneth Lay, Jeff Skilling and Bernie Ebbers.
I would dread to continue with this ridiculous movie; fortunately it was only up for a day or two at YouTube before Mr Hooper had it taken down with a copyright claim. Apparently he only wants to wake up the sheeple at $14.95 per shearing.