The Pentagon Again
This part of the film actually interests me the least because it is the most disputed part among the 9/11 "Truth" movement; which means it's too wacky for people who think the WTC was brought down in a controlled demolition.
But... Dylan and company make a big deal out of their theories on the Pentagon. This section runs from 12:20 to 30:00, or about a quarter of the film. I caught this bit at 23:01:

Believe it or not, Avery wants to know( 23:00):
Why are the cable spools in front of the hole completely untouched?
Well, my first answer involves your eyesight, Dylan. I don't know about you, but I see three cable spools on the right, two of which look like they're sitting in a hole, but really have part of them chopped off and all of which are facing in different directions. In the middle is a single spool that has also obviously been chopped up by the passage of the jet. There's one spool to the left, which is knocked over onto its side. So you've gotta be a little touched to claim they're untouched.
Later, comes a really stupid bit (29:46):
"And finally, why do satellite photos taken four days before 9-11 show a white marking on the front lawn, marking almost the exact trajectory of whatever hit the Pentagon four days later."
It's stuff like this that makes me continue to wonder about these guys; debunking them is almost too easy. They have dedicated about 15 minutes "proving" it could not have been a plane, and about 1 minute "proving" it was a shoulder-fired missile, and about 1 minute proving it was a C-130 transport (perhaps with the optional pod configuration). And a little bit proving it was a helicopter and some other nonsense too. And then to clinch it all for us they show an American Airlines 757 crashing into the side of the Pentagon. But it was following the line on the grass, which is the important thing!
I mean, what are they on? The airplane animation sequence in this picture is actually a marvelous job and it's so effective that it completely undermines their argument. They show Hani Hanjour banking and rocketing in towards his target, clipping the light poles and then blasting into the side of the Pentagon. And it really looks like a great graphic representation of what must have happened. So why include it in the film? It's not as if these guys are presenting an honest depiction of anything else, so why are they sabotaging themselves here?
There's nothing about a shoulder-fired cruise missile in the movie. Stop claiming this. You started out pretty good on this blog with some reasonable critiques but have quickly disintigrated into smarmy comments, hearsay, and baseless crap like this. Stop it!
'Proving' and posing alternative explanations are two different items. Nice try but you have done nothing to discredit a team that is posing other explanations. You trying to 'prove' them wrong has failed based upon your assumption they are trying to 'prove' something. You guys are terrible at this supposed debunking game.
but you offer no resistance to the Loose Change theory?
you just discredit what anyone says about their opinions?
explain the fact that half of the people and testimonies used in the video WERE NOT CREDITED. they had no validity and their testimony is based on their opinion, or many parts were left out by dylan and his fact loving crew.
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