Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Real Scientific Method

Here's a very cool article about one of the JREFers and the experiments he's been conducting to debunk Professor Jones:

But, in fact, Sanders figured out a simple way – several simple ways – to get aluminum to burn. All it takes is bare aluminum, rust and heat.

With a researcher’s true curiosity, Sanders tried various sources of “rust” – iron oxide – including meat. Unfortunately, there was a lot of meat available on Sept. 11, 2001.

He wrote Tom that he got better results with beef liver than with beefsteak. That’s what held Tom’s finger off the delete key.

Very interesting article; be sure to read about how Sanders has been mentioned three times in Ripley's Believe It Or Not.


At 23 August, 2006 17:54, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Not sure I prefer the term "meat" in this particular incidence (referring to body parts on 9/11). Apart from that, sounds intriguing

At 23 August, 2006 19:11, Blogger nes718 said...

Hey, that's like the guy standing on the milk crates trying to make them collapse after he heated them with charcoal right? :D

At 23 August, 2006 19:13, Blogger nes718 said...

Debunking Stephen Jones is easy.

Not really. What about the molten metal found during the excavation weeks after the attack? Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing can explain that other than explosives/thermite.

At 23 August, 2006 19:17, Blogger James B. said...

Explosives cause metal to be hot weeks later?

At 23 August, 2006 19:46, Blogger Chad said...

Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing can explain that other than explosives/thermite.

I have to 2nd James B on this. Explosives don't burn or heat things. They blow them apart by force. Thermite, on the other hand DOES burn... but it does so extremely quickly.

There's no way, I mean absolutely no way that thermite would be burning months after the attacks.

At 23 August, 2006 20:37, Blogger Unknown said...

The sad thing is this guy can get aluminum to burn in different ways but a college professor can't.

At 23 August, 2006 21:10, Blogger nes718 said...

fires burned underground for months, with all the debris on top of them the heat couldnt escape, so the metal just got hotter and hotter, but seriously, explosives and thermite dont explain molten metal WEEKS LATER any better

Yes they do! Because with thermite, you don't need the fire to build up, it's already at its hottest when it was buried. The metal was then insulated and remained that way. Now if this were from the jet fuel and the office equipment, it would have to burn an awful long time to achieve the same as thermite and then I doubt those fuel sources could liquefy metal the same way thermite can.

Everyone of the official gurus stayed away from this one. This issue went down the memory hole for the official theorists since it cannot be explained by their failed conclusions.

At 23 August, 2006 21:13, Blogger nes718 said...

Explosives don't burn or heat things.

But if controlled demolition was used, the explosives worked in about 10 seconds to bring down the buildings. Explosions cause heat and in 10 seconds, where's that heat going to end up?

Massive explosions were going on in the basements were I believe explosive charges and termite were timed perfectly to do their jobs.

At 23 August, 2006 21:17, Blogger James B. said...

Massive explosions were going on in the basements were I believe explosive charges and termite were timed perfectly to do their jobs.

More of those damn termites. Judy Wood was right!

Explosive charges used in demolitions don't produce a significant amount of heat. They work through pressure not heat. You can blow a steel beam and then go up to it and touch it minutes later.

At 24 August, 2006 03:15, Blogger shawn said...

Nesnyc truly is the King of Fools.

You do realize metals like aluminum melts at lower temperatures than steel, right?

At 24 August, 2006 05:46, Blogger Chad said...

And I still haven't heard an explanation of how thermite could be applied to start burning on hundreds of beams at the same time...


At 24 August, 2006 07:44, Blogger Chad said...

2800 x (say) 200 lbs per person = 560,000 lbs compared to the weight of the towers is like a dead mouse having anything to do with the burning of a Home Depot store.

.... Random.

At 24 August, 2006 08:06, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Has anyone, anyone, come across a demolition of a highrise, prior to 9/11, that was brought down using THERMITE??

At 24 August, 2006 08:15, Blogger Chad said...

Has anyone, anyone, come across a demolition of a highrise, prior to 9/11, that was brought down using THERMITE??

I, uhhhh.... well there's, ummmm.... I think one time, uhhhhhm.... Uhhhhhh.... Well shit.

... Joos?

At 24 August, 2006 08:19, Blogger nes718 said...

Has anyone, anyone, come across a demolition of a highrise, prior to 9/11, that was brought down using THERMITE??

No because in legit CT's the building is prepared before hand, this takes weeks to months. The thermite "prepares" the building right away since this was a criminal act also provided cover via hot fires.

At 24 August, 2006 12:30, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Even better, this means that the NEOCONS bet the whole farm on a technique that had never been tried before...

At 24 August, 2006 16:37, Blogger shawn said...

Chf, nesnyc is under the bizarre impression that Hitler was a Zionist working for the Jews.

At 24 August, 2006 17:48, Blogger nes718 said...

Using your extensive knowledge of thermite and controlled demolisions, please explain to me how thermite could be applied to start burning on hundreds of beams at the same time. And try to include an explanation of how it can burn sideways through a beam.

Did you ever see this:

How did the "jet fuel" melt those beams like you see with your own eyes? Now apply that to the hidden charges in the basements and the white puffs of some seen coming from the bottoms of both buildings.

At 24 August, 2006 17:50, Blogger nes718 said...

Chf, nesnyc is under the bizarre impression that Hitler was a Zionist working for the Jews.

See here for the info:

Jim Condit - The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler

At 24 August, 2006 18:04, Blogger shawn said...

How did the "jet fuel" melt those beams like you see with your own eyes?

Aluminum can melt.

At 24 August, 2006 18:05, Blogger shawn said...

Nesnyc, I can find a documentary "proving" interdimensional reptilians run the world and that you can get free energy. Does that mean both of them are right, too?

At 25 August, 2006 03:36, Blogger shawn said...


Nah, your post beats it out.

Even an American layman like myself realizes that the Pentagon damage was made by a plane. Most likely because they found the remains of the passengers and PLANE PARTS inside the Pentagon and on the lawn.

At 25 August, 2006 07:02, Blogger toby said...

Publish or perish dude. It's not scientific fact until the data has been analyzed, reviewed, and replicated. Scientific facts are not hoards on which you can sit and subsequently crow "I have the facts, and you have to believe me on faith, because I'm not sharing."

At 25 August, 2006 23:03, Blogger Alex said...

Hey, German d00d, I work for a Boein-competitor in the psychological analysis department, and over the last few years, through extensive testing, we have discovered that all German people are flaming homosexuals. Sorry to break it to you like this, but that's just the way it is. Now, I can't disclose any of my informatio ndue to my commitment to my employer, however, take my word for it, everyone in my department agrees that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY A GERMAN PERSON COULD BE STRAIGHT. The only thing we're confused about now is how you're managing to keep the population figures up. Adoption must be real popular over there.


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