It Was A Military Plane
I have already posted how the filmmakers change quotes and take them out of context to change their meaning. Here is another example:
Danielle O'Brien, an Air Traffic Controller at Dulles International Airport, told ABC News that everybody in the control room thought that Flight 77 was a military plane.

If you look up what she actually told ABC News though, you get a different story (emphasis mine).
"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane," says O'Brien. "You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe."
She wasn't saying that it was impossible to fly a civilian plane in that manner, but that it would be unsafe to do so. As someone who has flown on military cargo aircraft, believe me, they can turn the things much faster then commercial airliners do. They don't because they don't want the passengers freaking out, losing their lunch, and getting hit in the head with the service carts. Somehow I doubt the hijackers had the passengers safety and comfort on their minds. By leaving off the last part of the quote they completely change its meaning. Incompetence, or deception? You tell me.
Kool I'm gonna go watch Loose Change right now. You do a good job at promoting it.
James...what she SAID was that the STYLE in which the plane was flying was CHARACTERISTIC of a military plane. Which is how MILITARY pilots are trained. Anyone who learned to fly at a CIVILIAN aviation school would NOT learn such manuevers. I was in the Air Force, I flew with pilots, and their training is significantly DIFFERENT than civilian pilots. There is no way a barely-trained pilot could pull off THAT kind of flying...sheesh..I'm HOPE you're still in school...Try taking some 'critical thinking' courses.
Yes, because it is "unsafe" to fly a civilian plane like that, not because it is impossible. Somehow I doubt a terrorist on a suicide mission is too concerned about SOP.
Man swim, you ever heard of the pot calling the kettle black?
Anyone who buys into these theories need to learn the meaning of critical thinking.
Asking questions about things that don't seem to add up is not 'buying into' anything - it is Socratic.
Watch this animation of the final flight to the Pentagon:
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Have to love the boneheads who argue that an unskilled pilot can't pull off those "complicated military maneuvers" - wait... what complicated maneuvers? The post was addressing the fact that Loose Change snipes a quote and leaves the all important end of the quote off, changing the meaning.
If you look at the quote they air traffic controllers, who are basing their comments off of a blip on a radar, are watching a plane change direction in an unusual manner. They're not talking about complicated maneuvers, they're talking about maneuvers that are NOT USUAL to commercial air planes. Any sudden changes in altitude, hard turns or things of that nature are NOT USUAL for commercial air liners and if observed by air traffic control may be described in such a manner.
If you think about it, the controllers were just trying to be descriptive and let people know that what they saw happen on Flight 93 was not normal for that kind of flight and if they were to guess at what it was based on the maneuvers, they would have said it was a military flight...
You want to make it sound like Grandpa and his buddy took their crop dusters out and magically performed stunts the Blue Angels would be proud of... no such thing.
Follow the evidence and always question. When the ones with the answers refuse, you will find agenda. The truth is only withheld by the guilty and those who benefit from the lie.
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