Top Lies and Deceptions In Loose Change 31-37
I never got around to posting these, on account of breaking news, but here are the rest (for now at least).
31. Claim: United Flight 93 landed at Cleveland Airport
Truth: This was a false report, it was immediately corrected by the AP, but it still lives on in Internet legend.
32. Claim: The last 3 minutes of the United 93 cockpit recorder are unaccounted for.
Truth: This was based upon initial incorrect reports of the crash time. Further analysis (see Page 48 of PDF) indicated the recorder included everything.

33. Claim: The cell phone calls from the hijacked planes could not have taken place due to the technological impossibility of placing calls from a high altitude.
Truth: Most of the calls were from Airfones, which quite obviously work fine in the air. The few cell phone calls which were made could have easily been made due to the fact that the hijackers reduced altitude to steer their planes into their targets.
34. Claim: Nine hijackers turned up alive after 9/11
Truth: All of these claims turned up immediately after 9/11. A few were just people with the same name, the rest have been unverified. To date, none of the 19 hijackers has been seen in public.
35. Claim: The bin Laden confession tape must be fake because bin Laden is lefthanded, and the man in the tape uses his right hand to write.
Truth: Aside from the fact that many left handers are ambidextrous, in Muslim culture the left hand is considered “unclean”. Osama, being a strict Muslim would most likely not prefer to use his left hand.
36. Claim: The bin Laden confession tape must be fake because bin Laden is wearing a gold ring, which is forbidden by Islamic law.
Truth: Islamic law only forbids men from wearing gold. There is no way of telling what metal the ring is made out of, and in fact he is seen wearing the same ring in other tapes.
37. Claim: $160 billion in gold is missing from the World Trade Center.
Truth: Despite the fact that this would be over half the world’s gold reserves, and be nearly impossible to move secretly, this has never been reported by any reputable news source.
38. Claim: WTC owner Larry Silverstein profited off of a massive insurance settlement from the attacks.
Truth: Silverstein only owned WTC7, he merely held the lease for the twin towers. While purchasing the lease he originallly wanted a smaller insurance policy, but was required to increase it as part of the deal. What money he did get, he used to rebuild. It has never been shown that he profited off of the attacks.
39. Claim: The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) called for a "New Pearl Harbor" which resulted in 9/11 helping them acheive their goals.
Truth: PNAC did not call for anything, they merely stated the timetable for their transformation would be slower. The transformation dealt with technological modification of the military, and has had absolutely nothing to do with the results of 9/11 or the invasion of Iraq.
40. Claim: A reporter at the Pentagon reported there was no trace of flight 77.
Truth: The reporter, Jamie McIntyre, was responding to a question regarding whether the plane crashed outside of the Pentagon. In the rest of his news reports he talks extensively about the crash, including handling pieces of the airplane himself.
41. Claim: A United Airlines employee reported seeing the tail number of United 93 on another flight in April 2003.
Truth: FAA records show that this was nothing more than him writing down the number of this flight incorrectly. There is no record of this airplane showing up anywhere since September 11, 2001
All of these claims came in the first few weeks after 9/11. Isn't it a little odd none of them have shown up on Al Jazeera since then? You would think they would be interested in the biggest story of the century. And why would the "conspirators" pick a bunch of living people to blame, who were not involved in the plot and could blow the whole thing?
911 Myths
32 It is in the 9/11 commission report
33 I have posted on this 3 times, if you have any specific arguments please make them there, rather than insulting someone who has flown on way more planes than I would like.
34. Yeah, it was so hard for them to figure out who the hijackers were. 4-5 Arab men all seated in first class on every plane. What a coincidence! I think even the FBI could put together that pattern.
36. Wow, I am glad you put so much faith in our intelligence services. They aren't sure whether Iran has nuclear weapons or not, but they sure know which hand Osama uses to button his fly.
37. Yeah, $160 billion worth of gold, and nobody noticed. Get real.
Al Jazeera = BBC under cover. The divide and conquer runs deep.
No mainstream media is good media no matter where you’re at.
What, Al Jazeera is too pro-American for you? Good luck with your jihad buddy. Allahu akhbar.
Sumy, I have never deleted any comments, even the really profane, ridiculous and insulting ones. I don't believe Pat has either. Just look at the sheer numbers of comments on here by conspiracy theorists. We even allowed a conspiracy theorist to make his own post, completely unedited by us, and he has received over 120 comments on it. I don't think you can accuse us of not being open to information.
As opposed to when Pat and I went on the Loose Change forum, they completely banned us from the forum within 24 hours, even though the thread we were commenting on was started by their people and was talking about us.
This James B. guy is a total douchebag. Everyone here is just argueing a uselessly long arguments about what happened when none of you will ever know.
Something I discovered not mentioned here in your list...
LC suggested from the video/stillshots of OBL in the video of him finally taking credit for 9/11 after repeated assertions he wasn't respinsible, look nothing like OBL...
I discovered that the video in question is distored (deliberate?), "squashed" and extra dark. I captured their comparitive image of OBL from the video, stretched it back to its normal height and corrected the contrast so that it wasn't so dark, and you can clearly see the person in the video is indeed OBL.
Also not covered in the section on OBL wearing gold despite it being against Islam... in every video, including the videos they use to prove it is not him, he is wearing his gold wedding ring in all of them. That is the *only* gold he wears. Gold wedding rings are not prohibited in Islam.
Bullshit! Nobody knows at which point the airplanes crossed what altitude.
They have these things called flight recorders. They put them in planes...
Excellent point, Penguin. The CTs don't bother actually disproving an official report -- they ASSUME it is wrong and by a huge leap of faith, ASSUME that everything produced by the government is wrong. In one simple move they've eliminated most of the troublesome data. It is dishonest to the core and it shows that they are unable to separate their feelings about a person or people from the objective reality of that person witnessing to the truth. This reveals the CT to basically be nothing more than a partisan shill. It's sad that they can't overcome their political knee-jerk instincts to actually seek out the truth. They will remain self-blinded to the bitter end.
Ok so Zogby calls 808 random people out of 19,254,630 (estimated NY State Census-2005)and proves that half of all New Yorkers think that the the Government is complicit in 9/11. Blah, blah, blah....
Thats funny shit
How stupid do you conspiracy theorist idiots think we are? I have personally used a cell phone a number of times from a commercial flight. Cell phone transmission works by line of sight and 6 miles is WELL within line of sight.
Now, on to the pathetic claim that someone set the WTC building with explosives.... We're talking about 10,000 pounds of gelatinous nitro-glycerin and hundreds of miles of wiring per building, minimum! No thermite, no C-4, no dynamite or TNT, repeat after me slowly ...GELATINOUS NITRO_GLYCERIN..... had any one of you pathetic losers EVER been in the WTC buildings? they were the most heavily guarded private buildings in the US if not the world and operated 24/7...fat chance at setting up explosives in those buildings. Guess what happens if you were to smack one of these buildings with a 100 ton jet going 500 MPH? BOOOOOOOM, the whole thing blows up and the building falls within seconds...PERIOD.
So many of these "wrongs" supposedly proven must have been created by my little 4 year old gerbil--the video said approximately $1 billion in gold, NOT $160 billion. :\ (and that's just one example)
A GREAT documentary for you all to watch--a BBC one that no one can seem to prove wrong-- "The Power of Nightmares"
Check it out.
"Lie, distortion, false belief. Listen, I know you guys don't have any money but maybe sell a couple comic books and buy a plane ticket on a commercial plane. This is easy enough to validate for yourself. You will not get a signal more than 30 seconds after takeoff. STILL. 5 years later."
My boyfriend's plane home this xmas couldn't land at our airport and had to circle around the city a few times before finally deciding to land in a neighbouring city. He called me, from his cell phone, to let me know. I've also forgotten to turn off my cell phone and gotten txt messages long after take off.
This was an inside job..and if this is the best screwloosechange can do at disproving it..then Im totally convinced now. I know some may not want to belive it..its hard to grasp..but it is and always has been about the oil. Money, Money MONEY. A missle hit the pentagon...planes do not make cartoon cut out exit holes..steel buildings are made to withstand anything..Aluminum meets steel..steel wins. Period...there was NO plane in shanksville. Dont act like there was..and if I were blammed for hijacking a plane and were alive..I woudlnt show my face for fear of gettin killed.
This government is capable of more than you think..700,000 Iraqis are dead..coutless soilders..all because of oil. They needed a reason to get it...if the supossed hijackers were saudi then why invade Afganistan? because they need the oil..thats the path the need to take. They made their own reason..and the sheepole belived it. Now our freedoms are getting fewer and fewer and were looking at becoming a dont have to believe it because in a few years it will be obvious and THEN maybe you'll open your eyes.
READ>>The End of America. Its a great book.=)
Wow, Samantha you need to really step into the real world. It's just amazing how ignorant people really are. Your living in a fictional little world of your own. They've been at war in the middle east for hundreds of years. Most if not all of loose changes clams have been proven false. Now if you want to tell yourself in your head that all this was somehow put together and airplanes weren't used and people didn't die, and all this is george bush's fault, then go ahead, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night. The USA donates so much money to 3rd world nations its not even funny. Without the USA, the world economy world fall apart. One more thing samantha, if your saying this &
you live in AMERICA, then get the F$$$ out & if you live in another country, then we probably support or protect you also, so shut the F$$$ up!!!
In 1995 I was on an airplane traveling to Dallas Texas. I received several text messages on a pager at about 20,000 feet. 1995. Cell phones were now prevelant and cell phone technology was not even close to what it was by 2001. Cell phone and pager technology are very similar. Recap: 1995, several text messages, 20,000 feet.
What cracks me up most about all these CT zombies is that they're constantly asking Screw Loose Change for sources when you just know they'd never question Loose Change itself for ITS sources. I'll betcha they all think Micheal Moore makes "documentaries" too. And I'm sure they're opinion on who shot JFK is based soley on the Oliver Stone film.
Samantha 21916: You should print out your post and tuck it away in a drawer somewhere. Then after you hit 30 or whenever you move out of your mother's basement (whichever comes first), you should take it out of that drawer and read it anew. Hopefully, you'll say, "My God, was I really that stupid?" However, if you still believe what you wrote, then please do us all a favor and move back into your mother's basement, since that will be the place you truly belong.
Isn't it funny how the CT's question the sources of people like what make this blog, but believe UNQUESTIONINGLY the stuff spoonfed them by all the types (and Michael Moore, and Loose Change, etc.) ? Hypocrisy much, there, Conspiracy Theorists?
do retards acually believe this
i meant the movie
hard to make any water tight claims about any of the things that happened during the attacks. But its very od certainly that the governement allocated a whopping 15 million for the investigation (initially 3 million) when clinton and a bj were already worth 100+ million a few years earlier. it would make more sense if those numbers were reversed to mem anyway.
And how about larry silversteins infamous slip about pulling buildings.. its pretty sad I think.
Of course, larry meant to say something else, and the governement allocated plenty and was eager to get an investigation going etc.. plus countless of other counter claims.
But hey trying to convince a muslim of the truth in christianity or vice versa may be equally hard. Both believe in their cause.
And by the way, demolitions look like the easiest job in the world. 2 buildings that were probably some of the hardest to take down properly if ever attempted, fell down nicely, after being hit by planes. I mean what do you need certificates and permits for when it comes to demolitions, these buildings, including wtc 7 just seem to collapse on them selves anyway. But honestly I would have never believed it unless I had seen it, I mean they just look wayyy to tall to fall down in such order. But you live and you learn I guess... Keep up the debate, but try and stay civil on both sides. And lets hope this never happens again.
Why there is no mark on the ground in front of the hole in Pentagon? I really doubt the "plane" hit just the building, it had to touch the ground before it as well. And the lawn on the photos was absolutely without any marks! There are many proofs that 911 was and inside job. The most recent news say, that scientists found some trace of explosives in the ruins when investigating. crystal jewelry wholesale crystal jewelry wholesale jewelry jewelry wholesale cheap jewelry wholesale gemstone jewelry crystal wholesale rock crystal
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I'm sure they made mistakes in this movie but not everything they say is a lie, that alone should be enough to get you thinking.
Also, show some respect for the firefighters who say they heard explosions inside the WTC, are these people also liars?
Our governments ARE lying to us. Bill Hicks:
"Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do as we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!"
And that's the way it is!
Roger, you are being insane. You are saying "source please" to everything, and then are just saying "oh, really" to every valid point.
Very nice post. I enjoyed reading it.
all of the lazt assholes asking for a source, how about moving your fat ass arms and researching for a little while? its not like your doing anything else with your time.
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Oh congrats you found 41 errors here's a cookie. But guess what this movie has more truth than lies.
some of these facts werent even said in the movie. get your facts straight. americans fucking SUCK. even the osama thing is bullshit
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