Philip J. Berg, Nutbar Supreme
I think we have a winner in the "Who's the biggest kook in 9-11 Denial?" contest.
(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania - 01/04/07) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, [Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate; an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA, who prior hereto has filed a RICO lawsuit against Bush and others for the events of 9/11 and plans to re-file shortly] announced today that he was issuing a call for world leaders to arrest and try Bush and Cheney for the global crimes of 9/11/01.
Philip J. Berg, Esquire stated in a letter to the nations throughout the world:
"It is time for the nations of the world to come forth and take the leadership because of the failure of the United States Government and the States where crimes were committed on 09/11/01, where no thorough investigation and indictments occurred, to investigate, arrest and prosecute the people responsible for the murders on 9/11/01, specifically including George W. Bush and Richard Cheney."
Berg sounds quite confident there, but when it comes to specifics, he vacillates a bit:
Berg continued there is overwhelming evidence that:
"Bush and his cronies made 9/11 happen or let it happen. And, if they let it happen, then they made it happen. Either way, they are responsible; and more important, they have completely and unequivocally covered-it-up!"
But whether it's LIHOP, or whether it's MIHOP....
Now, it is time for world leaders to take the lesson learned from Iraq and issue a warrant for the arrest of George W. Bush and Richard Cheney; arrest them; take them to a neutral country; try them for the murder of over 2,800 people from more than 80 countries on 9/11/01 and, when found guilty, sentence them appropriately. Jurisdiction would be proper in any of the more than 80 countries whose citizens were murdered on 9/11.
Yeah, just arrest them!
Berg's a nutbar Bush-hater from way back; in 2001 he asked Supreme Court Justices Thomas, Scalia and O'Connor to voluntarily disbar themselves for their decision in Bush v. Gore. He also sued President Bush in 2004 under a RICO lawsuit on behalf of Willie Rodriguez.

Damn you for getting that song in my headdddd!
Ok, let us go WAY out on a limb here and give him the benifit that they did commit siad crimes.
If he wants them arrested for those crimes, I have a long list of other leaders etc...who make that crime look small. Shall we start with the atrocities in Africa.
Berg's a nutbar Bush-hater from way back; in 2001 he asked Supreme Court Justices Thomas, Scalia and O'Connor to voluntarily disbar themselves for their decision in Bush v. Gore.
Ah yes, disbarring oneself for making the legally correct decision is the usual action that judges take.
The "I only support the courts when they live up to my opinions, damn the actual laws" nonsense (from both sides of the aisle) is killing me.
I can't believe the guy believes Bush is capable of doing such a thing.
EPA air qualitiy, sure, but 9/11 is pushing it...after all we all saw his reaction when he was told America was under attack.
De dah DE!
On the other hand, I suppose Canada and the rest of the world could pull a Bush by invading America, capturing the capital, and placing the accused criminal in prison.
By the way TAM, what are your thoughts regarding Canadian troops tasked with securing the northern portion of Canada, without being able to pursue the enemy that kills them and then flees into Pakistan?
Has there been any outrage up north because of this?
Thanks fellas. I wasn't aware of this information.
Popular Mechanics is at least on very friendly terms with the CIA. Upon information and belief, the President and CEO of Hearst Corporation is Victor F. Ganzi, a member of Business Executives for National Security, which received a “CIA Agency seal Medallion” for its work in evaluating In-Q-Tel, a “new partnership between the CIA and the private sector.” Mr. Ganzi also sits on the board of directors of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse with Jeb Bush’s wife, Columba Bush.
BBC News, “How the World Trade Center Fell,” 9/13/2001; Steven Ashley, “When the Twin Towers Fell,” Scientific American, October 2001.
Sure I do Murdervillage!
What I just quoted was from the lawsuit that Pat linked to. I was not aware of the information I posted nor would I have been aware of it had Pat not posted the link.
Now am I a dope copying and pasting what Pat linked to? Or are you a dope for not reading what Pat links to? Or are you a dope for attacking me by labeling me as a dope?
I await your next character attack.
Sorry to break this to you buddy, but Pakistan is in fact NOT North of Canada.
swing, do you ever, ever, EVER read what you write, or is it just stream-of-consciousness, and you hope that by spewing enough words you'll eventually come up with something that isn't completely idiotic?
That's on a good day. On a bad day he just free-associates.
See my answer in a post after this one (in another blog post on this site).
I will add that overall, there is some, I would even say alot, of disgruntlement, wrt Canada's role in the war in Afghanistan. Canada has almost always been a peacekeeping nation, and little more, for the last 50 years or so.
However, we realize the importance of the mission, both in support of our good brothers to the south, and in support of keeping those that would harm us...on the run.
Whether you believe there is or isnt an Al-Qaeda, to me does not matter...I believe Al-Qaeda exists, and I believe it is filled full of hatred for westerners. I feel they have exhibited not only the want, but the ability to do harm to North Americans, and therefore I feel we should be doing our best to keep them from causing our nation(s) further harm.
There is a picture of two idiots, Berg and Rodriguez. There is nothing about this clown on Wikipedia (there is a reference for different "Philip J. Berg"), which is unusual, since once a Denier gets "fame" he usually has a Wikipedia entry. Might Berg's history be embellished?
after all we all saw his reaction when he was told America was under attack.
Yup, when people are in on a plot they tend to look dumbfounded.
Oh wait...
Tempestuous said...
So let's see, your tiring buzz words are: nutbar, truther, truthling,cd'er, denier.
This is getting you nowhere. No one is buying the insults anymore. Look in the mirror atheist. A nutbar will be staring back. Go back to using the CENTCOM materilas from the 101st Fighting Keyboardists.
You lost me.
Atheists are on the side of reason and skepticism, right?
They are friends of inquiry and science, right?
Christianity and Islam are the psyops to end all psyops, right?
I'm pretty sure he was referring to us, and not to you, Bill.
As for your generalization of atheists, no, you're wrong. Refusing to believe in God doesn't necessarily make you any more reasonable or sceptical. It hinges on WHY you refuse to believe in God. If you simply replace your Christian faith with the Conspiracy Theory faith, you're just as bad as any follower of Pat Roberts.
Tempestuous wrote: "Look in the mirror atheist."
What the hell does atheism have to do with any of this? Need I remind you that Bush, the man I assume you blame for 9/11, is the conservative Christian?
temp, it is you...
Tempestuous is a familiar to the SLC Blog where she went on a campaign to prove us all hate filled atheists.
She has a thing for calling people atheists, and especially applies the term to anyone who believes the official story.
Nice temper tantrum as well temp...
I'd love to see her telling a church full of Christians that she thinks President Bush killed 3,000 Americans.
It might even bring crucification back into style....
TAM Has there been any public outrage in Canada over the restrictions placed on them by the U.S. in regards to their mission?
I understand that your fine soldiers cannot penentrate the border of Pakistan in fear of causing national outrage against Pakistani's already embattled government, and potentionally creating a scenario where military extermists are able to take control of nookler weapons.
I remember seeing Musharaff on the Daily Show. To summarize what he said...his country would have never worked with the U.S. government had the U.S. not threated to destroy his country. Which of course doesn't explain why we refuse to allow Canadian troops to cross the border if the we (U.S.) were willing to destroy Pakistan in the first place.
I just wondered if there had been any national outrage in Canada as a result of this action.
And as far as Canada goes, if I ever had the chance I think I would move up there just north of Green Bay, Wisconsin because of your peaceful nature. A nice short communte to see the Packer's play. ;)
That post is a perfect example of just how disconnected from reality you are.
Canada has no desire to start a war with Pakistan, but thanks for the suggestion.
Phil Berg files lawsuit to block Obama as foreign citizen:
"The FBI has issued a BOLO on suspected terrorists driving a white delivery van from New York City to Mexico. The suspects are using Israeli passports. They are considered armed and dangerous."
—Emergency 911 Dispatch, BOLO (Be On the LookOut), Knoxville, Tennessee, Sept 11, 2001, 11am EST
FBI will pay you $1-Million to catch this ADL Jew
"In Sept of last year, Adam Gadahn [aka Adam Perlman], the son of Jewish parents [on the board of directors of ADL], the son of Jewish grandparents [on the board of directors of ADL] in Southern California, who himself converted to Islam, went on to become Osama Bin Laden's spokesman."
-Rep Jane Harman (D-CA), chairman, Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment, CSPAN, "Use of the Internet by Terrorists: Using the Web as a Weapon", November 6, 2007
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq."
-Israeli prime minister Benji Netanyahu
"Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."
—Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio
Israeli attack on USS Liberty to blame Egypt
Zionist Jewish General Lyman Lemnitzer signed Pentagon's Operation Northwoods to attack USA in false flag terrorism
"Zionism was the last nail in the casket of European jewry. The arab's protection is the only reason any holy site remains in israel. The jews line up to stone women who try to access those sites. I saw it with my own eyes. The arabs do not invade other countries. The israelis do. I am sick of israel and I am sick of zionists. They are propped up by evangelical christians who cannot wait for the arabs to kill them so that their genocidal war god whom they misname jesus can come back. In their twisted logic, the jews call that support for israel."
-Jew Rosanne Barr, voting for Cynthia McKinney and the Green Party for president in 2008
"The Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic hopes; i.e., to the conquest of world power."
-World Zionist Congress
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
-Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin
Semite - 1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including ARABS.
-Merriam Webster Dictionary
I pray everyday obama gets elected so we can finally prpsecute these racist bigots///// help elect obama.... mccain willl will never prosecute bush/cheney...
LOL you do know that Berg is the main person behind forcing Sen. Obama to produce his birth certificate right.
LOL you do know that Berg is the main person behind forcing Sen. Obama to produce his birth certificate right.
Got any proof for that?
"LOL you do know that Berg is the main person behind forcing Sen. Obama to produce his birth certificate right.
Got any proof for that?"
The suit has been thrown out.
It was re-submitted in U.S. Court of Apeals for the Third Circuit Oct. 31, 2008, the response is due Dec. 1, 2008
Something tells me that if the evidence he has is the same, it will be thrown out in the same manner.
Just another untruth that we have all been chasing. Thinking Phillip Berg, because he is a lawyer and former Deputy general of Pennsylvania,(should be credible me thinks) is leading the charge and making all who were believing him look like dam fools. Here I was trying to convince my family and friends that BHO was not a U.S. Citizen. Talking about Berg's outstanding credentials. Lan Lamphere on last nights program overnight am radio (Patriot Brigade) has suddenly talked against Berg's idea and sides with Glen Beck to just get off the Birth Certificate thing. Talk about confusion!!! Sounded something like the fringe element nut jobs. I am so feed up with this now and wish Berg would stop filing stuff like this unless he knows completely that he is 99.9% sure. I almost donated to him until I heard Lan last night on the live stream. Did I not hear it right anyone have anymore info to enlighten me? I also signed the petition that is on the net.
info please!!!!
Just another untruth that we have all been chasing. Thinking Phillip Berg, because he is a lawyer and former Deputy general of Pennsylvania,(should be credible me thinks) is leading the charge and making all who were believing him look like dam fools. Here I was trying to convince my family and friends that BHO was not a U.S. Citizen. Talking about Berg's outstanding credentials. Lan Lamphere on last nights program overnight am radio (Patriot Brigade) has suddenly talked against Berg's idea and sides with Glen Beck to just get off the Birth Certificate thing. Talk about confusion!!! Sounded something like the fringe element nut jobs. I am so feed up with this now and wish Berg would stop filing stuff like this unless he knows completely that he is 99.9% sure. I almost donated to him until I heard Lan last night on the live stream. Did I not hear it right anyone have anymore info to enlighten me? I also signed the petition that is on the net.
info please!!!!
I saw his reaction that day. It was one of "Oh good. We finally did it. Now we can bring the NEW WORLD ORDER out in the OPEN."
Meredith, Girl you didn't check Berg and his calling on world leaders to arrest BUSH back then? Berg's allegations is a crock. He supported Hillary and is her stoogie.
Don't feel bad if you signed an internet petition. They are not legal in any court of law. Its BERG propaganda and his attempt to control the republican party. Stay tuned to what MCCAIN says and leave these crackpots alone.
Meredith ...
This site has documeneted Berg's attempts to mislead the Republican party membership. Check it out.
McCain said Obama's econ team is one Republicans can work with. Also Gates and Jones remain intact. They are OUR people.
Just look for a video of MCCain's last press conference.
If Hillary had been elected, we would be out stone cold. With Obama being a pragmatist, we have a chance. He's more interested in solving problems than obeying an Ideology. So come up with solutions and mail his people LOL
if the other didn't go Through.
I know it's entertaining watching Berg make a fool out of himself, but why hasn't he been disbarred and committed to a mental institution?
read and learn:
Something tells me that if the evidence he has is the same, it will be thrown out in the same manner.
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