Not Too Paranoid, Are We?
Here's a hilarious nutbar article in the Tennessee Chattanoogan that could have been written by Alex Jones:
The new world order is ruthless, and will eliminate nation states, religions, and borders. "In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." That was the prediction of Strobe Talbot, Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in 'Time', July 20th, 1992. The elite have carefully manufactured major events throughout history in order to bring about this new world order, 911 included. They create the problem. We, the people, react with, "Hey, you must do something about this!" They, in return, give us the solution to the problem that they created in the first place. This is the method used to bring about policy which we would otherwise reject.

It's actually peon, and it's a Spanish term for an unskilled peasant or a low-tiered person. It's akin to "sheeple" in conspiracy Newspeak.
Odd aside, I learned the term for the game Warcraft II (in the Warcraft games the Orc worker unit is called the peon).
Shawn, loved Warcraft II, it was the first game I played online.
In addition to meaning "peasant", the word "peon" is used in many languages for the "pawn" piece in chess. Traditionally, the word meant "one who travels by foot" as opposed to the nobility who travelled by horse, so the modern interpretation is iffy at best. I'm not sure exactly which meaning of "peon" that phrase is meant to invoke, but I always thought the second interpretation made more sense.
It means: "No pony for you!"
So funny, I heard that term occasionally used and thought, for some reason, that it meant you were so low a creature as to be one that someone would not hesitate to "Pee on"...Im serious.
That's cute :)
The message here is you are free to do what you want until you are not.
You just don't get it, do you.
You can be quite funny at times. lol
10 January 2007
President George W Bush addresses the nation on the Iraq war telling them (humbly) to expedite an end to this war he has to send another 20,000 troops all in Baghdad.
Michael Moore has his say on the matter.
Dear Mr. President,
Thanks for your address to the nation. It's good to know you still want to talk to us after how we behaved in November.
Listen, can I be frank? Sending in 20,000 more troops just ain't gonna do the job. That will only bring the troop level back up to what it was last year. And we were losing the war last year! We've already had over a million troops serve some time in Iraq since 2003. Another few thousand is simply not enough to find those weapons of mass destruction! Er, I mean... bringing those responsible for 9/11 to justice! Um, scratch that. Try this -- BRING DEMOCRACY TO THE MIDDLE EAST! YES!!!
You've got to show some courage, dude! You've got to win this one! C'mon, you got Saddam! You hung 'im high! I loved watching the video of that -- just like the old wild west! The bad guy wore black! The hangmen were as crazy as the hangee! Lynch mobs rule!!!
Look, I have to admit I feel very sorry for the predicament you're in. As Ricky Bobby said, "If you're not first, you're last." And you being humiliated in front of the whole world does NONE of us Americans any good.
Sir, listen to me. You have to send in MILLIONS of troops to Iraq, not thousands! The only way to lick this thing now is to flood Iraq with millions of us! I know that you're out of combat-ready soldiers -- so you have to look elsewhere! The only way you are going to beat a nation of 27 million -- Iraq -- is to send in at least 28 million! Here's how it would work:
The first 27 million Americans go in and kill one Iraqi each. That will quickly take care of any insurgency. The other one million of us will stay and rebuild the country. Simple.
Now, I know you're saying, where will I find 28 million Americans to go to Iraq? Here are some suggestions:
1. More than 62,000,000 Americans voted for you in the last election (the one that took place a year and half into a war we already knew we were losing). I am confident that at least a third of them would want to put their body where there vote was and sign up to volunteer. I know many of these people and, while we may disagree politically, I know that they don't believe someone else should have to go and fight their fight for them -- while they hide here in America.
2. Start a "Kill an Iraqi" Meet-Up group in cities across the country. I know this idea is so early-21st century, but I once went to a Lou Dobbs Meet-Up and, I swear, some of the best ideas happen after the third mojito. I'm sure you'll get another five million or so enlistees from this effort.
3. Send over all members of the mainstream media. After all, they were your collaborators in bringing us this war -- and many of them are already trained from having been "embedded!" If that doesn't bring the total to 28 million, then draft all viewers of the FOX News channel.
Mr. Bush, do not give up! Now is not the time to pull your punch! Don't be a weenie by sending in a few over-tired troops. Get your people behind you and YOU lead them in like a true commander in chief! Leave no conservative behind! Full speed ahead!
We promise to write. Go get 'em W!
Michael Moore
I reiterate my previous response to your spam:
Michale Moore acting like an idiot? Gee. Didn't see THAT one coming....
In other news, the moon remains in it's orbit today....
Alex you are an Idiot! Don't give up your day job, comedy is not your thing.
Alex, I have read some of your posts. If you do not agree with someone or have a different view you spam I don't think civility is not in your vocabulary, Oh yeah, hear we go watch the platitudes come after this one.
Samuel Johnson said it "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Perhaps you were dragged up too carefully.
No, dumbass, when some idiot (ok, YOU) starts claiming that a building collapsed "faster than free fall", THAT'S when I throw away civility. Anyone capable of uttering such utterly idiotic comments doesn't deserve a shred of respect. The laws of physics don't change just because you have "a different opinion".
Respect was not asked for and coming from you it would be worthless.
I could only use it to wipe my arse.
You do work for US mail don't you?
You psycho.
Hey Alex.
Try this one.
If a plane hit the Pentagon why is the government only putting out cartoon movie images to show what happened, when they have many views of the real thing?
Answer that one precious.
What the hell is wrong with you?
The government never put out any "cartoon" depicting the pentagon crash. If you think you've seen one, it's probably due to your LSD flashbacks.
How 'bout you take the time to explain what you think caused the laws of physics to change in the wtc7 collapse?
And what the hell do you have against the mail system? Is this one of those psychosis-nexus things? Are you planning on blowing up a post office?
You mean you haven't seen the government sponsored forensic analysis of the Pentagon strike?
That aside, they still can end this by showing the footage we know they have.
You seem to know all, explain to me and anyone else who cares to read this dribble, why they won't. And before you go off to your tangent my original post used the word "perhaps" which is not an absolute, I don't have any evidence whatsoever that there were explosives in the WTC's but things do look on the surface a bit odd with the Governmet making it more suspicious by putting out a report which has obvious flaws in it.
People have been hanged with much less circumstantial evidence.
WTC 7 is a different issue I believe because of the way it was constructed (and I can only go the FEMA report fire could have brought down this building, but I don't see how it could fall straight down when there was a gash 18 floors high on one side making it lean toward this gash.(as per I witness reports)
More and more Physicists are speaking out (mainly from other country's) stating things are rotten in in the Denmark so to speak...they are safe to speak their mind and won't be whisked away to one these 100's concentration camp facilities set up under the guise of a holding residences for processing "illegal aliens" and there is much more if you have been keeping up to date on what has been going on.
again "If a plane hit the Pentagon why is the government only putting out cartoon movie images to show what happened, when they have many views of the real thing?" and if they do this I will state on this post and any other you nominate a full apology for being suspicious of such a open and free Government you have. What a bunch of saints they are according to you...with every post you place with such a closed mind you give away a little piece of your freedom and take away another persons right to speak.
I'm sorry, I think you missed this part of my post:
The government never put out any "cartoon" depicting the pentagon crash. If you think you've seen one, it's probably due to your LSD flashbacks.
Since I've answered your question twice now, I'll ask you to kindly refrain from repeating it in the future.
"The government never put out any cartoon" depicting the pentagon crash. If you think you've seen one, it's probably due to your LSD flashbacks."
Come on Alex You you know it all, you are up to date on everything just because you missed it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
You think the world revolves around your little really don't know yourself very well do you.
It is obvious to a lot of people you post to on these sites that you are a psycho....get some help before someone removes some of your teeth you idiot.
Another thing fatso look me up when your in town so we can catch up.
I specialize in guys like you, I'll get you into shape in no time at all sonny.
Right, thanks for admitting that you're lying. See ya 'round.
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