Monday, April 02, 2007

Still Moron Rosie

She manages to stir herself long enough to write two whole paragraphs:

9/11 affected me deeply, as I know it did many Americans. The falling of the twin towers served to remind me that many of the assumptions Americans have about their lives are rooted in false feelings of security. In light of this reminder, I have begun doing exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire. Investigate. America is great in so many ways, one of which is the freedom to speak, and indeed think, freely. I have, of late, begun exercising the rights bestowed upon me by the democratic system I value, and the exercising of these rights has taken the form of an inquiry into what happened five years ago, an inquiry that resists the dominant explanations and that dares to entertain ideas that push me to the edge of what is bearable. I have come to no conclusions and, given the scope of the subject, will not for some time.

If the very act of asking is so destabilizing for people, than I have to wonder whether the fabric of our democracy is indeed so raveled it is beyond salvage. My own belief is that the act of asking is itself reparative, because it brings to life the values on which our constitution rests. I am, therefore, pledging my allegiance, hand over heart, trying, as always, for a rigorous truth.

This is the usual "I'm just expressing my right to free speech" dodge. Here's something to chew on, Ro. Aren't the people who are criticizing you and calling for your firing also exercising their rights to free speech?

Some people seem to think that the right to free speech means "free of criticism" or "free of consequences". In fact, it means "free of legal consequences", and as far as I know, nobody's suggested putting Rosie in the slammer for her idiocy.

Allahpundit points out that her rationalizations work just as well for Holocaust Revisionism.

Inspired by Rosie, The Influence Peddler has some other questions:

Is the earth flat? And why is George Bush lying about it? Did he order the slaughter of innocents to make the earth that way? I'm just asking.

And did any Jews really die in the Holocaust? Perhaps George Bush was actually the one who slaughtered them, and then blamed it on Hitler.

Oh. Suddenly I can't even ask a simple question? Why? Were you frightened because I was coming a little too close to the truth, so now you have to silence me?

Steve Spruell:

Instead of going to therapy every day, this clearly unwell person is hosting a television show on a major American network. Someone at ABC has a very cruel sense of humor.

Well, you know how it is; she's generating good ratings. Howard Beale must be shouting out his window as we speak.

Damien Penny debunks her claim not to have come to any conclusions:

ive determined that fire cant melt steel
nuh uh
google it
but ive come to no conclusions

The Razor comes up with the Rosie Rant Level Advisory System:

Hat Tip: Memeorandum.



At 02 April, 2007 12:24, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

As far as I know, nobody's suggested putting Rosie in the slammer for her idiocy.

Uhh have you seen Bill O'Riley's rant? Or maybe that childhood star that wants her dead?

At 02 April, 2007 12:49, Blogger Civilized Worm said...

Bill O'Rly overreacts to most things so that shouldn't come as a surprise.

I have begun doing exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire. Investigate.

Translation: I went on Google Video.

At 02 April, 2007 13:33, Blogger shawn said...

I hate this "you're suppressing my right to free speech" nonsense.

We have the right to shout you down and call you a moron. We are not the government.

At 02 April, 2007 14:13, Blogger texasjack said...

"Well, you know how it is; she's generating good ratings. Howard Beale must be shouting out his window as we speak."

Excellent point Pat. I think it will be Rosie's next rant: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not taking it anymore!" Stay tuned.

At 02 April, 2007 14:19, Blogger Pat said...

Swing, Danny was making a joke (if we can find a rope thick enough). Considering that he's had death threats himself, it was a stupid thing to say.

At 02 April, 2007 14:37, Blogger Manny said...

I don't believe that the person who lets fly with the stupid rants she does and who uses pre-teen internet spelling and grammar conventions also wrote that statement. I think someone did it for her.

At 02 April, 2007 14:42, Blogger Triterope said...

I think someone did it for her.

Good point. It does seem lawyered up.

At 03 April, 2007 00:42, Blogger Der Bruno Stroszek said...

default, I like that the author of that e-mail talked about Marky's right to "expose" Loose Change. Not "smear" it. Not "slander" it. Not "lie about" it. "Expose" it. The first stirrings of a bit of self-awareness, maybe? Or am I just too optimistic?


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