Tuesday, July 03, 2007

LA Celebrity Crackpots Welcome "Reincarnation" Griffin

If you ever wanted a list of the kook celebrities who've come out for 9-11 Denial, here it is:

Rosie O'Donnell, Charlie Sheen, Jackson Browne, James Brolin, Michelle Phillips, Graham Nash, Aaron Russo, & Gina Belafonte have joined Ed Asner....

That's such a star-studded list that there's no room for Ed Begley, Jr., best known for his comedic turn in Meet the Applegates.

Apparently Michelle Phillips is scheduled to co-emcee the event with Asner. Phillips is best known as the good-looking gal in the Mamas and the Papas. Here's the interview where she admitted her crackpottery on a "progressive" talk radio program (MP3 file). Phillips segment begins about 22:45 into the show.

Note in the March 2007 interview that she starts out by talking about a very interesting book that's coming out called "Omissions and Distortions". Of course O&D was published in November 2004. She sounds as informed as your average Hollywood celeb, claiming that every piece of steel was immediately shipped to China, and that no structural engineers believe a building could come down like that unless it was controlled demolition. She comes off like some teenager who's just seen Loose Change for the first time.