Saturday, May 15, 2010

David Ray Griffin, the King of Recycling

Here's Grifter's latest:

As you can see, it's just the same old crap in a new wrapper. He's labeled his talk, "Is the war in Afghanistan justified by the events of 9-11?" He throws in some stuff about the UN, asks whether the war will turn out to be another Vietnam, and then goes into his usual spiel about how Osama isn't wanted for 9-11, Barbara Olsen's phone calls, etc.

That made me wonder how many times Grifter can keep on selling the snake oil to the rubes. I mean, the next tour is pretty obvious: "Is the war in Iraq justified..." And then he can go to "Is the Transportation Safety Administration justified..." and then "Is the ban on boxcutters and knives on planes justified..."



At 15 May, 2010 17:52, Blogger nicoHIStory said...
05/02/2010 : pre "9/11 untruth-constructuralist" Gerard Holmgren cancered or fake-cancered?

At 15 May, 2010 21:09, Blogger Billman said...

Not sure if this is 9/11 relevant or anything, but I found it interesting.

At 16 May, 2010 01:37, Blogger Toby said...

Wow, he's also still using the "fake Bin Laden video" claim, as well as the "Atta was dating a Stripper" lie. Oh well, it's only been about 4 years since the latter was proven false, so it's understandable that DRG hasn't bothered to drop that claim yet. What's next, claiming that a missile was fired from flight 175 immediately before it impacted the WTC? How about the "Pods" theory? After all, why let something inconvenient, like the truth, get in the way of a "good" conspiracy theory.

Unsurprisingly, the gullible truthers continue to buy his books. And yet they wonder why we mock them.

At 16 May, 2010 10:00, Blogger Billman said...

Well, Toby, you got me thinking, if DRG did NOT rehash everything, then what the hell would he be doing now? How would he make any money?

At 16 May, 2010 10:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The New Testament hasn't had any new material added to it for a LONG time either, yet people still buy countless copies of it and listen to weekly rehashings of its material. Yet more proof that 9/11 Troof is a religion.

At 16 May, 2010 10:47, Blogger Boris Epstein said...

May of Dr Griffin's points may not be new but they are as true as they have always been. Clearly, if this blog is any indication as to where the "debunking" knowledge base is then clearly there isn't much of a knowledge base there to speak of.

At 16 May, 2010 11:13, Anonymous Patrick from Cincinnati said...

Boris, you're an asshole.

Btw everyone else, don't give Boris any personal information - he's an insane stalker. He's even rejected by the Boston truthers.

At 16 May, 2010 12:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is the ban on boxcutters and knives on planes justified..."

Well, apparently they were allowed on 9/11. Even after a pat down.

At 16 May, 2010 12:13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May of Dr Griffin's points may not be new but they are as true as they have always been.

Well, yes. True as they have always been.

So Boris -- do you have a hard time getting into Twoofer clubs because of your Jewish name? I mean it's well known in Twoofer circles that the Mossad did 9/11, that must make meetings kind of awkward for you.

At 16 May, 2010 12:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The New Testament hasn't had any new material added to it for a LONG time either, yet people still buy countless copies of it and listen to weekly rehashings of its material. Yet more proof that 9/11 Troof is a religion."

What an inane argument. By that same logic, since the 9/11 commission report is your book of orthodoxy, and you worship its authors like divinities, you are a cult member of the pseudoskeptic persuasion.

At 16 May, 2010 12:58, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous, I hear you were born on a farm. Any more in the litter?

And remember, I'm just askin' questions...

At 16 May, 2010 13:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you have the intellectual ability of a demented lab rat.

Remember, I'm just providing answers.

At 16 May, 2010 13:11, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous whimpers, "...I hear you have the intellectual ability of a demented lab rat."

Really? No kidding?

Yeah, you're a paragon of virtue, aren't you, scumbag?

Perhaps that explains why I've caught you quote mining, misrepresenting your sources, trolling (misdirection and changing the subject) and outright lying on at least two dozen occasions in the past month?

And remember, I'm just askin' questions...

At 16 May, 2010 13:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...since the 9/11 commission report is your book of orthodoxy, and you worship its authors like divinities, you are a cult member of the pseudoskeptic persuasion.

Not true. I don't have any books of orthodoxy. I could be persuaded away from the official story of 9/11 by the simple appearance of a more logical explanation. But so far there is nothing I've seen in the Truther literature that constitutes a valid rebuttal.

Trooferism, however, shares several common traits with organized religion: the scriptures, the sacred places, the artifacts, the firm belief in a coming revelation. This is why Trooferism tends to attract the troubled and the less intelligent.

At 16 May, 2010 13:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Perhaps that explains why I've caught you quote mining, misrepresenting your sources, trolling (misdirection and changing the subject) and outright lying on at least two dozen occasions in the past month?"

Odd. I remember you biting the dust in the Israeli nuke discussion, in the Mineta discussion and in the nanothermite discussion. I also remember you landing face down in the WTC 7 discussion, after you tied your own shoelaces together, trapped in your elaborate self-contradictory snow job.

Remember, I'm just providing answers.

At 16 May, 2010 13:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not true."

Wow. Persuasive.

"I don't have any books of orthodoxy."

Yes you do. The 9/11 Commission Report. The NIST report. And Mein Kampf, probably.

"I could be persuaded away from the official story of 9/11 by the simple appearance of a more logical explanation."

Hell no. You couldn't be persuaded by shit if you stepped in it.

"But so far there is nothing I've seen in the Truther literature that constitutes a valid rebuttal."

Rebuttal is concomitant to a proper cohesive argument. There isn't one. The 9/11 commission's "investigation" doesn't hold water by virtue of the obstruction and undercutting it encountered, and many 9/11 commissioners apologetically acknowledge this. In fact, they knew they were specifically enlisted to participate in a cover up in the first place, especially Zelikow.

"Trooferism, however, shares several common traits with organized religion: the scriptures, the sacred places, the artifacts, the firm belief in a coming revelation. This is why Trooferism tends to attract the troubled and the less intelligent."

Funny, because I see a convergence of jingoist zealotry with unshaken but completely baseless belief in the edicts of idolized leaders, logical inconsistencies, double standards, bold-faced hypocrisy, conformism, peer pressure, fear of ostracism and general hypnosis in the debunker clique. That's why I refer to this gaggle as a cult, because that's what it is. A good sign is that criticism is treated like heresy, and critics are persecuted like heretics in a witch hunt.

You were saying? Oh yeah, something about your alleged "persuadability". Enough double talk to make a stoic cringe.

At 16 May, 2010 13:47, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous prevaricates, "...Odd. I remember you biting the dust in the Israeli nuke discussion, in the Mineta discussion and in the nanothermite discussion. I also remember you landing face down in the WTC 7 discussion, after you tied your own shoelaces together, trapped in your elaborate self-contradictory snow job."

[1] Concerning the Israeli discussion: If I "bit the dust" on the Israeli discussion, why can't you answer my questions with anything more than opinion and speculation?

Again, here are the questions you can't answer:

[4] Then perhaps you can explain why Israel has no record of nuclear weapons testing?

[7] And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question: Show me one nation that signed the NNPT that didn't test their nuclear weapons?

[8] How does a nation test its alleged nuclear arsenal "secretly"? Can you give me an example of ANY nation that's ever pulled that "miracle" off?

[9] So how did Israel manage to test their alleged "nuclear arsenal" without nuclear fallout?

[2] Concerning the Norm Mineta discussion, you still refuse to address Mineta's fatally flawed time line. Instead you change the subject and resort to misdirection.

Norm Mineta claims that air traffic control issued a "ground hold on planes going into New York" that occurred, according to Mineta, at approximately "8:30 or 8:40 in the morning". Nevertheless, this was before the North Tower was stuck; thus, the actual decision was made MUCH later.

For example,

"...Regional air traffic managers on Monday offered a detailed chronology of Sept. 11, when two planes were hijacked from Boston, but refused to say more about what actually happened on the planes...Mike McCormick, air traffic control manager at the New York Center--the main control center for the area--made the unprecedented decision at 9:04 a.m. to declare 'ATC Zero,' meaning that no aircraft could fly into, out of or through the airspace over New York and the western Atlantic."

Source: FAA controllers detail Sept. 11 events .


"...9:03-9:07 — New York and Boston regions' air traffic control officials stop takeoffs and landings. The New York Port Authority closes Newark International Airport...9:08-9:11 — Departures are stopped nationwide for aircraft heading to or through New York and Boston regions' airspace."

Source: USAToday: Part I: Terror attacks brought drastic decision: Clear the skies.

Starting to get the picture, Einstein? Clearly, Mineta's time for the "ground hold" order is OFF BY 30 MINUTES. The "ground hold" order was given 30 minutes after the time given by Mr. Mineta.

Source: September 11 Timeline.

[3] Concerning the nanothermite discussion. You've never proven anything with regard to nanothermite or WTC 7, and you've certainly never proven anything I've said to be incorrect or in error on either subject. Thus, I'll chalk this lie up to your boundless intellectual dishonesty and demented imagination.

[4] Concerning WTC 7, you still refuse to address the fact that I caught you quote mining the NIST Report on WTC 7. In fact, you flat out refused to debate on at least a dozen points. Thus, you lost the debate because you simply refuse to debate when your cowardly back is against the wall.


So, what we have here is another example of you patting yourself on the back without a shred of evidence to support your assertions.

Any more bald-faced lies for us, junior?

At 16 May, 2010 13:50, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous prevaricates, "...Remember, I'm just providing answers."

You're absolutely right, Anonymous, provided that you define "answers" as bald-faced lies.

They said you were a great asset, Anonymous; however, I told them they were off by two letters.

At 16 May, 2010 14:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your questions have been answered in full, Sideshow Bill. I've asked you before if you lived under a power line, since studies have linked this to senile dementia.

For example, most hilarious is the fact that you can't even convince your fellow SLC-ers that Israel has no nukes.

And I see you are still borrowing punchlines from joke lists and oneliner websites.

Testament to your desperation, isn't it?

At 16 May, 2010 14:16, Blogger GuitarBill said...

That's right, Glenn, change the subject (an underhanded misdirection ploy) and ignore the fact that I caught you quote mining, misrepresenting your sources and trolling on dozens of occasions.

Anonymous prevaricates, "...Your questions have been answered in full, Sideshow Bill. I've asked you before if you lived under a power line, since studies have linked this to senile dementia."

That's bullshit, and you know it. The only "answer" I've ever received from you is either an attempt at misdirection or a bald-faced lie.

Anonymous resorts to misdirection and scribbles, "...For example, most hilarious is the fact that you can't even convince your fellow SLC-ers that Israel has no nukes."

That's not an answer, Anonymous.

Thus, you've copped out again, coward.

If Israel has a nuclear arsenal, it should be easy for you to answer each and every question and provide evidence from a credible source--not speculation and opinion.

Anonymous tries more misdirection in an attempt to mask the fact that he can't answer my questions and scribbles, "...And I see you are still borrowing punchlines from joke lists and oneliner websites."

Projecting again, Glenn?

You know as well as I do, scumbag, that those insults are scattered all over the web on hundreds of websites. They are public domain and have been well known for decades.

Thus, the "desperation" is yours, and yours alone, Pinocchio.

Go for it, junior, respond by changing the subject.

Dance troofer, dance.

At 16 May, 2010 14:23, Blogger Billman said...

GB, I've never had any luck with this, but have you EVER had a troofer answer a 9/11 question directly?

At 16 May, 2010 14:24, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Billman wrote, "...GB, I've never had any luck with this, but have you EVER had a troofer answer a 9/11 question directly?"

Good question.

Answer: No.


At 16 May, 2010 14:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell no. You couldn't be persuaded by shit if you stepped in it.

True, I don't find shit persuasive. You apparently do, which is why you are a Troofer.

Rebuttal is concomitant to a proper cohesive argument. There isn't one.

Of course there is. 19 guys hijacked four planes. Three crashed into buildings. Two of those buildings collapsed soon after, and a third burned down later that day. Troofers would like this story to have flaws, but to a mentally healthy adult, it really is that simple.

A good sign is that criticism is treated like heresy, and critics are persecuted like heretics in a witch hunt.

Valid criticism is welcomed. Criticism in the form of absurd or false claims is properly ridiculed. One reason Trooferism draws such a massive amount of ridicule is that its core mythology consists of about 60% demonstrable falsehoods and 40% absurdities. It doesn't help that its most fervent practitioners are observably mentally ill.

At 16 May, 2010 14:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's bullshit, and you know it. The only "answer" I've ever received from you is either an attempt at misdirection or a bald-faced lie."

Well, color me bad, but they are answered in full in the previous threads. That they're not to your liking is to be expected. After all you're more fact-averse and truth-deficient than the Encyclopedia Dramatica. =)

"Thus, you've copped out again, coward.

If Israel has a nuclear arsenal, it should be easy for you to answer each and every question and provide evidence from a credible source--not speculation and opinion."

And I did.

"Anonymous tries more misdirection in an attempt to mask the fact that he can't answer my questions and scribbles, (...)

Projecting again, Glenn?"

Ha ha ha. Caught in the act again, and when you get pissed off you always start calling people "Glenn". Too amusing.

"You know as well as I do, scumbag, that those insults are scattered all over the web on hundreds of websites. They are public domain and have been well known for decades."


"Thus, the "desperation" is yours, and yours alone, Pinocchio.

Go for it, junior, respond by changing the subject.

Dance troofer, dance."

I think at this point the hot air is coming out of your ears as well as out of your lie pandering frontal orifice. After all, there is a large, overpressured reservoir of air inside your below average size cranium. =)

At 16 May, 2010 14:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"GB, I've never had any luck with this, but have you EVER had a troofer answer a 9/11 question directly?"

I suspect you've never had much luck with anything, which is why you overcompensate with your avatar.

At 16 May, 2010 14:43, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"True, I don't find shit persuasive. You apparently do, which is why you are a Troofer."

Exactly, you'd step in shit and you'd walk all over your white rug with it, all the while feverishly muttering the well-known dumbunker mantra: "I have no shit under my shoes, because somebody would talked.. somebody would have talked... somebody would talked".

"Of course there is. 19 guys hijacked four planes. Three crashed into buildings. Two of those buildings collapsed soon after, and a third burned down later that day. Troofers would like this story to have flaws, but to a mentally healthy adult, it really is that simple."

Actually, the Pentagon collapsed also. But to a delusion debunker cultist, precision is arbitrary and truth is subservient to politics.

Of course, what is most striking about this paragraph of yours is not what is in it, but what isn't.

"Valid criticism is welcomed. Criticism in the form of absurd or false claims is properly ridiculed."

Of course, insincere and intellectually crippled cheerleaders of authoritarians are hardly competent arbiters of "validity".

"One reason Trooferism draws such a massive amount of ridicule is that its core mythology consists of about 60% demonstrable falsehoods and 40% absurdities."

Interesting. In which category falls Bob Graham's statement that there was a "conspiracy to lie" about 9/11?

"It doesn't help that its most fervent practitioners are observably mentally ill."

Projection of mental health problems is fairly common among debunker cultists. Cerebral spasms are unavoidable once it is pointed out to whom they are applying their tortured ad hominems. It is the call sign of a true totalitarian (E.g. Stalin) to equate dissent and critique with psychiatric disorder.

At 16 May, 2010 14:55, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous (Glenn Maxey) tries another attempt at misdirection, and scribbles, "...I think at this point the hot air is coming out of your ears as well as out of your lie pandering frontal orifice. After all, there is a large, overpressured reservoir of air inside your below average size cranium. =)"

That's not an answer, Anonymous.

In fact, your entire reply is nothing more than a transparent attempt at misdirection.

Thus, you lose the debate again, because you refuse to answer direct questions with anything other than misdirection, speculation, opinion and bald faced lies.

[4] Then perhaps you can explain why Israel has no record of nuclear weapons testing?

[7] And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question: Show me one nation that signed the NNPT that didn't test their nuclear weapons?

[8] How does a nation test its alleged nuclear arsenal "secretly"? Can you give me an example of ANY nation that's ever pulled that "miracle" off?

[9] So how did Israel manage to test their alleged "nuclear arsenal" without nuclear fallout?

Now respond by changing the subject again, Glenn.

Dance troofer, dance.

At 16 May, 2010 15:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, you'd step in shit and you'd walk all over your white rug with it, all the while feverishly muttering the well-known dumbunker mantra:

It's really quite simple: if you see and/or smell shit, there's shit. If you don't, there probably isn't. A Troofer's mind works a little differently: if you've decided there's shit but you can't see or smell it, that just means that they used some kind of nano-shit that leaves no trace.

Actually, the Pentagon collapsed also.

A portion did, to be precise.

Of course, insincere and intellectually crippled cheerleaders of authoritarians are hardly competent arbiters of "validity".

Well, you're kind of slipping into simple name-calling here. Did I really kick your ass that bad?

Interesting. In which category falls Bob Graham's statement that there was a "conspiracy to lie" about 9/11?

That statement isn't core mythology, it's just one guy's opinion. Look -- you need to be precise if you're gonna debate this shit with me. This is why Twoofers get butt-rubbed so often, because they're just not strong thinkers.

It is the call sign of a true totalitarian (E.g. Stalin) to equate dissent and critique with psychiatric disorder.

Dissent and critique aren't psychiatric disorder. But an intense belief in, the Tourette-like repetition of, and an unwillingness to be challenged about demonstrable falsehoods and absurdities does indeed indicate mental illness. Delusions specifically. I suggest you research the symptoms of delusions and see how many you yourself exhibit (most Troofers I have applied this to score about 6 - 8).

At 16 May, 2010 20:21, Blogger Billman said...

Hey guys, did you see this? Cindy Sheenan along with some actors protesting Obama for "war crimes":

At 16 May, 2010 20:22, Blogger Billman said...

From the article:

Among the signatories are linguist Noam Chomsky, "L.A. Confidential" actor James Cromwell, actor Mark Ruffalo and prominent Bush-era anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan. By midday Thursday there were 1,804 signatures.

They also lambast Obama for having refused "to prosecute any members of the Bush regime who are responsible for war crimes, including some who admitted to waterboarding and other forms of torture, thereby making their actions acceptable for him."

At 17 May, 2010 12:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guitar Bill's latest ignorance. Here is the repeated answer to your stupid questions.

Wow,your not very bright. The U.S. did enough testing of nukes therefore our client state, Israel, had no need to test the nukes, only to read the reports.
Question #1
"Hey we Israelis are so fuckin' smart we are going to test something publicly so the entire Arab world will know we have 'em."

Are you fucking stupid, G.Bill?

Eat this:

Hey dumbass, how does your logic fit into this report?
A general who was once in charge of Israel’s nuclear weapons has claimed that Iran is a “very, very, very long way from building a nuclear capability”.

What, a SLC debunker wrong again? No surprise there:
Israel admits stockpiling nuclear weapons
By Jean Shaoul
12 February 2000
At the beginning of February, the Israeli Knesset (parliament) held the first public discussion on the country's nuclear arms programme for nearly 40 years. It was greeted with deafening silence by the international establishment.

Military censorship has always forbidden reports in the Israeli media about its nuclear arsenal, and successive governments have refused to discuss the issue. Finally, Issam Mahoul, an Arab Israeli MP who is a member of the Hadash (Communist) Party, went to the Supreme Court to seek a ruling forcing the government to permit a parliamentary debate. Parliament Speaker Avraham Burg backed down in order to avoid a Supreme Court decision.

In the televised debate, Mahoul stated that according to experts' estimates, Israel has stockpiled huge numbers of nuclear warheads. This had increased to what he described as the "insane amount of 200-300". The weapons had been developed with the help of the South African apartheid regime.

Shut the fuck up GuitarBill, you haven't a nuke to stand on. Go play your guitar and keep letting foreign policy experts shove the truth down your throat.

The other data I posted disqualifies the remainder of your questions. There is no NEED to test nor have proof of test. Dolt!

But since your dumb, here is your answer to question #2:
Four non-parties to the treaty are known or believed to possess nuclear weapons. India, Pakistan and North Korea have openly tested and declared that they possess nuclear weapons, while Israel has had a policy of opacity regarding its own nuclear weapons program.

Question #8 or 3 or whatever:
See response to question #1 above. LOL!

Question #9 or 4 or whatever:
See response to question #1 above. LOL!

Again leave foreign policy to the intellectuals and keep informing the SLC crew about how they can keep their computers safe.

*readers may insert the adhom attacks from Guitar Bill here*

Hey Pat, why are you promoting anti-semitism by writing about someone who associates with anti-semites? Your just doing the work of holocaust denires aren't you?

At 17 May, 2010 13:19, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Fuck you, Anonymous.

All you've provided is speculation ( offers nothing but speculation) and opinion (the WSWS is an op-ed website, and the column you reference is based on allegations, not fact).

Moreover, you didn't answer my questions. In fact, you give me more misdirection.

Try again, asshole, and this time I want facts, not speculation and opinion.

[4] Then perhaps you can explain why Israel has no record of nuclear weapons testing?

[7] And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question: Show me one nation that signed the NNPT that didn't test their nuclear weapons?

[8] How does a nation test its alleged nuclear arsenal "secretly"? Can you give me an example of ANY nation that's ever pulled that "miracle" off?

[9] So how did Israel manage to test their alleged "nuclear arsenal" without nuclear fallout?

Get it through your fucking thick skull, asshole: I WANT FACTS NOT SPECULATION AND OPINION.

Now, get to work, shit-for-brains.

At 17 May, 2010 13:27, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Do you see what "Anonymous" is up to folks?

Answer: Naked intellectual dishonesty.

To be specific, he misrepresents speculation, allegation and opinion as fact.

At 17 May, 2010 15:08, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

"GuitarShrill" is one hellacious lunatic,ain't he! I quickly ran his loopy theorem past some wise elders I know and it was a warm medley of chuckles,guffaws and chortles.Please consider reporting the cement headed Yuppie to his local Psychiatric Clearinghouse.

At 17 May, 2010 16:08, Blogger GuitarBill said...

ArseHooligan, it's not my fault that troofers don't know the difference between speculation, allegation, opinion and fact.

And what am I to think of an opinion piece from WSWS that reads as follows:

"...He further alleged that..."

"...Mahoul described the government's official policy..."

"...It claimed that..."

"...according to experts' estimates..."

In fact, the entire article is based on the allegations of one man, Issam Mahoul.

In addition, the op-ed piece is based on questionable reference material that claims Israel obtained nuclear components from the US.

The United States, however, is bound by the NNPT, which prohibits the US from funding countries that proliferate weapons of mass destruction. If Israel obtained the components necessary to assemble a nuclear device from the US, then it's safe to conclude that the US is in violation of not only the NNTP, but it's own laws.

So, are you prepared to prove that the US is in violation of the NNPT?

And you still fail to address my questions:

[4] Then perhaps you can explain why Israel has no record of nuclear weapons testing?

[7] And I'm still waiting for you to answer the question: Show me one nation that signed the NNPT that didn't test their nuclear weapons?

[8] How does a nation test its alleged nuclear arsenal "secretly"? Can you give me an example of ANY nation that's ever pulled that "miracle" off?

[9] So how did Israel manage to test their alleged "nuclear arsenal" without nuclear fallout?

Yeah, the Joooos are so brilliant that they can develop and assemble fully-functional, 100% guaranteed to detonate nuclear devices without ever testing the weapons.

Yup, that would make the brilliant Jooos the only nation in World history to develop a nuclear arsenal without a single test.

In fact, the Joooos are so brilliant that their nuclear weapons produce no fallout.

Man, those wily Joooos are amazing.


At 17 May, 2010 16:22, Anonymous aRealVeteran said...

At 17 May, 2010 16:50, Blogger GuitarBill said...

aRealVeteran wrote, "..."

Check it out! The troofers re-recorded an old Bee Gees video with a cheesy voice over.

That does it for me. Thus, there's only one inescapable conclusion...


At 17 May, 2010 18:00, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...



At 17 May, 2010 19:56, Anonymous paul w said...

OT, but here is a lecture to download about conspiracies (including 9/11) by Clive Williiams, Aajunct Professor at Macquarie University's Centre for Policing, Intelligence, and Counter Terrorism and Visiting Fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, ANU.

"What is the nature of a conspiracy theory? How are they formed, who forms them and why are they believed? Some can be relatively harmless and we can laugh them away but others, especially those concerned with terrorist events, can have real consequences. So how can you separate those theories that lead somewhere form those that are purely fanciful.

This lecture was recorded at the ANU and it was presented by the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre and the Canberra Skeptics Incorporated"

Have not heard the whole thing, just bits (on another radio show), and it sounds okay.

At 18 May, 2010 02:57, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

'aRealVeteran said...'

Walt just doesn't learn, does he?

I don't know what's more tragic. The fact that he keeps trying to claim that he was an OIF combat veteran, or the fact that he thinks that some Youtube video using a track by that not-at-all-retro group the Bee-Gees is somehow going to impress the non-retarded population.

Really impressed with all the fantasy headlines on the video - not to mention the use of photos of anti-war demos to suggest that 'da troof' movement is some sort of irresistible and ever-expanding popular force.

Face it. The '9/11 Truth Movement' has all the vitality and dynamism of Maurice Gibb.

At 18 May, 2010 04:28, Blogger Triterope said...

Not to mention that Bee Gees thing is at least two years old. Damn Truthers can't come up with anything new, not even song parodies.

At 18 May, 2010 07:59, Blogger Unknown said...

They did a good job on the Bee Gees song, - "We can't give up and we can't let go / If we want to see justice flow". "The neocons are shaking / The world is waking."

Almost as funny as Griffin's charming
"those hateful Muslims that killed sweet Barbara Olson". The man's a class act.

At 18 May, 2010 08:36, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Can we call you Pavlov's Frothing Dog from now on DogBoy? Because you are the wackiest knee-jerk cement head we have ever seen.Of course you'd resort to the Jew Hater garbage,you've got nothing else.Unless,that is,you are actually serious with your pathetic "America would never violate it's own laws,or international law for that matter".And waht's sadder than the moldy perfesser still insisting that I claimed I was an Iraq War veteran.That's crackhead behavior Sir Oswal Moldy! You're insane in the membrane!

At 18 May, 2010 08:57, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

'They did a good job on the Bee Gees song, - "We can't give up and we can't let go / If we want to see justice flow".'

Actually, that just shows how shit they are as lyricists - just as they are at being historians/physicists/engineers/aviators etc. How can 'justice flow'? As a metaphor that doesn't even work. And what about the refrain:

'Whether you're a mother,
Or whether you're a brother,
9/11's a lie. 9/11's a lie'.

I mean ... fuck off. That's what a primary (or elementary) school teacher would call a 'forced rhyme'. That's when a crap poet shoe-horns in a completely out-of-context piece of text just because it scans.

Now if the troofers had a bit of talent, they could rewrite it so that it made more sense. For example:

'There's no way to deny it,
No one should try to hide it,
9/11's a lie. 9/11's a lie'.

That works better, IMHO.

Of course, at the end of the day what you end up with is a bunch of wankers doing a mash-up of a song that's over thirty years old, as performed by a group of has-beens. Add the fantasy CNN headlines and the 'crowd scenes' showing the ever-expanding 'troof' movement (and then make the mistake of inserting a clip of a handful of shitheads chanting '9/11 was an inside job', to the general indifference of passers by) and you have a perfect illustration of the reason why truthers have achieved the square root of fuck-all since September 2001 (although the lack of that magic ingredient called 'evidence' also explains the stench of failure that surrounds them).

As for Arseholie, I see he's quick to deny the fact that he's 'aRealVeteran' even though I haven't made that point on this thread. That's what we call a 'non-denial denial', Walt.

Bottom line - you posed as an OIF combat veteran, and being a complete fucking moron you invited ridicule by claiming to have served 3 years consecutively in Iraq. A coward and a cretin. That's what you are, and that's what you'll remain.

At 18 May, 2010 16:52, Blogger Triterope said...

That's what a primary (or elementary) school teacher would call a 'forced rhyme'. That's when a crap poet shoe-horns in a completely out-of-context piece of text just because it scans.

True, but I think the crap poet in this case was Barry Gibb. I think that line's from the original song. (According to various online lyric resources; I could never understand what the Bee Gees were trying to say with that awful falsetto.)

At 18 May, 2010 16:57, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

"Crap poet",ha! You're a regular riot,Norton.50 paragraphs about nothing,that's Professor Arch Snide's speed! Of course the drunken twit refused my offer of Yankee tickets during the World Series last year.Hell,I'd have chipped in one way of his return ticket just to meet this tough guy in person.Please,please come to NYC soon so we can show you a little bit of the Bronx! The cowardly Paddy and JJB,who know I didn't pose as anything,won't even speak up and set you straight.That's why they call it the Debunker Cult! Pathetic twerps on a camping trip to Fort Loony.

At 18 May, 2010 20:49, Anonymous paul w said...

Listened to the radio show, a but dull, unfortunately - I guess I as expecting more of a debunking as the highlights had indicated.

Also would have liked more knowledge on some of the lesser details (that can often highlight an issue).

More interesting was the comments section, as usual. Truthers are beyond parody.

As for 'Stayin' alive', that song rocks. Shame the rest of disco mostly sucked.

At 18 May, 2010 20:53, Anonymous paul w said...

"A bit dull...."

For those interested: I was going to joke that I was talking kiwi, as the main difference between Australian and New Zealand accents is seen in those two words:

Aussies say " a BIT dull..." and kiwis say "a BUT dull...". i.e. "six" and "Sux", etc.

At 19 May, 2010 00:14, Anonymous paul w said...

OT, again.

Truther girl goes to hear 9-11 firefighter talking at the local church.


"The 9/11 Truth Movement was started by the family members and is made up of millions of concerned citizens."

"I asked Dan if he had seen the peer reviewed and unchallenged paper on the thermite..."

"At this point there were a few cries of ‘sit down’..."

"I was now the most unpopular person in the room."

"Most people told me I was rude..."

"I made a teenage girl cry..."

"I’ve never made anyone cry about 9/11 Truth before."

"I even pretended to be a Christian at one stage and told a lady “God wants you to look at the information”..."

"I must have used the phrase “victims’ family members” about 100 times."

"Dan is giving a talk in Brisbane on Friday, 4 June 2010 at 7.30pm at the Aspinall Centre (upper Mount Gravatt Parish). I’m trying to discreetly find out details of his other appearances. However, if anyone attends, don’t mention my name. Dan hates me."

As has been said here many times before, you cannot make this shit up...

At 19 May, 2010 02:04, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

'"Crap poet",ha! You're a regular riot,Norton.50 paragraphs about nothing,that's Professor Arch Snide's speed! Of course the drunken twit refused my offer of Yankee tickets during the World Series last year.Hell,I'd have chipped in one way of his return ticket just to meet this tough guy in person.Please,please come to NYC soon so we can show you a little bit of the Bronx! The cowardly Paddy and JJB,who know I didn't pose as anything,won't even speak up and set you straight.That's why they call it the Debunker Cult! Pathetic twerps on a camping trip to Fort Loony.'

Let's get this straight, Walt. You don't live in NY. You didn't spend 3 years living in the UK, as you claimed. And you did pose as 'A Real Veteran'.

Now, dig up that evidence linking Jundollah to Langley, or FOAD.

At 19 May, 2010 07:47, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

I'm grateful that Sackdoily interrupted his slumber party to shout out "fuck off and die"! Oof,that's really mean,DogBoy! Peeping in on any girls school dorm parties lately? You really are nuts Bozo.Sure did live in Southport and West London and SE London (New Cross),sure didn't pose as a war veteran,sure do live in NY.You're insane.But what else is new at the Debunker Cult? You're just jealous that the "GitFiddler" out did your condescending lunatic act.What's your major malfunction,numbnuts?!?

At 19 May, 2010 07:47, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

I'm grateful that Sackdoily interrupted his slumber party to shout out "fuck off and die"! Oof,that's really mean,DogBoy! Peeping in on any girls school dorm parties lately? You really are nuts Bozo.Sure did live in Southport and West London and SE London (New Cross),sure didn't pose as a war veteran,sure do live in NY.You're insane.But what else is new at the Debunker Cult? You're just jealous that the "GitFiddler" out did your condescending lunatic act.What's your major malfunction,numbnuts?!?

At 19 May, 2010 15:16, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

You lived in New Cross, Walt?

Name the night-club on the main street, the pub that's nearest to the train station, and the Tapas bar near Goldsmiths.

At 20 May, 2010 10:15, Anonymous deBunkaBusta said...

Arhoolie, you're arguing with idiots my friend.

At 20 May, 2010 16:54, Blogger GuitarBill said...


Look! Another sock puppet for da troof™.

Why not pick a handle and stick to it, Anonymous?

At 21 May, 2010 12:10, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

The "Git" has unearthed a conspiracy between DDB and myself!! The Debunker Cult,they know everything!!

At 21 May, 2010 12:29, Blogger GuitarBill said...

The ArseHooligan scribbles, "...The "Git" has unearthed a conspiracy between DDB and myself!! The Debunker Cult,they know everything!!"

Yeah, a conspiracy of the mindless.

You two should get together, combine your collective "cognitive ability", and form a half-wit.


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