Friday, May 14, 2010

Which Side Am I On?

The Troofers or the Anti-Fascists?

Obviously I side with the anti-fascists, which will cause some cognitive dissonance among our Troofer readers.

Also included was a color photo of Hitler, with runic symbols scrawled across his face and around his head. On the back of the photo were Germanic runes that spelled out the words “Destroy Yourself.”

Titrud, who is 50 years old and lives with his wife, was not surprised, nor did he call police. The letter included a calling card for Rose City Antifa, a Portland anti-racist group that recently tried to shut down an event Titrud helped organize featuring a speaker who’s been accused of anti-Semitism.

“They don’t really scare me,” Titrud says of the group. “These guys are idiots. It’s just kind of weird. Kind of creepy-weird.”

Titrud is one of the troofers:

Titrud and Calvert belong to the Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance, a group that challenges the accepted explanation for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Some alternative theories assign Mossad a secret role in the attacks. Titrud recently removed signs on his camper, which used to read “End Wars for Oil or Israel” and “Israel, Stop Killing Peace.”

Yep, so the people sending him hate mail are on our side. Or are they just as nuts as the Almond Joy Truthers?

Some have praised Rose City Antifa for rooting out alleged racists in our midst. Others criticize the group’s zero-tolerance approach as nothing more than ideological bullying.

“They’re worse than the early colonists with the heretics, where you were removed out into the wilderness to die,” says Grace Grant, a member of the left-wing Laughing Horse Book Collective in Northeast Portland. “I don’t want to be part of that kind of community. It’s pretty heartless. I don’t know who’s setting these standards and norms.”

The precipitating event was one we noted back in September; the Portland Troofer contingent invited Valdas Anelauskas, a Holocaust Denier and 9-11 nutbar, to give a speech:

Therefore, as I see it, the "standard" version of the Holocaust history simply cannot be trusted as long as they're jailing or otherwise punishing those who question it. To make jail sentences be your response to critics is exactly the same as getting up on a rooftop and shouting as loud as you can for all to hear: "I am lying!" Is anyone supposed to believe someone who, in effect, proclaims in this way that he's lying?


But what's interesting to me is the studied non-sidedness of the article in the Willamette Week. It's written like there's some sort of validity to both sides on the Holocaust, or like there's so much validity to 9-11 Troof that it forgives Holocaust Denial. Indeed the whole article seems to be about how this argument has divided the Portland activist community, instead of how it has galvanized the community against the idiots who deny 9-11 and, in the same breath, the Holocaust.

Yes, the article is stale. So is the entire "Truth Movement".

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At 14 May, 2010 04:11, Anonymous Sword of Truth said...

Obviously I side with the anti-fascists, which will cause some cognitive dissonance among our Troofer readers.

Or more gay jokes.

At 14 May, 2010 04:36, Blogger Unknown said...

I really wish there were not laws in Europe about denying the Holocaust because it causes the canonization of anyone who opens their mouth, denies the holocaust and ends up jailed.

Holocaust denial and 9/11 denial are part of the same layer of retardation.

in b4 debunker cult. in b4 dancing Israelis. in b4 anything about Jew gold.

As if that'll stop them.

If you're going to criticize specific policies of the state of Israel... do so. Do so without repeating ancient blood libel, talking about Khazars or anything else that's dumb.

At 14 May, 2010 08:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ok, Pat, 9/11 Debunkers as yourself associate and support convicted child abusers.

At 14 May, 2010 08:23, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous, I'm curious: Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?

And remember, I'm just askin' questions...

At 14 May, 2010 09:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ok, Guitar Bill, we know you share the same beliefs as a convicted child abuser as well.

Based upon the data, I suspect that you, Pat, and the others share the same beliefs as child molesters, rapists, thieves, crooks, kidnappers, and criminals of all sorts etc.

I could go on but you get the point, don't you.

At 14 May, 2010 09:51, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"I could go on but you get the point, don't you."

The only point I see around here i the one on the top of your head.

At 14 May, 2010 09:57, Anonymous Welshman said...

Based upon the data, I suspect that you, Pat, and the others share the same beliefs as child molesters, rapists, thieves, crooks, kidnappers, and criminals of all sorts etc.

To call you sick is being kind.

At 14 May, 2010 10:08, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welshman, that is because you don't understand how the logic of a debunker works.

You see, debunkers claim foul when some 9/11 Truthers share the same 9/11 political beliefs that a holocaust denier does. They try to use that logic to discredit 9/11 Truthers. Guilt by association therefore ignore the fact based arguments.

I simply used that same logic against debunkers in the exact same fashion.

They don't like that when the logic they use is chucked back in their face. Hence the irrelevant comments that follow.

The fact that you can't see that speaks volumes of your intellectual capabilities.

At 14 May, 2010 10:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lazarus Long said...

"I could go on but you get the point, don't you."

The only point I see around here i the one on the top of your head."

That's ok, Lazarus, people with poor vision can be just as ignorant as someone with 20/20 vision.

At 14 May, 2010 10:30, Anonymous troyfromwv said...

Is anonymoud still obsessing over debunkers?

Shouldn't you be out waking the sheeple? Freak!

At 14 May, 2010 10:32, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous prevaricates, "...You see, debunkers claim foul when some 9/11 Truthers share the same 9/11 political beliefs that a holocaust denier does. They try to use that logic to discredit 9/11 Truthers. Guilt by association therefore ignore the fact based arguments."

"...[F]act based arguments"?

Don't you mean 100% fact-free arguments?

"...I simply used that same logic against debunkers in the exact same fashion."

No you don't liar.

Since when is a conviction for "child abuse" on a par with murder or Nazi-inspired Holocaust Denial?

"...They don't like that when the logic they use is chucked back in their face. Hence the irrelevant comments that follow."

You may call it "logic", ass-clown, but the reality is that you're making an argument from false equivalence, which is pure logical fallacy.

"...The fact that you can't see that speaks volumes of your intellectual capabilities."

The in-your-face hypocrisy is absolutely breathtaking.

"...You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye." --Matthew 7:5

At 14 May, 2010 10:46, Blogger Charles said...

No event in human history has been studied more thoroughly and carefully than the Holocaust. Thousands of thesis and dissertations papers have poured over mountains of data, from physical evidence and anecdotal testimony to captured German war documents. Virtually everyone with a PhD in History will stake their career on the fact that millions of Jews were systematically exterminated by Nazi Germany. One can no more "revise" this fact than one can revise the existence of gravity. Wannsee Conference records prove that Nazis planned the extermination of Jews as, "The Final Solution." German concentration camp records prove that it was carried out.

Whenever we stand up to those who deny or minimize genocide we send a critical message to the world. As we continue to live in an age of genocide and ethnic cleansing, we must repel the broken ethics of our ancestors, or risk a dreadful repeat of past transgressions.

Holocaust deniers ply their mendacious poison everywhere, especially with young people on the Internet. Deniers seek to distort the truth in a way that promotes antagonism against the object of their hatred, or to deny the culpability of their ancestors and heroes. If we ignore them, they will twist the minds of countless young people, creating a new generation of those who deny the facts of the worst episode of genocide in history. Freedom of speech and the press is a symbol of a healthy society. Yet, since no crime in history is as heinous as the Holocaust, its memory must be accurately preserved, to protect our children and grandchildren.

Museums and mandatory public education are tools to dispel bigotry, especially racial and ethnic hatred. Books, plays, films and presentations can reinforce the veracity of past and present genocides. They help to tell the true story of the perpetrators of genocide; and they reveal the abject terror, humiliation and degradation resulting from blind prejudice. It is therefore essential that we disclose the factual brutality and horror of genocide, combating the deniers’ virulent, inaccurate historical revision. We must protect vulnerable future generations from making the same mistakes.

A world that continues to allow genocide requires ethical remediation. We must insist that religious, racial, ethnic, gender and orientation persecution is wrong; and that tolerance is our progeny's only hope. Only through such efforts can we reveal the true horror of genocide and promote the triumphant spirit of humankind.

Charles Weinblatt
Author, "Jacob's Courage"

At 14 May, 2010 10:56, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous scribbles, "...You see, debunkers claim foul when some 9/11 Truthers share the same 9/11 political beliefs that a holocaust denier does."

Tell us, do you consider Christopher Bollyn to be a central figure in the 9/11 troof movement? After all, he's David Ray Grifter's "fact-checker", and he's also worked extensively with Steven Jones.

Photographic Source: Christopher Bollyn and Professor Steven E. Jones.

In fact, Bollyn's anti-Semitism is well documented by Bollyn himself. For example,

Source: Bollyn on the B'nai B'rith - AZL Roundtable.

Source: The Moldovan Menorah, Michel Friedman, and the Jewish Crimocracy.

Source: The Criminal Nature of the Zionist Controlled Press.

Source: The Jewish Secret Society That Controls the U.S. Media.

Source: B'nai B'rith – The Jewish Secret Society that Dominates America.

Source: Ehud Barak - Architect of 9-11.

Source: Made in Israel: Obama Decision on Missile Shield.

Source: Mossad in Germany and 9-11 Disinformation.

Source: Bono & the Jewish Media Celebrate the Fall of One Wall and Ignore Another.

Source: Who Controls Our Elections? .

Source: Busted: The Orthodox Criminal Network.

Source: "Israel did 9-11" - A Primer on the Zionist Network Behind 9-11.

The ADL writes, "...Christopher Bollyn, a writer for the conspiracy-oriented newspaper American Free Press, a leading source on the far-right for disseminating anti-Semitic propaganda, has published numerous articles alleging that Jews and/or Israel had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. He also reports that certain Jews in the government not only tried to cover up Israeli involvement in the attacks but have ties to Israeli intelligence."

For more on Christopher Bollyn, see the following article:

Source: ADL: 9/11 Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Still Abound.

So, considering all the aforementioned information, how can you, or anyone else, claim that the 9/11 troof movement is not heavily influenced by Holocaust deniers and the like?

At 14 May, 2010 11:13, Blogger Triterope said...

9/11 Truthers share the same 9/11 political beliefs that a holocaust denier does. Debunkers try to use that logic to discredit 9/11 Truthers.

Yeah, that's pretty much how it works.

At 14 May, 2010 11:30, Anonymous Sword of Truth said...

Based upon the data, I suspect that you, Pat, and the others share the same beliefs as child molesters

FBI discovers vast amounts of child porn on the home computer of the 9/11 truther who murdered the Holocaust Museum security guard:

Maybe you should have left that one alone there, sunshine?

At 14 May, 2010 12:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, considering all the aforementioned information, how can you, or anyone else, claim that the 9/11 troof movement is not heavily influenced by Holocaust deniers and the like?"Association Fallacy, asshat.
You mean the same way your beliefs are heavily influenced by liars, cheats, crooks, pedophiles, men who admit to domestic battery and are mentally ill, those who peddle false propaganda, prop up dictatorships, etc,etc? Based upon your logic, you share the same beliefs as them therefore your beliefs can be discredited. Its the same logical fallacy when debunkers cry, "Oh look, he questions the holocaust, he must be wrong and everyone

Or can you, like an intelligent individual, separate the politics and beliefs of the holocaust from 9/11 Truth?It seems like your one of the many debunkers who can't separate historical events, views, and politics and choose not to do so in order to 'try' to discredit what 9/11 Truth has brought to light. Now if your trying to link the two to discredit factual information, then of course your committing a nice association logical fallacy. Touche douche.
This kind of false discrediting and fallacies having been going on for years now because the debunkin' crowd can not address the facts of 9/11 Truth without doing so.

Sword-"Maybe you should have left that one alone there, sunshine?"
How many millions of murders, child molesters, perverts, criminals, domestic abusers,etc. etc. do not believe in 9/11 Truth? Based upon your logic, your the same as them. Touche, douche.
Take your bad association logic and go promote holocaust denial somewhere else. Your worse that Eric.

GB-You can't even inform your fans of logical fallacies can you, anti-hacker. LOL. Stick with computer security and leave philosophy to the intellectuals.

Lets see, a person who is anti-semetic and holds erroneous beliefs about the holocaust is worse that a person who admits to domestic violence against their own kids after leaving bruises on them, is a fellow racist,and whose wife admits has mental problems and is taking medication?!?!

According to your logic, a belief held is actually worse than an act of violence against a child? WTF drugs are you on? I fear for the safety of your own children. Does your wife know you feel this way?

I hope you don't instill those same beliefs in your own children, Bill as they might end up like Troy.
The whole "anti-Semitic cry" is an Association Fallacy. Let me ask you this, Bill asshat, why did you point that out to Pat early on? ROFLMAO@U

At 14 May, 2010 12:32, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous prevaricates, "...Or can you, like an intelligent individual, separate the politics and beliefs of the holocaust from 9/11 Truth?"

Steven E. Jones associates and collaborates with Holocaust Deniers.

David Ray Grifter associates and collaborates with Holocaust deniers.

Keven Barrett is a Holocaust denier.

Eric Hufschmid, the founder of the US 9/11 troof movement, is a Holocaust denier.

Shall I continue...

"...Now if your trying to link the two to discredit factual information, then of course your committing a nice association logical fallacy."

I wasn't trying to discredit their "information"--you cretin. The logic is simple, so pay attention, shit-for-brains:

If they'll lie about the Holocaust, what else will they lie about, scumbag?

And why should I trust individuals like Jones and Grifter, who KNOWINGLY associate and collaborate with vicious Holocaust deniers?

So much for your threadbare "logical fallacies" argument.

"...GB-You can't even inform your fans of logical fallacies can you, anti-hacker. LOL. Stick with computer security and leave philosophy to the intellectuals."

Shove it up your ass, queer-bait, and answer the question:

"...Since when is a conviction for "child abuse" on a par with murder or Nazi-inspired Holocaust Denial?"

And don't try to equate "child abuse" with individuals who willfully lie and apologize for the perpetrators of the most well-documented crime against humanity in World history--the Holocaust.

You may think you can pass that threadbare shit off as a valid argument, ass-munch, but your non-logic won't work with me, "truther" scum.

So, what were you saying about "logical fallacies", Pinocchio?

"...According to your logic, a belief held is actually worse than an act of violence against a child?"

It's not just a belief--you fucking creep--it's naked apologetics for genocide, which is a crime against humanity. And if you can't make the distinction, perhaps you should question your own alleged "humanity".

At 14 May, 2010 13:28, Anonymous Gostions said...

The considerable overlap between antisemites and truthers should be no surprise. Members of both groups are paranoid conspiracy theorists who blame a secretive, greedy, criminal cabal who they see as exerting too much influence and control. The main difference is the particular group of people on whom the paranoia is focused.

At 14 May, 2010 13:53, Blogger Pat said...

Whatever you don, don't mention Delmart "Mike" Vreeland!

At 14 May, 2010 14:39, Blogger Triterope said...

Or can you, like an intelligent individual, separate the politics and beliefs of the holocaust from 9/11 Truth?

This comment is a dead giveaway that "Anonymous" is no more than 16 years of age. No sane adult would try to defend 9-11 Truth as a valid position by citing Holocaust denial as a valid position.

At 14 May, 2010 15:07, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"You see, debunkers claim foul when some 9/11 Truthers share the same 9/11 political beliefs that a holocaust denier does. They try to use that logic to discredit 9/11 Truthers. Guilt by association therefore ignore the fact based arguments."

It ain't guilt by a association when you actually, you know, associate with as repulsive, insane a prejudice as anti-semitism.

At 14 May, 2010 15:08, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"That's ok, Lazarus, people with poor vision can be just as ignorant as someone with 20/20 vision."

That's nice to know, you retarded marmoset.

At 14 May, 2010 15:12, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

""Association Fallacy, asshat"

Fallacy means something isn;t true.

In this case it is.

Hwo dare you defend anti-semitic haters?

At 14 May, 2010 20:07, Anonymous Marc said...

Dr.Martin Luther King didn't march with militant black groups. Why? Because their goals were much different than his as were their methods of achieving their goals.

Back when I was a conspiracy-nut I bought into a lot of crap. There were three main events that made me pull my head out of my ass:

1. I went to Dallas and the JFK Assasiantion museum. The conspiracy loons had lead me to believe that hitting the President from the 6th Floor was some kind of impossible shot. Standing there in Dealy Plaza it became clear that not only was it a simple shot, we were lucky that Oswald didn't have an M-1 Garand because he could have killed everyone in the car from - 300 feet away.

2.I took pre-academy classes for the local police academy. Working with real police officers gave me a different view on how evidence is collected and criminal cases are put together.

3. The Oklahoma City Bombing. I was one of the many angry people after the WACO fiasco, and I wanted heads to role. Then McVeigh and Nichols did their thing and after hearing some of the same things come out of their mouths that came out of mine I had to do some serious re-evaluation of the things I believed.

That last point, guilt by association was the last straw. A few years later I became friends with one of the ATF team from the Waco raid, needless to say the media and new media got most of the story wrong. That make me feel even more like a jackass.

So when I see Troofer so desperate to get their message out that they join forces with neo-Nazis I just shake my head. Then I thank my stars that I escaped the conspiracy loony bin.

At 15 May, 2010 04:29, Blogger Triterope said...

when I see Troofer so desperate to get their message out that they join forces with neo-Nazis I just shake my head.

Well said.

At 15 May, 2010 08:33, Anonymous Patrick from Cincinnati said...

Antifa in Germany is whack.

At 15 May, 2010 11:54, Blogger RenaSherwood said...

I know have a massive craving for Almond Joys.

At 15 May, 2010 12:56, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Who's dumber than Marc? Well.maybe the "Git".MLK Jr. was growing increasingly radical and throwing the force of his movement fully into the protests against the Vietnam slaughter.To say he didn't march with militant Black groups is to say:"I'm an idiot who don't know shit".Check into the actual story of MLK,Jr. and see that once he made his speech against the War at Riverside Church on April 4,1967 his days were numbered.And not because some White Trash from Memphis was after him.The Debunker Cult: they embrace every moldy,disproven Establishment myth.And brag about it!

At 15 May, 2010 13:20, Blogger GuitarBill said...


Converse with any plankton lately?

And remember, I'm just askin' questions...

At 15 May, 2010 16:01, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"...throwing the force of his movement fully into the protests against the Vietnam slaughter."

What's wrong with slaughtering communists?

That's not a bug, that's a feature.

At 15 May, 2010 16:03, Anonymous Marc said...

Dr. King warned in "A Letter from the Birmingham Jail" warned that; while the white southern establishment dismissed King and his non-violent Cilil Rights movement, African-Americans "out of frustration and dispair, seek solace and security in black nationalist ideologies - a development that would inevitably lead to a frightening racial nightmare."

By the time of his death in 1968, Dr. King had yet to align forces with the Black Panthers let alone march with them.

It is true, I don't know shit because I don't study shit, I read books by credible authors (like the people who were actually with Dr. King)so I don't fill my brain with shit.

The fact that you jumped (out of reflex) to yet another conspiracy theory denotes deep seated manic issues which are clear signs of a mental problem. The offensive thing is that the alleged radicalization of Dr.King then somehow justifies his assassination, and that is an insult to all free men everywhere.

This underscores the greater threat that troofers and consiracy loons represent. In grasping for a reason why Dr.King was shot they had to invent a crime that he must have committed. In the case of JFK, the conspiracy loons took Oswald out of the picture so that they could insert their own boogie man. In the process, which has been successful, the Democratic Party has drifted from the ideas and ideals of JFK and Roosevelt, and have instead embraced the ideologies of Lee Harvy Oswald.

In the case of 9/11/2001, the troofers are so hell bent on removojng AL Qaeda from the picture that they are tripping over eachother to insert their verious hobbgobblins. Bush/Cheany and Neo-cons (Neo = Jew, Con = Conservative[source: Pat Buchanan]) vs teh Jooos vs International Banking (teh Jooooos)vs Mossad (more Joooos).

Yet when they are called on this they pull their thumbs out of their asses and stick them in their mouths and scream Waaaaaah!

At 15 May, 2010 16:03, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

" not because some White Trash from Memphis was after him."

Ooooo, c'mon fuckhead, reveal THIS conspirasy.

We're waiiiiittttiiiinnnnggggg!!!!

At 15 May, 2010 16:06, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"The Debunker Cult"




Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

At 15 May, 2010 16:07, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"In the case of JFK, the conspiracy loons took Oswald out of the picture so that they could insert their own boogie man."

Why is the fact that LHO was a dedicated communist gets buried, too?

At 16 May, 2010 09:48, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

'You see, debunkers claim foul when some 9/11 Truthers share the same 9/11 political beliefs that a holocaust denier does.'

So you're basically admitting that your 'movement' attracts neo-Nazis. Well done that man. A bit of honesty at last from a troofer. Maybe now you can admit that - like the Holocaust Deniers - 9/11 Troof is all about telling lies about mass murder and distorting the historical record. Nicely done.

At 16 May, 2010 09:53, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

Marc, your comments are spot-on, and it's good to read them here. One thing I will point out (which has no doubt occurred to you) is that Arseholie is an ignorant cretin. He was also stupid enough to try and pose as an OIF combat veteran on this site, but fucked up by claiming he'd done a three-year tour.

If Oxygen theft was a crime, he'd be doing life.

At 16 May, 2010 13:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is the fact that LHO was a dedicated communist gets buried, too?"

Yeah, I guess that's why he had to be silenced by Jack Ruby.

At 16 May, 2010 18:41, Anonymous Marc said...


Here's the problem with the who JFK assassination, the Warren Commission, and the army of nut jobs who all have their own theories about "Who really killed JFK?" or "Who was behind the assassination?": The basic facts have never changed.

There WAS a cover-up as the Warren Commission did their investigation. The man behind it? Robert Kennedy. He killed lines of investigation that risked exposing Operation "Mongoose", the joint CIA-Mafia plot to overthrow Castro. The CIA station chief in Mexico City was told directly by the AG to walk away from his investigation about Oswald's alleged visit with Raul Castro.

So there are things that we may never know but they certainly do not lead to the grand cabal of the Military-Industrial Complex/Big Texas Oil/ George HW Bush/ LBJ/the Chicago mob/ insert your evil group name here.

Oswald certainly had suspicious connections, but Oswald was a wannabee. He lived in a fantasy world where he was a super-spy. He was also a rube, an easy mark and he could have been used by bad guys to kill the President. The problem is that he could have been used by just about anybody, but in the 46 years no link has ever been substanciated.

This is the key. No hard facts.

Certainly none that change the basic facts of the assassination. Those facts are that Oswald worked in the Texas Schoolbook Depository, his rifle was found on the 6th floor, Oswald was the only employee to leave the building, Oswald rushed home then fled on foot, Oswald only once denied shooting the President and that was in front of a TV camera but never said anything to the police.

Jack Ruby would have been the last guy that a high-powered secret group that just killed the President would risk their grand plan upon.

Bottom line, slack-jawed Communist looser shot JFK because he wanted to impress Castro and live in Cuba as a hero because he didn't get that in the US or the USSR.

Oswald was an interesting guy, and had he been born in 1990 he would no doubt be a troofer.

At 17 May, 2010 07:43, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

"...had to invent a crime that he must have committed"!?!? Say what,Goober? Yet another pretentious,goofy windbag weighs in and claims that doubting the cover-ups of JFK's murder,9/11 and assorted other scams are indicative of mental problems.Of course he also said that "truthers" are some kind of threat.Only to addled cult simpletons like him,PornBoy and Sackdoily.Somewhere Andrei Sakharov and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn are shaking their heads in amazement.What's even more telling is the ridiculous Cuba angle this sap props up.Yeah,it was Raul and Che,right?!Even better,the loopy cultist has RFK covering up his brother's murder.I guess it was just another pesky coincidence that when RFK got close to being elected President he was offed.By the way,there has been a coverup in his murder too.What's cutest about Marc the Half-Wit's post is the fact that as the whiskey flowed he threw this one in:"....the Democrats have moved away from the values of JFK and FDR and embraced the ideologies of Lee Harvey Oswald".Hey right wing Neanderthal,that's just plain stupid.Is PornBoy your uncle? And then,of course,as he tumbled off his mother's divan he muttered something about Jew haters!!

At 17 May, 2010 08:53, Blogger GuitarBill said...

ArseHooligan, you bring new meaning to the term "shit-for-brains".

Tell us, how do you survive with the reading comprehension skills of a third-grader?

And remember, I'm just askin' questions...

At 17 May, 2010 11:25, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Poor "Gitschnitzel",relegated to the brine shack and whining and moaning about having his lard ass handed to him so regularly.It's you kicking your own butt,DogBoy,in case you haven't noticed! Is that you shooting spitballs my way? Can you run that goofy nukesy wisdom by us again,jackoff?! We anxiously await your next amusing,nutty stemwinder as you ponder this question:Why did RFK have gunshot residue on the back of his head,showing that he was shot from six inches away,when Sirhan Sirhan never got within eight feet of him? Why were their more bullet holes in that kitchen than there were eligible bullets in the gun Sirhan was shooting? I guess it was just a coincidence that RFK was firmly committed to withdrawing from the obscene and racist Vietnam disaster when he was killed.Looking forward to more insane flopping from you,my main man! Sincerely,Arhoolie.

At 17 May, 2010 11:39, Blogger GuitarBill said...

That's not an answer, ArseHooligan.

Let's try again, shall we?

Tell us, how do you survive with the reading comprehension skills of a third-grader?

Now, answer the question, cretin.

At 17 May, 2010 15:20, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Only a joikoff like Marc would thrust forward with ridiculous tripe like:"Oswald certainly had suspicious connections,but....." and attempt to disappear that fact immediately after! Hey DogBoy,if you're waiting the CIA to start faxing out confessions and revelations you're in the slow lane. I'm sure Fidel would have just salivated over the idea of knowingly protecting the assassin of the United States of America.In 1963!!

At 17 May, 2010 15:22, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

"...the assassin of the President of the United States of America".

At 18 May, 2010 02:51, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

More hysterical bullshit from Walt.

Have you found the evidence linking Jundollah to the CIA yet?

At 18 May, 2010 08:41, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Catcalls from a rundown,moldy Manchester pub ain't cutting it,Professor Archie Snide.It's fun kicking your ridiculous butt all day,every day and waiting for the familiar desperate,whiny screech and your now famous lie about a supposed claim that I lied about being a war veteran.Hey Sir Linker,please bring up the comment where I said this.Paddy can help you.

At 18 May, 2010 08:45, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

Was that a 'yes' or a 'no', Walt?

And talking about your attempt at 'Stolen Valor', online, perhaps you could explain to me why you've started posing as 'aRealVeteran' again:

At 18 May, 2010 08:48, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Ain't me,jackoff.

At 18 May, 2010 08:48, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Ain't me,jackoff.

At 18 May, 2010 13:25, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

'Arhoolie said...
Ain't me,jackoff.'

Of course not, Walt. And all your other sock-puppets are real as well.

Where's the evidence on Rigi? I've only been asking for this for two months now.

At 18 May, 2010 17:01, Anonymous Arhoolie said...

Poor pitiful,in his cups Sackdoily,furiously,strenuously,haplessly,fecklessly.Sounds like a Brit soap opera.

At 19 May, 2010 02:04, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

Rigi. CIA. Evidence linking both.

I'm still waiting for it, Walt.

At 21 May, 2010 03:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat natters: "Whatever you don [sic], don't mention Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland!"

Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland.

In Pat's sick, diseased, dilapidated, ghoulish sophist mind, being a child abuser nullifies prior knowledge of 9/11. Who cares if he's a freak, Pat, so is Alex Jones, and perhaps so is Bill Cooper. But all three knew a 9/11 type attack was imminent, with one having more specific knowledge than the other.

What was it again with that argument that if you knew something you'd be killed? Well of those three, one was killed and one is missing.

Congrats Pat! Face down in your own bullshit again! Say hi to Troy!

At 21 May, 2010 05:38, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

'In Pat's sick, diseased, dilapidated, ghoulish sophist mind, being a child abuser nullifies prior knowledge of 9/11'.

So you honestly think that a conman who failed basic training for the USN made it as a Lt in the ONI, and that he was selected for a top-secret covert mission in Moscow even though he couldn't speak Russian or read the Cyrillic alphabet:

Welcome to Planet Troofer, where almost anything is possible.

'What was it again with that argument that if you knew something you'd be killed? Well of those three, one was killed and one is missing.'

Vreeland isn't 'missing', you spastic. He's in jail for filming kiddie porn with young boys. Alex Jones is alive and well and polluting the airwaves of the fair city of Austin TX. And William Cooper - who wasn't at all mental, not in the slightest - was shot by the local police after he pulled a gun on a deputy and put a cap in his head. Which generally speaking is not recommended as good for your health.

None of these arseholes 'predicted' 9/11, you complete and utter mong.

At 21 May, 2010 05:41, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

More from Milton William Cooper, who clearly had no mental health issues whatsoever:

At 22 May, 2010 07:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anytime you want to quote real sources, please do so. Debunker cult websites do not qualify.

Vreeland is in jail, my bad.

Cooper is dead, you can't deny that, no matter how much you justify his killing. That justification, of course, is no surprise, since you're a militaristic, fascist heap of dung through and through.

All of them predicted 9/11 in one way or another, no matter how you jump and down to obscure that fact. And like I said, being crazy or a child abuser doesn't make you not predict 9/11, which I why I don't care, you morally, intellectually bankrupt, slithering woodlouse.

At 22 May, 2010 10:05, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous barks at the Moon and scribbles, "...Cooper is dead, you can't deny that, no matter how much you justify his killing. That justification, of course, is no surprise, since you're a militaristic, fascist heap of dung through and through."

William Cooper was a fuckin' nutter, and so are you--you fatuous dork.

All you need to know about that lunatic can be found in the following video:

Source: YouTube: William Cooper U.F.O cover up lecture 1/10.


That's quite a "source" you have there, Anonymous.

You're a fuckin' lunatic, Anonymous.

At 22 May, 2010 11:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Don't blame me Sideshow Bill. After all, if somebody is loony that doesn't suddenly retroactively make them not predict 9/11.

Heh. Logically, you're not doing to well, Billy Boy. But..what else to expect from a stooge intellectually equivalent to a block of dead wood.

At 22 May, 2010 14:52, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Anonymous prevaricates, "...Hey! Don't blame me Sideshow Bill. After all, if somebody is loony that doesn't suddenly retroactively make them not predict 9/11."

Now douche-bag, you know as well as I do that Bill Cooper didn't "predict" anything.

Cooper merely repeated a story he watched on CNN. In fact, a CNN reporter interviewed bin Laden and predicted that Al Qaeda would strike "within three weeks".

Thus, William Cooper didn't predict anything.

"...Supposedly, a CNN reporter found Osama bin Laden, took a television camera crew with him, went into Osama bin Laden's hideout, interviewed him and his top leadership, and he came out and told everybody within three week Osama bin Laden is gonna attack the United States and Israel..." -- William Cooper

Source: YouTube: Bill Cooper "predicts" 9-11.


Clearly, Cooper's own account confirms that the CNN reporter predicted the attacks, not William Cooper.

Any more bullshit for us, Anonymous?

So tell us, Anonymous, how does it feel to know that your credibility can be measured in negative engineering units?

And remember, I'm just askin' questions...

At 22 May, 2010 15:22, Anonymous sackcloth and ashes said...

"...Cooper is dead, you can't deny that, no matter how much you justify his killing. That justification, of course, is no surprise, since you're a militaristic, fascist heap of dung through and through."

OK, numbnuts. I have a recommendation for you. Find an atlas, pick any country on the map of the world, go to whichever state you select, procure a firearm (by whatever means necessary), and then shoot at the local coppers. Then see what happens next.

If you're alive at the end of this experience, you'll be in the big house for a long time.

Give it a try. Do the human race a favour by removing yourself from the gene pool.


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