Thursday, October 18, 2012

More on the Truther Movie

Some of the media have picked up the most recent announcement on the 9/11 Truther movie project that has been bounced around for the last several years.  Now on its 4th title I believe.

Hollywood is to court controversy with a film that will challenge the official version of the events of 9/11, a previously taboo topic for the industry mainstream. Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson and Ed Asner, who have all supported conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks, have signed up to the movie, which is entitled September Morn.

Styling itself as a drama in the tradition of Twelve Angry Men, the film's advance publicity note hints at a cover-up, saying: "We the people demand that the government revisit and initiates a thorough and independent investigation to the tragic events of 911."

Details of the film, which is to be directed by BJ Davis and written by Howard Cohen, are expected to be revealed at an American Film Market conference in Los Angeles next week, reported. 

 Whether this actually gets made or not. Who knows. It appears to be the same bunch of Hollywood crackpots as before. They apparently are still trying to raise money for it. Why don't they just ask the Sheens? Unless Charlie blew it all on drugs and hookers they have got to be worth well north of $100 million by now.


At 18 October, 2012 23:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine if a movie debunking the conspiracy was directed by someone named "Cohen".

At 18 October, 2012 23:47, Blogger snug.butt.plug said...

James B. said "Unless Charlie blew it all on drugs and hookers they have got to be worth well north of $100 million by now."

James, your erroneous belief that Charlie Sheen blew all his money on "drugs and hookers" is incomplete, unscientific and unbelievable.

After all, everyone knows Charlie spent his fortune on hookers and drugs.

Why do you'se refuse to learn?

At 19 October, 2012 02:34, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

Isn't this the same group that decided not to make a movie at all a couple months ago?

At 19 October, 2012 16:12, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

If anybody can figure out Hollywood then they should just set up an office and rent dump truck to take their money to the bank on Mondays.

If they use topless chicks I'll probably watch it...with the sound off.

At 19 October, 2012 16:18, Blogger Len said...

From the movies' official page: "We the people demand that the government revisit and initiates a thorough and independent investigation to the tragic events of 911."

"revisit and initiates"?? What did they fail 1st grade??

At 19 October, 2012 17:22, Blogger Ian said...

What did they fail 1st grade??

Given the type of posts we get from Brian Good and Pat Cowardly here, I'm guessing yes.

At 22 October, 2012 11:03, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"it offers clues to the nature of the collapse as it relates to the unique WTC construction..."

-Peccary Hairless, on his 40-story piledriver blowing out "air" through single windows on undamaged floors.

No one's ever adduced nor even hinted at your 'explanation' for what happened, not even Bazant, so stop making shit up again, little boy.

When Fat Pat, Lames Beachnut, and HamfistedWreck flee like cowards from honest inquiry in a thread, it won't be you who comes up with the correct "explanation". They're a LOT better at lying about 9/11, and wouldn't be caught dead making such fools of themselves. Not after Pat's humiliation on the microspheres. Take the hint and just cower in silence and fear, unless of course it's your intention to embarrass your fellow pretendebunkers...?

At 22 October, 2012 11:52, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Ali the Arab cild molester whines, "...Not after Pat's humiliation on the microspheres."

Just as delusional as ever, eh dune coon?

The 9/11 "truth" movement hasn't proven "the microspheres" are evidence of conspiracy or foul play.

All you and your fellow pervert for da troofhave are 100% fact-free assertions and bald-faced lies.

Question: When is the only time "Pat Cowardly" can spit in his sister's face?

Answer: When her mustache is on fire.


The Brian Good Insane Homeless Mullet for balding, over-the-hill sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 22 October, 2012 12:03, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Question: What do you call "Pat Cowardly" when his hand is up a camel's ass?

Answer: An Arab mechanic.


The Brian Good Insane Homeless Mullet for balding, over-the-hill sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 22 October, 2012 12:48, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

...and spamming the board with racism and homophobia will strengthen the "arguments" of your fellow pretendebunkers, so keep it up, by all means. You'll make Pat and James giggle, and be a shining example to others, I'm sure.

At 22 October, 2012 12:57, Blogger GuitarBill said...

You haven't proven anything, child molester.


Take your so-called "evidence" to a court of law and try to convince a judge to haul the alleged conspirators into court.

So why has the 9/11 "truth" failed this critical test?

Answer: The 9/11 "truth" movement doesn't have any evidence, nor can the 9/11 "truth" movement substantiate their allegations.


Question: Why is the Arabs for 9/11 Troof Air Force so easy to train?

Answer: You need only teach them to take off.


The Brian Good Insane Homeless Mullet for balding, over-the-hill sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 22 October, 2012 13:49, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

flee like cowards from honest inquiry

Asking the same invalid questions for years isnot "honest inquiry".

Somebody here might actually debate your evidence, if you'd get around to presenting any.

At 22 October, 2012 13:57, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

Pat Cowardly is chose his name as a result of a Freudian reflex.

He's a troll, nothing more.

It happens when one's testicles never drop.

"No one's ever adduced nor even hinted at your 'explanation' for what happened"

That's because the squibs theory is so pathetically stupid nobody feels like addressing it.

You try to drag science down to your level, which is a cross between Romper Room and big-time wrestling. It is why you're a failure.

At 22 October, 2012 14:15, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"Pat Cowardly is chose his name as a result of a Freudian reflex. "

Try learning English, Feckless.

"...nobody feels like addressing it."

Oh, so THAT'S why you're the only one spewing this particular unscientific BS. I see... Maybe now other pretendebunkers will cite you and your authority...but somehow I doubt it.

Wow, so much impressive "debunking"
around here. Pat and James must be speechless with admiration.

At 22 October, 2012 14:21, Blogger GuitarBill said...

There's nothing to debunk, camel molester. After all, repeating the same tired old nonsense as though it was never debunked isn't evidence, it's a demonstration of the breadth and depth or your bottomless intellectual dishonesty.

So when do you plan to take your "evidence" to court, tent head?

Question: What does "Pat Cowardly" call a piece of sandpaper?

Answer: A map.


The Brian Good Insane Homeless Mullet for balding, over-the-hill sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 22 October, 2012 16:08, Blogger Ian said...

Christopher Hitchens once said that all you need for a fascist movement is to give a bunch of dateless, unemployed young men a bunch of guns and tell them that they're special.

Pat Cowardly is proof of that, except that he's too chickenshit to get the gun. He can feel like a big man here.

At 22 October, 2012 17:23, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

We can always tell when his Methadone has run out.

At 22 October, 2012 20:09, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 22 October, 2012 20:10, Blogger snug.bug said...

GutterBall, you keep invoking the "court of law" standard. Do you disagree with Noam Chomsky when he opines that Osama bin Laden was murdered because the USA did not have sufficient evidence to convict him?

RGT, what standards do you employ when determining whether a question is legitimate or not?

Ian, it's pretty easy for Pat Cowardly to feel like a big man here. Pretty much all that's here is toothless dweebs.

And Willie Rodriguez, who ran away screaming and crying after I proved irrefutably that his hero story is a lie.

At 22 October, 2012 20:36, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good squeals, "...Pretty much all that's here is [SIC] toothless dweebs."

That means a lot coming from a toothless illiterate.

At 22 October, 2012 22:19, Blogger snug.bug said...

You forgot "... that irrefutably proved that Willie Rodriguez's hero story was a lie"

At 22 October, 2012 22:35, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

All you've proven is you are a little man. You have no control over your jealousy over Carol,and in your pathetic attempts to attack Willie all you've done is make enemies in the Truth movement.

Willie is in Mexico right now being hailed as a 9/11 hero. That is eating you alive. William Rodriguez is a celebrated hero in three countries.

If you were half the man Willie is you'd be 100 times the man you are now.

At 22 October, 2012 22:51, Blogger snug.bug said...

There's nothing pathetic about calling out a con-artist and proving that his claims are lies.

What's pathetic is that you believe a really silly story, simply because you wrongly believe it discredits me.

Willie is in Mexico right now? Gee, how long has he been there? How come there's nothing on the news? Oh right, Willie is too busy hopping onto airplanes to send us the links. He's flying from Azcapotzalco to Álvaro Obregón, and then to Benito Juárez, and then to Coyoacán. So little time!

William Rodriguez is a proven fraud. Only fools like you fall for obvious lies. Do you really think that people were locked in?

At 23 October, 2012 04:51, Blogger Ian said...

Do you disagree with Noam Chomsky when he opines that Osama bin Laden was murdered because the USA did not have sufficient evidence to convict him?

We disagree.

Ian, it's pretty easy for Pat Cowardly to feel like a big man here. Pretty much all that's here is toothless dweebs.

My, such squealing! Poor Brian, he's a mentally ill unemployed janitor who lives with his parents, so no wonder he gets upset when the smart and successful posters here make fun of him.

And Willie Rodriguez, who ran away screaming and crying after I proved irrefutably that his hero story is a lie.

Brian, you've proved nothing except that you're a lunatic sex stalker who lusts for Rodriguez. If Rodriguez left, it's because he's tired of dealing with a lunatic sex predator. We, however, will continue to mock you for your hideous haircut, for the fact that you live with your parents, and for the fact that you STILL haven't gotten the widows questions answered.

Rodriguez is a hero, and you're a worthless liar.

At 23 October, 2012 04:52, Blogger Ian said...

There's nothing pathetic about calling out a con-artist and proving that his claims are lies.

What's pathetic is that you believe a really silly story, simply because you wrongly believe it discredits me.

Willie is in Mexico right now? Gee, how long has he been there? How come there's nothing on the news? Oh right, Willie is too busy hopping onto airplanes to send us the links. He's flying from Azcapotzalco to Álvaro Obregón, and then to Benito Juárez, and then to Coyoacán. So little time!

William Rodriguez is a proven fraud. Only fools like you fall for obvious lies. Do you really think that people were locked in?

See what I mean?

At 23 October, 2012 04:54, Blogger Ian said...

And let's not forget that Brian ran away squealing and crying from me when I asked him to identify a single truther group that considers him a member in good standing.

Brian, of course, has been banned from the truth movement. The truth movement wants serious researchers like Bill Deagle and Jim Fetzer, not pathetic lunatic sex predators like Brian.

At 23 October, 2012 10:24, Blogger snug.bug said...

I didn't run away squealing and crying from anybody. I proved that Wizzie's hero story was a lie. I showed that he stole it from Pablo Ortiz, who really did rescue dozens of people before he died on 9/11.
Wizzie ran away squealing and crying and he hasn't been back.

At 23 October, 2012 11:01, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Goat fucker, STFU. You didn't prove anything. Your entire argument is based on logical fallacies (E.g., conflating "building" with "rubble") and deliberate misinterpretation of the facts.

Worse still, you have a mind of mush. For example, you complain that "[p]retty much all that's here is [SIC] toothless dweebs;" yet, you lord of over the SLC blog as though your life depends on responding to every comment.

Conflicted much, gay boi?

Get out of here. You bore us with your never-ending barrage of lies, distortions and stinking bullshit. In fact, you're so brain-dead that you don't have the creativity or decency to at least come up with something new. You're like a broken record, and twice as annoying.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 23 October, 2012 11:07, Blogger snug.bug said...

If my argument is based on logical fallacies, it should be easy for you to demonstrate it.

It's easy to demonstrate that your posts are nothing but bare assertion and ad hominem attacks.

I annoy you by pointing out your ignorance and dishonesty.

At 23 October, 2012 11:14, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I have demonstrated your constant reliance on logical fallacies and misinterpretation of the facts--you senile old queer.

So why are you so conflicted, gay boi? If we're nothing but "dweebs"--you illiterate fraud--why do lord over the SLC blog as though your life depends on responding to EVERY comment?

Talk out of both sides of your mouth much, cocksucker?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 23 October, 2012 11:15, Blogger snug.bug said...

And of course you guys can never admit that you're wrong, so even when I've proven that Wizzie's hero story is a lie you have to dispute it and make fools of yourselves by defending an obvious con artist with a story so dumb only an idiot would fall for it (locked fire exit doors? In NYC? Give me a break!).

At 23 October, 2012 11:17, Blogger snug.bug said...

More empty assertions and ad hominems from old GasBag, I see.

Wizzie is a proven fraud, ButtGale. Live with it.

At 23 October, 2012 11:18, Blogger GuitarBill said...

You didn't answer my question, sex predator.

So why are you so conflicted, gay boi? If we're nothing but "dweebs"--you illiterate fraud--why do lord over the SLC blog as though your life depends on responding to EVERY comment?

As anyone who's familiar with your propaganda will attest, it's not what you say that counts, it's the STONEWALLING that reveals the breadth and depth of your intellectual dishonesty.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 23 October, 2012 15:19, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

RGT, what standards do you employ when determining whether a question is legitimate or not?

Primarily whether the question has been credibly answered. The official investigations into 9/11 have credibly answered all material questions; objections to those answers are uniformly frivolous.

At 23 October, 2012 15:36, Blogger Ian said...

Brian, your claim that you proved Willie's story is a lie is not logical. You have not presented any evidence in support of your accusation, and given that you're a pathetic liar who believes in invisible widows, nobody cares what you claim.

At 23 October, 2012 16:18, Blogger bpete1969 said...

"The truth movement wants serious researchers like ... Jim Fetzer."

You can't be serious.

At 23 October, 2012 17:46, Blogger Ian said...

"The truth movement wants serious researchers like ... Jim Fetzer."

You can't be serious.

I'd say check the rest of my responses to Brian Good (snug.bug) and draw your own conclusions. :-)

At 23 October, 2012 22:17, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

" so even when I've proven that Wizzie's hero story is a lie you have to dispute it and make fools of yourselves by defending an obvious con artist with a story so dumb only an idiot would fall for it (locked fire exit doors? In NYC? Give me a break!)."

So out of the dozens of 9/11 frauds who've been outed, and prosecuted nobody has caught onto Willie? Just you.

Willie is highly visible,and you expect us to believe that nobody in the local New York media has figured this out? None of the other 9/11 survivors have figured this out?

Just you?


At 23 October, 2012 23:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MGF said:Willie is highly visible,and you expect us to believe that nobody in the local New York media has figured this out? None of the other 9/11 survivors have figured this out?

Just you?


Actually, WR is probably the most visible of all the survivors. He travels extensively giving motivational speeches. He provides families to the media for interviews and is involved with almost every major 9/11 family group in NY.
He is also involved in many of the programs and legislations related to survivors. Brian hates this and and wants some of the attention from William. When Willie ignores him, Brian pouts and stomps his ffet like a cry baby, demanding attention. We should expect William to return by next September as he has done every year to expose Brian for what he is...

WR is still waiting for Brian to go to the Attorney General, but Brian claims that there is no need to report him or even lack of jurisdiction by the NYAG!!! Brian stupidity is what got him fired from Richard Gage's group and kicked out from every truther forum.

Is a waste of time to engage him since there is only two things he talks about... William Rodriguez and the Widows. Take that away from him and he is unable to function. Major Malfunction!

At 24 October, 2012 00:49, Blogger snug.bug said...

ButtGale, the reason to set straight the bogus assertion of a bunch of dweebs is so that naive people won't believe the dweebs' nonsense.

RGT, so do you believe these four sample questions to Bush from the 9/11 widows have been credibly answered?

12. What defensive measures did you take in response to pre-9/11 warnings from eleven nations about a terrorist attack, many of which cited an attack in the continental United States?

• Did you prepare any directives in response to these actions?
• If so, with what results?

13. As Commander-in-Chief from May 1, 2001 until September 11, 2001, did you or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with UBL, an agent of UBL, or al-Qaeda?

• During that same period, did you or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with any foreign government, its agents, or officials regarding UBL?

• If so, what resulted?

14. Your schedule for September 11, 2001 was in the public domain since September 7, 2001. The Emma E. Booker School is only five miles from the Bradenton Airport, so you, and therefore the children in the classroom, might have been a target for the terrorists on 9/11. What was the intention of the Secret Service in allowing you to remain in the Emma E. Booker Elementary School, even though they were aware America was under attack?

15. Please explain why you remained at the Sarasota, Florida, Elementary School for a press conference after you had finished listening to the children read, when as a terrorist target, your presence potentially jeopardized the lives of the children?

Also, RGT, do you believe that NIST has explained how the towers collapsed when they admitted that they can't explain it?

At 24 October, 2012 00:59, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, I presented evidence disproving Wizzie's story: the death statistics in the NIST report.

MGF, the truth movement has caught on to Wizzie's fraudulence. That's why he doesn't tour in the USA any more.

It is against journalistic ethics to write a story only to ridicule somebody when there is no legitimate news purpose in doing so. Wizzie surely benefits from the assumption, such as that expressed in the Spiegel article, that he is mentally ill.

Jeanette figured it out. She said Wizzie was a phony.

BGS, if I went to the AG of NY he would say I have no standing for a complaint because I never gave any money to Wizzie, so I was not defrauded. Also he would plead lack of jurisdiction.

At 24 October, 2012 03:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good the Petgoat said:MGF, the truth movement has caught on to Wizzie's fraudulence.

the only thing you caught up with is your flatulence Brian.

That's why he doesn't tour in the USA any more.

ha! if only you could speak several languages...

It is against journalistic ethics to write a story only to ridicule somebody when there is no legitimate news purpose in doing so.


Wizzie surely benefits from the assumption, such as that expressed in the Spiegel article, that he is mentally ill.

Your opinion. Your excuses.

Jeanette figured it out. She said Wizzie was a phony.

You were not Jeanette's friend Brian. Stop using her. She liked Willie. He proved it. You did not even proved you knew her intimately

BGS, if I went to the AG of NY he would say I have no standing for a complaint because I never gave any money to Wizzie, so I was not defrauded.
AG of NY do not need anybody to give money to start an investigation, shows your lack of knowledge about matters of law

Also he would plead lack of jurisdiction.

see what I mean?

you are a joke.

At 24 October, 2012 04:49, Blogger Ian said...

RGT, so do you believe these four sample questions to Bush from the 9/11 widows have been credibly answered?

Nobody cares about your "widows".

Also, RGT, do you believe that NIST has explained how the towers collapsed when they admitted that they can't explain it?

Your claim that NIST can't explain the collapses is irrational given that they have explained the collapses.

Ian, I presented evidence disproving Wizzie's story: the death statistics in the NIST report.


MGF, the truth movement has caught on to Wizzie's fraudulence. That's why he doesn't tour in the USA any more.

What do you know about the truth movement, Brian? You've been banned from it. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

On that note, Brian, you STILL haven't told us what truther groups consider you a member in good standing.

I guess you care as little about my questions as you do about the widows' questions.

At 24 October, 2012 09:50, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, please identify the places where Wizzie addressed the truth movement in the last five years. I seem to recall some kind of disinfo-fest in NYC where the likes of Craig Ranke and Kevin Barrett spoke. AFAIK that's it. He was hanging around at the Valley Forge conference, but AFAIK he was not permitted to present there.

(I call him "Wizzie" 'cause he wizzes on the heroes of 9/11 by stealing their glory.)

It is against journalistic ethics to write a story only to ridicule somebody when there is no legitimate news purpose in doing so.

— Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage.

— Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance.

— Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyone’s privacy.

The Der Spiegel article suggested that Wizzie may be mentally ill. The conclusion was that in his hero story he was trying to pass of a $1 bill as a $20, but that he just might be crazy enough to believe it was so.

I was Jeanette's friend. She called me many times on the phone. I attended many gatherings in her home. I assisted her with fundraising projects and video projects, and I promoted some of her ikebana appearances.

Jeanette said Wizzie was a phony, that it looked like he hadn't suffered from 9/11.

There needs to be money to be fraud. You don't know what you're talking about.

Ian, I care about the widows, and I'm somebody. Nearly 18,000 people have signed the petition of solidarity. How many have signed the "Widows are Nobody" petition?

NIST has not explained how the buildings collapsed, Ian. They terminated their analysis at the moment of collapse initiation--because after that their models "did not converge". In other words, they could not make the models do what the buildings did. They could have made the models do what the buildings did had they injected strategic events of structural removal, of course, but they weren't willing to do that.

NIST admitted in a letter from Catherine Fletcher that "We are unable to provide a full explanation- of the total collapse."

Ian, I don't have to tell you who my friends are--especially not when you won't even tell your real name.

At 24 October, 2012 11:28, Blogger snug.bug said...

Actually it was one video project, one fundraising project, and one ikebana promotion, just to be totally correct.

At 24 October, 2012 11:55, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 24 October, 2012 12:06, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 24 October, 2012 12:07, Blogger snug.bug said...

I did not participate in Jeanette's NYC Ballot initiative project, which was quite controversial in the Bay Area truth movement because of some of the people involved. When the signatures were rejected for the simple reason that the proposal was illegal under the laws of the State of New York, I and some others got to say "I told you so."

At 24 October, 2012 12:21, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 24 October, 2012 12:30, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good whines, "...the reason to set straight the bogus assertion of a bunch of dweebs is so that naive people won't believe the dweebs' nonsense."

You don't "set" anything "straight." You're a proven compulsive liar and a college dropout who knows nothing about physical science, let alone the events of 9/11.

Your explanation, moreover, is nonsense. If we're "dweebs," why would anyone believe anything we have to say? Yet, you're here at the SLC blog day in and day out lording over the comment section. In fact, you're so obsessed that you reply to every comment as though your life depends on it. As always, you're lying about your motives. No sane person would concern himself with a bunch of "dweebs." Thus, the explanation you provide for your obsessive-compulsive behavior is 180 degrees out of phase with reality.

Contradict yourself much, douche-bag?

Furthermore, you were kicked out of the 9/11 "truth" movement because you're an embarrassment to the cult of 9/11 troof. Obviously, the troofers don't care to associate with a homosexual sex predator. In fact, you've done nothing but damage to the 9/11 "truth" movement; yet, you're too arrogant, insane and delusional to accept the troofers rejection. Since your mental illness won't allow you to behave like a rational human being, you press on and continue to spew the same lies and madness as though you're a member of the "truth" movement in good standing. Hence, you're delusional.

Clearly, your explanation for your obsessive-compulsive behavior is an obvious lie, as is every word you post to the blog.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 24 October, 2012 13:49, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, I set you clowns straight every day. People don't know you're dweebs. They give you an undeserved benefit of the doubt.

At 24 October, 2012 14:06, Blogger GuitarBill said...

freaknasty2121 wrote, "...fuck you"

Try to write in complete sentences, genius. Or, if you prefer, just whimper "derp, derp, derp," in your best stupid voice. And if you're really feeling lucky, for added effect, do something spastic with your arms.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 24 October, 2012 14:19, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...I set you clowns straight every day. People don't know you're dweebs. They give you an undeserved benefit of the doubt."

Another example of your Dunning-Kruger bias, liar?

Your explanation is contradictory on its face, and, as usual, all you offer in reply is your typically evasive non-sequiturs

You're not a "truther." You're a homosexual degenerate with a hidden political and personal agenda. Both the debunking community and the troofers have exposed your degeneracy. That's why you've been banned from every troofer website on the Internet. Your obsessive-compulsive disorder simply doesn't allow you to act rationally, so you flog your obsessions on Google's because Google doesn't give the blog moderator the tools to ban your insane ass from ScrewLooseChange.

You're as transparent as the air between your filthy, unwashed ears.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 24 October, 2012 14:22, Blogger snug.bug said...


At 24 October, 2012 14:30, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"NWOR" translated from goat fucker speak:

GB exposed my pathological obsessions and self-contradictory nonsense, and all I can do is whimper and whine.

Should we expect less from an insane, lying, self-contradicting homosexual degenerate? Probably not.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 24 October, 2012 14:38, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

RGT, so do you believe these four sample questions to Bush from the 9/11 widows have been credibly answered?

The widows' questions are immaterial. They inappropriately presume guilt while shooting in the dark.

Also, RGT, do you believe that NIST has explained how the towers collapsed when they admitted that they can't explain it?

The collapses have been adequately explained. It's unnecessary to address them in further detail.

At 24 October, 2012 14:43, Blogger snug.bug said...

RGT, please advise how these four (of three hundred) questions are immaterial and shooting in the dark.

2. What defensive measures did you take in response to pre-9/11 warnings from eleven nations about a terrorist attack, many of which cited an attack in the continental United States?

• Did you prepare any directives in response to these actions?
• If so, with what results?

13. As Commander-in-Chief from May 1, 2001 until September 11, 2001, did you or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with UBL, an agent of UBL, or al-Qaeda?

• During that same period, did you or any agent of the United States government carry out any negotiations or talks with any foreign government, its agents, or officials regarding UBL?

• If so, what resulted?

14. Your schedule for September 11, 2001 was in the public domain since September 7, 2001. The Emma E. Booker School is only five miles from the Bradenton Airport, so you, and therefore the children in the classroom, might have been a target for the terrorists on 9/11. What was the intention of the Secret Service in allowing you to remain in the Emma E. Booker Elementary School, even though they were aware America was under attack?

15. Please explain why you remained at the Sarasota, Florida, Elementary School for a press conference after you had finished listening to the children read, when as a terrorist target, your presence potentially jeopardized the lives of the children?

So you believe the collapses of the towers have been explained even though NIST has admitted they can not explain them?

At 24 October, 2012 14:57, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

RGT, please advise how these four (of three hundred) questions are immaterial and shooting in the dark.

Each presumes foreknowledge of the attacks. Their dishonest construction, based on a discredited theory, renders them immaterial.

So you believe the collapses of the towers have been explained even though NIST has admitted they can not explain them?

NIST has admitted no such thing. "Unable to provide a full accounting" simply means that every detail cannot be covered in the report, not that questions remain.

At 24 October, 2012 15:02, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...So you believe the collapses of the towers have been explained even though NIST has admitted they can not explain them?"

Another example of your obsessive-compulsive disorder, liar?

I posted a reply to this bald-faced lie on 28 September, 2012 16:28 in the "PBS Ombudsman Laments Association with Truthers" thread; yet, you continue to tell the same bald-faced lie as though you were never debunked.

As RGT points out above, NIST made no such claim whatsoever. And I quote:

"...[T]he WTC Investigation Team stands solidly behind the collapse mechanisms for each tower and the sequences of events (from aircraft impact to collapse) as described in the report." -- NIST

See? You're a lying homosexual degenerate who can't be trusted to tell the truth.

Once again, you FAIL, cocksucker.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 24 October, 2012 15:08, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, I care about the widows, and I'm somebody. Nearly 18,000 people have signed the petition of solidarity. How many have signed the "Widows are Nobody" petition?

Thanks for proving my point. Nobody cares about your "widows".

NIST has not explained how the buildings collapsed, Ian. They terminated their analysis at the moment of collapse initiation--because after that their models "did not converge". In other words, they could not make the models do what the buildings did. They could have made the models do what the buildings did had they injected strategic events of structural removal, of course, but they weren't willing to do that.


NIST admitted in a letter from Catherine Fletcher that "We are unable to provide a full explanation- of the total collapse."

Nobody cares.

Ian, I don't have to tell you who my friends are--especially not when you won't even tell your real name.

You're a liar and lunatic and sex predator. People like that don't have friends. And my real name is "Ian". You live in a fantasy world.

At 24 October, 2012 15:11, Blogger Ian said...

UtterFail, I set you clowns straight every day. People don't know you're dweebs. They give you an undeserved benefit of the doubt.

Actually, what happens is that you post nonsense, we laugh at you, and you start squealing and crying.

What "people" are you talking about? There are, what, 10 regular readers of this blog, and they're all here to mock you. The truth movement is dead.

At 24 October, 2012 15:13, Blogger Ian said...

So you believe the collapses of the towers have been explained even though NIST has admitted they can not explain them?

The towers' collapses have been explained. Nobody cares if a mentally ill unemployed janitor who failed out of San Jose State accepts the explanations.

We're just here to mock you for your hilarious refusal to accept that the truth movement is dead and that you've failed in life. So please, keep posting dumbspam on this blog so I can have a bit of entertainment every afternoon.

At 24 October, 2012 15:43, Blogger snug.bug said...

RGT, do you dispute the fact that warnings of upcoming attacks were delivered from 13 foreign countries, 4 FBI offices and the CIA?

So you deny the fact that NIST stated that they are unable to explain the collapse? "We are unable to provide a full explanation- of the total collapse." Is that not emphatic enough for you?

NIST terminated their analysis at the moment of collapse initiation--because after that their models "did not converge". In other words, they could not make the models do what the buildings did. They could have made the models do what the buildings did had they injected strategic events of structural removal, of course, but they weren't willing to do that.

At 24 October, 2012 16:12, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...So you deny the fact that NIST stated that they are unable to explain the collapse? 'We are unable to provide a full explanation- of the total collapse.' Is that not emphatic enough for you?"

That's right, degenerate, continue to lie and cite yourself as an authority as though your lies were never debunked.

What part of this statement do you fail to understand, liar?

"...[T]he WTC Investigation Team stands solidly behind the collapse mechanisms for each tower and the sequences of events (from aircraft impact to collapse) as described in the report." -- NIST

Did your mother teach you to lie, or do you come by it naturally, cocksucker?

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...NIST terminated their analysis at the moment of collapse initiation--because after that their models 'did not converge'."


Citing yourself as an authority again, liar?



See? You're a liar and a degenerate homosexual who can't be trusted to tell the truth.



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 24 October, 2012 17:42, Blogger snug.bug said...

ButtGoo, I cited NIST as an authority for the fact that they can not explain the collapses.

What happened after collapse initiation is hardly a forgone conclusion. Reasonable people would expect one conclusion--a partial, asymmetrical andslow collapse. No reasonable pereson would expect total, symmetrical, and virtually freefall acceleration collapses.

At 24 October, 2012 18:44, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

RGT, do you dispute the fact that warnings of upcoming attacks were delivered from 13 foreign countries, 4 FBI offices and the CIA?

The warnings were nonspecific and non-actionable.

"We are unable to provide a full explanation- of the total collapse." Is that not emphatic enough for you?

That means "we are unable to cover every conceivable detail of what happened in the report". It does not mean "we're not sure what happened."

I already explained this to you, along with "failure to converge".

Have you ever been tested for Asperger Syndrome? You display several of the symptoms -- hyperliteralism, social awkwardness, and abnormal fixations. I suspect your empathy toward the widows is a learned empathy that you use to compensate.

At 24 October, 2012 18:55, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...I cited NIST as an authority for the fact that they can not explain the collapses."

You did no such thing--you lying homosexual degenerate. I CITED NIST. You, on the other hand, cited yourself as an authority, while you ignored the direct quote from NIST I presented which proves you're lying.

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...What happened after collapse initiation is hardly a forgone conclusion."

According to who? You? You're not a structural engineer. You're a college dropout and a proven compulsive liar. Leslie Robertson, on the other hand, is a professional structural engineer with over 40 years of experience. In addition, he helped design the WTC Towers.

Thus, I win again.

Once again, you FAIL, cocksucker. It sucks to be you, Aunt Fancy.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 24 October, 2012 19:36, Blogger Ian said...

ButtGoo, I cited NIST as an authority for the fact that they can not explain the collapses.

Right, you cited them because you're a liar and lunatic who doesn't understand a thing about the NIST report. That's why you're so confused about 9/11.

What happened after collapse initiation is hardly a forgone conclusion.


Reasonable people would expect one conclusion--a partial, asymmetrical andslow collapse.

Well, I agree that an asymmetrical collapse is to be expected in this case, and that's what we got with all 3 towers.

Of course, the expectation of a slow and partial collapse is something that a mentally ill unemployed janitor who wears women's underwear might expect, but normal people would not expect it. There's a reason no scientists or engineers are babbling about your "essential mysteries", Brian.

No reasonable pereson would expect total, symmetrical, and virtually freefall acceleration collapses.


At 24 October, 2012 19:43, Blogger Ian said...

Have you ever been tested for Asperger Syndrome? You display several of the symptoms -- hyperliteralism, social awkwardness, and abnormal fixations. I suspect your empathy toward the widows is a learned empathy that you use to compensate.

Not to mention intense and repetitive fixations on 3 or 4 topics that he's been babbling about for years on this blog. Also, his odd use of language (just look at his syntax and choice of words) screams Asperger's.

At 24 October, 2012 19:46, Blogger Ian said...

Also, I don't think his fixation on the widows is "empathy", so much as it's a rhetorical human shield. He thinks his ludicrous and disgusting beliefs about 9/11 will look better if he pretends that it's all in the name of justice for the widows.

That's why he gets so hysterical whenever I make fun of the widows.

At 24 October, 2012 23:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

RGT, the warnings from the FBI were quite specific about airplanes or lower Manhattan. The warnings from the CIA were about al Qaeda. Two al Qaeda agents known by the CIA to be in the USA bought ten airline tickets dated 9/11/01 under their real names. At least half of the warnings from the 13 foreign countries involved airplanes or airlines. Vladimir Putin warned of suicide pilots training for attacks on US targets.

NIST's statement is quite clear. "We are unable to provide a full explanation- of the total collapse." They didn't say they were unable to supply every detail. They said they can not explain the collapse. They did not explain the collapse. Their models failed to converge.

ButtGoo, your statement from NIST is from 2006. Ms. Fletcher's statement is from 2007, and thus may be taken by reasonable people to supersede your statement.

Ian, your claim that we had asymmetric collapses in all three towers on 9/11 is contrary to reality.

Ian, when you make fun of the 9/11 widows it only demonstrates your depravity.

At 25 October, 2012 04:35, Blogger Ian said...

NIST's statement is quite clear. "We are unable to provide a full explanation- of the total collapse." They didn't say they were unable to supply every detail. They said they can not explain the collapse. They did not explain the collapse. Their models failed to converge.


Ian, your claim that we had asymmetric collapses in all three towers on 9/11 is contrary to reality.

See, RGT? Read this ridiculous sentence. No normal human being writes or talks like this. Asperger's Syndrome, no doubt.

Also, Brian, nobody cares what you assert without any evidence whatsoever. You're a failed janitor who wears women's underwear. You can babble hysterically about "symmetrical collapses" all you want. Nobody cares.

Ian, when you make fun of the 9/11 widows it only demonstrates your depravity.

My, such squealing!

At 25 October, 2012 04:36, Blogger Ian said...

Let's also note that Brian STILL hasn't gotten a single question from the widows answered. Not one.

Also, Brian hasn't identified a single truther group that considers him a member in good standing. Not one.

At 25 October, 2012 06:01, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 25 October, 2012 08:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

More importantly, Ian, you can't name a single independent expert who endorses NIST's collapse scenario. Not one.

At 25 October, 2012 11:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good from Palo Alto lied again: snug.bug said...

BGS, please identify the places where Wizzie addressed the truth movement in the last five years. I seem to recall some kind of disinfo-fest in NYC where the likes of Craig Ranke and Kevin Barrett spoke. AFAIK that's it. He was hanging around at the Valley Forge conference, but AFAIK he was not permitted to present there.

Remember when you said something similar 2 years ago? and Rodriguez produced the invitations and poster link to Luke Rudkowski event in NYC where he was speaking?

Are you aware he spoke at the Valley Forge event after John Gold? He spoke about Guantanamo and showed an interview on screen with a former prisoner?

Don't you remember when you told us that Rodriguez disregarded the truth movement on the Joyce Riley show when he said "that he was out"?

You think we have bad memories here of what you said. We don't.

He does not need the movement. He always acted independently and as so, he realized his mistakes of being involved with losers like you.

I was Jeanette's friend. She called me many times on the phone. I attended many gatherings in her home. I assisted her with fundraising projects and video projects, and I promoted some of her ikebana appearances.

Bullshit. Jeanette was never a friend of yours. She liked Willie and admired his work. See his letters to him in the other threads.

Jeanette said Wizzie was a phony, that it looked like he hadn't suffered from 9/11.

Jeanette said you were an asshole and erratic.

There needs to be money to be fraud. You don't know what you're talking about.
You do not know what you are talking about. NYAG can go against anybody using 9/11 as a fraud. They have done it multiple times with total success.

At 25 October, 2012 11:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good, the gay stalker said:It is against journalistic ethics to write a story only to ridicule somebody when there is no legitimate news purpose in doing so.

— Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage.

— Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance.

— Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyone’s privacy.

Exactly, that is why you never get any coverage and Willie still gets published stories all over the world. Also , is funny how you left this out from the ethics:

Always question sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Clarify conditions attached to any promise made in exchange for information.

your motives are well known.

— Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.

Your racism and attacks on Rodriguez appeareance, etnicity, etc has closed the doors as well on your reliability.

Support the open exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

You run away on everything related to your harrassment of Carol and others.

— Never plagiarize.
Something you do all the time from Petgoat and Punsuxtawnebarney...oops sorry, they are you.

— Be judicious about naming criminal suspects before the formal filing of charges.
and we know you will not call the NYAG office , so no luck in there either.

The SPJ Code of Ethics is voluntarily embraced by thousands of writers, editors and other news professionals. Is not a rule so you may find one reporter to help you out with your dellusions. After 11 years, you have nothing. Funny that NAHJ is part of the SPJ, I remember seeing an article by the NAHJ recognizing WR some 7 years ago in NYC.

At 25 October, 2012 11:58, Blogger John said...

Gut-winder comes out of hiding and spams the blog with his usual tripe about trailer parts, totally ignoring the RJ Lee report. I guess Windy went to the Pat & James school for dumbunking.

At 25 October, 2012 12:01, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, I don't remember you producing any poster link to a Luke Rudkowski event. I remember you linking to a video that Luke had uploaded, but when exactly the video was shot was not clear.

I am not aware the Wizzie spoke at the Valley Forge event after John Gold. I didn't see his name on the program, I never saw any video of it, and I have no reason to believe your claims. I did see a video of Wizzie's stupid magic trick in some bar, pulling a piece of paper out of Mr. Gage's pocket.

Willie certainly does not need the movement anymore--they are wise to his lies. He's out.

Jeanette said Willie was a phony, that he hadn't suffered from 9/11.

At 25 October, 2012 12:22, Blogger snug.bug said...

Yes, BGS, my motives are well known: to serve truth and expose fraud. Wizzem Fraudlierugs steals his glory from the dead. Willie gets published stories mostly from third-rate journalists who are too lazy to fact-check him. Serious coverage such as in the Glasgow Herald and in Der Spiegel points out that he's not credible.

I haven't attacked Wizzie's ethnicity, but only his Shitscumbaggery. The death statistics prove irrefutably that Wizzie's hero story is a lie. The people were not locked in! If they were, there would have been hundreds more dead. There would have been lawsuits.

At 25 October, 2012 12:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BGS, I don't remember you producing any poster link to a Luke Rudkowski event. I remember you linking to a video that Luke had uploaded, but when exactly the video was shot was not clear.
Bad memories uh? Funny thing that you remember the video. I never posted a video. Stop lying about me. I do remember someone else, maybe Saba, posting a video that showed Rodriguez with your other Man, Richard Gage. So you are calling Richard Gage a liar ? you could easily have asked him about the date and if it was shot at the event. The sad thing is that Richard kicked you out of his organization an therefore your doubts will continue...

Here is the link that proves you lied again.

I am not aware the Wizzie spoke at the Valley Forge event after John Gold. I didn't see his name on the program, I never saw any video of it, and I have no reason to believe your claims.

He was a surprise guest at the event. Ask Betzsy Metz and Jon Gold to corroborate,
see here a brief of the event.
Again, you lied.

I did see a video of Wizzie's stupid magic trick in some bar, pulling a piece of paper out of Mr. Gage's pocket.

wrong, it was the one dollar bill tranformed to 20 performed by willie. The video is no longer available. Again, you lied.

Willie certainly does not need the movement anymore--they are wise to his lies. He's out.

He was out before your statements. His transition to real life has proven successful and the recognition of his mistakes makes him more of a hero that you ever be.

Jeanette said Willie was a phony, that he hadn't suffered from 9/11.

Bullshit, Jeanete never said that. Where is the a lying bastard who uses dead people as a shield? do not make us laugh again.

Jeanette admired and liked William as showed on her emails. Prove otherwise with evidence...oh we know, you have none.

At 25 October, 2012 12:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good says:Willie certainly does not need the movement anymore

at a minimum of half a million dollars a year, the movement cannot afford WR.

So who have the needs here?

At 25 October, 2012 13:16, Blogger snug.bug said...

The truth movement is wise to Wizzer Frauidlierug's lies. Apparently Luke never got the memo, and he's still putting up Wizzie's videos.

Jeanette said Willie was a phony, that he hadn't suffered from 9/11.

Jeanette held her nose and pretended to admire Wizzie because he was a done deal on the NYCCAN project.

So who have the needs? Poor Wizzie lives with a dog named Elvis trying to pass off a $1 bill as a $500,000 bill--and he just might be mentally ill enough to believe his own nonsense.

At 25 October, 2012 14:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian the gay stalker said:The truth movement is wise to Wizzer Frauidlierug's lies. Apparently Luke never got the memo, and he's still putting up Wizzie's videos.

Actually, it was all the way around. Rodriguez got wiser to the stupidity of people like you. Apparently you did not get the memo that you were out of every major 9/11 group and that includes The Richard Gage's organization.

Jeanette said Willie was a phony, that he hadn't suffered from 9/11.

Bullshit, Jeanette never said such thing. She told willie about her admiration and support for his efforts.

Jeanette held her nose and pretended to admire Wizzie because he was a done deal on the NYCCAN project.

Bullshit, Jeanette liked Willie, just like Carol Brouilliet did, and there is nothing you can do to change it.

So who have the needs? Poor Wizzie lives with a dog named Elvis trying to pass off a $1 bill as a $500,000 bill--and he just might be mentally ill enough to believe his own nonsense.

Buawhahahahhahahaha, see what I mean. He is still touring, 11 years after, Still getting media coverage and very sought after by companies, and you still complaining. You even refuse to go to the Attorney General and you are still an unemployed failed janitor who lives with a demented Janice who suffers from incontinence.

At 25 October, 2012 15:17, Blogger snug.bug said...

Was you dere, Charlie? Jeanette said Willie was a phony and he didn't suffer from 9/11.

Liking him isn't the issue. Everybody liked Willie. That's how con artists work their artistry. People like them and want to believe them--even when they're lying scumbags who steal their glory from the dead.

At 25 October, 2012 16:01, Blogger Ian said...

More importantly, Ian, you can't name a single independent expert who endorses NIST's collapse scenario. Not one.

False. I've named Uncle Steve many times.

And the rest is just Brian babbling about his homosexual lust for Rodriguez.

That's boring us, Brian. Please go back to babbling about smoldering carpets or the planned US invasion of Canada or pyroclastic flows. Your insanity is much more entertaining when you're babbling about those topics.

At 25 October, 2012 17:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was you dere, Charlie? Jeanette said Willie was a phony and he didn't suffer from 9/11.
Bullshit, Jeanette never said that. She was not your friend either.

Liking him isn't the issue. Everybody liked Willie.

Thanks for proving my point. (deep inside, you still love him. We know.)

Jeanette died liking Willie. Get over it.

At 25 October, 2012 18:24, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, why do you expect anyone to believe the unsupported claims of an anonymous internet poster who lies a lot?

BGS, I know what Jeanette said and, unless you were there, you don't. She said Willie was a phony, and that he didn't seem to have suffered from 9/11.

I liked Willie when I first heard about him. How could you not like a janitor who had the guts to sue the President! I liked him when I watched his DVD the first time. Then I watched the DVD again and I saw that he was lying, and then I didn't like him any more.

At 25 October, 2012 20:12, Blogger ConsDemo said...

One of the paranoid losers at Infowars leaves a hilarious message with a pollster who isn't interested in conducting survey about Transportation Security Administration conspiracy theories.


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