And Now for Something Not Completely Different
As it happens, I found myself in the car for a three-hour drive with a close friend who wanted to talk about his personal conspiracy theories. This is someone whose company I generally enjoy, although at times in the past I have had hints that he was a CTist.
He knows that I am a CT debunker so he asked me to watch this movie about the Rothschilds:
I was able to download from my local library, the book The Rothschild's: Money's Prophets, by Niall Ferguson from which several quotes in the above video are quite obviously lifted, while (of course) the conclusion (that the Rothschilds were fabulously wealthy in the 1800s, but have suffered the inevitable relative decline, compared to more recent fortunes, of all great wealth over time) is ignored.
Although I did do some debunking of the YT video, at the same time, I approached the matter from a different direction. I pointed out that in my dealings with CTists in the past, there was always some underlying situation that the CT explained. My fellow traveler explained that:
1. He is dissatisfied in his life and looking for a reason why it did not turn out as he expected.
2. He suffered a financial decline due to the real estate market crash.
3. He likes watching YT videos after he is done at his workplace as he doesn't have internet at home.
4. He doesn't feel like reading books because they take too much time.
Aside from that, although he is generally a nice guy, I definitely got the feeling that he is ready to believe anything negative about the Jews/Israel. Let me point out as well, that he is not a fool; he is an engineer by training, runs his own interesting business that has excellent potential for growth and is a solid and improving poker player (how I came to know him).
What is my point? Well, there are several. First, not every CTist is an obvious nutcase. Second, the current economy undoubtedly encourages CT thought even though the election(s) of Obama have somewhat cooled the theories about Bush and 9-11. Third, even intelligent people can believe very foolish-seeming videos if they reinforce their existing beliefs.
Incidentally, after we talked about the above Rothschild video, he suggested that I look up another one; which is made up of 18 parts. Here's Part One:
Obvious issues:
1. Easily debunked; for example, the Star of David was in use well before the Rothschilds' ascendance. The idea that the Rothschilds are not Jews is silly; a Jew named Arthur Koestler came up with the idea that the Askenazi are actually Khazars as a way to convince Christians not to blame them for the crucifixion of Jesus. But since then, DNA analysis has revealed that the vast majority of Jews are, in fact, descended from a subset of people who lived in the Middle East in antiquity.
2. My friend does not want to read a book, but that video is nothing but reading (very slowly).
3. Also note the description of the film by the poster:
First in the series of Eighteen.
House of Rothschild
NOT A ANTI-SEMITIC, Jewish folks are @ danger Too.
This Is Strictly a History of a Families Conquest of Ultimate Power, and Wealth. They and Families like them agree "They " know how the People should be controlled (Threw. Media, Wars, Breeding, and Economic Means Food Energy, TO BE PROFITABLE (to them and other families).
Down through History, The Rothschild's plan of Engulfing the Worlds, Money, and People Like a fat blotted Tsunami. Ashkenazi Jew From Khazaria the land between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
Not from Israel, Zionist have Loyalty only to Their Blood line not the poor Jewish people, but use them as the did in World War II.
Sit back and enjoy the history of the most diabolical Plan ever set forth, if you can stomach it.