Thursday, November 01, 2012

Is "Truther" Becoming the Ultimate Insult?

I was amused to see this post over at the American Prospect, where several new species of Truthers have been observed:

It might be easy to believe we're approaching Peak Trutherism, what with good old-fashioned birthers now being supplemented by BLS truthers and poll truthers. But just you wait—should Barack Obama win this election, we'll see an explosion of election trutherism that will be truly unprecedented in scope. In the meantime, we can content ourselves with the newest variant, Nate Silver trutherism, which isn't coming just from conservatives.
 BLS Truthers are those who think the Bureau of Labor Statistics has been cooking the books on the unemployment rate to make Obama look good.  Poll Truthers believe that the pollsters have been doing the same thing for the same reason.  Ditto with Nate Silver Truthers; they think the NY Times blogger has been overstating the odds of an Obama victory next Tuesday.

But note the scorn that the "Truther" term is clearly intended to imply; in the past they might simply have used the word "Morons".

I do think that no matter who wins on Tuesday, there will be an explosion of conspiracy theories from the losing camp.  And the other side will no doubt call them "Election Truthers." :)


At 01 November, 2012 19:23, Blogger Ian said...

I saw some "Sandy Truthers" on the far-right website FreeRepublic that claimed that Hurricane Sandy didn't hit the US or didn't actually exist. Like with 9/11 truth, there are different breeds of different species of truthers.

It's kind of surreal to be in New York right now. There's absolute devastation mingled with complete normalcy. My neighborhood never flooded, never lost power, etc. I'm one of the lucky ones. But I haven't been to work all week with power out in downtown Manhattan and several subway lines still flooded.

At 01 November, 2012 19:49, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

The anniversary of the 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast was a couple days ago. I found this passage about it striking:

In Cleveland, radio announcer Jack Paar was monitoring the national broadcast when the phone lines lit up. He attempted to reassure listeners that the broadcast was merely science fiction. "...[T]he calls kept pouring in, many of the panicky callers charging that I was covering up the truth," he wrote in his book, I Kid You Not...

(Emphasis added.) "The mainstream media is lying. The extraordinary events are real." Sound familiar?

At 01 November, 2012 20:41, Blogger Jon Gold said...

Don't forget the "Benghazi Truthers." Those people on Fox searching for the "truth" about what happened on 9/11/2012 in Benghazi. Those people asking the very questions of Obama that they viciously fought against regarding Bush and 9/11. "What did he know, and when did he know it?" Not defending Obama. I just think the hypocrisy is hysterical. By the way, you should always include the real definition for "9/11 Truther" whenever you reference the word "Truther."

"...a "9/11 Truther" is someone who fights alongside the family members seeking truth and accountability for the 9/11 attacks. A "9/11 Truther" is someone who fights for the sick and dying 9/11 First Responders who need health care desperately. A "9/11 Truther" is someone who does not like how the day of 9/11 is being used to inflict pain and suffering around the world, and is trying to stop it. Stop it by using the truth. Something we have been denied by our Government regarding the 9/11 attacks."

You should point out that it was the "debunkers" (such as yourselves), and the "corporate media" that made a "9/11 Truther" or "Truther" the equivalent of a baby killer or a dog torturer. With all of the attacks, slanders, and misrepresentations. You guys did a good job. You should be proud.

At 01 November, 2012 23:58, Blogger Pat said...

We are extremely proud, Jon. Mostly because we know that the real definition of 9/11 Truther is the kind of moron who thinks that elements in the US government have "more than earned the title of suspect" for the crimes of 9/11.

At 02 November, 2012 00:29, Blogger snug.bug said...

Well Pat, if they're not worthy of the title of suspect why do they lie and cover up so much?

At 02 November, 2012 02:06, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

real definition for "9/11 Truther"

Is Kevin Barrett a "9/11 Truther" in your eyes? If not, what would you call him?

At 02 November, 2012 05:00, Blogger Ian said...

Well Pat, if they're not worthy of the title of suspect why do they lie and cover up so much?

Brian, we've already been over the fact that your delusions and ignorance are not evidence that the government is lying or covering anything up. It's just evidence that you're mentally ill.

At 02 November, 2012 05:04, Blogger Ian said...

You should point out that it was the "debunkers" (such as yourselves), and the "corporate media" that made a "9/11 Truther" or "Truther" the equivalent of a baby killer or a dog torturer. With all of the attacks, slanders, and misrepresentations. You guys did a good job. You should be proud.

Squeal squeal squeal!

Actually, none of us think you're the equivalent of baby killers. We just think you're a bunch of losers and lunatics who have an axe to grind against society, just like any other conspiracy theorists. You, the birthers, the "vaccines cause autism" nuts, the moon landing nuts, and the rest should form a support group so you can learn to deal with a complex, sometimes scary would without resorting to joining idiotic cults.

At 02 November, 2012 06:50, Blogger Len said...

"You should point out that it was the "debunkers" (such as yourselves), and the "corporate media" that made a "9/11 Truther" or "Truther" the equivalent of a baby killer or a dog torturer.'

No truhers hvae done this to themselves, they (you) push theories which draw more from Rube Goldberg than Occam, bubble planes, no planes, space beams, vicsims etc. And even the more the more 'reasonable' truthers push theories long after they have been discredited, no Arab names on the manifests, "pull" means controlled demo, some hijackers are still alive, Payne Stewart's plane was intercepted in 10 minutes, WR heard an explosion in the basement before the crash, etc. etc.

"With all of the attacks, slanders, and misrepresentations. You guys did a good job. You should be proud."

This is reminicient of a fat person telling themselves the scale they just stepped on is obviously broken.

At 02 November, 2012 07:12, Blogger Jon Gold said...

Actually, no Pat. Since I coined the phrase "9/11 Truther," I get to decide its meaning. Not you, not the corporate media. Truth hurts, I know. Something you are incapable of.

At 02 November, 2012 07:42, Blogger snug.bug said...

RGT, Kevin Barrett is a liar, a bigot, and an advocate of violence.

He may be a "9/11 Was an Inside Job" advocate, but I do not consider conspiracy theorists to be truthers. Still, I'll leave the judgment up to Mr. Gold.

At 02 November, 2012 08:14, Blogger snug.bug said...

Len, nobody believes Willie any more, except idiots like Ian and GutterBall.

At 02 November, 2012 08:39, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

The ultimate insult is still Pat Curley, obviously.

At 02 November, 2012 09:07, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Aw look! Pat made another blog entry for Brian Good to hijack and use as a vehicle to flog his homosexual obsession for William Rodriguez.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 02 November, 2012 12:41, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

Just an aside: How nice is it to have real-time weather data coming in from the top of the World Trade Center again?

Outside job.

At 02 November, 2012 13:00, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

Still, I'll leave the judgment up to Mr. Gold.

Mr. Gold's judgment may not be relevant. Any control he once had over the meaning of "9/11 Truther" has long since passed, particularly when outspoken no-planers like these idiots associate themselves with him and he does nothing to set the record straight. But I am curious what words he would use to describe a Barrett, to distinguish his cause from whatever that other thing is.

At 02 November, 2012 13:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good the liar said...

Len, nobody believes Willie any more, except idiots like Ian and GutterBall.

...oh you forgot the 90,000 people with his newsletter. The 5,400 friends on facebook, the others on Myspace, the 500 plus on Linkedin, the many companies that hires him etc etc etc...

If you meant truthers, there is only a handful of you there and last time I checked, every major activist including Richard Gage supports Willie, (that is the reason you were fired from Gage's organization.) He doesn't even need to support any of the past stupidity to be your case is totally the opposite. I bet that even Janice Good believes Willie.

At 02 November, 2012 15:12, Blogger Ian said...

He may be a "9/11 Was an Inside Job" advocate, but I do not consider conspiracy theorists to be truthers. Still, I'll leave the judgment up to Mr. Gold.

So Brian, you're either not a truther by your own definition, or you finally realized how idiotic your claims about spray-on thermite and silent explosives really are.

I'm guessing the former.

At 02 November, 2012 16:17, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, you can not prove that 90,000 people get Willie's newsletter any more than you can prove that he saved hundreds of lives, and the circumstantial evidence says they do not. Let's see, you (ooops, I mean Willie) needed $1200 to fly to Sydney and back. And your 90,000 newsletter fans could not chip in 13 cents apiece? No, Willie could not get $1200 from all those fans?

Nobody who is honest enough to look at the statistics can possibly believe Willie's blatant lies. People were not trapped behind locked fire exits! It's absurd. Willie is a liar, a fraud, a con artist, a scam.

At 02 November, 2012 17:19, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good babbles, "...Willie's newsletter...[pant][pant][pant]...I mean Willie...[squeal][squeal][squeal]...Willie...[wank][wank][wank]...Willie's blatant...[squeak][squeak][squeak]...Willie! [hyperventilate][hyperventilate][hyperventilate]."

See what I mean?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 02 November, 2012 19:19, Blogger Len said...

"And your 90,000 newsletter fans could not chip in 13 cents apiece? No, Willie could not get $1200 from all those fans?"

I also doubt that many people get his newsletter but by similar logic we could doubt the claimed membership of most truther organisations because when they beg for money it takes them a long time to raise modest sums

At 02 November, 2012 20:42, Blogger Ian said...

Well, I see that Brian's not interested in discussing 9/11 anymore. He just wants to babble about the man he called a "strutting, bragging, lying, hot sexy hunk of Latin manhood".

At 02 November, 2012 21:20, Blogger Billman said...

Actually, no Pat. Since I coined the phrase "9/11 Truther," I get to decide its meaning. Not you, not the corporate media.

Really? So when someone coins a term, THEY get to decide it's meaning?

What kind of self-agrandizing delusional world do you live in, Jon?

YOU personally cannot decide for everyone elese what the collective culture decides it wants things to be.

Jesus, this is what's wrong with your movement, and you never see it.

At 02 November, 2012 21:22, Blogger Billman said...

Well, I'm coining the Term "Troofers are Asshats" so *I* get to decide what it means, right?

At 02 November, 2012 21:52, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the bitch, when you mention WR unable to raise funds, you become again the idiot of the class. You forgot he asked for a 5000 speaking fee at the time ( it was explained to you before in old threads Brian) and it was the people from Australia who had the responsibility to raise the money, not WR. Example, when your boy Richard Gage gets invited to speak, he ask for a fee, usually 500 dollars. Is not up to him to raise the money but the organizers of the event.

Guess who doesn't agree with you Brian, John Bursill, the organizer, yes, the same Bursill who banned you from the Australian group. Care to call him and get your facts right? (we know you never do)

I do receive the Newsletter and it lacks everything about Conspiracy Theories. How many people gets it?
I believe thousands. Maybe BGS referenced his mailing list as a whole.

Since WR has raised his speaking fee, I doubt any truther group, and I mean any, will be able to afford it. Richard Gage on the other hand, is the whore for attention and will do it for free if it includes a free ticket.

And I know how much you love Willie, how obsessed you are with your latin hunk. It deeply hurts you he renounced your movement lies. You wanted WR just for you to perpetuate your illusions. Sorry Charlie.

PS, while you spend your time babbling about your man, he is still in Mexico being very successful while you are still here posting spam and still living with your MAMA Janice.

And since we are on the subject, why don't you ask Jon Gold what he thinks about RIchard Gage's Theory of Controlled Demo? JOn Gold at least has more common sense than you to understand that there is not CD involved as you or Richard Gage claim. Care to ask him?


At 02 November, 2012 22:01, Blogger sabba said...

Well, I'm coining the Term "Brian Good Sex Predator"
...oops I think it was already coined by Carol Brouillet or was it Kevin Barrett?

At 03 November, 2012 05:47, Blogger Ian said...

I'm coining the term "mentally ill unemployed janitor". It also refers to Brian Good only.

At 03 November, 2012 09:10, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 03 November, 2012 09:42, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, I called Wizzie "a saggy, baggy blob of latin manboob".

Sabba, you provide no evidence of Wizzie's speaking fee, and if he expected $5000 for appearing at a cash-strapped truth movement conference in Sydney that only goes to show how mercenary he is and what a poor businessman--because the promotional value of the appearance would have far exceeded the fee. Wizzie's not a hunk, he's a hump.

He's still in Mexico? Wow, that's been three weeks now? How come there's nothing in the press?

I know what Jon Gold thinks about Richard Gage's theories. Actually, I agree with much of what Jon and his friends say about the damage that conspiracy theories do to the movement. It's supposed to be a 9/11 Truth movement, not a 9/11 Conspiracy Theory movement. Unfortunately too many prominent activists tend to forget the distinction.

At 03 November, 2012 10:12, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, I called Wizzie "a saggy, baggy blob of latin manboob".

False. You're homosexually infatuated with him and your constant stalking of him is due to his rejection of you. He's straight, but even gays wouldn't want to be with a failed janitor who lives with his parents.

I know what Jon Gold thinks about Richard Gage's theories. Actually, I agree with much of what Jon and his friends say about the damage that conspiracy theories do to the movement. It's supposed to be a 9/11 Truth movement, not a 9/11 Conspiracy Theory movement. Unfortunately too many prominent activists tend to forget the distinction.

Yup, which is why your endless babbling about magic spray-on thermite and silent explosives makes it easy to dismiss the truth movement as the tiny crackpot cult that it is.

Unless you can name a single truther who isn't into deranged conspiracy theories.

At 03 November, 2012 11:33, Blogger snug.bug said...

Virginia Deane Abernethy, Ph.D., anthropologist, author, Population Politics
Marshall Auerback, international portfolio strategist for David W. Tice & Associates, Inc.
Keidi Obi Awadu, aka The Conscious Rasta, talk show host, LIBRadio
Michael Badnarik, Libertarian candidate for President
Medea Benjamin, activist, author, co-founder, Global Exchange and Code Pink
Dennis Bernstein, investigative reporter, radio host of KPFA's Flashpoints
Steve Bhaerman aka Swami Beyondananda, author, political comedian
Brad Blanton, Ph.D., psychotherapist, author, Radical Honesty
Saniel Bonder, spiritual teacher and author, Great Relief
Dr. Robert Bowman, USAF Lt. Col. (Rtd.), founder, Institute for Space and Security Studies
John Buchanan, author, candidate for the Republican Party Presidential nomination, 2004
Gray Brechin, Ph.D., author, environmental historian, professor, UC Berkeley
Fred Burks, presidential interpreter for Bush, Clinton, Cheney, and Gore
Norma Carr-Rufino, Ph.D., author, professor of management, San Francisco State University
Angana Chatterji, Ph.D., scholar-activist and professor of anthropology
Paul Cienfuegos, co-founder, Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County
David Cobb, attorney, national presidential candidate, US Green Party
John Cobb, Ph.D., theologian, co-author, For the Common Good
Ernest Callenbach, founder/editor, Film Quarterly, author, Ecotopia
Kevin Danaher, Ph.D., author, speaker, co-founder, Global Exchange
Stephen Dinan, author, Radical Spirit
Ronnie Dugger, journalist/author, co-founder, Alliance for Democracy
Daniel Ellsberg, author, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
Richard Falk, Professor Emeritus of International Law, Princeton University
Michael Franti, musician, filmmaker, human rights worker
Janeane Garofalo, actress, comedienne, talk show host, Air America Radio
Jim Garrison, Ph.D., president, State of the World Forum, author, America as Empire
Bruce Gagnon, Chair, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Ric Giardina, author, consultant, speaker, former Director of Trademarks and Brands for Intel
John Gray, Ph.D., #1 bestselling author, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Stan Goff, 25-year Army Special Ops veteran, author, Full Spectrum Disorder
Melvin Goodman, senior fellow, Center for International Policy, author, former Senior Analyst, CIA, professor, National War College
Morton Goulder, Deputy Secretary for Intelligence and Warning under Nixon, Ford, and Carter
Doris "Granny D" Haddock, campaign finance crusader, NH Democratic candidate for Senate
Thom Hartmann, radio host; author, Unequal Protection
Richie Havens, singer, songwriter, performer, artist
Randy Hayes, founder, Rainforest Action Network, US National Director, Direction Conservation
Richard Heinberg, author, The Party's Over, core faculty, New College of California
Rob Kall, editor,, president, Futurehealth, Inc.
Georgia Kelly, executive director, Praxis Peace Institute
Sean Kelly, Ph.D., author, professor of philosophy and religion, CA Institute of Integral Studies
John Joseph Kennedy, Democratic Write-in Presidential Candidate for 2004
Mimi Kennedy, actress, Dharma and Greg, progressive activist
Faiz Khan, M.D., Triage Emergency Physician on 9/11, Assistant Imam
David Korten, author, When Corporations Rule the World
Frances Moore Lappe, author, Diet for a Small Planet; founder, Small Planet Institute
Scott M. Legere, 25 year radio broadcaster as Scott Ledger, Tampa FL
Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor, TIKKUN Magazine, author, Healing Israel/Palestine
Michael Levine, bestselling author of Deep Cover, journalist, 25-year veteran of the DEA

At 03 November, 2012 11:36, Blogger snug.bug said...

Joanna Macy, Ph.D., eco-philosopher, author
John McCarthy, former Special Forces Captain, president, Veterans Equal Rights Protection Advocacy
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, co-founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., author, professor, co-founder, Green Earth Foundation
Mark Crispin Miller, media critic, author, professor, New York University
Joseph W. Montaperto, New York City Fire Department
Ralph Nader, Independent candidate for President
Craig Neal, author, co-founder, The Heartland Institute, former publisher, Utne Reader
Jeff Norman, executive director, Tour of Duty
Jenna Orkin, Esquire, World Trade Center Environmental Organization
Kelly Patricia O'Meara, investigative journalist, public relations
Michael Parenti, Ph.D., author, Superpatriotism and The Terrorism Trap
Edward L. Peck, former US Ambassador and Chief of Mission to Iraq, former Deputy Director to the White House Task Force on Terrorism
Peter Phillips, Ph.D., professor, Sonoma State University, director, Project Censored
Henri Poole, Internet pioneer, board member, Free Software Foundation
Robert Rabbin, author, speaker, creator of
Paul H. Ray, Ph.D., sociologist, author, The Cultural Creatives
John Renesch, business futurist, author, Getting to the Better Future
John Rensenbrink, professor emeritus, Bowdoin College, co-founder, US Green Party
John Robbins, author, founder, EarthSave International
Neal Rogin, Emmy-award winning writer, performer, social observer
Allen Roland, Ph.D., psychotherapist, published author and peace activist
Rosemary Radford Ruether, professor of feminist theology, Graduate Theological Union
Chris Sanders, founder, Sanders Research Associates
Karl W. B. Schwarz, President, CEO, Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC
Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, author, Drugs, Oil, and War
Firefighter Kevin Shea, FDNY Hazmat Operations
Michelle Shocked, singer/songwriter, activist
Indira Singh, risk management and computer systems consultant
J. Michael Springmann, attorney, former Foreign Service Officer, US Department of State
Douglas Sturm, Ph.D., university professor emeritus, Bucknell University
Marjorie Hewit Suchocki, Ph.D., theologian, author
Chuck Turner, Boston City Council
Dan Whaley, E-commerce pioneer, founder of, acquired for $750M
Burns H. Weston, J.S.D., Professor of Law Emeritus, Director, Center for Human Rights, U-Iowa
Howard Zinn, professor, historian, author, A People's History of the United States

Family Members

Joanne Barbara, wife of FDNY Asst. Chief of Dept. Gerard Barbara
Gayle Barker, sister of William A. Karnes, WTC
Michele Bergsohn, wife of Alvin Bergsohn, Cantor Fitzgerald
Derrill Bodley, father of Deora Bodley, passenger on Flight 93
Kathryn C. Bowden, sister of Thomas H. Bowden, Jr. WTC1, 104th floor
Janet Calia, wife of Dominick Calia, Cantor Fitzgerald, WTC1
Maggie Cashman, wife of William Joseph Cashman, United Flight 93
Lynne Castrianno Galante, sister of Leonard Castrianno, 1WTC, 105th floor
Elza Chapa-McGowan, daughter of Rosemary Chapa, Pentagon
Bruce De Cell, father-in-law of Mark Petrocelli North Tower, 92nd floor
Ralph D'Esposito, father of Michael D'Esposito, WTC, 96th floor
Loisanne Diehl, Surviving Spouse, Michael D. Diehl, WTC2, 90th floor
Adina D. Eisenberg, sister of Eric Eisenberg, WTC

At 03 November, 2012 11:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 03 November, 2012 11:44, Blogger snug.bug said...

Jonathan M. Fisher, son of Dr. Gerald Paul "Geep" Fisher, Pentagon
Michael J. Fox, brother of Jeffrey L. Fox, Tower 2, 89th floor
Laurel A. Gay, sister of Peter A. Gay, AA Flight 11
Irene Golinsky, wife of Col. Ronald F. Golinski USA RET, Pentagon
Lori, Jerry, and Beatrice Guadagno, sister and parents of Richard Guadagno, Flight 93
Kristen Hall, daughter of fallen firefighter Thomas Kuveikis 9/11
Kurt D. Horning, father of Matthew D. Horning, WTC Tower One, 95th floor
Jennifer W. Hunt, wife of William C. Hunt, Euro Brokers
John Keating, son of Barbara Keating, passenger on AA Flight 11
L. Russell Keene II, father of Russ Keene III, WTC2, 89th floor, KBW
Peter Kousoulis, sister died in WTC
Paul & Barbara Kirwin, parents of Glenn Davis Kirwin, Cantor Fitzgerald 105th floor
Barbara Krukowski-Rastelli, mother of William E. Krukowski, NYC firefighter
Laura and Ira Lassman, parents of Nicholas C. Lassman, died in WTC, Tower One
Johnny Lee, husband of Lorraine Greene
Alicia LeGuillow, mother of Nestor A. Cintron III
Francine Levine, sister of Adam K. Ruhalter, who died on 9/11
Bob McIlvaine, father of Robert McIlvaine, WTC, Merrill Lynch
Mary McWilliams, mother of FF Martin E. McWilliams- Engine 22
Daryl J. Meehan, brother of Colleen Ann Barkow, WTC 1, 105th floor
Elvira P. Murphy, wife of Patrick Murphy, WTC 1
Natalee Pecorelli, sister of Thomas Pecorelli of Flight 11
James L Perry, M.D and Patricia J. Perry, parents of John W. Perry, Esq., NYPD Officer 9/11
David Potorti, brother of James Potorti, North Tower, WTC, Marsh & McLennan
Terry Kay Rockefeller, sister of Laura Rockefeller, North Tower, WTC
Grissel Rodriguez-Valentin, wife of Benito Valentin, WTC1, 94th floor
Alissa Rosenberg-Torres, widow of Luis Eduardo Torres, post-9/11 mother, writer
Elaine Saber, mother of Scott Saber
Julie Scarpitta, mother of Michelle Scarpitta, WTC Building 2, 84th floor
Paula Shapiro, mother of Eric Eisenberg, WTC2
Elizabeth Turner, wife of Simon Turner, lost on 11th September 2001
Adele Welty, mother of Firefighter Timothy Welty, FDNY, Squad 288
Joan W. Winton, mother of David Winton, WTC, South Tower, 89th floor
David Yancey, husband of Vicki Yancey, American Airlines Flight 77
Nissa Youngren, daughter of Robert G. LeBlanc, flight 175

Late Signatories (starting toward 200 ...)

Rita M. Haley, President, National Organization for Women, New York Chapter
Immortal Technique, Harlem-based hip-hop artist with Viper Records, Revolutionary I&II
Bob Kirkconnell, served in the U.S. Air Force 27 years, reaching the rank of Master Sergeant
Dennis Kyne, former Army air medic, 18th Airborne Corps during Gulf War I, musician, author, "Support the Truth"
Paul Landis, author, "Stop Bush Now!"
Charles Shaw, Editor, Newtopia Magazine, National Peace Action Coordinator, National Green Party
Peter Erlinder, professor, William Mitchell College of Law, past-President National Lawyers Guild
Daniel Robert Rezac, 2004 Vice-Presidential Write-In Candidate, former Aviator & Armor Officer, Army National Guard, B.S.B.A.
Joel Horwitz, lost beloved cousin in WTC 1
Jessica Murrow, lost husband Stephen Adams, Beverage Manager, Windows on the World, WTC 1
Ellen Mariani, lost husband Neil on Flight 175
Jean Hunt, disabled survivor of Pentagon attack
Ralph & Brigitte Sabbag, lost son Jason in WTC 2

At 03 November, 2012 12:04, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Goat fucker, your list is as worthless and deceptive as everything else you post to the blog.

Ian, ask the sex predator to tell you about John Buchanan.

Game, set and match.



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 03 November, 2012 12:55, Blogger Ian said...

Wow, Brian just spent his whole afternoon cutting and pasting names of people nobody cares about!

Thanks for proving my point about 9/11 truth being a tiny crackpot cult.

At 03 November, 2012 12:55, Blogger Ian said...

Hey Brian, have the "widows" had their questions answered yet?


At 03 November, 2012 13:07, Blogger Ian said...

As a side note, is there a more worthless field of academia than "feminist theology"? I mean, one thing all the world's religions seem to agree on is that women are basically the property of men, which is why knuckledraggers like Todd Akin sound a lot like Iranian Ayatollahs when they speak about women.

So feminist religion is even more made up than the usual kind of religion we have to deal with in this country.

At 03 November, 2012 17:29, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, your remarks only reveal you ignorance and depravity.

At 03 November, 2012 17:38, Blogger Len said...

So 50 or so family members 'had questions', well lets do some quick math. Not counting the hijackers 2977 people died, so that came out to less than 2%. But even that is an over count, if we calculate an average of four immediate relatives for each victim we get a total of 11,908 and you're down to 0.4%

At 04 November, 2012 01:46, Blogger sabba said...

Sabba, you provide no evidence of Wizzie's speaking fee,

"Speakers' bureaus lined up to represent him, and last year he gave 35 presentations around the world for $5,000 to $15,000 each. He keeps a quarter of his fees and donates the rest to his charity, the Hispanic Victims Group."- SCOTT S. SMITH, FOR INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY

and if he expected $5000 for appearing at a cash-strapped truth movement conference in Sydney...

exactly, cash trapped movement....

that only goes to show how mercenary he is and what a poor businessman--because the promotional value of the appearance would have far exceeded the fee. Wizzie's not a hunk, he's a hump.

Thanks for proving my point. Poor bussiness man? I think he did pretty well, considering you are still unemployed, fired from Richard Gage's group and not even Richard can get those fees.

He's still in Mexico? Wow, that's been three weeks now? How come there's nothing in the press?

yes, a lot of TV, sorry it doesn't get published as the printed press but a mexican friend sent me these photos of William appeareing in buses all over Mexico City. You will like the fact that the man you want to be your boyfriend is the Main speaker of Latin Americas Top event and Conferences convention. Again, no need for Conspiracy bullshit.

I know what Jon Gold thinks about Richard Gage's theories. Actually, I agree with much of what Jon and his friends say about the damage that conspiracy theories do to the movement.
Nope, Jon Gold does not agree with your Control Demolition Theory

It's supposed to be a 9/11 Truth movement, not a 9/11 Conspiracy Theory movement. Unfortunately too many prominent activists tend to forget the distinction.

That is why none of them supports you and you have gone independent...right?


At 04 November, 2012 01:52, Blogger sabba said...

Len said...

So 50 or so family members 'had questions',

yes Len, but having "questions" doesn't mean supporting the inside job stupidity or the support of CT, CD etc.

I see one of the names that stuck out of the list provided by willie's Bitch, Brian Good. Family member Bruce De Cell, I know Bruce, I called Bruce and he does not support any conspiracy theory. Care to call him Brian? How about providing a link to your cut and paste list so I can call some of the people? Bitch!

At 04 November, 2012 01:53, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good, have you called John Bursill lately?

At 04 November, 2012 07:18, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, your remarks only reveal you ignorance and depravity.

Poor Brian. He's hysterical because the truth movement is dead and he's still a failed janitor who lives with his parents.

At 04 November, 2012 08:24, Blogger Len said...

LEN: "So 50 or so family members 'had questions',"

SABBA: "yes Len, but having "questions" doesn't mean supporting the inside job stupidity or the support of CT, CD etc"

You're right but even giving Brian the benefit of the doubt very few family members are "asking questions". But the questions were quite truthery, almost half are based on false premises.

"Family member Bruce De Cell, I know Bruce, I called Bruce and he does not support any conspiracy theory"

Ask him if he really signed the petition and if he still wonders about those questions.

At 04 November, 2012 08:26, Blogger Len said...

oops forgot the link:

At 04 November, 2012 09:16, Blogger Ian said...

Also, Brian, if you're trying to convince us that there are actually people who care about your conspiracy theories or your "widows", you should probably not list worm food like Howard Zinn.

At 04 November, 2012 10:03, Blogger Confutatis Maledictis said...

I just looked up the very first name on Brian's list. Yikes.

At 04 November, 2012 10:46, Blogger Ian said...

Yup, Mike, 9/11 truth is where Nazis like Abernathy and Stalinists like Michael Parenti can come together in harmony. Doesn't it make you feel warm inside?

At 04 November, 2012 19:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, you claimed that I could not "name a single truther who isn't into deranged conspiracy theories."

I gave you dozens.

But you can not name a single expert who endorses NIST's probable collapse sequence.

At 04 November, 2012 19:26, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, you claimed that I could not "name a single truther who isn't into deranged conspiracy theories."

This is true.

I gave you dozens.

False. You gave a list of people who are into deranged conspiracy theories.

But you can not name a single expert who endorses NIST's probable collapse sequence.

Uncle Steve endorses the NIST report.

You fail again, Brian.

At 04 November, 2012 19:34, Blogger snug.bug said...

"Uncle Steve" is not a name, Ian.

You have not demonstrated that anyone on my list is "into deranged conspiracy theories." And if you do demonstrate with one, you've still got dozens more to go.

At 05 November, 2012 04:44, Blogger Ian said...

"Uncle Steve" is not a name, Ian.

Well, his colleagues don't call him "Uncle Steve", but that's how I know him. Either way, he has endorsed the NIST report, so your claim otherwise is irrational.

You have not demonstrated that anyone on my list is "into deranged conspiracy theories."

Technically, this is true, since it was Mike who pointed out that the first person on your list, Virginia Abernethy, is into white supremacist eugenics. You probably don't think such a thing is deranged given that you're a disgusting racist and anti-semite yourself. But that just demonstrates your depraved irrationality.

And if you do demonstrate with one, you've still got dozens more to go.

False. You have to demonstrate that anyone cares about your pathetic little list. So far, you have demonstrated nothing.

You fail again, Brian. Just like you've failed to get a single question from the widows answered.


At 05 November, 2012 07:51, Blogger snug.bug said...

"Ian's Uncle Steve" is not a name either, "Ian". He doesn't qualify as an independent expert unless his credentials and his independence can be verified.

Ian, you did not show that Dr. Abernathy is either deranged or into conspiracy theories, let alone that she was into deranged conspiracy theories.

You claimed I could not "name a single truther who isn't into deranged conspiracy theories."
I named dozens. What nobody cares about is your stupid claim, Ian, or your stupid posts.

At 05 November, 2012 08:33, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...You claimed I could not "name a single truther who isn't into deranged conspiracy theories."
I named dozens."

You did nothing of the sort, gay boi.

You cited yourself as an authority and then cut-and-paste a list full of deranged conspiracy theorists. After all, 9/11 "truth" is a conspiracy theory--you deranged liar.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 05 November, 2012 12:24, Blogger snug.bug said...

You cite yourself as an authority. It is for you to prove your claim that the dozens of the signatories to the 9/11 Truth statemnent are into deranged conspiracies.

At 05 November, 2012 16:26, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Like I said, asshole, tell us about John Buchanan.

Go for it, gay boi, I dare you.

Oh that's right! You're a compulsive liar who can't ever be trusted to tell the truth. My bad.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 05 November, 2012 16:38, Blogger GuitarBill said...

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote the following about John Buchanan:

"...To anyone with access to Google, it's the surreal story of a conspiracy theorist and fringe presidential candidate who once broke a briefly infamous story about Bush family financial links to a Nazi sympathizer — a story that nearly destroyed him...This journalist tried to leave his mental and legal problems behind for rustic serenity." -- Poison pen or brave crusader? Small-town editor at odds with officials Atlanta Journal-Constitution Dec 18, 2005.

Nah! There's not a single conspiracy theorist on your list. Right, you lying scumbag?

Buchanan, the reader will note, suffers from hypermania, a form of bipolar disorder.

"...[John] Buchanan suffers from hypermania, a form of manic depression, and when he found himself rebuffed in his initial efforts to interest the media, he responded with a series of threats against the journalists and media outlets that had spurned him. The threats, contained in e-mails, suggested that he would expose the journalists as 'traitors to the truth'...Unsurprisingly, he soon had difficulty getting his calls returned. Most seriously, he faced aggravated stalking charges in Miami, in connection with a man with whom he had fallen out over the best way to publicise his findings. The charges were dropped last month. "

Source: How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power


Now go fuck yourself, gay boi.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 05 November, 2012 19:22, Blogger snug.bug said...

No, you tell us about John Buchanan. Is he into into deranged conspiracy theories?

I didn't say there was not a single conspiracy theorist on the list. You're a liar. I said that was a list of people who were not "into deranged conspiracy theories". If you knock one off the list, so what? There's dozens more.

At 05 November, 2012 19:37, Blogger Ian said...

"Ian's Uncle Steve" is not a name either, "Ian". He doesn't qualify as an independent expert unless his credentials and his independence can be verified.

His credentials and independence have been verified. If you're not familiar with my Uncle Steve and his work in civil engineering, it's because you're not a member of the engineering community, but a mentally ill unemployed janitor.

Ian, you did not show that Dr. Abernathy is either deranged or into conspiracy theories, let alone that she was into deranged conspiracy theories.


You claimed I could not "name a single truther who isn't into deranged conspiracy theories."
I named dozens.


What nobody cares about is your stupid claim, Ian, or your stupid posts.

Squeal squeal squeal!

Poor Brian. He's hysterical because he knows the truth movement is dead and that he's a failed janitor who lives with his parents.

At 05 November, 2012 20:16, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...No, you tell us about John Buchanan. Is he into into deranged conspiracy theories?"

I did tell you about Buchanan, gay boi. And I proved that he's a conspiracy theorist. Learn to read, 'tard.

Brian "Poster child for Dunning-Kruger effect" Good lies, "...I didn't say there was not a single conspiracy theorist on the list. You're a liar. I said that was a list of people who were not "into deranged conspiracy theories". If you knock one off the list, so what? There's [SIC] dozens more."

No, you lied. You claimed your list is comprised of people who aren't "into deranged conspiracy theories." That assertion, however, is false, as I proved when I cited The Atlanta Journal-Constitution as concerns John Buchanan.

In fact, your list does contain conspiracy theorists. As a result, your credibility, once again, is called into question. Since you lied about John Buchanan, the entire list is called into question. Thus, the burden of proof is in your court.

Your list simply isn't accurate. In fact, it's a pack of lies. The 9/11 "truth" movement--by definition--is a cult of conspiracy theorists.

See? You're a liar and a con artist who can't be trusted.


Now go fuck yourself, gay boi.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 05 November, 2012 20:32, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, as usual you didn't prove a thing.

It seems you can not distinguish "newsbank" from the Atlanta J-C, foolish child.

At 05 November, 2012 21:43, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

Truther (noun): 1. A person who believes they seek the truth about easily explainable events by asking an unending series of loaded questions with the goal of proving a conspiracy. 2. An internet troll who uses the events of 9/11 to be an asshole while living in their mother's basement/trailer.
(also see: Nutjob,Retard, Dickless Wonder, Dweeb)

At 05 November, 2012 22:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

MGF, if the events are so easily explainable, how come the officials don't explain them?

How come NORAD had to lie about the air defenses? How come 91% of the widows' questions never got answered? How come NIST abandoned its objective of explaining how the buildings collapsed, and wrote 10,000 pages they admit do not explain the buildings' total collapses?

And how come y'all have to lie to have anything to say at all?

And ButtGale, I never made any claims about the list of 9/11 Truthers except the implicit claim that among that number is at least one 9/11 Truther who is not into deranged conspiracy theories.

At 05 November, 2012 23:21, Blogger Pat said...

Brian, did you ever work out the complete reasons your ass ended up on the ground when your chair had a "shear-failure" at 5 years old?

Or is gravity still a complete mystery to you?

At 05 November, 2012 23:23, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 05 November, 2012 23:28, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 05 November, 2012 23:29, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, the claims of an anonymous internet poster that the credentials of his anonymous uncle have been verified are themselves unverifiable. You only fool the simple-minded.

At 05 November, 2012 23:48, Blogger snug.bug said...

Pat, you never answered my question. What significance do you ascribe to the fact that the words "nanothermite" and "thermite" don't appear in the debate between Steen Svanholm and Dr. Harrit?

At 06 November, 2012 03:57, Blogger Ian said...

MGF, if the events are so easily explainable, how come the officials don't explain them?

Actually, they have been explained. You're just an ignorant lunatic who a) doesn't understand the explanations, and b) has the delusional belief that non-events and trivialities have been "unexplained".

How come NORAD had to lie about the air defenses? How come 91% of the widows' questions never got answered? How come NIST abandoned its objective of explaining how the buildings collapsed, and wrote 10,000 pages they admit do not explain the buildings' total collapses?

See what I mean?

And ButtGale, I never made any claims about the list of 9/11 Truthers except the implicit claim that among that number is at least one 9/11 Truther who is not into deranged conspiracy theories.

You never identified any truther who is not into deranged conspiracy theories. You just listed a bunch of liars and lunatics.

At 06 November, 2012 03:59, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, the claims of an anonymous internet poster that the credentials of his anonymous uncle have been verified are themselves unverifiable. You only fool the simple-minded.

Squeal squeal squeal!

Poor Brian, he's hysterical because he knows that the experts have all endorsed the NIST report.

Pat, you never answered my question. What significance do you ascribe to the fact that the words "nanothermite" and "thermite" don't appear in the debate between Steen Svanholm and Dr. Harrit?

Brian, you've never answered my two questions:

1) have the widows had their questions answered yet?

2) can you identify a single truther who considers you a member in good standing?

At 06 November, 2012 06:18, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, as usual, you lie. You can't identify even one independent expert who endorses NIST's collapse scenario, and the events have not been explained. NIST admits they can't explain the total collapses. And contrary to Pat's insinuation, it is not because they don't know what drives the process of gravitational acceleration.

The destruction of the WTC and NORAD's failure to respond to the threat are "non-events" only to those who, like you, are in a state of hysterical denial.

Your contempt for the family members is noted. Let's just take two of them at random. What exactly makes Adele Welty (mother of Firefighter Timothy Welty, FDNY, Squad 288) and Joan W. Winton (mother of David Winton, WTC, South Tower, 89th floor) lunatics and liars?

At 06 November, 2012 10:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt know where to ask but can any of you guys give me evidence debunking the following:
i. some jews celebrating after WTC collapsed were mossad agents
ii. jews were on holiday on 9/11

I am NOT looking to debate. i am collecting evidences. thanking you in advance.

(email is reachingout2theleft at gmail)

At 06 November, 2012 10:44, Blogger snug.bug said...

I have no information that 9/11 was a Jewish holiday. It was an election day, which did make a lot of people late for work.

Yes, Mossad agents were seen celebrating the 9/11 attacks. The celebrations were documented by abc and the Bergen Record newspaper.

My take on this incident is different from that of most people--which is usually denial of the facts by idiots like Ian, exaggeration and misinterpretation of the facts by idiot Jew-haters, and just ignoring the facts by most.

The German press has reported that before 9/11 the Mossad warned the US intelligence agencies of 19 terrorists inside the USA planning something big--and they named names that could have allowed the 9/11 plot to be foiled.

Now I assume that Mossad agents are not stupid, and they do not get themselves arrested unless they have been ordered to get arrested. I assume that they do not dress up as Arabs and celebrate the attack on the towers with high fives and raised cigarette lighters while associated with a van painted with their employer's name (Urban Moving Systems) and then get caught many hours later in the very same van with box cutters and explosives residue--unless that is their intention.

Why would they do this? For two reasons. One was to demonstrate in the public record their foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, to add weight to the story of their warnings and give them blackmail leverage against the Bush administration. The second was to give ammunition to the Jews-Did-It! crowd, since the propagation of this story could be easily monitored throughout the internet, allowing much valuable intelligence to be gained about the organizational relationships among the Jew-haters.

At 06 November, 2012 11:09, Blogger snug.bug said...

ANy more questions?

At 06 November, 2012 11:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i forgot to add
i am looking for answers ONLY from the anti-conspiracy theorist crowd and NOT the conspiracy theorists.

(and those weren't mossad agents. a botched interview in hebrew translated to your liking isnt an evidence)

At 06 November, 2012 11:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

The Jewish magazine Forward acknowledged that the "Dancing Israelis" were Mossad agents.

At 06 November, 2012 12:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a magazine is hardly a credible source.
then again 'who did it' is answered best by looking at 9/11 from 1948 to 2001 instead of starting your analysis from when the the first plane hit.
the debunkers include this in their assessment and so so ACCURATELY which is why their argument is stronger and more credible.
nice talking to you.

At 06 November, 2012 12:19, Blogger snug.bug said...

You asked a question and I answered it honestly. If you can't even punctuate conventionally I can't expect you to reason properly.

At 06 November, 2012 13:57, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

The Jewish magazine Forward acknowledged that the "Dancing Israelis" were Mossad agents.

The science magazine Popular Mechanics acknowledged that the NIST report is accurate.

At 06 November, 2012 14:13, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, as usual, you lie. You can't identify even one independent expert who endorses NIST's collapse scenario, and the events have not been explained. NIST admits they can't explain the total collapses. And contrary to Pat's insinuation, it is not because they don't know what drives the process of gravitational acceleration.

False. I've identified Uncle Steve, the NIST reports explained the collapses, and you're the one who doesn't understand gravity, as demonstrated by the endless idiocy you post here.

The destruction of the WTC and NORAD's failure to respond to the threat are "non-events" only to those who, like you, are in a state of hysterical denial.

The destruction of the WTC is not a "non-event". I just don't give credence to theories advanced by liars and sex predators and the mentally ill (i.e. you).

Your contempt for the family members is noted. Let's just take two of them at random. What exactly makes Adele Welty (mother of Firefighter Timothy Welty, FDNY, Squad 288) and Joan W. Winton (mother of David Winton, WTC, South Tower, 89th floor) lunatics and liars?

My cousin Jim knows them. He said they're lunatics and liars.

At 06 November, 2012 14:36, Blogger snug.bug said...

"Ian" thinks the unanswered questions of the families are a laughing matter.

At 06 November, 2012 15:15, Blogger snug.bug said...

OK, RGT, I see your "magazine = magazine" claim.

The thing is, PM's book has shown their "research" to be laughable lies. But nobody has credibly impugned "Forward".

At 06 November, 2012 15:29, Blogger Ian said...

"Ian" thinks the unanswered questions of the families are a laughing matter.

False. I think the failed janitor, liar, and lunatic babbling about families unanswered questions is a laughing matter.

The families questions might be a laughing matter dependent upon the kinds of things asked. Laurie Van Auken, for instance, is a laughing matter.

The thing is, PM's book has shown their "research" to be laughable lies. But nobody has credibly impugned "Forward".

False and false. You fail again, Brian.

At 06 November, 2012 16:14, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, your contempt for the family members is noted. Let's just take two of them at random. What exactly makes Adele Welty (mother of Firefighter Timothy Welty, FDNY, Squad 288) and Joan W. Winton (mother of David Winton, WTC, South Tower, 89th floor) lunatics and liars?

At 07 November, 2012 07:19, Blogger Len said...

"What exactly makes Adele Welty (mother of Firefighter Timothy Welty, FDNY, Squad 288) and Joan W. Winton (mother of David Winton, WTC, South Tower, 89th floor) lunatics and liars?"

Provide evidence other than there supposed signing of a petition 'asking questions' that they are truthers. The former is a peace activist with statements all over the Net, I couldn't find any questioning the accepted 9/11 narrative.

At 07 November, 2012 07:21, Blogger Len said...

PS forgot "...a petition 8 YEARS AGO..."

At 07 November, 2012 10:31, Blogger snug.bug said...

So on Planet Len, someone who signed the "911 Truth Statement" demanding "Real Answers" and 4 separate investigations and listing 12 separate questions is not a truther, but someone like Kevin Barrett or Wizzie Fraudruglies who lies about 9/11 is a truther? How can a liar be a truther?

We Want Real Answers About 9/11

On August 31, 2004, Zogby International, the official North American political polling agency for Reuters, released a poll that found nearly half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of those in New York state believe US leaders had foreknowledge of impending 9/11 attacks and "consciously failed" to act. Of the New York City residents, 66% called for a new probe of unanswered questions by Congress or the New York Attorney General.

In connection with this news, we have assembled 100 notable Americans and 40 family members of those who died to sign this 9/11 Statement, which calls for immediate public attention to unanswered questions that suggest that people within the current administration may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war.

We want truthful answers to questions such as:

Why were standard operating procedures for dealing with hijacked airliners not followed that day?
Why were the extensive missile batteries and air defenses reportedly deployed around the Pentagon not activated during the attack?
Why did the Secret Service allow Bush to complete his elementary school visit, apparently unconcerned about his safety or that of the schoolchildren?
Why hasn't a single person been fired, penalized, or reprimanded for the gross incompetence we witnessed that day?
Why haven't authorities in the U.S. and abroad published the results of multiple investigations into trading that strongly suggested foreknowledge of specific details of the 9/11 attacks, resulting in tens of millions of dollars of traceable gains?
Why has Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who claims to have knowledge of advance warnings, been publicly silenced with a gag order requested by Attorney General Ashcroft and granted by a Bush-appointed judge?
How could Flight 77, which reportedly hit the Pentagon, have flown back towards Washington D.C. for 40 minutes without being detected by the FAA's radar or the even superior radar possessed by the US military?
How were the FBI and CIA able to release the names and photos of the alleged hijackers within hours, as well as to visit houses, restaurants, and flight schools they were known to frequent?
What happened to the over 20 documented warnings given our government by 14 foreign intelligence agencies or heads of state?
Why did the Bush administration cover up the fact that the head of the Pakistani intelligence agency was in Washington the week of 9/11 and reportedly had $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta, considered the ringleader of the hijackers?
Why did the 911 Commission fail to address most of the questions posed by the families of the victims, in addition to almost all of the questions posed here?
Why was Philip Zelikow chosen to be the Executive Director of the ostensibly independent 911 Commission although he had co-authored a book with Condoleezza Rice?

At 07 November, 2012 10:32, Blogger snug.bug said...

Those who are demanding deeper inquiry now number in the hundreds of thousands, including a former member of the first Bush administration, a retired Air Force colonel, a European parliamentarian, families of the victims, highly respected authors, investigative journalists, peace and justice leaders, former Pentagon staff, and the National Green Party.

As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:

An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry.

Given the importance of the coming election, we feel it is imperative that these questions be addressed publicly, honestly, and rigorously so that Americans may exercise their democratic rights with full awareness.

In closing, we pray and hope for the strength to approach this subject with wisdom and compassion so that we may heal from the wounds inflicted on that terrible day.

At 07 November, 2012 10:36, Blogger Len said...


I looked at a few names on the list a few are kooks and/or political extremist, forexmple just from the top of the list: Virginia Deane Abernethy,Keidi Obi Awadu, Saniel Bonder and John Buchanan.

Most of the others have given little other indication since that they are truthers.

Can you name a dozen who a) are NOT kooks//extremists AND b) have given other indications they are truthers?

At 07 November, 2012 10:41, Blogger Len said...

If someone SUPPOSEDLY signed the petition 8 years ago but has given no indication since they question 9/11, it is unlikely they were, let alone still are a 'truther"

In any case the petition was filled with false premises so even if they signed back then they might well have done so due to being misinformed

At 07 November, 2012 11:22, Blogger snug.bug said...

Since a) you obviously have written your own definition of "truther" and b) you will not accept that anyone who signs a petition called "The 9/11 Truth Statement" must be a truther, then it's reasonable to suppose that you will write your own definition of "kooks//extremists" as well, so it's pointless to argue with you.

At 07 November, 2012 15:17, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, your contempt for the family members is noted. Let's just take two of them at random. What exactly makes Adele Welty (mother of Firefighter Timothy Welty, FDNY, Squad 288) and Joan W. Winton (mother of David Winton, WTC, South Tower, 89th floor) lunatics and liars?

And Brian is repeating the same dumbspam again in a desperate attempt to cover up the fact that the truth movement is dead.

Since a) you obviously have written your own definition of "truther" and b) you will not accept that anyone who signs a petition called "The 9/11 Truth Statement" must be a truther, then it's reasonable to suppose that you will write your own definition of "kooks//extremists" as well, so it's pointless to argue with you.

And Brian runs away squealing and crying from Len because he knows that everyone on his list is either not a truther, or is a liar and lunatic.

At 07 November, 2012 15:18, Blogger Ian said...

Hey Brian, I didn't stay up to watch it, but I heard Obama's victory speech contained a promise to answer the widows' questions. Is that true?

At 07 November, 2012 16:45, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yo Pat,

Why do you allow your blog to be used as a vehicle for Brian Good to flog his homosexual obsession for William Rodriguez?

Or is there some symbiotic relationship between SLC and the deranged homosexuals for 9/11 troof milieu?

Just askin'...


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 08 November, 2012 05:30, Blogger Grandmastershek said...

How can a liar be a truther?

The same way a fundamentalist Christian can claim to have the "truth". Throwing words around is no indication of reality. Just like you Brian, you throw around the word "truth" but when it comes down to it you just parade around your own opinions while telling everyone else they are not experts.

At 08 November, 2012 07:03, Blogger snug.bug said...

GMS, that's why I make a distinction between the 9/11 Truth movement and the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory movement. Note that the 9/11 Truth statement cited above leads off "We want answers," not "We have the truth!"

It's a never-ending source of frustration that the truth movement can not stop the theorists--the mini-nukers, the Jews-did-it crowd, the no-planers, the Pentagon fly-over bunch, the phone-call-fakers--from putting out their nonsense, nor can we stop the self-styled "debunkers" from seizing on the most flamboyant of these theories and falsely claiming that they represent the entire truth movement.

At its heart the truth movement is about exposing the 9/11 coverup--getting a full investigation that answers all the questions about the intel failures, NORAD's failures, and the buildings' failures. Goofballs like Ian who point and giggle and lie blatantly are obstructing this honorable enterprise.

I don't throw around the word "truth". I am well-versed in scientific, legal, and vernacular epistemologies. What I find in this site is mostly people who throw around the word "twoof" in the defense of demonstrably incomplete and dishonest reports.

What I parade around here is facts, and also analysis of those facts. An analysis is different from an opinion. Everyone has an opinion, and the right to it. Not all analyses are created equal, and the differences in their level of quality are usually readily apparent.

One need not be an expert to have a correct analysis--a child can point out that the emperor has no clothes. I don't tell people they are not experts. It's obvious that they're not experts, and there's no need to say so. I tell them when their "facts" are mistaken, and I point out flaws in their analyses.

At 08 November, 2012 07:18, Blogger snug.bug said...

Dr. Robert Bowman, Lt. Col. USAF (ret.) put it best IMHO: "The truth about 9/11 is that we don't know the truth about 9/11--and we should!"

Meanwhile you guys let Ian speak for you, squealing "Look at that bunch of silly mini-nukers and Jew-haters! There are no questions! There are no widows! Brian dresses funny! I have a Master's Degree! I'm clever as clever!"

At 08 November, 2012 13:32, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"Why were standard operating procedures for dealing with hijacked airliners not followed that day?"

They were.

"Why were the extensive missile batteries and air defenses reportedly deployed around the Pentagon not activated during the attack?"

There weren't any to activate.

"Why did the Secret Service allow Bush to complete his elementary school visit, apparently unconcerned about his safety or that of the schoolchildren?"

The President wasn't under obvious threat. The attacks were in NYC, some distance away from Florida.

"Why hasn't a single person been fired, penalized, or reprimanded for the gross incompetence we witnessed that day?"

They all passed boards of enquiry, or review.

"Why haven't authorities in the U.S. and abroad published the results of multiple investigations into trading that strongly suggested foreknowledge of specific details of the 9/11 attacks, resulting in tens of millions of dollars of traceable gains?"

They did. Found nothing.

" Why has Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who claims to have knowledge of advance warnings, been publicly silenced with a gag order requested by Attorney General Ashcroft and granted by a Bush-appointed judge?"

She has an axe to grind. To casual with classified information.

"How could Flight 77, which reportedly hit the Pentagon, have flown back towards Washington D.C. for 40 minutes without being detected by the FAA's radar or the even superior radar possessed by the US military?"

This "Superior Radar" points out from CONUS, not inward.

" How were the FBI and CIA able to release the names and photos of the alleged hijackers within hours, as well as to visit houses, restaurants, and flight schools they were known to frequent?"

"Cuz they ran the names on the passenger manifests, and found (to their horror) that those sneaky AQ guys used their own names to buy tickets. Worse, they were guys the FBI should have been following but didn't. No secret.

"What happened to the over 20 documented warnings given our government by 14 foreign intelligence agencies or heads of state?"

They were given their due diligence like the hundreds of other credible threats the US recieves from those sources every year. Plus the DoD closed off every military installation in the US, and added new security fencing.

" Why did the Bush administration cover up the fact that the head of the Pakistani intelligence agency was in Washington the week of 9/11 and reportedly had $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta, considered the ringleader of the hijackers?"

Rumor, never substantiated.

"Why did the 911 Commission fail to address most of the questions posed by the families of the victims, in addition to almost all of the questions posed here?"

Other than the reason that they are stupid? Who cares?

" Why was Philip Zelikow chosen to be the Executive Director of the ostensibly independent 911 Commission although he had co-authored a book with Condoleezza Rice? "

Because he was the best, most qualified person available .

At 08 November, 2012 15:17, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

-"Other than the reason that they are stupid? Who cares?"

-"Because he was the best, most qualified person available."

-"Rumor, never substantiated."

-""Superior Radar" points out from CONUS, not inward."

There you have it, folks. Peccary Fuckface's "sourced research" providing some of the best answers the pretendebunkers can provide. If THOSE aren't good enough reasons to believe the official story, there's nothing Pat can do to help you.

At 08 November, 2012 16:00, Blogger Len said...


Trying to discuss things with you rationally is a waste of time. If there are no other indications that someone is a truther than their supposed signing of that petition it is more than probable:

a) they didn't really sign

b) they signed under false pretense (sorta like the Kennebunkport Warning)


c) they only briefly dallied with trutherism.

"B" is essentially a given because of all the false premises in the petition satement.

At 08 November, 2012 16:23, Blogger Pat said...

" How were the FBI and CIA able to release the names and photos of the alleged hijackers within hours, as well as to visit houses, restaurants, and flight schools they were known to frequent?"

Actually they only had the names quickly (from the flight manifests). The photos took a couple weeks; hence the confusion over the names reported by the BBC in that famous article the "Truthers" like to cite.


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