Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Photoshop Follies

It appears that 9/11 "whistleblower" Lauro Chavez has now martyred himself and been fired. He doesn't say exactly what for, but based off of this thread on JREF, it may be for faking his DD-214. I was reluctant to latch on to this theory too quickly, but after looking at various examples on the thread, it appears to be a very solid hypothesis.

It also explains a lot of questions. For example, I was wondering why he has the Special Forces Qualification Course listed as "14 weeks", since the course is not 14 weeks long. Well, it seems it became 14 weeks long because those were the numbers that he had available. To demonstrate, here is the 4 weeks, from his entry for his PLDC (click to zoom).

And here is the entry for the 14 weeks for his Special Forces Q Course.

Notice that the "4WKS" is identical in both examples, to the pixel. Also note that the 1, in "14" is the same one as in 1997, and both 1997's are also identical to the pixel, even though the 9's in each one are completely distinct from each other. You can also see that the 1 in "14" overwrites both the forward slash and the "4" in a completely square manner, as if it has been cut and paste.

So where did he get the "Special Forces Qualification Course" that followed this, then?

Well, here is the "Q" in qualification.

And here is the HQ CENTCOM from the top.

Notice the missing line over the "Q CE" which also carries over identically to the other "Q", like someone missed something cutting and pasting.

If you go through you can match up all the letters in the Special Forces claim from somewhere else, take a look at the document, or the JREF thread for more examples.

Update: An even better example, which proves this is a fake beyond a shadow of a doubt (thanks once again to the guys at the JREF forum).

If you look, the "Y" in analyst from block 11 just doesn't seem right.

Well, that is because this font is a serif font, it has those little tails, but the "Y" is missing those, compare it with the ARMY from block 2.

Now you see the tails and the base. So where did this san serif font come from for a single letter? Well, that is in the part of the document which is filled in, the part of the document which is pre-set is in a different font, for example here is the word "ENTRY" from block 7b.

He copied that letter from a completely different font. Geez, has anyone seen Dan Rather lately?


At 27 September, 2006 18:48, Blogger James B. said...

No, but I am sure you guys will make it into one.

Karl Rove and the Jews are behind it! Chavez is a crypto Jew name, everyone knows that!

At 27 September, 2006 19:03, Blogger Tony B said...

Why do people still think they can get away with this stuff? How many of these photoshop warriors have to get busted before they realize it's not going to work?

At 27 September, 2006 19:12, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

is this a conspiracy theory, perhaps, but unlike all the 9/11 "truth" conspiracy theories, this one has solid physical evidence to back it up...


At 27 September, 2006 19:36, Blogger Unknown said...

My feedback is you should stay on topic. Yes I know that feeling in your gut hurts but accept the fact that the truthers got a serious blow with this Chavez guy.

At 27 September, 2006 19:55, Blogger James B. said...

lol I could care less about Chavez ...

Then why are you posting in the commants on a post about about him? You do realize that this is a blog, right? Not a forum. Pat and I get to post subjects that we are interested in and others are invited to comment on them. They can even post arguments contrary to our opinions if they like.

However, if you wish to start conversations on topics which are completely unrelated, then please go over to the Loose Change Forum, or the many other forums which discuss these issues and go crazy starting your own threads.

At 27 September, 2006 20:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd noticed the cut and paste job and was writing a post with the EXACT SAME images when I thought to check out SLC. Y'all beat me to the punch by about three hours. Damn you all. Obviously this is a conspiracy of some sort to deny me an extra 10 visitors. I demand an impartial panel investigate Screw Loose Change's use of mind-reading rays to beat me to writing a blog post. I also demand that I be allowed to choose who is on the impartial panel. If you don't agree to my demands you're obviously part of the conspiracy and a tool for the JOOOOOOOOOOOOS!

At 27 September, 2006 21:09, Blogger Triterope said...

Once again we see the 9-11 Denier rotation in action. This blog post is about evidence of tampering in Lauro Chavez's documents, so that means it's time to talk about the Mineta testimony.

At 27 September, 2006 21:33, Blogger James B. said...

Actually SFC, it was the guys at JREF, that is where we get all of our NWO\Illuminati marching orders from.

At 27 September, 2006 21:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9M -

No need for "denier rotation". Five seconds on Google and you can discuss Mineta's testimony to your heart's content in an appropriate thread.

At 27 September, 2006 22:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously the J in JREF stands for JOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!! I'll get to the bottom of this. So help me you will all ocme to rue this day! Rue it you will!

Well, before I go making everyone rue things... how's the NWO/Illuminati dental plan? Any co-pay?

At 28 September, 2006 01:56, Blogger The Reverend Schmitt., FCD. said...

could this be a "conspiracy theory"?

I don't see how Alex Jones and various other high flyers in the 9/11 denial movement falling for an obvious phony really involves a conspiracy. No one's suggesting you guys all secretly made a pact to make yourselves look ridiculous.


At 28 September, 2006 03:35, Blogger Pepik said...


Not only are you off topic, you are asking meaningless questions. Whether or know we have an explanation for every obscure anomaly on 9/11 is not really the issue. If we can't tell you what people were thinking at a particular moment five years ago, therefore what?

Come up with a theory and then tell it to us, we'll see if we can find any reason why it is LESS plausible that the "OT".

At 28 September, 2006 05:46, Blogger Good Lieutenant said...

When you know your story is complete BS, PHOTOSHOP IT!

How honest and truthful, just like the Twoofer movement at large. Way to go.

Where do you CT chumps find these losers? And why do they instantly achieve celebrity status, only to be demolished upon light scrutiny?

At 28 September, 2006 08:08, Blogger James B. said...

Hey, I was just building off of the work of others. My hat is off to all the guys at JREF who figured this out. I am almost embarassed that all the times I looked at this document I never noticed it. Amazingly there are still people at 911 blogger defending him. Those people will believe anything that validates them.

At 28 September, 2006 08:43, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Well lets get his computer system's stats including graphic's card, version number of the scanning software, the scanner program and the scanner that he used to scan the document including any bios updates, paper grade, time and date, get a real discharge document from the same model of typewriter or printer, and then perform a scientific analysis of the document reproduction and post your results. If you don't take such measures, then screwloosers are promoting a 'conspiracy theory'. Because everything else is speculation until the scientific process takes place.

At 28 September, 2006 09:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The simple fact is you have no proof that Chavez altered the document. I mean you were not there when he altered it. ANYONE could have altered and claiming he did it is pure speculation."

Well, Infowars claimed that it was Chavez who provided the 214. And Chavez has posted twice on 911blogger and not once did he say it wasn't his 214, or that someone else had altered his DD214. But maybe it's possible he hasn't looked at the analysis of his own submitted document and doesn't realize the document he submited has been altered by a third party.

Assuming that's true, then who else could have altered it? It's hosted by Infowars so maybe they did? And the alterations to his 214 were done to make his documents match with the claims he made on Alex Jones' show. So, maybe Alex Jones had the DD214 altered to make for a better story. And since Jones claims to have verified Chavez's service record then that would mean he vouched for an altered document.

So, if Chavez didn't do the alterations 911mysteries, wouldn't that mean the alterations were made by either someone @ Infowars or working on behalf of Alex Jones? Whichever the case may be his DD214 has been altered, and the people who'd done the alterations are affiliated with the "truth" movement.

At 28 September, 2006 10:07, Blogger James B. said...

Short of a taped confession from Mr. Chavez I am not sure what more proof from us you could want. There isn't a single claim made by the whole 9/11 "truth" movement that has half as much proof.

At 28 September, 2006 10:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is always the possibility that something is being covered up but it's not what the truthers think. this is the most likely. they could be covering up incompetance. they could be covering up embarresments.

this is likely re prior knowledge of the hijackers.

I agree, it's entirely possible. As long as we're clear that we're talking about incompetance, not collaboration.

That's my biggest problem with the "truth" movement; they're distracting attention from real, constructive inquiry with their conspiracy fantasies.

We should all be debating how best to face the terrorist threat, what we could have done differently, what we couldn't have done differently, etc... Instead we're debating minutiae like whether the secretary of transportation got to the Pentagon at 9:20 or 10:00.

If you've got questions about the administrations competence in protecting us pre-9/11, 9M, let's hear 'em. I have the distinct impression you're out to prove the administrations comlicity in the attacks, though, and there simply isn't any evidence of that.

At 28 September, 2006 12:30, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

There is proof that someone altered his DD214. No, there is no proof he did it, but since he is claiming it is genuine, and we have evidence it is not, he is guilty of lying about the legitimacy of his form.


At 28 September, 2006 14:31, Blogger Unknown said...

Just because they don't interview every whak with an opinion does not mean they are trying to hide something. Why would you interview somebody who is not relivent.

At 28 September, 2006 14:52, Blogger Alex said...

Yes, but why would anyone think that? It takes a certain kind of mindset to see the things you're seing. Like Silversteins "pull it" comment. Only someone who's already decided that 9/11 was organized by the government would even notice that phrase, let alone start thinking of it as something omnious. Ditto for the Mineta testimony.

At 28 September, 2006 17:51, Blogger Triterope said...

This is Leon Mineta. Leon Mineta lives on Endor. That does not make sense. If Leon Mineta does not live on Endor, then 9-11 was an inside job. Look at the monkey. Look at the silly monkey.

At 28 September, 2006 22:25, Blogger Profitsbeard said...


There goes his PenSIoN!

The question is:

Why would he lie?

To serve an even greater Lie?

Thought of as: "The Greatest Truth"?

As they used to say when I served in the Army (no kidding), a true SNAFU.

(In adapted civilian parlance: Sh*thead Nutjob Acts Fundamentally Unsound)


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