Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Loosers Write This Stuff For Us

Here's another bit of humor from one of the Loosers at the Loose Change Forum as an illustration of how hard it is to get us sheep to listen to the brilliance of Dylan Avery and his mob:

[15:52] <1> *** is right, everything is a conspiracy to u
[15:53] <2> do you know the difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy?
[15:53] <1> 1 is true the other hasnt been proved?
[15:53] <2> almost. 1 has basis to be true the other has no facts to give it any credit
[15:53] <2> saying aliens shot JFK would be a conspiracy theory
[15:54] <2> saying the CIA setup oswald as a patsy is a conspiracy
[15:59] <1> i think this is a result of all the years of tokin
[15:59] <2> no its a result of learning how the world really works
[16:00] <1> toking and x-files
[16:00] <2> oh **** off


At 06 June, 2006 21:53, Blogger shawn said...

Hell, the CIA isn't even a likely suspect for a JFK conspiracy theory. The mob has the only evidence (however flimsy) against them for the assassination.

At 06 June, 2006 21:54, Blogger shawn said...

hahahah 1 is a riot

"toking and x-files"

Too true.

At 06 June, 2006 22:02, Blogger Unknown said...

Conspiracy and Closed Minds on 9/11

At 06 June, 2006 22:10, Blogger Unknown said...

Niger documents were part of a campaign to deliberately mislead the American public

At 07 June, 2006 05:15, Blogger Unknown said...

FBI says, “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

At 07 June, 2006 06:36, Blogger Pat said...

Baiken, the official time for the fall of WTC 7 is given by seismograph at 18 seconds, while the towers are given at 8 and 10 seconds respectively. Now I happen to believe that the times on the towers are wrong, but if the free fall time for the towers was about 9.2 seconds, then how can 18 seconds be free fall for a 47-story building?

At 07 June, 2006 08:08, Blogger shawn said...

Baiken, first off it looked nothing like a controlled demolition. And even if it did, you need to document the planting of explosives and how they survived a raging inferno.

At 07 June, 2006 08:12, Blogger shawn said...

I'm also finding it increasingly difficult to support our troops as they continue to cross the line from soldier to cold-blooded murderer every day.

ONE unproven massacre and America's the bad guy? You are absolutely, without a doubt, retarded. Our forces have fought this war with one arm tied behind their back. It's surprising that there haven't been more reports of this kind of horror. After WW2 our guys did things that would've made the media nowadays salivate over a good story. It doesn't change the fact they stopped the Nazis.

You are an idiot. One group changes the fact that 99.99 percent of our troops aren't cold-blooded murderers? Think before posting next time.

At 07 June, 2006 09:17, Blogger Jujigatami said...

There are some (extremely) intelligent people who don't believe the official story. I like to think I'm one of them.

Sorry to be the one to break the news to you, but if in fact they exist, which certainly hasn't been shown, you're not "one of them".

At 07 June, 2006 09:36, Blogger Chad said...

There are some (extremely) intelligent people who don't believe the official story.

Wasn't there that guy who sat in the bathtub and tested water that was used in the steel that was mixed with explosives that built the towers that felled the towers?

He's pretty smart. 'Til he got fired anyway.

At 07 June, 2006 09:49, Blogger Chad said...

Entro, you use the phrase misguided "war on terror".

Could you elaborate on that? I'm curious to know if you think that the current efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq are misguided (which one could possibly argue), or if you feel that there's no reason to be fighting at all in the first place because there is no threat (which is what I gathered from your use of quotes around "war on terror".)

At 07 June, 2006 09:49, Blogger Chad said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 07 June, 2006 10:37, Blogger Chad said...

Entro, I can respectfully disagree with your reasoning behind the WOT. You're correct that Iraq never asked for our help, and even I will concede the point that it's interesting that their freedom and liberation was always the main goal, but that only came up after no WMDs were found.

I disagree however that just because they didn't ask for it, doesn't mean that what we're trying to accomplish there isn't noble and worthwhile. The large majority of Iraqis are embracing their newfound freedom and democracy and the insurgency there knows what that means for them. That's why they continue to put up such a tenacious fight.

It's my opinion that a stable democracy must be set up over there to help combat the spread of radical Islamic terrorism.

At 07 June, 2006 17:45, Blogger James B. said...

A scholar is a scholar is a scholar. These people are intelligent enough to posit theories outside of their particular discipline. These are smart people, there is no disputing that.

These people post theories that the Srebrenica massacre never happened and the military is testing anti-matter weapons on Jupiter. Education does not guarantee intelligence.

And if it doesn't matter what you study, then why don't you hire a philosophy professor to build you a skyscraper, or a theologian to perform a heart transplant?

At 07 June, 2006 17:55, Blogger shawn said...

I usually don't resort to the caps lock button, but this stupidity warrants it.


At 07 June, 2006 17:55, Blogger shawn said...

Education does not guarantee intelligence.

Too true.

At 08 June, 2006 00:38, Blogger underattack86 said...

It's nice to see that the freedom of speech is alive and well in America. That was, of-course, sarcasm. You're acting like a bunch of immature children with personal attacks and nit-picking arguements. I came here looking for counter-points to one of the most terrifying movies ever made, I leave dissapointed... albeit not really suprised.

At 08 June, 2006 03:46, Blogger shawn said...

You're acting like a bunch of immature children with personal attacks and nit-picking arguements. I came here looking for counter-points to one of the most terrifying movies ever made, I leave dissapointed... albeit not really suprised.

Translation: logical discourse and rational thinking are not my strong suits.

At 08 June, 2006 05:36, Blogger Alex said...

"It's nice to see that the freedom of speech is alive and well in America. That was, of-course, sarcasm."

What an idiot.

Let me explain this to you buddy, because it's obvious you'll never figure it out on your own. Freedom of speech means you have the right to say whatever you want, without persecution. It also means we have the right to call you a fucking moron.

At 08 June, 2006 06:16, Blogger Alex said...

"Iraq didn't attack us. Not even the administration is denying that. So chill."

That's irrelevant. In WW2 germany didn't attack us either, but when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, the US went after them, AND the Germans.

Similarily, Iraq is a convinient staging ground for the war on terrorism. It gave the US the chance to correct an earlier mistake, provided the opportunity to make an ally in the Middle East, and created the opportunity to engage terrorists outside the US borders. It also eliminated a source of funding for terrorist organizations, in addition to forcing them to use up their resources fighting US soldiers instead of attacking US civilians.

At 08 June, 2006 17:32, Blogger shawn said...

Iraq didn't attack us. Not even the administration is denying that. So chill.

Then you say "the war on Iraq is misguided".

Learn English.

At 09 June, 2006 08:40, Blogger James B. said...

Actually in WWII, having been attacked by Japan, the first place we launched a major counterattack was French occupied Morocco.

France never attacked us. FDR lied, people died!

At 09 June, 2006 14:43, Blogger Alex said...

Ah, yes, you're right James.

Ofcourse, that's perfectly synonymous with modern events. See, the Bush administration was so stupid that, while wanting to invade and occupy iraq, they got Saudi guys to attack the US. Just like FDR, while wanting to attack the French and occupy Morocco, got the Japanese to attack the US.

It just goes to show that no US administration has ever been able to read a map.

Pass me the tinfoil, I'm joining the brigade!


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