Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Debunking Controlled Demoltion

One of the complaints that the 9-11 Deniers raise about the NIST report on the collapse of the WTC Towers and WTC7 is that the possibility of controlled demolition was not examined. So Brent Blanchard of Implosion World decided to rectify that with a paper that demolishes the CD theory..

Much of it is material that we've gone over before. For example, that controlled demolition starts from the bottom, that the buildings did not collapse neatly into their own footprint, that the much-remarked "squibs" actually show compressed air being forced out of the building by the collapse, not by explosives. I did find this part interesting:

One primary difference between these two collapses and a typical building implosion was that the initianl failures occurred very high up on the structures, which lead to an extended-duration "pancake" effect down to the ground. With the weight and mass of the upper sections forcing the floor trusses below rapidly downward, there was no way for outer perimeter walls to fall in, so they had to fall out. A review of all photographic images clearly show about 95% of falling debris being forced away from the footprint of the structure creating a giant "mushroon" effect around its perimeter.

Lots of good solid information from experts in the CD industry.

Thanks to Default.xbe for pointing this out.


At 09 August, 2006 11:44, Blogger shawn said...

I wonder what Killtown would say to the part about "pull it".

At 09 August, 2006 12:05, Blogger Manny said...

Hahahahahaha! I wanna buy this guy a beer for the Alex/Steven/Chuck Jones line at the end. An expensive beer.

That said, I think he could have expanded a bit on the thermite ridiculousness (such as saying it would have the same installation problems as the "conventional" explosives above and opining on the reasons it's not used in real controlled demolitions.

At 09 August, 2006 12:10, Blogger Manny said...

Aw, crap. That last bit, meant as constructive, reads a lot more surly than I meant it.

Mr. Blanchard, you are a hero for the truth. I salute your efforts to maintain the honor of those whom the 9-11 deniers have slandered and I thank you for lending your time and expertise to this issue.

At 09 August, 2006 12:19, Blogger shawn said...

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At 09 August, 2006 12:22, Blogger shawn said...

Thirty percent of Americans can't remember what year 9/11 happened

At 09 August, 2006 12:25, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

A friend, and Truther has pointed out that there is video of a cloud of smoke and/or dust at the bottom of the building just prior to the tower colapsing...any thoughts, or have any of you seen this...

At 09 August, 2006 12:26, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Thomas...go to My latest post goes into the whole "Gold" least from a plausibility pov (i'll let you isnt plausible)

At 09 August, 2006 12:35, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Killtown is nothing. What was that guy's name over on JREF who claimed THEY(tm) put C4 into the concrete when the towers were constructed so that THEY(tm) could blow them up at a 'scheduled' event (which, according to him, was Sep 11, 2001), and the airplanes where just patsies?


At 09 August, 2006 14:30, Blogger toby said...

A friend, and Truther has pointed out that there is video of a cloud of smoke and/or dust at the bottom of the building just prior to the tower colapsing...any thoughts, or have any of you seen this...

Might be from 9/11 In Plane Site by some guy in a cardigan. In that video, a cloud of smoke at the bottom of the building is claimed to be from before the collapse but it's been shown that the footage he's showing is actually during the first tower's collapse, which you can't see in this particular camera angle.

At 09 August, 2006 18:58, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

$160 Billion/$260 (perounce)

= 615,384,615 troy ounces
= 43,956,043 pounds

using trucks with a 10 Tonne (20,000 pounds) max load, it would take 2198 trucks full to carry it away.

At 09 August, 2006 19:01, Blogger shawn said...

using trucks with a 10 Tonne (20,000 pounds) max load, it would take 2198 trucks full to carry it away.

It would take fully loaded space cruisers (that are identical to DC-8s) 19,300,000,000 trips to transport 13,528,000,000,000 aliens to Earth, but Xenu did it.

At 09 August, 2006 19:37, Blogger Pat said...

Bogglehead, I've seen that. The cloud of dust is interesting, but I'm a little suspicious of the claims of explosions being heard on the other side of the Hudson where nobody nearby the WTC heard them. Seems more likely that's wind on the mike.

Siegel's something of a nut, and whoever did the science on that movie is out to lunch as well. Still amazing historical footage, marred by everything added after 9-11.

At 09 August, 2006 20:07, Blogger shawn said...

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At 09 August, 2006 20:07, Blogger shawn said...

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At 09 August, 2006 20:21, Blogger shawn said...

I especially loved the Chef returns episode where they had the Super Adventure Club (a group who went around the world molesting children) who had brainwashed Chef, and were obviously a stand-in for Scientologists.

As they showed the explanation of their belief structure (that molesting children released special energy that made them immortal) it kept flashing "THIS IS WHAT THE SUPER ADVENTURE CLUB ACTUALLY BELIEVES".

At 10 August, 2006 07:32, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

I think Boggle is quite reasonable, when not dealing specifically with 9/11, and I think even on that topic he can at times, be swayed, with proper evidence...

At 31 January, 2008 20:52, Blogger USGDirectorCom said...

I read Mr. Blanchard's report. I do appreciate his opinions. This is a very puzzling thing for experts in the demolition business. HOWEVER, it is equally puzzling to anyone who understands gravity and the laws of physics. There is absolutely no way that a building can pancake collapse at free fall speeds. I wish Mr. Blanchard would have addressed free fall speed and how it happens in a pancake collapse.

At 31 January, 2008 20:53, Blogger USGDirectorCom said...

I read Mr. Blanchard's report. I do appreciate his opinions. This is a very puzzling thing for experts in the demolition business. HOWEVER, it is equally puzzling to anyone who understands gravity and the laws of physics. There is absolutely no way that a building can pancake collapse at free fall speeds. I wish Mr. Blanchard would have addressed free fall speed and how it happens in a pancake collapse.


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