Friday, August 25, 2006

Loose Change or Divorce

I am honestly not sure what to say to this. Hat tip Class on the JREF forum.

With that all said, I wondering if I shouldn't just go ahead and say to my wife "Okay look, you're either going to watch Loose Change or I file for divorce." What do you think? I mean hell, I don't push my opinions on people, but I would think I could at least get my own damn wife to watch the show, eh?


At 25 August, 2006 18:45, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

The marriage was likely doomed before "Loose Change". Any marriage that would "hinge" on such a thing is flawed. I suspect the flaw is in the LCer. If he truely loved his wife, her watching LC would not matter.

Ask yourself the question...would your marriage depend on your spouses opinion on one single topic, even one as important as 9/11...

At 25 August, 2006 20:29, Blogger nes718 said...

There was a 50% chance it would end in divorce even without loose change. That's the divorce rate correct? You guys are really grasping here...

At 25 August, 2006 20:56, Blogger Chad said...

There's nothing to grasp at Nessie.

The dude appears to be seriously contemplating divorcing his wife because she won't watch Loose Change.

I could give to poops either way what he does, but c'mon.... You have to admit that's pretty sad.

At 25 August, 2006 21:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Nessie just get a fact right?!!? I mean a real life fact coming from Nessie? The end times are near....

At 26 August, 2006 06:39, Blogger shawn said...

You guys are really grasping here...

From the guy whose understanding of history comes from the gaps in history.

It was why he was divorcing his wife, not if there was a chance it'd happen.

At 26 August, 2006 07:18, Blogger Ã˜yvind said...

"Ask yourself the question...would your marriage depend on your spouses opinion on one single topic, even one as important as 9/11..."



At 26 August, 2006 08:25, Blogger Alex said...

"Ask yourself the question...would your marriage depend on your spouses opinion on one single topic, even one as important as 9/11..."

Really, it should be his wife leaving him and not the other way around. I would absolutely get rid of a spouse who one day came home and attempted to "enlighten" me about how the government executed 3,000 innocent civilians. Not only because of the calousness and presumptuousness required for him/her to attempt something like that, but also because of the lack of critical thinking skills that such an argument displays. Personaly I'd never want to be married to someone so ignorant in the first place and, if I found myself in such a situation, would consider it a massive failiure on my part.

So yes, a relationship certainly could depend on "where they stand on any one issue", although I suppose it would be more because of what it (in this case) says about their personality and intelect than because of the issue itself.

At 26 August, 2006 10:32, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Well, I can now see why 50% of marriage ends in Divorce...

Marriage is about compromise. It is about accepting that neither you or your partner are perfect, but that you share enough in common to care for one another, and create a family together.

The idealistic vision of marriage and, the subsequent failure of it to live up to said image, is IMO a major factors in Divorce.

Yes, 9/11 is an important issue, but even if my wife was a CTer, it would not destroy our marriage, as both she and I would leave the topic alone, and just move on, before we would let it destroy what we cherish, and took so much time and love to build.

At 26 August, 2006 11:16, Blogger shawn said...

Has nothing to do with the fact that alot of people died for no reason.

The Islamists would argue they died for the highest reason - to please the Creator.

At 26 August, 2006 13:00, Blogger shawn said...

Wont work God says to love everybody not to murder people for any reason.

Check out the Koran sometime. He doesn't say that in there,

Operation northwoods?

Nobody was gonna die. Pwnt.

At 26 August, 2006 13:18, Blogger Alex said...

Funny, a devoutly religious fool who names himself names himself after outlaw samurai. These people really don't seem to grasp the concept of irony.

At 26 August, 2006 14:00, Blogger shawn said...

hell, read the old testament sometime, god had the hebrews killing all sorts of nonbelievers

Yeah the Hittites and such.

At 27 August, 2006 11:04, Blogger Alex said...

A Ronin is by deffinition an outlaw. A Samurai who answers to no master. A Law breaker, a thief, and generaly a murderer. Ronin were responsible for thousands of deaths, few of which had any honour or moral purpose behind them. So yeah, you claiming to be religious and then nameing yourself after them IS ironic. It's also suitable because it's quite clear that you're clueless when it comes to life in general, and the human condition in particular. Through your chosen monicker you glorify a way of life which was responsible for theft, rape, murder, and destruction. At the same time you claim that the president and government of one of the most benevoilent nations in existance are actually mass murderers who killed off 3,000 of their own civilians. It doesn't surprise me that you don't see the irnoy inherent in your behaviour since it's quite obvious that you have the intelect of a mildly retarded lemur; I on the other hand certainly CAN appreciate it, and was pointing it out for the benefit of other visitors whose IQ breaks double digits. Now, please, fuck off. At least non-sync can phrase his arguments so that, even though totaly gormless, they're at least readable. You can't even manage that much.


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