Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The "Scholars": Greatest Hits

We have been getting a lot of incoming links on this subject, and some questions in the comments, so for your convenience I decided to post links to some of the top stories on the "Scholars" and Bob Bowman in particular.

The "Scholars"

My original post on this subject, Who are the "Scholars" for 9/11 "Truth", where I broke them down by discipline.

Pat's post on the recent "Scholar" Schism.

My follow-up on their roster post-schism.

Bob Bowman

My first post on Bob Bowman, I get a little annoyed when I discover that his campaign website suggest that the Srebrenica massacre never happened.

Pat's post on Bob Bowman, and his rather dishonest appearance on Hannity and Colmes. But at least he has a really cool hat!

A post on my infrequently updated personal blog, the Chief Brief on Bowman's economics. Not as entertaining admittedly, but if you read his website, his economic theories are almost more bizarre than his 9/11 ones.

A good post on the Lippard Blog covering some of the "Scholars" with some good info on Bowman. The auther makes a good case that he is inflating his resume.

He does in fact appear to be a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force, and he does appear to have a PhD from Caltech, which are admittedly impressive. His claims to being "President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, Executive Vice President of Millennium III Corporation" seem to be exaggerated though, as these seem to be hollow organizations, with no other existence but on his web page.

Update: A commenter points out that I got the wrong Bowman at CalTech. The Bowman in question is Robert M. Bowman, not the Robert C. Bowman I pointed to. My apologies. The only reference I can find to Robert M. Bowman, is a footnote referencing a doctoral thesis from 1966.

Bowman, apparently responding to people questioning his background, has posted several documents on his campaign website, including his DD-214. I am not familiar with Air Force terminology, but it looks legit. It doesn't fall to Dan Rather standards at least. The one oddity I did notice was the "two Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards with V for Valor" on his biography. I have never heard of a "V" device attached to unit award, and it doesn't say that on his DD-214. It is reminiscent of John Kerry's "Silver Star with a 'V' device."


At 07 September, 2006 05:11, Blogger shawn said...

Ummmm ok.

At 07 September, 2006 06:16, Blogger Alex said...

Love the scare quotes JP. Ofcourse, 7,000 deaths isn't a massacre, it's a "massacre".

Listen, I'm a fucking Serb by birth, and if we can admit to what happened, the least the rest of you commie bastards can do is stop trying to cover for us. I know the Serbs and the Ruskies got a lot of that "stick together" mentality but it's getting rather silly now.

At 07 September, 2006 15:12, Blogger shawn said...

Ofcourse, 7,000 deaths isn't a massacre, it's a "massacre".

I thought it was 8,000.

But jp has Chomsky on his side, he thinks it was soooo not a massacre, too.

At 07 September, 2006 15:30, Blogger Art Deco said...

The colonel styles himself as "Robert M. Bowman" and appears to have been a resident of Florida since about 1983. The gentleman listed as a grant recipient on the Caltech pages is a "Robert C. Bowman" and is identified as a member of the technical staff of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory during the period in question (1994-98). I believe the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is in California.

Robert M. Bowman's resume omits a date for his terminal degree and the names of the colleges at which he putatively taught and the conferences which he putatively chaired, not to mention the dates of these appointments and events.
And does not claim to have worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

At 07 September, 2006 17:56, Blogger James B. said...

Good catch, I mistakenly got the wrong guy. I'll look into this further and update the post.

At 08 September, 2006 10:13, Blogger Art Deco said...

Shut my mouth. Caltech did award a PhD. in aerospace engineering to a Robert Marcus Bowman in 1966. The title of the dissertation was "Investigation of Shock Front Topography in Shock Tubes".

At 08 September, 2006 10:57, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

In regards to Bowman

1. Fallacy 1-complex question. By linking two unrealted points of Bowman's to try to discredit him. Economics and 9/11. So you are stating we should ignore Bowman because of his economics rather than his own information? Nice try. Have you tried to discredit other veterans of the armed forces?
We should ignore this post of course because of your fallacy.

At 08 September, 2006 13:22, Blogger Alex said...

So you are stating we should ignore Bowman because of his economics rather than his own information?

You're pretty dense, aren't you? I mean, nowhere approaching Nazinyc's density, but both of you could put a neutron star to shame.

No, we're not saying anything about his economics. We tend to ignore him because he buys into the Srebrenica conspiracy theory, and because he seems to be inflating his resume. Not enough info on him but I'm willing to bet he also buys into all sorts of other CT's. In other words - another kook. If I were to meet a person who believed 9/11 was suspicious, but didn't buy into any of the other insane conspiracies, I'd definitely give him/her the time of day. I'd be more than happy to have a rational discussion. However, when someone demands that I act rational, while at the same time spouting off about how the moon landing was faked, the US caused Pearl Harbour, the Tsunami was started by the CIA, and NASA is bombing Jupiter with anti-matter bombs....well, let's just say I'm quite a bit less inclined to listen to someone like that, or to behave rationally while talking to them.

At 08 September, 2006 16:04, Blogger Art Deco said...

I see the specs on his degree from Caltech are in the pdf files on his webpage (in addition to being listed in Dissertation Abstracts International.

What is curious about this fellow is that he appears to have been a remarkable dynamo up until he was about 48 years old. After that, he appears to have been on some sort of speaking circuit for six or seven years. After that, can't figure. The "Institute for Space and Security Studies" has produced very little over the years (a pair of videotapes, a self-published book written by Dr. Bowman, and a newsletter a few copies of which have found their way into an academic library or two). It has had three addresses over the years with street names characteristic of residential neighborhoods.


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