Monday, January 08, 2007

In Answer to Dylan

Over at the Looser Forum, Dylan prints a letter:

Dear Mr. Avery,
Thank you for all the research you have done on 9/11 and for creating Loose Change.
My sister Leslie Whittington, brother-in-law Charles Falkenberg and nieces Zoe and Dana Falkenberg were passengers on AA 77.
I've never believed the government version of lies by ommission and lies by deception to explain the events of that horrific day.
I've enclosed information you might find interesting and also a letter of introduction to [redacted] of [redacted] Public Policy Institute. Leslie was a Professor of Economics; [redacted] was her [redacted]
At this time I cannot help you beyond that, for I still greatly fear our vindictive government.
Please strongly consider enhancing your objectivity by eliminating any "bush bashing" in
your final edition. This is a government issue, not a political one.
Thank you again.

Dylan appends his thoughts:

Naturally, you have to take my word for this, but I can post screenshots of it if you'd like.

I find it interesting when a 9/11 family member questions our motives or information, SLC and Mark Roberts IMMEDIATELY jump on it and post it everywhere, making YouTube videos about it. When a 9/11 family member questions the official story, those mentioned above are eerily silent.

This is just one of the hundreds of letters I've gotten, and frankly, at this point, I don't give a shit what Mark Roberts or SLC or JREF or anyone else thinks. These people are screaming for a new investigation, and you all laugh and call them "troofers".

Pathetic. All of you.

Okay, so here's a post on the letter from Leslie Whittington's sister. I don't get quite what's going on with her; she buys the 9-11 CT in Loose Change but doesn't want any Bush-bashing in the Final Cut?

That there are family members and friends of 9-11 victims who have become "Truthers" does not surprise me, nor should it surprise Dylan. They are just as mistaken as the rest of the 9-11 Denial movement. They can be forgiven having greater passion for it as evidenced in the 9-11 Press For Truth movie. But at some point somebody has to point out that there is never going to be an investigation that satisfies everybody related to one of the victims of the terrorists, and it's absurd to expect one. If we indicted every single member of the Bush Administration, there'd apparently be some like Ms Whittington's sister, who'd complain.


At 08 January, 2007 18:07, Blogger Cl1mh4224rd said...

Leslie Whittington's sister wrote: "At this time I cannot help you beyond that, for I still greatly fear our vindictive government."

Vindictive? They sure have a very odd way of showing it, what with their aggressive campaigns of doing nothing.

At 08 January, 2007 19:26, Blogger Manny said...

Only a moron like Dylan would proudly post a compliment from a family member of a victim who died in a plane crash that he claims didn't happen!

Given an opportunity, I'd like to see Do-over answer, in Ms. Whittington's sibling's (it's not clear to me that this is a sister rather than a brother) presence, whether he continues to allege that Ms. Whittington's drivers license was planted at the Pentagon. I wonder if she or he is aware that he believes that?

At 08 January, 2007 19:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary Bauer Sees AA Flight 77 Hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001

At 08 January, 2007 21:23, Blogger shawn said...

Dylan doesn't seem to understand that this letter doesn't make his video somehow factual.

At 09 January, 2007 05:41, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

The letter simply adds credence to the 9/11 Truth Community. There are still so many questions that have yet to be answered it is no wonder she wrote the letter in the first place. Kind of makes it insensitive to attack her character and to call her a moonbat, tin hatter, troofer, moron, idiot, retard, douchebag, etc. when she is a victim.

Have any victims sent letters to the mods at JREF, Mark Roberts, or for that matter, SLC, encouraging them to keep fighting the CT crowd and for supporting the governments version of events? Nahh didn't think so or we would have seen it everywhere.

I guess you could question the vindictive nature of the goverment if you knew her entire life's background. I'm sure she has reasons for making such a statement, be it personal, historical, social, or political.

At 09 January, 2007 06:43, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

One victim who believes these theories does not represent the majority.

I totally agree with you Mark. Will you be posting any of those 100s of emails and letters to support your statement?

Did any of the letters you received from victims accept compensation from the government?

At 09 January, 2007 06:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can dylan talk about eerie silences? didn't you see him on Hardfire?

At 09 January, 2007 06:59, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Can you link me to those scans, Markyx? Thanks!

At 09 January, 2007 07:28, Blogger Simon Lazarus said...

Can anyone substantiate that the letter writer is actually a 9/11 family member?

Truth be told, I don't trust Asshat Dylan with this kind of stuff. When he starts redacting details that can identify who this is, I worry he is just leaving out info which would nail him as a liar.

At 09 January, 2007 07:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great day... my first post at White House replaces Miers with trusted liar, Fred Fielding (9/11 Commission Member), as White House Counsel

At 09 January, 2007 07:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have any victims sent letters to the mods at JREF, Mark Roberts, or for that matter, SLC, encouraging them to keep fighting the CT crowd and for supporting the governments version of events? Nahh didn't think so or we would have seen it everywhere.

Get up off your lazy ass and go to Ground Zero on the next anniversary. You'll see plenty of family members, fire-fighters, and survivors thanking the likes of Mark Roberts in person.

At 09 January, 2007 12:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick general note:

Earlier today, when I was having trouble getting connected to this blog and getting access to comments, the thought crossed my mind that Pat or James, or Google had finally decided my days with freedom to comment here had ended.

Since no such restriction seems to be applied, I wanted to take a second and say what I'd like to say if I knew I had one last post available, as follows:

I am aware to a small degree of awareness, and I can speculate intelligently that I have enormous respect for the intelligence, values, and good works of most people who post here. Of course I don't enjoy the fact that many of you have not respect for me, or my thoughts on 9/11.

I've tried not to take my words to the level of personal verbal assault toward anyone. If I've missed the mark of communicating an honest alternative viewpoint, I admit that I've failed at meeting my intended purpose.

At 09 January, 2007 13:21, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Did any of the letters you received from victims accept compensation from the government?

Die of oral cancer, SD.

At 09 January, 2007 13:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You certainly were beging talked about a good bit on the Alex J. show today. Wasn't listening when you called in..

At 09 January, 2007 14:24, Blogger Alex said...

Did any of the letters you received from victims accept compensation from the government?

What a despicable scumbag. You and Dylan would make a cute couple.

At 09 January, 2007 14:39, Blogger Pat said...

BG, I have no intention of banning you from commenting.

Blogger was buggered for several hours today, nothing to do with us, everything to do with the service.

James and I are considering going to Haloscan to make it easier to weed out the spam/attack comments.

At 09 January, 2007 15:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How often are you attacked? I love SLC blog, its one of my favorite websites to visit.

At 09 January, 2007 16:22, Blogger shawn said...

Did any of the letters you received from victims accept compensation from the government?

You are a sick fool.

At 09 January, 2007 18:57, Blogger Cl1mh4224rd said...

Swing Dangler wrote: "The letter simply adds credence to the 9/11 Truth Community."

How so? How does being related to one of the victims give that person greater insight into the events of 9/11?

This alleged credence you believe the letter lends is of a purely emotional nature, not factual.

I can empathize with the loss of a loved one, but won't for a second surrender rational thought in the face of such emotion.

At 09 January, 2007 19:16, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus this is fascinating.

You know, they completely avoid talking to me or letting me finish my thoughts on 9/9 because I'm "not (Bermas's) target audience." But then they beg for callers that disagree.

Dylan says that people will talk online and not to his face. But when I show up, he doesn't speak with me, but instead has a camera follow me. And then complains about me on another video.

Jesus H. Christ, these people should be begging for those that disagree with them for dialogue. True dialogue. But we're the enemy. Nice.

At 09 January, 2007 19:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think the following movie and website needs to be debunked. We need to get on this!

The movie "9/11: Press for Truth" should be debunked.

View the trailer for the movie at the following website:

( Running Time: 2 min. 13 sec.)

Watch the entire film at Google Video:

( Running Time: 1 hr. 24 min. 21 sec. )

The Complete 9/11 Timeline at the Center for Cooperative Research website needs to be debunked as well:

Complete 9/11 Timeline:

Patriots Question 9/11 website needs to be dubunked as well:


At 09 January, 2007 19:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hows about you people try making points instead of just viral marketing?

At 09 January, 2007 21:38, Blogger Alex said...

That's not even viral marketing, it's just plain old-fashioned spam.

At 10 January, 2007 08:25, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Mark Iradian Hmmm 12 letters all anyonmous and none from victims. This lazy fuck thinks your pretty much full of shit. I suspect those were the 'best' you 'receieved' considering you made them public.

Did all of the authors request to be anonyomous or was that your decision?
If they did, did they explain why?

I've also received emails from fire fighters, first responders, and even some in the military thanking me for my work.
But you didn't post any of them which lends you the most credence. Why is that?

I even had a few of the victims and firefighters phone my house, thanking me. One fire fighter, who I will not name so he will not be embrassed, actually sang the Canadian National Anthem over the phone as a way of saying "thanks"
Sure sure. We believe you.

At 18 March, 2007 04:43, Blogger Unknown said...

"Only a moron like Dylan would proudly post a compliment from a family member of a victim who died in a plane crash that he claims didn't happen!"
Manny! The only moron is you. There was now mention of AA77 crashing you twit.
Get your facts right before you post.
You and your fellow straw men really do need to get laid, this site ain't doinit for ya.
You really are just little children playing "the who can look the smartest on the post game" when the fact is life will go on in your little fantasy world where no one ever does wrong to anyone else.
Especially the government. Dickheads. (oh yes some idiot with their 3rd grade education will post something relating to this post, that his equally educated cohorts will find funny.


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