Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Alex Jones on Screw Loose Change

I only caught this story in passing while it was happening, but now that I have more time I am going back and researching Pat's "betrayal" of Screw Loose Change. I found the March 15th broadcast by Alex Jones that Pat mentioned previously, and had a good laugh over the idiocy of the whole thing:

I am literally torn over an article that Paul Watson wrote. And I have been wanting to attack these people, I have been wanting to expose them. There is no debating it. It is obvious as a bump on a log as the nose on your face. Just I... I mean these people running around saying no planes hit tower 1 or 2, these people saying space lasers did it. These people come out, get cred for about a year, and then they show themselves. It is pretty obvious where some of these people worked, where they came from, but then just to have it confirmed. One of the Screw Loose Change top debunkers has gone public and said that they were told to go to conferences, to try and get people to talk about anti-Semitism, to try and tie it to Holocaust denial. We know that is a government program. To try and promote and push certain individuals we know are disinfo operatives.

And now one of them has gone public with it. I mean I already knew it. I could read this and tell you, this is the real deal. This is one of their own people going "look, you know, I can't be part of this." Again, I mean its like people saying, "If 9/11 was an inside job people go public". It usually takes 10 years folks, and then a lot of people get whacked. But this individual said he is going public, and he says it got scary at the end, and he hopes he is going to be OK. See, one of these little camp followers found out, this is a lot more serious than you thought, wasn't it?

This stuff's real OK! I've been in the smoky rooms where they offered me money to sell out to them! Folks this stuff's real OK! It's real, they killed those people! They'll probably kill me! I've put my family in danger, because I love this country, and I've got to stand up for other people, and I pray God protect me! But this stuff's real, and I want it to burn into your brain, just how real it is! Just how serious it is! Just how scary it is (voice cracking)!

Uhh, sorry Alex, it isn't.

By the way, how did we end up getting lumped in with the no-planers and laser beam types? We were making fun of Judy "Keebler Elves" Wood months before any of the 9/11 deniers started wondering what was up with her. But hey, at least he called us "top debunkers". Maybe we should put that in our list of endorsements?



At 27 March, 2007 13:31, Blogger shawn said...

You guys should check out Deval Patrick's site.

At 27 March, 2007 14:38, Blogger Manny said...

You guys should check out Deval Patrick's site.

As nutty as that is, it doesn't appear to be authored by or endorsed by people associated with Gov. Patrick. People can create their own issue pages within devalpatrick.com (which is pretty dumb for a politician to do, but there you go) and visitors to the site can vote on those created issues. "9-11 twoof" is well behind "roll back the Mass. income tax to 5%," an issue which I know Gov. Patrick does not agree with.

At 27 March, 2007 14:50, Blogger James B. said...

The ironic thing was, I was the one not posting at the time. If they wanted to impersonate someone, they should have impersonated me. But nobody said that truthers were smart.

At 27 March, 2007 14:52, Blogger James B. said...

From that link:

- Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. It is a matter of common sense, and public record that the Pentagon is the most well defended building in the world. Despite this, the "official story" has a commercial airliner being able to hit it without a shot being fired.

Would someone please point out where in the "public record", there are air defenses at the Pentagon. And no, Thierry Meyssan and David Ray Griffin don't count.

At 27 March, 2007 15:04, Blogger shawn said...

(which is pretty dumb for a politician to do, but there you go) and visitors to the site can vote on those created issues.

That was more my point - I don't think for a second Patrick endorses the nonsense.

I actually found that article after hearing on the news about another Patrick blunder owing to his website.

At 27 March, 2007 15:52, Blogger Civilized Worm said...

Alex Jones is the worst journalist in the world, he'll believe anything so long as it fits with his agenda and won't even bother to double check it.

You could have a lot of fun giving him fake stories and whistleblowers just to expose them and leave him with egg on his face. Then again he'd probably just keep on citing it as evidence for years to come.

At 27 March, 2007 15:52, Blogger Manny said...

I actually found that article after hearing on the news about another Patrick blunder owing to his website.

Liberals are so cute sometimes. "Ooh, I believe in participatory democracy! Let's let everyone post their opinions on my website and we'll take the best, most popular ideas and make policy of them. And we won't make people identify themselves, so the battered women can express themselves freely."

::opens website::

"Holy crap, anonymous people are just stupid and perverted and mean!"

Have you been following the mini-saga on LGF where Howard Kurtz of the WaPo takes the site to task for the over-the-top opinions expressed by the lizardroid minions (which are indeed over the top -- Charles has attracted an army of would-be genocidists over there)? LGF pops back with the WaPo's own comments page on Tony Snow's cancer. Check it out. I'm starting to think the JREF has the right idea -- let people use pseudonyms, but collect their IRL info just in case.

At 27 March, 2007 17:03, Blogger Cl1mh4224rd said...

Good ol' Prophet Jones. No time to fact-check when the Truthâ„¢ needs to be known!

At 27 March, 2007 17:08, Blogger PJ said...

::opens website::

"Holy crap, anonymous people are just stupid and perverted and mean!"

Exactly. Unmoderated comment's forums are the province of the naive or the disruptive.

At 27 March, 2007 17:34, Blogger Unknown said...

You should check out this video:



I found it while using the Democracy Player, which you can download here:

At 27 March, 2007 18:18, Blogger ConsDemo said...

I've been in the smoky rooms where they offered me money to sell out to them!

Really? Who were they?

They'll probably kill me!

Crying wolf a bit too much. How many times has a twoofer made this claim and yet they all remain alive and free to continue smearing their own the country. The only thing this idiotic claim proves is Jones's inflated notion of his own importance.

I've put my family in danger, because I love this country, and I've got to stand up for other people

Right, accuse the country of killing 3K of its own citizens on no evidence whatsoever and then claim you love it. Wow, Orwell couldn't have dreamed up a better line.

At 27 March, 2007 18:33, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

a surprising absence of AJ defenders on this...lol


At 27 March, 2007 20:32, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

You lot do realize that's the other "Pat", right?

Wait, why do I care? Never mind--nothing to see here....

At 27 March, 2007 21:56, Blogger Jay said...

Aww Jenny, are you sad your little idea backfired? The one where you made a new account under Pats name and started a new blog.

At 27 March, 2007 23:19, Blogger Alex said...

You know, if you start accusing people randomly of things like this, you're bringing yourself down to the same level as the twoofers. One of the reasons I find them do hilarious is because they're forever insisting that there's a grand conspiracy out there to try and make them look silly. Let's not fall into the same habit, ok? I mean, it's obvious that SOMEONE is trying to discredit Pat, but let's not start throwing around accusations without evidence.

At 28 March, 2007 01:59, Blogger Jay said...

True Alex, but in the comments from that closed topic, there was something that the fake Pat mentioned. It was a stab at Pomeroo on his behavior on 911blogger. And since its obvious Pomeroo and Jenny have been dancing around eachother there for a while now, hence my accusation. Jenny also has a part on her blog where she explains how to make fake names.

Jenny was also the one that helped get rid of the holocaust denier.

Screw Loose Change gets rid of Holocaust denying 911Debunker~
With LOTS of Jenny's help.

Fake Pats new site also happens to start with the problem he has with the holocoust stories. So i just added it all up and came to my conclusion :)

At 28 March, 2007 03:45, Blogger Der Bruno Stroszek said...

These people come out, get cred for about a year...

Yeah, mostly from you, Alex. It's a bit sad how even one of the most prominent figures in the 'Truth' Movement still keeps getting suckered by obvious hoaxes like Lauro Chavez and Fake Pat. But, ah, they were obviously disinfo agents in retrospect, so Alex Jones's integrity remains spotless.

And, once again, if the NWO is really trying to kill this gasbag, they really are taking their time about it. He's been active for how many years now? Long, long before 9/11, at any rate, yet as far as I'm aware he hasn't even come down with a suspicious case of food poisoning yet. It's not exactly the Night of the Long Knives, is it?

At 28 March, 2007 04:27, Blogger Alex said...

Jay, I understand. The circumstances certainly are suspicious. I just think it's better to simply ignore these fools than to give them the attention they're looking for, while opening yourself up to criticism.


Judging by his ... err ... "dimensions" ... maybe the CIA is trying to kill him through a cholesterol induced heart-attack?

At 28 March, 2007 06:03, Blogger The Reverend Schmitt., FCD. said...

This stuff's real OK! I've been in the smoky rooms where they offered me money to sell out to them!

Far, far too easy to question whether or not that was tobacco smoke.

At 28 March, 2007 07:18, Blogger Triterope said...

It's a bit sad how even one of the most prominent figures in the 'Truth' Movement still keeps getting suckered by obvious hoaxes like Lauro Chavez and Fake Pat.

Yeah, but fact-checking is inimical to being a conspiracy theorist. If Alex Jones were ever to attempt any basic confirmation of anything he talks about, he'd soon discover that none of it can be confirmed. He HAS to blindly accept anything that fits into his worldview. Anything else risks toppling the house of cards.

At 28 March, 2007 07:52, Blogger James B. said...

Who faked the blog is of little interest to me. The more significant story is that, once again, truthers will latch on to anything, without doing even the most basic research.

Let's face it, they will believe anything if it supports their beliefs.

At 28 March, 2007 08:07, Blogger Abby Scott said...

I had a dream last night in which I went to Alex Jones's house. I was allowed to ask him two questions, so I asked him if he ever admitted to being wrong and then if he admitted to being wrong about Screwloosechange.

He got so mad that he chased me down with his car. But then I could walk on ceilings, so everything worked out all right.

At 28 March, 2007 13:26, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

I--I'm speechless. Alex..is... sounding...reasonable....

Are you well, our Alex?

For the record, I think Alex Jones' research is very sloppy, though his heart is in the right place. I do not consider him a primary info source. (I should remind all you debunks that Pat considers Nico Haupt's news aggregator a good primary source. Just saying...)

OMG! Could it be our Alex is REALLY Alex Jones? Twoofers everywhere! You can't escape them!

LOL! BTW, jay, you're a bleeding prat.

At 28 March, 2007 14:43, Blogger James B. said...

Ahh, rampant paranoia and blatant ignorance is defined in truther world as "his heart is in the right place." Kind of touching actually.

A news aggregator is not a primary source BTW, the primary source is the news being aggregated. You can consider Matt Drudge an idiot, and still find his site a convenient place to peruse the latest headlines.

At 29 March, 2007 16:22, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

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